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I don't know if this has been posted before but I think the reason the Oprah interview is scheduled for Sunday 7th March isn't to clash with Commonwealth Day. It is scheduled because International Women's Day is the following day! (Monday 8th March). So people in American will watch the interview on Sunday night and will be like "omg she's so brave and strong!" and wake on International Women's Day and honour Meghan on social media. That's what Meghan and Oprah are hoping for!
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Yes, these people are for real. They are a small group of hyperventilating hypocrites on a daytime TV show called The View here in the US. The women who host the show spend a lot of time screeching at each other and at their guests in hopes of making it into regular news and they often do. I take them about as seriously as I take a chihuahua nipping at my ankles while I'm taking out the trash. Sunny says Megzy was subjected to "terrible racial hatred" but doesn't bother to quantify ANY of it, and Sunny is a lawyer who is more than capable of making a case if there is one. Sunny and the rest of the people on that show deal in sensationalistic pablum because they pander to a low-information, low attention audience just like themselves.
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This is exactly it. They are not important, and this will not be a bombshell interview. They are despised and a total laughing stock. Remove their titles and ties to the RF and it will all die down very quickly.
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I don't think this interview will have any effect on tourism. When we are all back to "normal" this nonsense will have been forgotten about and people from around the World will not give a shit about what she said.
I recall reading a post from a Murican about their holiday in the UK and it went something like this. " Hot damn, we were in England in a village pub chatting and I was saying my home in Boston was really really old. One guy asked how old, so I told him it was 110 years old and he laughed.Took us back to his house for tea and his house was over 300 years old ! Been updated over the years of course but still 😮 ... and he said it was young compared to the other houses in the village". Made me laugh. He should come to Ireland. The coal shed in our old house was older than that. OK, was originally an animal shelter but bloody old as the hills and original stonework through and through. Yes I know, shut up freda, nobody cares you twat.🤪
Anyhoo, back on topic. Windsor Castle was finished building in 1086.:eek: Now that's old and visitors love it. People love the castles and uniforms and pomp and tradition (not smeggy obviously, but her taste is in her arse). It will never stop attracting and intriguing worldwide visitors and is a huge boost to tourism.
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Imagine the absolute blinder the RF could play, if they stripped H&M of their titles at the same time as Andrew, that would shut up the 'What about Andrew' mob and mean our Smeggy's name is forever associated with Andrew's.
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It is truly dreadful that he appears so down at heal whilst she swans around in Osca de la Renta and Armani. I wouldn't be seen with him if it was my husband who hadn't made the effort.
New money vs old money?
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Hello All, serious long, long time lurker .......just have to jump in. first post so now idea how this is going to go for me .
I can remember an interview with MM where she could hardly string two words together in Spanish, and how she wished she had learnt more when on her internship. There is absolutely no way she could have had a conversation with a child in Spanish, or Latin American Spanish. The two are quite different in terms of vocabulary, inflection and so much more. The conversation Abigail Spencer relates is utter fiction....beyond belief .
Her "internship" only lasted a month. It was something offered to college kids and had to be paid for. Her sister Samantha said smeggy wanted it, so daddy Thomas paid for the internship and gave her spending money. I think accomodation was provided. Anyway the point is that a month in a position like that won't get you articulate in either Spanish or Latin Spanish.
Oh and she allegedly had an affair with a married bloke during that month. True to form "Oh look ! A penis! I might hop onto that and see where it takes me."
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Guys I feel broken and shit scared about tomorrow and the following days. Its embarrassing to say butbi could barely sleep last night and I have work on Monday so will need good sleep tomorrow lol

I'm just sick that she's winning, celebrities are supporting her (my favourite jen aniston is liking Oprah Instagram about the interview) my heart breaks and rages for kate. Shes the victim, she deserves the front page apologies my meghans gang and sugars. I want meghan and Harry to get what they deserve, full exposure with evidence so that nobody can rationally defend her anymore. Part of me wishes William or James, or Carol or her friends go scorched earth defending Kate.

Don't these celebs or people who preach kindness get that they are dogpiling on kate to defend meghan. The hypocrisy is astonishing. Kates done nothing yet shes the enemy when defending the Sussexes. What happened to not putting another woman with kids down. I genuinely just feel so low and within this framework of privileged royal life I want justice!

I want the world to know just how thoroughly vicious and evil hm are.
Don't be upset and lose sleep. It's early days and the press have a lot of dirt on Minge as much of their fraud was in the UK. This rush of support for them is premature and knee-jerk by liberals who follow the herd. If they don't follow the herd they are outcasts so it's a sheep mentality. Nothing can be done about the sugars, they are fact of life like dog mess on pavements.
The support for Minge and Hazznoballs is not based on truth, but on a toxic froth of spin and sh..t and this is why I'm hopeful that in the end this will turn out OK.
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I was thinking this and the editors who have edited it made it look dramatic and get the whole world talking for the views.

She has said things in the trailer it’s things of her saying if they did this if they did that, it’s not essentialy saying the palace did it and she wasn’t sure herself, it’s all about how to entice people in.

The firm i reckon-will mainly about the men in grey suits they go on about the royal aides the advisors.

I don’t think she will have a bad word to say about the queen,.

If l she does then she will get much more hate she bargained for and the palace will probs set the corgis on her Mr Burns style.

Even though Harry is not in the right mind at the moment I think he is not mentally stable, I don’t think he would speak negatively of his grandparents especially when he spoke about them on james corden with positivity.
So it doesn’t make sense if he’s saying good things about his grandparents why would she do the opposite.

Then again this is Meghans show and I may be wrong and she slaughters the lot of them.

I also do believe they will be stripped of the titles but rather then strip them away like a plaster , the queen will tell Harry to give them back so it does not look like the palace are the bad people and they have asked him rather then taken.

Remember this is her getting her 10 mins of fame and in a few days she will no longer be getting the attention she craves and we will be hearing about covid again, the world has so much more to worry about then a woman who’s not well in the head.

People in uk are more concerned about what they will be doing on the 21st June lol 😂

All these z list celebs asking for a public apology from the queen better have one ready for the queen.

Just my thoughts, I’ll always be team queen.
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Meghan and Harry are flies buzzing around on the Royal Family landscape.

If Brenda gave the nod to unleash hell (through the press) the pair of them could be squished in a matter of weeks, the sugars and Omid could wail like banshees all they like but it wouldn’t last for long.

I wonder if Charles is still sending them money or is this interview being done because he’s stopped the monthly Direct Debit and they’re throwing another tantrum?

When the Mail has to do the whole page apology I hope they use the worst photo they have of her , the suitcase one with her weird boob would be a goodun or the pissed off face in the Limo with Harry.
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If Harry really was happy he wouldn't be causing all this trouble and allowing his wife to torment his family. Happy people don't do things like that.
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Thread title suggestion

Harry and Meghan #66 - The Oprah interview will make us sigh, "...But what about Andrew" we hear Scobie cry.
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I think it’s a surrogate and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that in itself. Faking a pregnancy is bizarre to say the least but she wanted a title and place in succession. Could have used it as a point to say that the ‘of the body’ rule is outdated for modern monarchy.
İ think if all goes to plan then Harry and offspring will be removed from the line of succession to safeguard and protect the future of the monarchy. Particularly if the truth of the surrogacy is revealed. Surrogacy in itself is of no shame but it's clear they duped the RF and the nation in order to have the spoils of royal. İ think it would be better for them to be cut adrift in USA to shit in their 16 toilets rather than to continue to shit on TRF and us. Leave them to their sycophantic friends, butterfly hugs, over-the-top platitudes. They are despicable.
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A blue-ticked, black American seeing through her?! Good for him, but he can expect an onslaught of sugars arriving to call him a coconut in 3...2...1....
Waiting for the sugars to call out this blatant racism. Oh, wait...
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No Drama Llama

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"They won't stop until she miscarries? Fullscale take down? They were listening to my phone conversations even before the wedding.... i had no training and no support"..... the level of lies and overidulgent selfimportant high drama... i cannot. I am with @Scotchmist big tome and will need to step away.
This is a full-scale rake down of the RF by the woke brigade and Hollyweird. I guess the hollyweirdos are flexing their muscles and making sure there can only be one kind of royalty: californian royalty and that the spotlight can only be on them. Celebs win. Old school royalty loses.
The frequency of words like "obsolete" "archaic" etc when referring to the BRF has increased exponentially and now the narrative that the United Kingdom is also no longer appropriate and Scotland and Wales need their independence....
NI post brexit scuffles ... poked awake by the EU.... are on the rise
This is so completely nuts.
I'm out. For my sanity. She has won as have her backers. It just required woke statements, self-idolisation and lies/accusations repeated early and often enough that they were accepted as fact and progressive thinking=the right way to think.
She has won and will not atop until the RF fold or repent and accept Harry as the next king so she can be Kween.
This has so many tactical similarities to an extremely abusive relationship where the abuser comesnout early and frquently with a charm offense and bad mouthing the victim/target as crazy or lazy or that they are the absuer (with lots of lies as so called evidence). I feel quite sick
I posted earlier that the only one gaining out of this is her but it won't be in the way she wants. Yes, she is made for life and will never have to work again because she has Harry's children so maintenance will be high. She will also do quite nicely if it comes to a divorce. Other than that, she won't get what she really wants which is power, fame, adulation and to be mixing with A list celebrities which is what she had being a member of the royal family but was too stupid to realise it. The royal family will weather this storm as they have done with every other crisis they've had to deal with and will still be popular, if not more so, after this. The queen is respected all over the world - Meghan has the equivalent of a few cast members of Call the Midwife and the Loose Women sticking up for her. There's a few woke idiots sticking up for her but once Love Island starts again and the pubs and nightclubs re-open, they'll quickly forget all about her.
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Someone told me they call her deranged to think that she would ever be queen that’s why.
Eh? Why would Kate be deranged thinking she’d be queen when her husband is literally poised in his lifetime to be King? She’d be deranged NOT to think it.
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Pom Bear

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i know this is going to sound silly but thank you for clarifying that you are a corgi. I go back and forth between whether you are a corgi or a pomeranian :ROFLMAO: To stay on topic, thanks for not being like smeggy and her mysteries 💕
You're welcome 🥰🤗😘 xx
I love Pomeranians as well big balls of fluff xx.🥰.

l'm wearing my queen costume in support of the queen 💖😘 xx.

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