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Tina Brown on CBS claiming the interview is kryptonite to the BRF and saying for everyone to bow down to the real queen Oprah. Comparing it to the Diana interview and saying the Meghan interview is the same. Asking what kind of misunderstanding Meghan had about joining the BRF. Doesn't know how the BRF answers the racism charges. Acknowledges some of this didn't make sense ie lack of mental health help and not being able to see her friends. New clips coming up later this morning.
A CBS journalist trying to endorse a CBS programme, nothing more.

Fergie showed Meghan how to curtsy. That means Harry didn't show her anything. Honestly, I think he's more at fault than she is. It looks like he didn't explain her exactly how the royal life is and what she should learn, etc. No wonder she was completely destabilized.
Hold on... i am sure I read many times over Meagain was offered coaching from
the Palace staff about how to behave and what she was meant to do, but she knew better than everyone else. The tights, nail varnish and hat spring to mind. The Palace staff wouldn’t make the same mistakes they made with Diana.

As to going to HR about feeling suicidal... she is trying to throw the Palace staff under a bus. She had a private doctors for her birth, was she incapable of finding private counselling?’
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These threads are like living in a parallel universe. I nipped out shopping for half an hour, but in Tattle M & H time it's equivalent to 3 weeks. I've spent 3/4 of my day on the phone to my Mum who is raging! She never gets worked up about anything, but, as I've discovered, you piss off the Queen and she will hunt you down! 😳
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Harry is screwed. He can never, ever come back from this. MM is too in terms of the RF, but she doesn’t care. She’ll get her MET gala invite, her talk show, her whatever else. This was her plan, and Harry’s been taken along for the ride.
You think she’ll get all the invites from American society? I think not. Much as people may think that it helps to know how things work in the RF, the way she and H went about it says a lot about what they would do if you made a simple innocent mistake. Say something wrong and you’re toast, crack an innocent joke and it could be misunderstood and then they’ll complain to the press. These two suffer from such self importance that no one with any sense would want to be near them for fear of slander. There are ways of doing things. Decent people don’t air their dirty linen in public and humiliate their families. If you don’t like something, you pick yourself up and walk away. That’s the classy way of doing things. Not mouth off to some talk show host in front of the whole world.
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Maybe the conversation about Archies skin colour was because Archie was born of a surrogate and the issue was regarding whose egg was used. Just sayin’!
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Going from a post on the last thread, I am asking for thoughts and prayers.

I share a birthday with Smegsy.
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Is she not engaging in the very thing she shamed her father for doing? Doing one sided tell all’s with the press?
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Kate was three weeks post giving birth at their wedding rehearsal wasn't she?
Meghan was obviously bridezilla.
I also think pregnancy hormones and PPD plus her body changing shape were heavily involved in Meghan's bad behaviour.
Unless it was a cushion and then I have no defense! 🤪
Someone was quoted as hearing m say to Jessica at one of the prewedding events "do you see what I have to put up with?" In reference to an aide or Kate or charlotte or something. Also i read somewhere that charlotte was not cooperating on a flowergirl matter and m referred to her as a demon child or something.
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now we just need Charles to come out and say he’s not Harrys father and he’s known it all along, and it’s time for James Hewitt to come and collect his son,

when this happens i’m cancelling the rest of this week and getting snacks ready.

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There's a couple of things that stand out in all this to me. One is that Harry is proper angry at his father. He's angry at him for not backing him when he was being unreasonable and wanted to have his cake and to eat it. So in return he's hit his OWN FATHER below the belt, dropped this bombshell, laying the blame for his woes firmly at his father's door. His wife is just a liar and a manipulator. She got hold of a weak damaged man and has played on his insecurities. She talked of betrayal by her father but what of the betrayal to her husbands family.

The other that strikes me is she thought she was going on set of a movie not joining the royal family. Poor me. No one told me what to do, no one told me the words of the national anthem!!! No one directed me to show me in the best possible light so consequently I looked a massive mess. Boo hoo. Kate was called names but I was called worse!! 🙄

I don't know what they thought they were going to achieve by doing this,other than to hold a loaded gun at the heads of the British monarchy and Meghan Markle gains notoriety.

Hah! I live in Sussex and on our regional news a local newspaper editor has called for them to lose their Sussex titles and for it to be given someone more suitable. He said they've used the title to trade globally and not for the good of the Sussex people 😂😂😂
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Weren't they predicting superbowl style ratings?

The 2021 superbowl got 96 million and they got 17
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So it's going out here this evening so I expect more of the same tomorrow and then comes the push-back. I am really really looking forward to that.

This whole thing is worse than I could have imagined, I feel as if I've flat-lined today. I'm beyond shocked at Harry who must by today have realized he's well and truly burned his bridges. Goodbye and good riddance to him ...
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Chilli pepper 19

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So it's going out here this evening so I expect more of the same tomorrow and then comes the push-back. I am really really looking forward to that.

This whole thing is worse than I could have imagined, I feel as if I've flat-lined today. I'm beyond shocked at Harry who must by today have realized he's well and truly burned his bridges. Goodbye and good riddance to him ...
Do you think he actually knows what he's done and how hated he's going to be without a family? I've noticed it's definitely calming down on twitter and people will rant for a few days but then move on. The RF can def ride this out.
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I completely agree!
I obviously hold personal opinions on how racist or not racists the RF is, but what she and Harry say will matter a whole lot more (and obviously should matter a lot more than a random strangers opinion on it) because they were actually part of it and were there to experience it, so they should know that they have to explain the full context rather than throwing one thing out that is easily excused as curiosity.
It's good to talk and exchange views 👍
I think the problem many (well i) have is that I don't buy into H&M's narrative. I don't give a 🤬what colour she is, that has never mattered to me (except when people were so excited about a mixed race marriage in the RF, whereas I thought it's the 21st century, that's not something to applaud the royal family, it should be normal!) Anyway I don't like their behaviour and I don't like that they have essentially tarnished all of England as racists, not just the tabloids, but Joe bloggs too.
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A while back there was a thread and a post in it saying smug was basically being paid to bring down the RF. A lot of people said it was a conspiracy theory. Now, I may very well be wrong, but the lying cunt has done an absolutely fantastic hatchet job on the RF so this conspiracy theory is suddenly starting to seem a lot more believable. I honestly don't know, I'm just writing my thoughts on it.
Twat features deliberately went after Kate that makes me evil for starters.. what surprises me is that she DIDN'T pull the what about Andrew card like all the hunz do. is this because like someone else has mentioned she already knew him from her yacht days and wasn't quite brave enough to go there because he has knowledge. Like I said I don't know. I'm sending myself round in circles here.
I have so much anger at the pair of them. Their inflated sense of entitlement is just incredible.

No way back for JCMH now, I cannot believe he has treated his family like this and allowed that miserable excuse of human to speak so many lies about them. Particularly Kate, as they had always had what I thought a lovely relationship.

Cunt chops has planned this from day 1 no intention of sticking around just wanted the titles to live off the rest of her days spinning a Web of lies. My only hope is that the Royal Family can weather this storm. I feel so sorry for them right now Particularly PC to be trashed like that on TV and not be able to respond must be devastating. I would really like for it to come out now that Hazzno isn't his anyway and he just did the decent thing by bringing him up in the privilege he came to despise. If that's the case he won't be entitled to the Queen mother's inheritance surely. If only right ? !

Every thing they have said needs to be addressed by someone in the name of fairness. I have no idea who, I think there could be a battle in the Royal household over who wants to do it though.

So...the race card with Archive, I really can't see it. I got the feeling the whole family were relieved and happy that he was loved up so it doesn't ring true. To dangle the carrot isn't good enough, to make accusations you need the bollocks to back them up and the evidence. As an ex cop no evidence meant no case so for me that still stands. It's puzzling that there are no photos of arch etc, I get they want privacy for him and for that I say fair enough, but, there is something about it that just isn't sitting right with me, and I'm sure many others. Maybe he was too white for smeg and she couldn't use him as a pawn in her game . Please don't think I'm racist because of that comment, I am not. People of any shape colour or form it makes no difference to me, colour never has. What makes a difference to me is how a person treats another person not their skin colour.
I need meds now to get me through the next pages of this thread. But frankly what a shit storm. Shes a disgrace and he's lower than an amoeba.
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A barrister's view

Apparently CBS Viacom have stipulated that the programme cannot be edited before transmission in any of the countries which have bought it. I wonder if BP's lawyers are saying to ITV you can't show this with the race comments....
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I think this will all blow over in a couple of weeks! The RF will carry on as normal

From what H said - I 100% think it was Charles who said the comment, he spoke too fondly of William for it to have been him and he didn't speak with the same fondness for Charles

- On the issue of what colour skin Archie would have, I don't think it is a race issue at all -> I am an ethnically Jewish woman (Sephardic from Spain and Morocco) I am olive skinned with black hair and dark eyes, my husband is Swedish/Irish and he has bright blonde hair, blue eyes and is as white as a feather. When I was pregnant with our first child lots of people said ''ooh I wonder who the baby will look like'' purely out of curiosity. I wasnt offended in the slightest, because it was 2 very different people having a child together and it is intriguing who the baby would look like....

Too Add: She has olive skin, brown hair and blue eyes (so a perfect mix haha)
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Is it boiling down to them not being the favourites or treated the same as William and his family? Its what it looks like to me. I note they are going down the diana line of men in grey suits. Seems predictable and much like a story we have all heard before.
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