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VIP Member
I'm hoping BP insist on a 2 hour rebuttal programme, also screened at 9 pm, and get CBS Viacom to air it with equal prominence and with the same publicity budget.

Piers Morgan seems to be available these days....
Problem is IMHO th damage is already done. Those that need the re education / update on the mis information Orca spiel are already reeled in!
It has to be a spectacular show with Celebrity Hosts who present it, the facts aren't sexy to the sugars. In US I would imagine, correct me if wrong it has to be marketable, but sadly I don't think there would be many buyers, advertisers etc.... They have played their hand well, said through gritted teeth and I really hope somebody can find a format that can do this. Maybe Obamas???

Any circle where a man is described as a straight cis man is extraordinarily suspect. IMO that's another dangerous branch of identity politics.
Will sign it, but I'm not actually sure he wants it !
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VIP Member
I would love that. IF true about that racist comment, I do fear that H&M are using that as blackmail which is why whoever it was should just come out and tell their truth.
Here’s Nadia talking about Megan personally complaining to GMB @11:15 mins
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VIP Member
Oh God - this woman on This Morning, how infuriatingly annoying! (sorry, I'm a bit behind, had to pause it!)
She's as smug as Smeggy herself. Birds of a feather....................

Her buzzword is that "We are in a New Era" - she said that 4 times!

She also claimed that a member of staff was let go for gross misconduct (assuming that was the nanny situtaion that we already knew about)
That was her clap-back the to bullying claims against Meghan.

Also she claims that "The t
sorry, but what is the nanny situation?
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I'm sick of this "Meghan got to tell her truth" that "Janina" and other sugar squad keep using.

No, we want to hear the truth. There can be only one! This concept of "her truth" and "his truth" and "the cat's truth" that the youngsters today have is just bullshit.
My feeling is that people think this sounds better than my version (implications of lying) and my opinion (involved sticking your head up with your own thoughts).
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Chatty Member

From the Valentine Low interview on The Times Podcast Stories of our Times, 'Meghan and Harry v The Firm'


- 'I knew she (M) had had a very bad time in the summer of 2019, I knew there had been tears.... I knew she had that conversation with the Head of HR.... I didn't know she had been suicidal. This was something I didn't know and I was taken aback. (ETA Lawyers advised the Times not to mention M's medical issues as private matter)
- The allegation about Archie's skin colour. What exactly was said... it's hard to judge if it was racist. Sharing that comment... was a calculated act of war.... It is catastrophic. It is disingenuous... (not to say who said what).. The damage has been done. Are they being entirely honest? Im not sure
- These allegations are hugely damaging. The taint of racism is incredibly damaging for your reputation... also for Britain's reputation abroad....
- How does this play out across the Commonwealth? Very badly..... It's not going to go down well.
- In the immediate aftermath of the interview, the shutters were down at the Palace. It is at the far end of their expectations of how bad it would be.
- It became apparent a couple of weeks ago that people... wanted to tell the world how there were allegations of bullying against the Duchess of Sussex.... Yes the timing is relevant.. with the victory against the Mail on Sunday and the Oprah Interview, Meghan has been doing a very good job of getting her narrative out there.... These are people who want to say there's another side, to this, another story, another narrative.
- There's a different narrative. This I've heard from three different people whose judgement I trust, people I know well, they've all seperately said in various circumstances, that Meghan always wanted rejection.... she cast herself as a victim. (Valentine goes on to say essentially that Meghan wanted to be able to say to Harry 'we have to leave, this is unbearable).

Was all of this premeditated?. There are some lived through it.. who think it was all premeditated.
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Yes - she led them into things. It was Oprah who brought up being mixed race in the first instance, not Meghan. It was Oprah who suggested Meghan was silenced. It was Oprah who brought up suicidal thoughts. It makes the whole thing look really staged. There's not way that M didn't know what would be asked. She kept giggling when Oprah started sentences like she knew what was coming.

Also - the whole "someone said something". Reading the transcript is really helpful. M says all the stuff about not being protected etc. Then she just drops in "concerns about how dark his skin might be" happening at the same time (which H later contradicts). Then Oprah flips her lid to signpost to the watching audience to wake up because this is an important bit. Then M fudges about how she didn't directly have conversations and then says how it was "hard to see those as compartmentalised conversations" - meaning that noone actually linked the two conversations by her own admission. She linked them. Then Oprah suggests that being "too brown might be a problem" and M says "I wasn't able to follow up with why [because she wasn't actually involved in the conversation] but if that's the assumption you're making, I think that feels like a pretty safe one". She thinks and she feels - she doesn't know and noone actually said it.
She has complete deniability if she wants it because she vaguely links the things and it is Oprah's emotive response that seals the deal. Problem is all this dog whistle twitter shite means people take the essence of something and don't refer back to the source for clarity.

I see that Sharon Osborne is saying that Piers Morgan is just speaking his truth. Love it!
I hope Piers will now use his platform to expose the inaccuracies. I'm seeing a lot on here and on news sites of stuff so its out there to be systematically put together. If you're reading Piers, start with the bike photo shared here a few times! I'm not a massive fan of his but I don't think its right not to be able to question things and have an opinion.
What's the bike photo? I can't keep up!
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VIP Member
The problem here is that if you are suicidal you're not thinking about anyone else, including yourself. Obviously noone has ever been able to speak to those successful at this (and I loathe the fact that successful and suicide go in the same sentence) only those who do not die (I'm not going to say survive because many are broken so survival is a goal not an outcome). So we only know from those still alive and commonly it isn't about anything else except being in a deep dark place where nothing and no-one touches you. Including your children.

And on that note I'll state that I don't believe she was suicidal. fantasy Hollywood image of suicide? Possibly. But feeling down, feeling stressed or anxious, caught in a lie ,none of those equate to suicidal in my mind. Needs to learn some coping strategies that revolve around herself and not blaming others all the time.
May be it was post natal depression?
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liar liar

VIP Member
I would love to hear about Doria’s time when she was in the UK.

She was welcomed from the TRF, especially Charles who was welcoming and warm to her at the wedding

If TRF are racist wouldn’t they have said something to her then.

She was happy to come to the UK and live on TRF land which tax payers money also and she was ok to have mingled with the RF.

So Doria why don’t you do an interview with Piers and tell the truth 🤣
I thought she stayed in that hugely expensive hotel... where did you think she stayed?
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