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VIP Member
If that’s true that’s awful. Another person speaking sense who has been driven out and silenced by the evil, despicable woke left. I hope this isn’t the last we see or hear of him on the matter.
Actually It seems the mental health charity MIND thought his dismissal of her suicide thoughts was a step too far, he’s done this before on GMB telling people to man up when they get depressed.
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Pippa M

VIP Member
Sorry if this has been said already...I just cant keep up with the threads ..but I suddenly had a thought,I wonder if they "just happened to mention" that a certain someone wondered about the baby's skin tone..... just to stir things up and make hinted at trouble for those they want to " punish" for whatever misguided reasons.
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VIP Member
I love how everyone was waiting for her to do the 'what about Andrew?' thing, but instead we got stories about her new bestie, Fergie.

Can any of our American friends, Yeltsin, Merkin, etc, confirm if the majority of younger USA viewers would have been like:

View attachment 474847

Or is our Sarah still remembered from her QVC days?
Tbh I'm not even sure the gen zers would know who singer fergie is .
will.I.Am, possibly as he still does talent shows but Fergie has been real quiet. Millenials, probably the singer but they'd be confused with the curtsey thing
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VIP Member
I'm sorry for the stupid question but who is Fredo ? Is this website of trustful sources ?
fredo is from the godfather. It’s a blind sight and could be nonsense but they do sometimes have things that then turn out to be as people have guessed. Take all blinds with a pinch of salt as pr firms use them to get stories out as well.
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The thing is if the royals came out and denied the racism claim the Sussex might hit back and name the one who said it. So the royals wont want to risk that (depending on who said it)
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VIP Member
Piers Morgan is leaving GMB after 41,000 complaints. I think he’s great.
one of the few broadcasters who speaks the truth about Smeg.

The BBC bewsreader was trying to hide a smirk and winked at the camera when he introduced their own newsreader.

it’s like that Jennifer Aniston “The Morning Show” on Apple tv
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VIP Member
Do we know how much they are getting for the Netflix and Spotify deals? I’m sure I heard it was absolutely loads.. in the realms of not needing to worry about being cut off by PC.
I think their business is getting loads to produce the content- by the time they’ve paid staff and production costs there won’t be mega millions Left for their wage but still millions all the same.
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VIP Member
I'm no expert but they were the healthiest looking rescued ex-factory farming chickens I've ever seen - they're generally skinny and where they've been so stressed, have plucked most of their feathers out.
Like Hazznoballs, no feathers, stressed and "plucked".
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
I’ve almost burst a blood vessel at this utter SHITE. Why can’t people do their research instead of reposting shit like this and just blindly following the herd.
1) independent is now a synonym for ‘marrying rich men’
2) no, she slept her way there. Got her role on Suits due to Trevor Engleson.
3) ok perhaps, but what does that even mean? What does it entail, what has she done in this role?
4) yes, to pose and copy Diana as the photo I’ve attached below.
5) not entirely sure what social justice issues she’s highlighted, writing condescending messages on bananas for sex workers and a word salad foreword for the grenfell tower cookbook perhaps?
6) nope. Not bullied at all. Welcomed with open arms and lavished with praise and positive headlines.
Andrew is a different story, I’m just focusing on the lies and woke bullshit lapped up by MM fans.

(Also I should point out, this was posted by an acquaintance of mine- middle class, white woman, privately educated. This seems to be the main demographic of people up in arms for her. Pathetic, woke white saviour complex IMO)View attachment 474743
View attachment 474753
I do hope that you corrected the idiot!
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Chatty Member
Re Piers - I personally can't stand Meg and all her disingenuous bullshit but I do think Piers went way overboard on her and let himself down. It was always very obviously a personal vendetta against her for ditching him back in the day. I am willing to bet that if she had continued her friendship with him he would currently be her biggest cheerleader! He's acting like a typical toxic male who talks shit about a woman when she rejects him, not exactly befitting a married father of his age.
MTE. I am wondering how his wife must feel, watching his carry-on, with the dawning realisation that she married an incel.
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Chatty Member
Sorry...studies and research don’t include black women? That is complete rubbish.

There are many, many, many studies trying to figure out the disparity. The issue is complicated and probably due to several competing factors. But to pretend that scientific research is ignoring the issue is simply untrue.

Until they’ve nailed down the actual reasons for this then you have absolutely no cause whatsoever to lay the blame at the door of racism...or anything else.

This is a perfect example of where we are in public discourse....accuse first & hope the evidence supports you later.

And, by the way, racism did not begin with the slave trade. Not even close.
I’m not even going to bother going back and forth with you as it’s against the rules. At least Americans own their racism and the racists there are loud and proud about it.

In the UK everyone will swear black and blue they aren’t and have you believe it’s something black people sit and imagine in their heads for fun
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VIP Member
Piers is an idiot if he didn’t think he was going well over the line. He could’ve provided some very well rounded debate on all this but he just went absolutely nuclear and ended up looking like a bit of a nutter!
But he’s not capable of letting others debate that’s the problem, no one else can get a word in edge ways, you either agree with him or get shouted over or brow beaten into submission. Alex is gonna get death threats and abuse now from nut jobs who’ll blame him for P leaving
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VIP Member
Oh yeh there’s absolutely professional victims - Stormzy is 72 years old is one, as is Anthony Joshua. Both claim the UK are racist but are both hugely famous and rich due to popularity (brand deals from the latter) amongst Brits.
AJ??? oh no! I thought he was beetter than that. Stomrzy - yeah. loud too. Shame as I like his music. Anthony Watson -- rugby player. gave a very balanced statement about BLM and his position on the matter. response? stunned silence on all sides. He is my son's hero.
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Most residents of Australia are decendents of the UK. They have allegiance to Our Queen and always will have.
Interestingly enough, the word going around during the lead up to the referendum, was that it was supported by the descendants of British and Irish settlers. The ones who wanted Australia to remain with the Queen as head of state were said to be to be non-British post-World War II settlers, who came from countries that had suffered under the war or had a fairly turbulent political history, and saw Australia's political stability as a result of the monarchy.

Whether that is true or not, I don't know, but that is just what was reported in the papers.

I probably belong to what could be said to be an older generation, and my perception is that the monarchy is seen largely as a chance to frock up during a royal visit, or participate in the Commonwealth games – which would still happen even if we were a republic.

Although, I must admit I thought the Cosgroves were lovely as GG and First Lady, but that's because I think the Cosgroves are lovely.
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Active member
They aren't commenting. As the vicar in the Express article says. If he actually did preside over the valid Church of England vows just the three of them and declare that they are married before God then he's in a lot of trouble because even though it wouldn't be legal you can't say the vows to god twice and can't stand up in a church three days later and "play act them out again" and have it signed by witnesses. It's just a mess.

That's why there the "it was just a garden ritual" thing floating about. IE that they probably said some personalised vows to each other and he blessed them. If it was anything else then it brings up a lot of issues for everyone.

If Meghan truly is under the impression that's the "real" one and not just an intimate moment that she celebrates as personally "real" it's a potential mess because he might have done the whole thing twice.

Which is one reason why he's not answering the phone.
Isn’t he just problematic to start with? He had a close associate who had pedophilia allegations. His career pre clergy was also suspect? I seem to remember that when he got the top job. He had big shoes to fill to start with but he’s rather dodgy.
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I really really need to start taking cringe relief ready for September and the Diana statue unveiling... eeeeekkk how awkward is that going to be! I reckon William will be proper over the top lovely to Harry on camera.
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