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If the royal family is such a racist, xenophobic, antiquated, evil institution as MM and her woke idiot friends consistently imply, why does she want to hold a royal title? Oh, because she’s a narcissistic amoral hypocrite, now it makes more sense :mad:
That’s all you ever see isn’t it, ‘the Duchess’ ‘Meghan, Duchess of Sussex’. Nauseating.
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Guys I feel broken and shit scared about tomorrow and the following days. Its embarrassing to say butbi could barely sleep last night and I have work on Monday so will need good sleep tomorrow lol

I'm just sick that she's winning, celebrities are supporting her (my favourite jen aniston is liking Oprah Instagram about the interview) my heart breaks and rages for kate. Shes the victim, she deserves the front page apologies my meghans gang and sugars. I want meghan and Harry to get what they deserve, full exposure with evidence so that nobody can rationally defend her anymore. Part of me wishes William or James, or Carol or her friends go scorched earth defending Kate.

Don't these celebs or people who preach kindness get that they are dogpiling on kate to defend meghan. The hypocrisy is astonishing. Kates done nothing yet shes the enemy when defending the Sussexes. What happened to not putting another woman with kids down. I genuinely just feel so low and within this framework of privileged royal life I want justice!

I want the world to know just how thoroughly vicious and evil hm are.
Stop that. There will be fallout, no doubt, but it will all come good as it always does. Stop fretting over something you have no control of bubba.
Look at it like this ... this day was always coming. We on here predicted it. Dammit, everyone with more than one brain cell predicted it. But it's here and all the shit will be thrown at the palace walls, just as the cunts of montecito planned for nearly three years. Some will stick because sugars 🤪 but most will either be washed off or will slide off in time ... and that's that. They'll be a busted flush, nothing more to offer, just endless rounds of whiny talk shows getting more down market each time till they end up on Jerry springer. People will get bored and the tide will turn on them.
Have faith.😘And stop worrying. It's literally in the can and as far as the UK are concerned they are toast.
Cheer yourself up by thinking about watching Piers' head explode on Monday morning.😁
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I’ve read that both Catherine and Camilla received suites of jewellery from the Saudi regime as wedding gifts. The difference is, I don’t believe they have ever worn them (happy to be corrected on this). The provenance of gifts is super important to the RF and not all gifts are suitable to be used (e.g clothing, jewels from ethically shaky donors). MM wore those earrings twice, both AFTER Jamal Khasoggi’s killing. Perhaps I misremember it but I recall Mohammad bin Salman being implicated very very early on in his disappearance. Yet MM claims she was unaware of this. For someone so woke i don’t buy it
Well woke signifies little more than the repetition of stock phrases and received 'correct' political opinion for appearances. It does not imply any actual depth of knowledge, nuance or understanding of any subject, let alone its intelligent application in any given context. Or even any sincere interest in the topic to hand. It's just spewing out hastily learned pieties for piety points and occasionally to dispatch an enemy.

The scenario with the earrings demonstrates this and exactly why Smeg is unfit for the job of working royal. She is both ignorant and headstrong as such fails to take advice from people who know the ropes and this leads to unthinkable gaffes.

Part of being a working royal or a head of state is doing things and dealing diplomatically with people one does not like, admire or even wish to normally be in the same room with. For example, does anyone really think the Queen wanted to shake Martin McGuinness's hand? The high ranking representative of an organisation that murdered her relative? That's the level of self-sacrifice of one's own wants and preferences that is occasionally required in these positions. Yet Smeg refuses to even take advice on protocol on dress codes and gifts because Smeg operates on a me-me-me level without regard for her position as a representative of the country, House of Windsor and state. She makes decisions on a basis of what she and she alone wants and undoubtedly in the case of the earrings OMG SHINY BLING!!!! I suspect the right to fuck about wearing 500k diamonds is what she really thought being a royal would be about.
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Chilli pepper 19

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I'm still laughing at the absolute SHADE of The Sun piece. They have correctly identified Smeg's area of insecurity and have aimed a barrage at it.

View attachment 471002View attachment 471003View attachment 471005

I wonder if the drip-drip of insult and image-denting fact from the British press this past week has caused a NO WIRE HANGERS style meltdown in Montecito yet?
That Sun article is a masterclass in subtle digs and showing they have all the dirt and will be shortly releasing it.
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1001 others

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I really want Orca to ask Meggy how she felt when she learned that instead of getting "Frogmore"


... she got "Frogmore" ...


Oh, and lookie here ... isn't this interesting:

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Pom Bear

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I think whoever made the sick bags for the royal wedding should now make them for the interview 😄😄😄 xx


I've already got mine and I'm not even going to watch the programme 😄 xx.

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It makes me so mad that she will label the British public as racists because public opinion turned on her.
Public opinion turned because of her behaviour
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I just have this awful feeling this is going to end badly.
Something could happen to Prince Philip, the Queen, or Harry. Harry might not be able to cope with the fallout of this interview especially if something happens to his grandfather or grandmother.

I am praying NOT.
And I hope I am wrong.

I read somewhere and now cannot find it. That Oprah is being paid for this interview and is “sharing” that payment with Meghan and Harry.

Cannot find it so may have been incorrect and removed.

Also (and I know this is awful) but if the fallout from this interview is bad, Meghan may “fake” a miscarriage. Or end up having a real miscarriage. But, honestly who brings this kind of stress on themselves when they are pregnant. Because, make no mistake, she is bringing on all this stress.

To be clear, I am not wishing anything bad to happen. It is just a worry of mine.

I see tragedy all over this.
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Just saw this on The Royal Family thread.
Wonder if Harry knows about this... 😯

Jesus wept.
If you ever doubted how stupid hazza is or how much the palace fixit fairies made sure to guide him from making a total cunt of himself, then doubt no more. There it is in black and white. My God, the most appalling disgusting images of a young woman dying, approved by this creature. He's working with the bitch who did that. Diana would be SO proud. Keep scraping that barrel hazza. :sick:

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"They won't stop until she miscarries? Fullscale take down? They were listening to my phone conversations even before the wedding.... i had no training and no support"..... the level of lies and overidulgent selfimportant high drama... i cannot. I am with @Scotchmist big tome and will need to step away.
This is a full-scale rake down of the RF by the woke brigade and Hollyweird. I guess the hollyweirdos are flexing their muscles and making sure there can only be one kind of royalty: californian royalty and that the spotlight can only be on them. Celebs win. Old school royalty loses.
The frequency of words like "obsolete" "archaic" etc when referring to the BRF has increased exponentially and now the narrative that the United Kingdom is also no longer appropriate and Scotland and Wales need their independence....
NI post brexit scuffles ... poked awake by the EU.... are on the rise
This is so completely nuts.
I'm out. For my sanity. She has won as have her backers. It just required woke statements, self-idolisation and lies/accusations repeated early and often enough that they were accepted as fact and progressive thinking=the right way to think.
She has won and will not atop until the RF fold or repent and accept Harry as the next kjng ao ahe can be Kween.
No, Merkin, you are just having a moment. Have had this myself- this too shall pass! There is something so soul destroying about knowing so many people can’t see there is another side to this. But honestly- where can one Oprah interview go, really??
Maybe watch that Valentine L interview on repeat- I really found his decent journalism and sense of proportion soothing.
Watch it, don’t watch it, do what’s right for you. But have a hug and know that this couple is not happy. You only have to look at her unbelievably changed face to know she is not happy about who she is, deep down.
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No Drama Llama

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This is so aggravating. They are not pointless "historic rules", it is protocol for a head of state.

All of these rules are because our head of state and the royal family are paid for by the taxpayer. Like it our not they are part of our country.

They can't be political because it's not their place.
She couldn't wear a non-British designer because they are supposed to representing and promoting our country.
She can't wear controversial items because they can't be seen to be supporting bad regimes.

She had the extreme privilege of joining a tax-payer funded family whose job is to represent the UK and the Commonwealth. She decided she didn't want to do anything that that entailed, and is now literally pretending to be persecuted. Entitled cunt.
I personally don't like the uniform they wear in Asda or the hours they work but that doesn't mean if I get a job there, I can wear what I like and work the hours that suit me. It's not a great career move to publicy slate the company and the bosses you work for (particularly if it's your in-laws) - it's not being silenced, it's just common sense. I wonder how long she'd have lasted if she'd gone on Oprah slagging off the producers and actors on Suits when she had just joined the cast or was still in the show. It doesn't matter what job you do, whether it be in the royal family or working in a supermarket, when you're at work, you follow the rules of that company - it's not racist and doesn't make you a victim because you get called out for not following them, it makes you a peulant little child or someone who has an agenda.
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Chatty Member
I really don't get this racist thing. Like, to what extreme are we meant to take it? She stabs someone and it's racist to criticise? She's already 'destroying' people and it's racist to criticise. Honestly it's a cult. It really demeans and undervalues some genuine monstrosities and horrors in societies, past and present. You want to see racism go look at what Isis did to the Yazidi girls, or what China are doing to Uighurs.....but no, MM doesn't have time for these women, just the fact she couldn't talk to Oprah. The uppity melon.
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Oh my husband has just told me he won’t watch the interview with me because 2 hours of my added commentary and hand gestures at the television would be unbearable! 😆
I’ve told him I’m not sure if I’ll bother watching because most of it would have been dissected on Monday morning.
If she does try to blame Kate, I think Meghan will be in for a huge shock at the backlash.
She may bleat on about empowering women but with her actions, I‘m starting to think Meghan is actually a misogynist! 😯
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Chatty Member
After the build up of rage with all the latest goings-on I woke up this morning,read the headlines and felt a sense of calm.
Yes they are still what Freda says
Yes she is clearly a deranged schemer
But I feel the tide has turned, the truth will out
Who cares what the wank wokes tweet
It must be exhausting being Smegs
Her hair/wig/extensions ALWAYS look shit.
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I think you are on to something with the comparison. That is WILD. 😳Im american and quite literally CANNOT stand meghan. She has always seemed so manipulative, narcissistic social climber. I find all of this in incredibly bad taste airing all the family “dirty laundry” for a big paycheck. That clip of her saying something along the lines of “into go into a construct that is different than anyone knows” sis, please even as an american i know what is expected of a member of the RF. what did she think she was walking into. I cannot with this woman. She is literally the worst.
I tdon´t know if it was brought up already. So many threads, so much traffic :D I thought Meghan is copying Diana but she has another much more disturbing inspiration: Wallis Simpson. It is so scary! I really underestimated Meghan...
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