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So want to post this on my Facebook feed; but I have so many friends who belived Meghan’s sh1te
Do it, go on... be a rebel! I definitely going straight on my Instagram stories, fuck em! Thank you for the pic!!! 😂
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Wackie Jeaver

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Peeps, we need a new fred and I dont know how!!! Bryony Gordon is not the sharpest tool in the box tbh, and probs not the most discreet either...
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I genuinely don’t think anyone’s won anything here- there’ll be crap posted by the press about both parties about this for years to come. Once the dust settles there’ll be a new scandal about someone.
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the little butterfly

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And they know if they said Kate was a racist then William will go at them all guns blazing. At this rate, when he becomes King, they’ll end up skint, living in a tent and cooking noodles over a camp fire wondering where it all went wrong
I think it was Charles who said it
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Well, I thought nothing could shock me after last night's debacle with H and smeg... however ... my son has just come in and said he thinks H and S are great and they're the best thing since sliced bread blah blah blah and as members of Royal family have done the most and best work out of them all. 🤬😤🤯 I cant believe that someone who came out of my vagina has uttered those words and to his own mother! 😱 I'm so ashamed and appalled and can't actually believe he uttered those words.🤨 God on earth knows how RF are feeling today bless them. Stay strong Liz, you've got this OK. X
Make a bet with him for a few years time 🙂
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Does anyone know piers history with Meghan? From this morning him walking off set after that guy said “I understand you got a personal relationship or had one and she cut you off”
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I think H&M will get a much easier ride in the US, they know that that’s why they moved there. Americans love celebrity and royalty and people will be lining up to be their friends, work with them, or shag a Prince if they split 😂

I love Jimmy he always makes laugh
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My mum also said she thinks it was be princess Anne.

What if it was George ? 🙈🙈 ( My money is on Camilla, she never looks comfortable around Meghan)

I bet the Royals are in secret meetings right now going let’s just throw Andrew under the bus and say it was him 🤣 I’m surprised it wasn’t Philip, after all he’s called Chinese people slitty eyed in the past and he had family connections to the Nazi party. Maybe it was Princess Anne who said it, she’s like the female version of her dad and after just watching an account of one of the black presenters on Steph’s Packed Lunch who met her, it sounds like she puts her foot in it and has no understanding, just like her dad. Btw Anne asked the black presenter where he was from and he said Birmingham and she said, no where are you really from? 🙄
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Chatty Member
I agree. Plus I think Kate was right to want her to wear tights. Maybe I'm prudish but if (god forbid) anything happened to George, Charlotte would one day be queen. If she'd tripped up all those steps bless her in her new shoes and flashed her royal little knickers/bum with the world watching she'd have been mortified in years to come. Mum was just being sensible I feel.
Charlotte being queen: the chances are slim to none for a start. Doubt she would care that she fell and flashed her bum accidentally as a actual child. It's not as if anyone would posting the pics or even remember it more than a few years down the line. Much like Kate's topless pics or her skirts flying up. Nobody cares.
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I think that BP will respond in a very limited fashion. Five sentences, or 1 short paragraph, saying they will look into all the allegations and that they are sad that H&M feel this way and they hope they can now lead a happy life in USA now they have got this off their chest. And that's it. All secrets and media blackout on the hideous pair will remain in place and it will all fizzle out. There will be some mud slinging at BP, but it will be business as usual.

Arrrrrgghhhh! How annoying!

One thing - if Megs does go into politics (if Clinton is grooming her too) won't the American media or Republican party start digging around her past and exposing lies, digging up the skeletons etc?
There is no way the whole politics thing will happen - this being one of the many, many reasons why.
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Is this her biggest scalp yet?

Piers will spin this for all its worth. He'll claim he's been a victim of cancel culture.
It seems ITV has to protect their advertising revenue in a difficult market so they don't want to upset them. I suppose it's obvious if advertisers threaten to pull out.
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Yes. This podcast also is included on Bryony Gordons audio book Eat, Drink Run that I've got. I thought I'd listen to it again yesterday while I tried to catch up with these threads but ... failed miserably on both counts.

Re her mental health issues she experienced. I wonder if these could have been brought on by the fact she was, perhaps for the first time, unable to do what she wanted or if it was brought on, if the moon bump is true , was brought on by incident where "something" seemed to happen under her dress and is on film.

I remember a few years ago talking with my mental health nurse and she told me a story of someone who had lived a life where everything well for them (had the looks, qualifications money, success etc) . Then this persons husband/wife left them and they completely broke down and struggled because this was the first time they had had to deal with something that didn't go their way. This person didn't know how to cope with all these negative feelings.

Perhaps because she didn't have the control she needs it caused her anxiety and mental health problems. I don't know...

Now I've not seen the full programme only snippets on TV but I have to say I just don't understand how she didn't get help, was refused . It doesn't make sense to me, I just can't believe it.

Anyway... I've just seen HM's response and I like it. Let's hope it calms things down. We'll see ! :rolleyes:
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Meghan told me about her problems – this is a storm that could have been avoided
As the debate sparked by the Sussexes now rages over who is in the right and who is in the wrong, could there have been another way forward?
BRYONY GORDON8 March 2021 • 7:50pm
Bryony Gordon


Almost 18 months ago I sat on a sofa with a woman as she told me about the moment she had asked for help for her mental health, only to be denied it. I remember quite clearly the visceral feeling I had in my stomach as she explained to me what she had been told: and that was to suck it up, essentially. No can do. The feeling was visceral because, like many people who have experienced mental illness, I know what a colossal task it is to admit you are in trouble with your mental health. I also know what an absolute kick in the teeth it is to then be dismissed, shut down and denied that help.
As a mental health campaigner, people come to me with these problems quite a lot, but I had never imagined that Meghan Markle would be one of them. I remember the call I received from an aide, one Friday night in October 2019, asking if I might be free to go to Frogmore Cottage and have a cup of tea with the Duchess over the next few days. I’d met Meghan on a number of occasions by this point, and enjoyed a chatty lunch with her where we talked about yoga and shared monkfish. Arrangements were made. I turned up in Windsor a couple of days later with a box of chocolate brownies and what I hoped was a friendly demeanour. Like Meghan, I love rescuing things.
Bryony Gordon hugs the Duchess of Sussex during the Royal Foundation Forum in 2018

Bryony Gordon hugs the Duchess of Sussex during the Royal Foundation Forum in 2018 CREDIT: Pool/Reuters
The most surprising thing about the various meetings I’ve had with Meghan and Harry over the years has always been how very normal they both are. That day, as she shared her mental health issues, things were no different. Mental health, I have found, is a great leveller – the problems you hear tend to be the same whether you are speaking to a duke, a duchess or a supermarket delivery driver. Meghan told me many of the things she told Oprah on Sunday night and expressed her dismay and bafflement over some of the responses to her. I felt desperately sad for her, and wanted to offer some sort of advice. I am afraid to say I could come up with nothing more constructive than: “Why don’t you jack it all in?”

I had a hug with Archie. Harry gave me a lift to my Uber, which was waiting at the gates of Windsor Castle, and we spoke about their recent tour of South Africa. Harry spoke lovingly of the impression that his wife made on the young girls they met, and how she didn’t understand the impact she had. But we also discussed guinea pigs (I had just taken delivery of some for my daughter, and Harry fondly recalled that he and William had kept them as pets when they were children). This to me sums up the madness of life as a royal: one minute you are navigating your relationship with the world’s media, the next you are chatting about small furry pets.
Bryony met Prince Harry in 2017 to do a podcast on mental health

Bryony met Prince Harry in 2017 to do a podcast on mental health CREDIT: Andrew Crowley for The Telegraph
It’s hard to underline how amenable and human I find the two of them, because every time I do this, I am met with eye rolls and pre-judgements that no amount of defending will ever be able to cut through. But my only job is to speak as I find, and what I have always found – from the moment I started working with Harry on the Heads Together campaign back in 2016, up until today – are two convivial, good-natured humans who are trying to do their best… however ill-timed that may look to a public who has perhaps learnt more about the Royal Family in the past 24 hours than in the past 24 years.

Words such as ‘shock’ and ‘surprise’ have been bandied about by many. But for me – as someone who knows people on both sides of this story – my biggest feeling is sadness: sadness for Meghan and Harry, of course, but also for William and Catherine and a family who, for whatever reason, were unable to see a third way through this.
You don’t have to be on any particular side to see that this interview with Oprah is the mere tip of an iceberg that is loaded with endless pain. “Are you Team Sussex or Team Cambridge,” I was asked recently, by a royal documentary maker. To which my only real answer was: can I be Team Human?

Any woman is vulnerable when they are pregnant – let alone one who has moved across an ocean and given up a career to be with a man whose family you have to curtsey to. There was always going to be a clash of cultures here. Whether she should have been more prepared for the ‘job’ of a duchess can be argued about by experts in royal protocol, of which I am not. But it is clear that in Meghan, the Monarchy had an opportunity to move with the times – and for some reason, they decided to let it go. From the start, she was enthusiastic and energetic, buzzing with ideas about charitable causes that could be supported. Here was a woman who had considerable experience of public life, unlike others who had married into the Royal Family before her. But as she said in the Oprah interview, it was suggested that she stayed out of the limelight. “I was everywhere but nowhere,” she explained, before adding, poignantly, that all the drama seemed to be happening “just because I was breathing”.

The sense of permanently being somehow faulty or wrong is one that those who have suffered mental illness will know well. To have admitted that there was a problem – one that Meghan describes as making her feel “ashamed” – was absolutely essential. To have then had that problem dismissed, as she says happened when she asked for help, makes me wince, in the same way I wince when someone in distress tells me about being ignored by their partner, mum, dad or GP. Sadly, it happens to people all the time, and Meghan helps everyone – the Royal Family included – by talking about it.
Today Meghan has risked being dismissed all over again. She knows that her critics will double down, and that they will probably switch from throwing stones to throwing rocks. But to her, that is not a reason to avoid talking about these things…in fact, it’s more of a reason to talk about them.

Within hours of the interview being aired, the usual suspects were pumping out their bullets, describing the interview as “disgraceful” and even going as far as to accuse Meghan of lying. I know this will upset Meghan, but I’m pretty sure it won’t surprise her any more. As the couple were told again and again when they asked for help: “This is just how it is.”

It’s this that I find so disturbing. That in the year 2021, our grasp on mental health issues is still so weak that in many quarters, it is simply easier to belittle those who talk about having them than it is to feel any compassion for them. Much of the response to this interview is similar to the one thousands of people experience every day. Pipe down. Know your place. Shut up, stop complaining, and do what you’re told.
During the interview, Harry wondered out loud if we had learnt nothing. By the end of it, I think I had learnt this: that, as is almost always the case with life, there are no winners or losers here, just a bunch of gloriously messy humans trying to do their best. It’s the same for most people, regardless of money or occupation. I just wish that, like Meghan, more of us were able to ask for help… and that, unlike Meghan, more of us were able to get it. Until then, these “shocking” and “surprising” conversations aren’t going anywhere. And whether they are outside or inside the Royal Family, they will always need to be had.
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