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Sick of the bs

Well-known member
I found the link someone posted earlier about the interview from the point of the narcissist very interesting. It is the closest to any truth we will get. I've had dealings with two narcissists in my life and everything is spot on. She lost control and dealt with it in a typical narc way. Harry has his own problems, deep hatred of his own family, his place in the monarchy, lack of understanding of the 'real world' due to years of being protected and having his mistakes cleaned up. Hes met her and because shes from a different world hes latched on let his heart rule his head and got in too deep too quick. I think that she thought she could live the same life as before but have the status and privilege with no work. He thought probably thought the same. Everything they say is a jellyfish compliment, Kate is lovely but she upset me, the queen is lovely but her family and institution are backwards racists. I believe harry deliberately made more of the skin colour comment than was intended as a dig to whiever said it. Saying enough but not enough to shut anything down, neither were challenged significantly.

All summer up in the biggest contradiction of all..... they would have stayed with support! So you would have stayed in the racist family, with racist media in a racist country ??? Yea right 🙄 what they are saying is we would have stayed if we got to do what we wanted but we all know.... harry knows... it doesnt work that way. I remember talk of the queen sending them to Africa, a country harry loved apparently and where meg could have done alot of her good 'work' what happened with that?? Was it not going to be the fancy free holiday they had in mind and the queen said you'll leave to work?
Sorry to be a royal pain in the arse but I missed the link - would you be able to point me to it? Is it in this thread or on YouTube? I think it would be like finding a needle in a haystack 🤪
Thank you!
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Wu Tien

Well-known member
Dollar to a doughnut their daughter‘s name will reference something or someone woke, possibly evoking the essence of a person of colour like Audra, Rosa, Billie, Frida or maybe Nina.
How about Diana Harriet (for Harriet Tubman, which both virtue signals and echoes her father's and brother's names) Elizabeth Doria?
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I think if Harry comes back for the statue unveiling they need to lock him up in a retreat somewhere for psychological help.. or maybe he can spend time with Piers Morgan who will tell him the truth and unwoke him 🤣.

Does anyone think he will come for the statue unveiling ?
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This, but in the style of KP give her the first name ‘Princess’ so the poor thing is Princess Di-Do... (better than Di-ria....)
Doreen... as in Green (Squirrell Girl - with some hideous Urban Dictionary soublee-entendre - or from Birds of a Feather) or Virtue (the California-based chakra clearing author)
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Sick of the bs

Well-known member
Apologies if this has already been mentioned, but as for her complaints about how nobody taught her stuff, remember all the headlines about how she was going to be given 'princess lessons' by Samantha Cohen? As well as a series of mistruths Meggy forgot to properly research in preparation for (arguably) her biggest moment on stage:

View attachment 475727

I'll just leave these here, because they're interesting to see ... taken on the same day (I guess) ...

View attachment 475731 View attachment 475732
Thank you for posting this! I thought I remembered something about that!
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BBC news aren't even bothered about it now, they only had the Piers Morgan fallout on and the way news is more about personalities now and GB News starting.
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Today I may have started looking further afield to peoples comments about the interview, have just watched a couple of Americans, Hilary Clinton being one of them, weighing in on various elements in the interview, racism being one of them. Funny how they immediately believe what she is saying.
I thought last night that the RF really need to address this racism issue because I believed this was going to be the element that really upset people mainly the Americans and I think I was right. There really seems to be hatred spewing out of their mouths (the Americans) for the British. Well done Harry and Meghan for creating harmony and peace.
It was good to see a comment this morning from the family, I think they have said the right thing.
Firstly, if it was a member of the staff that made the supposed racist comments then their needs to be action on this, obviously. The public need to be told it was a member of staff and that action has been taken.
If it was a family member then they will do what they need to do BUT I dont think we would ever find out what was said, they could maybe say something like sadly comments have been taken out of context and misconstrued the matter is being dealt with, lessons are being learned blah blah blah.
BUT I think they need to tell the public who said it (family or staff) and confirm what was said and if things were misunderstood, because Harry definitely had a different version to Meghan.
Whatever else happens I certainly hope that the things Meghan got wrong are noted/highlighted, fact checking is done, and they get the truth out there.
After reading something from one of the tabloids today that basically asked where was Harry? Harry knew the system, how was it all a surprise for Meghan? how/why did Meghan have trouble understand or accepting things? why didn't her husband support her? I do now wonder how much of this could have been avoided if Harry had done a better job of introducing her into her new role.
When I watch her in the early days at the events meeting people she does seem genuinely happy to be in the role, what went wrong? Maybe it was just a perfect storm of stuff that went down, either way this interview, that I consider not necessary, has stirred up some serious s**t.
edited to add (family or staff)
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