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It is truly dreadful that he appears so down at heal whilst she swans around in Osca de la Renta and Armani. I wouldn't be seen with him if it was my husband who hadn't made the effort.
I remember reading that he is a complete slob privately, would wear the same thing for days. He also hated spending money on clothes. I think he's become what he is and as she has no interest in him either this is the net result.
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All these people speaking up are actually nobodies. And I think I’ve seen 3 of the famous 5 so far?

Lindsay Roth
Jessica M
Abigail pass-me-the-sickbucket
Silver Tree has outed herself as one of the five, as her description of her child's medical treatment matches the People story.

We are just missing Benita Litt and Heather Dorak.... oh wait

So the Five Friends who were kept out of the legal process have paid for that with these fawning, over the top, teen fan fiction sugary dribbles.
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Guys I feel broken and shit scared about tomorrow and the following days. Its embarrassing to say butbi could barely sleep last night and I have work on Monday so will need good sleep tomorrow lol

I'm just sick that she's winning, celebrities are supporting her (my favourite jen aniston is liking Oprah Instagram about the interview) my heart breaks and rages for kate. Shes the victim, she deserves the front page apologies my meghans gang and sugars. I want meghan and Harry to get what they deserve, full exposure with evidence so that nobody can rationally defend her anymore. Part of me wishes William or James, or Carol or her friends go scorched earth defending Kate.

Don't these celebs or people who preach kindness get that they are dogpiling on kate to defend meghan. The hypocrisy is astonishing. Kates done nothing yet shes the enemy when defending the Sussexes. What happened to not putting another woman with kids down. I genuinely just feel so low and within this framework of privileged royal life I want justice!

I want the world to know just how thoroughly vicious and evil hm are.
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They've played the 'slight acquaintances old friends speak out' card, and the secret Archie photo card.

What next? I'm thinking hospital dash due to 'stress'. Or maybe another drone invasion?

(I do not wish anyone a genuine health problem.....)
The two could be linked. If the Archie pic is real and recent, she has willingly risked her precious pregnancy by closely mixing with other households in Covid-ridden California. I mentioned in the other thread that it probably wasn't the best move - PR or health-wise - for a BAME, unvaccinated pregnant woman.

If it is a recent pic, I do hope her little excursion gets called out.
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You have to always remember with slabs and especially the Hollywood machine that it 100% smoke and mirrors, diversion and misdirection. It's all about image and being associated with success.

Remember the Sony hack revealed just how much a certain A-list actress who hired a image consulting company to completely transform her public image as a self-obsessed opiate-addict and homewrecking pervert to Mother Earth/Mother Theresa was actually viewed by the studios? Scott Rudin's infamous email completely exposed the gulf between the image and the reality of how said actress (Jolie) was and likely is viewed behind the scenes.

"I am not remotely interested in presiding over a $180m ego bath that we both know will be the career-defining debacle for us both,” reads one email from Rudin. “I’m not destroying my career over a minimally talented spoiled brat who thought nothing of shoving this off her plate for eighteen months so she could go direct a movie. I have no desire to be making a movie with her, or anybody, that she runs and that we don’t. She’s a camp event and a celebrity and that’s all and the last thing anybody needs is to make a giant bomb with her that any fool could see coming. We will end up being the laughing stock of our industry and we will deserve it"

I can see the exact same stuff, but much, much more disputing, floating about behind the scenes about the Harkles. If they think Jolie is a camp event, a brat, and minimally talented, what do you think they make of Meghan 'Suitcase Girl' Markle and her insane self-regard and rank ambition? She makes Jolie look like Meryl Streep. Smeg has neither the looks nor the talent for any longevity in the movie or TV business. And they will all know it. All she has is notoriety and associated glamour through her dumb husband. She's nothing more than a human interest, tabloid level story with a short half life unless she can hit upon or offer up something beyond 'married Diana's youngest son's to promote interest in working with her beyond her 'bombshell' Oprah interview.

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He was absolutely disgusted by it and he heard eveything but he was told to keep quiet.

it was how she shouted at one of the kids that he really went of her completely he said Harry sat back and allowed her to do it and did not defend them.

Thats all I have been told. I’ll try get some more outta him.

Wow thank you - and thanks to your cousin for getting involved in supporting the bullied staff - great tea 🍵

He'll probably have shot himself by 7am :LOL:
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Chatty Member
Team Queen and never been interested before. I confess I used to think the stuff posted about Meghan online was boring and by conspiracy theorists but hell I am here to apologise for that.

Also...those people on other sites who appointed themselves as her personal defender and spent hours, days, weeks reporting, calling people racist etc, I am interested to see whether they will keep this up after tonight.
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To me she massively misunderstood the role of a Royal, it isn’t interesting work, you don’t flaunt your wealth and you don’t court media to look a certain way or benefit your bank balance, you court the media to help causes.

I actually liked her at first and thought she’d be a welcome addition to the RF. I believe the bullying accusations, theres too many not to be some truth there. I believe Kate and Will are quite down to Earth and even if they have had their own martial problems, their hearts are in the right place. Harry comes across as very naive, pretty thick and arrogant (looking back on their DIY SOS appearance he was a smarmy git, trying to laugh and joke but it didn’t come across well).

Also, if Meghan put out false accusations of an affair via Lainey Gossip that’s absolutely despicable to me and she is the woman Samantha Markle talks about.

The death of Diana didn’t destroy the monarchy so their Oprah interview is small fry in comparison.
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Here's the edited version of the bingo card. I hope this cheers you guys up, somewhat at least. I know smeggy has been utterly despicable. Let me know if you guys want anything added or deleted. :)

I am very much looking forward to the commentary from my fellow tattlers!

Edited: i borrowed "i am a victim" face from Harry Markle blog.

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This woman really has the whole situation and Smegs herself nailed.

The part where she talks about being a waitress herself and the disparity in treatment between various obvious rich people: I sometimes think people who fall for the likes of Smegs tend to lack this kind of wider experience working with human beings and do not comprehend that plenty of people show one face to their friends and quite another to people who are of no use to or socially beneath them. Or they are that kind of person and simply think it's fine to behave like a pig to get your way. Or that being someone's friend or just admiring them means you are obliged to rationalise and defend their worst behaviour.
This reminds me of a wedding we went to many years ago.
My husband’s cousin marred into a rich family. We were all invited but at the reception us “riff faff” we’re put on a side table out of the way of their rich friends and acquaintances. When we were served our meals we thanked the waiters as usual. Later one of them commented that it was nice to be thanked because hardly any of the “rich” people had even acknowledged them. :(
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Harry and Meghan #66 Kween of mean spouts her bile while Archie shouts Crocodile.
Sorry another one popped into my head!
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When has she ever been racially bullied!? I have never seen anyone say anything racist about her. No one even considers her to be black fgs! Lefties love identity politics cards.
It seems that, for some people, having the race card to play means never being held to account for anything and never having to admit that maybe you just weren't good enough to get the job/movie role/whatever.
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Dennis's Mum

New member
All these people speaking up are actually nobodies. And I think I’ve seen 3 of the famous 5 so far?

Lindsay Roth
Jessica M
Abigail pass-me-the-sickbucket
I always think it's interesting when it's friends speaking out... Sirius got it right in HP (no debate about the author please) when he said “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.”
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Ok here’s something to pass the time!
Prince William and Catherine celebrate their 10th Wedding anniversary on 29th April. Let’s start a sweepstake on what the Harkles will do to fuck it up for them as we all know how much they love to spoil family occasions!
Winner gets a waffle maker with organic waffle mix and an accompaniment of toppings.
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Camilla Long in The Sunday Times today (describing the set up of the Harkles in Oprah interview): " His scuffed, grey-on-black shoe/sock combo, her Fulham-sexy, possibly nylon dressing gown, throbbing with sub-Beyoncéan fertility energy"
I'm howling! 😂 😂 😂
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To be honest I wouldn't be surprised that Meghan went through a mental breakdown during her time in the UK. She got a lot of positive and and excited attention ahead the wedding. Suddenly she became the center of attention and then pouf just after the wedding she had to go with a lower profile, learning a job that is not that easy (I don't believe it is suited for anyone) and had to deal with a coverage not necessarily to her advantage. It's a lot to go through for anyone. Plus then the pregnancy combined with two royal tours. Then is it the fault of the Palace? I don't think so per se - it's just a position that it is not easy to enter - the previous people who entered in the Royal family encountered different fates. Hell, even people born into it had difficulties to go along - Princess Margaret, Charles etc. I don't like what the crown has become but I quite like in the firt two seasons when it was showed how Philip himself struggled.

It didn't help Meghan thought she could get it all from the very beginning and was quite obsessed about her own image in the public. She is a very ambitious person but definitely she didn't take time to understand what it entails and I blame Harry for not guiding her better. He is upset that his mom was thrown in the public life as a young woman but he didn't manage to help his wife neither. I think his own guilt made him accept any requests from Meghan. If she got very depressed/got a breakdown I wouldn't be surprised that it scared him. Now they had other options and they could have done things very differently and I find quite petty to put much of their issues on the palace - and to air it out. I don't doubt there has been a trong cultural clash and probably the inability of Meghan to understand what she has done her whole life in Hollywood wasn't valid anymore.

Maybe today we are going to learn that Meghan was locked up in a dungeon between two apparances but I doubt anything very shocking is going to go out of this interview. About Kate, unless she was spitting at her face, I do not see waht could be unremdiably destroying her image. It might be Kate didn't like her and didn't hide it but hey, who goes to the tv to complain that their SIL/co-worker doesn't like them? At the end, I think the monarchy is quite a rigid institution with a lot of rules etc.,but not very different than working as an ambassodor or any job of reprensentation where your own persona has not much place. Family fights? Well, like most families, espcially if you have to work together for a lifetime.
I would agree with you were it not for the evidence that she was a nasty, rude, entitled cow long before she met Harry. And people going through mental breakdowns rarely abuse other people, which Meghan was doing relentlessly. Mental health is not an excuse for very poor behaviour.
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Hi everyone, not been here for eons. Can we talk about Harry's shoes in the Oprah interview - they are like tramps shoes, old & scuffed. In fact I think they are the same ones he wore for Archies's christening which he drew criticism for being a scruffy git. And there are other stories of him wearing brogues with holes in as a best man at a wedding., Just weird - and Why? Surely he can afford a new pair of dolly blues.

evidence - rancid old tramps shoes attached from Opra photo.

Link to christening shoes


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I don't know how to link it, sorry, but there's a YouTube video doing the rounds called "We Proved Royal Experts Lie About Harry and Meghan" uploaded 12hrs ago by a channel called Josh Pieters and Archie Manners 😬 Has anyone seen it? Thoughts?
Josh Pieters clinging on to relevance?

**Lady C voice ** IMPERTINENT!

Thank you @Rubythefirebat and @JAR21 for the latest bucket of Harkle-flavoured popcorn!
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