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VIP Member
Yeah i won’t look at it :)Thank you :) xx

My advice is not to look at Twitter or any other platform with wokerati screaming on it. It's not worth it. It will just make you angry and spoil your day. Avoid it and don't get involved.

Meghan and the traitor have overplayed their hand and vengeance is coming soon.
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View attachment 475443
He is of the same race, so commenters can’t call him ‘racist’, so this man OBVIOUSLY has a ‘wounded ego’... has nothing to do with the fact that he has very clearly stated why he thinks it was inappropriate.

Just because you have a difference of opinion doesn’t make people ‘racist’ or there’s another reason for it, he’s SAID what it is. What is wrong with these (woke) people? What ever happened to simply saying “ok, we will just have to agree to differ!” and moving on like rational adults?!
Naurally he walked back on this this morning - I can only imagine how long it took her to 'reach out' to him....
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I’m fuming some woke bitch on Tik tok thinks it’s ok for the Cambridge kids to get threats.

I’m fuming so bad.
I'm not on Tik Tok, but can it be reported to either them, or the Police, or both?
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VIP Member
Can you imagine?
Sorry I'm trying to put this behind a spoiler but am having problems.
Can you imagine?
Sorry I'm trying to put this behind a spoiler but am having problems.
Can you imagine?
Can you imagine?
Sorry I'm trying to put this behind a spoiler but am having problems.
This is HILARIOUS!! if you need a laugh today have a peek.........He calls Meagain " A HOOCY MAMA! " after the gold digger bit....FABULOUS I love this guy
Can you imagine?
Sorry I'm trying to put this behind a spoiler but am having problems.
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Chatty Member
I honestly believe that the charming, personable, lovely man seen in public on his own pre-Meghan was the real Harry; it's just that Meghan has some sort of magical power over him (and has been getting in his ear day in, day out, ever since they met, feeding him little doubts and reasons to loathe being in his position; being besotted with her and somewhat weak in character, he easily fell under her spell). We never heard a peep from Harry about not being happy until 2017 (the era of Meggy), at which point he shocked everyone by saying nobody really wants to be King.

I really hope - for Harry's sake - that Meghan does dump him in favour of her next conquest; otherwise, I worry he may never recover from the damage she has caused.

I know a lot of people here do not like tarot, but I will leave this here as a spoiler for those who are interested:

Ooh I hope that Audiovideo one comes true!!
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I bloody love Sharon! I remember the episode of The Osbournes when the neighbours were keeping them up half the night, and Sharon came out with a mouldy joint of ham and lobbed it over the fence. Classic!

Yes!!! I remember that episode 😂😂 and ozzy also lobbed a massive chunk of fire wood over the fence, imagine if they were neighbours with Harry and meghan 😂😂
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Do we think Harry is aware of whatever the Palace and press are keeping quiet about her? Or he just believes her bullshit about what a tragic life she's had etc etc?
I wonder if that's why HM got in first
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Sorry to be a royal pain in the arse but I missed the link - would you be able to point me to it? Is it in this thread or on YouTube? I think it would be like finding a needle in a haystack 🤪
Thank you!
Hi. I dont know how to share here again but its H G Tudor in YouTube. A less than royal narcissist.
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I’m also a woman but my partner is a straight, cis man, and as white as it gets (tall, blonde, and green eyed) and he gets so much aggression from people these days just for existing. He gets called disgusting things like Hitler youth due to how he looks and has been treated in all sorts of poor ways by people who don’t even know him, and he knows he has to take the high road because if he said anything even remotely critical of then, they’ll yell about how racist he is and bring a mob upon him. He’s literally been told “there is no such thing as racism towards white people, especially white men.” We also have a sister in law who is from an East Asian background and she gets told she’s white-adjacent (what the hell does that even mean?) and how she doesn’t have real problems and should shut up. It’s madness.
Whoa, where the fuck is this happening? Online or IRL? If IRL, what circles do you move in? Is it some perma-studenty wanker hellhole set? It sounds very self-important middle-class talk to me. Nobody talks like that seriously IRL to actual people without realising you don't start insulting people IRL without consequences. Often physical ones.
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I wonder if this Oprah interview was meant to guilt trip the British Royal family, into feeling so sorry for Meghan and Harry, that they would automatically agree to reinstate all of the patronages and agree to Meghan and Harry's half in and half out wishes!

It sounds and is absurd... but I wonder if such an egotistical pair were trying such a trick, thinking they were clever enough to pull it off!
What a shame, I dont think they have gained anything from Harry's family from this interview! the patronages that Harry and other members of the RF have, come along with generous expenses packages? ie money for travel, clothing etc to represent the RF?
At the risk of going off topic I will just summarise by saying I think the purpose of this (including its timing) is to push the queen to retire once Phillips day arrives.
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VIP Member
Just a mad thought popped into my head....🤣🤣

Are The Harkles now on the Intelligent service radar for being a threat to the Royal Family with the incitement of violence against them?

What with the tweet displayed earlier with murder etc.... They should be on the watch list for being dangerous and near enough treasonous against the Queen.
I bet even Michael Fagan is more welcome at Brenda’s house than these pair of wasters.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they make Michael Fagan the new Duke of Sussex after all this. Would be an improvement!
Been on about the last 4 threads but can someone tell me what this Brenda and Frida thing is :ROFLMAO:
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I think the garden wedding thing was probably aimed at countering all the good press that Beatrice got when she married her bloke. She’s like ‘oh we did that first....’ I’d be mightily pissed if I had to stump up all that money for a wedding she supposedly didn’t want.
That is a good point always has to one up someone. But what gets me thinking is if they or her rather, truly didn’t want the extravagant wedding, then why did she invite half of Hollywood? I’m sure there is some truth in her saying it was all for show, all for her to show Hollywood how important she is 🙄.
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