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Charles needs a new speechwriter.... He's giving his standard biodiversity speech here.
i think all the royals will be talking about their pet areas.
camilla is currently talking about literacy.

i reckon Kate will be on next talking about children and family.

William will probably be last talking about mental health.
all of this content will be neatly edited with the harkle’s inevitable whingefest tomorrow.
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Satisfying Click

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She doesn't want to go into details about what actually happened with the crying 🤔

Calling her Kate repeatedly when she would know in the fam she's Catherine :rolleyes:
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How many times do we reckon she watched the Diana interview on panorama before this? I say watched, I mean studied.
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I think he'll kick the absolute shit out of that ginger twat if he dares say anything about Kate. I'm also convinced she's pretty hard too and would stamp in his balls while he's on the floor.

Today has made me love Camilla even more. She seems genuine plus a real laugh too and she'd definitely be knocking back the scotches while watching the interview. I reckon she'd definitely give Merkin a good old fashioned Glasgow kiss if Merkin attempted to rock up to Chaz's coronation
Does anyone else feel that the dreadful MM has actually brought us all together in a strange sort of way. What a fabulous multi cultural event. So proud of HMTQ and the main principals. we're in. safe hands. The songs and genuine love was palpable. Well done TRF
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Suicide threats are a classic tactic for controlling a relationship. Narc 101. She would have been offered all possible help, support and treatment, just as other RF members have had. Including Harry, if she was suffering severe depression and suicidal thoughts. But by her own account there was no treatment therefore NO EVIDENCE THIS HAPPENED.

Harry is back looking nervous in his shabby suit

Gender reveal. Its a girl.

On television. You pathetic people...

H We have our family. Two is it. We are done. M Baby due in the summertime. We have been in California since March. (clips of Canada and voiceover about the move. Voiceover about security being cut off. Tyler Perry house, Tyler provided security. They brought their own home. Founded Archewell.

O So you stayed at Tyler Perrys
M We stayed at his house and he offered security
H I was told in Canada that security would be removed. We realised that we had no security, everyone knew where we were
O Why did that happen
H Due to a change in status, but due to our change of status as we weren't be official working royal family members, we weren't entitled
M We actually haven't talked about stepping back yet,
(Voiceover about Megxit, clips, statement from TQ)
O - Over a year ago you announced you were stepping back. The media reported you had blindsided TQ. What was the tipping point
H - It was desperate. I went to all the places I could and asked for help and couldn't get it.
M - We are stepping back from senior roles but wanted to earn a living and support the queen like so many other RF members.
H We wanted to take a step back from this constant barrage (of the press) I was afraid of history repeating itself, social media was intense, but we received no help at all.
H - I knew that us as a couple would be a thing. I didn't think Meghan being mixed-race would be a thing. I could see how far it was going to go and how far they were going to take it. We are talking about the UK press here. I've got my own relationship with the media. I asked for calm from the UK tabloids, once as a boyfriend, once as a husband, once as a father.
O - so why did you leave
H - Lack of support from the firm, and the UK press. I never blindsided by grandmother, I have too much respect for her.
O - where did that story come from?
H - From within the Firm. When we were in Canada I had two conversations with my father and three with the Queen. Before my father stopped taking my calls....
O - Why did your father stop taking your calls
H - Because I took matters into my own hands...
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If they wanted a private and intimate wedding, they could have fucking well had one, there’s nothing to stop them doing that. Greedy wasteful cunts.
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Look here Scoobie Doo. This photo shows what Meghan is missing not what “the Royal Family is about to lose” as you claim

This photo depicts the diverse, inclusive United Kingdom that this American actress entered into from her very sheltered and ‘white lived’ life.

Back to proper Royal reporting for you. Your hagiographic simpering and your perpetuation of her interminable falsehoods is getting embarrassing.

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This woman is almost 40 and she's dragging a mother of 3 down to make herself look like a victim. Grrrrrrrrr
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Pippa M

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Great to see it is Business as Usual for the Firm. All of them giving their best. TQ must have a small warm and fuzzy feeling to balance the Hazbeen mess to come.

Just very glad there is no time for Hazbeens to change anything in their 2 hour show.
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I really want to hear from her WHO was worried about Doll's skin colour. Because if the palace sue, she will have to name who apparently said that.

A clue- no one did.
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Do you think that after all the drama tomorrow is finished In a couple of weeks she will then create more?
I think this will be the end of it until they’re no invited to the Queen’s birthday party...not sure by the time they are finished trashing the UK/Monarchy there will be much goodwill. Maybe we’ll get a photo of them alone with party hats in the garden like Remembrance Day...
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Watching the Commonwealth Service made me feel so proud. It's about unity, helping and respecting one another and our shared values and goals. It's calm and so interesting. People looked thrilled to take part and that's made me smile too. I think it sells the Queen and RF short by suggesting this is anything but a genuine celebration of the Commonwealth.

Compare this to the hysterical crap coming from Meghan and her sycophants and it just clarifies the fact that Meghan and Harry are drama seeking , self obsessed twats and talk of bringing down the Monarchy or having any sort of impact on the support millions of people have for the RF is laughable.
It was beautiful, wasn't it? Is there something in my eye....

I wanted it to go on and on. Perfectly judged and a reminder of the value of 'The Firm'.

Those two later tonight are going to look silly twits by comparison.
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Iconic Member
Not gonna lie, I’m praying I come here in the morning and someone has found an early copy of the interview,

(Marriage wise it would work better if you’re male but who am I to put restrictions on it)

Hey @Oohthedrama not heard any mum reports lately. How is she taking the latest Ginge and Cringe news?
it’s best we don’t talk about it.... she’s resting. 😐
just keep me her in your thoughts tomorrow 🥴 about 9pm ish....and all the hours before that....
I keep hearing about murky celt news? Yanking a wheres Wally? .... I’m lost... I just nod and pass the medication at this point.

don't judge her, actually totally fucking judge her 😐
the best way to wind her up is to say...
“actually she seems really genuine in those clips, not like that bitch Diana”
”Patrick J Adams seems like a good egg doesn’t he...”
”Harry seems really happy, I’m happy for them”
or “I hope she gets that Disney voice over, she deserves it” 😬

edit, sorry, I’m derailing 😐
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Yeah but Smegma thought it was invite anybody influential over and expect them to be served by staff. Then a quick private flight to Ibiza for a clubbing weekend then Monte Carlo or some such. We all know they just don't do that. She really thought they did. Oh and latest Versace this and Bottega de Venetto that. No.
Well exactly and you need to have the self-awareness to be a bit savvy with it and not stomp around in £1m of clothes moaning that your life is terrible. The advice they get is to protect the monarchy and stop those lines getting blurred.

Why should we be preached to by a C list actress in expensive shoes who has done little to earn it and bitched the whole time.

Royalty is not celebrity.
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Chatty Member
I read that Camilla Long piece and although it was funny in parts it was also a bit shite, her opinion of course.
I think she’s been a bit mean to Brenda who’s 94 and knows only one way to live but what do I know.
As Camilla seems to think that HMTQ invented the Monarchy in 1952 I can't really take her seriously.
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Why were they asked to leave the garden party?
And what did Charles say to Harry to make him leave?
She was overheard saying to haz "This is boring, we've done 10 minutes and photos, can we just go now?"
Bear in mind that this was the day after the wedding, she got what she came for and had no further need to pretend she gave a shit about the peasants.
It got back to chas (I think even at that point the courtiers had been asked to carefully keep their eyes on her as she was potentially a loose cannon) and he told haz to get the fuck outta Dodge with his ho.
It's funny to see them not knowing where to go, and the courtier herding them away from the cars(and the obviously pissed off Chas/Cam) and back to the house.
I cannot fathom why she rarely wears a bra. Her tits are not great for that look and you don't go braless at a Royal afternoon event. Tacky cunt.
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And W&K let the person speak unlike M who usually hogs the zoom calls and makes it about her
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If i told you …

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ok folks. I have just sat down to watch the Queen. Let’s get the ratings higher than the woe is me interview that is being screened later. I for one will not be watching the failed prince and the cheap game show hostess
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