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I meant to ask if any of the others got expensive jewels for the wifes only as wedding gifts from the Saudi Arabian royals.
I’ve read that both Catherine and Camilla received suites of jewellery from the Saudi regime as wedding gifts. The difference is, I don’t believe they have ever worn them (happy to be corrected on this). The provenance of gifts is super important to the RF and not all gifts are suitable to be used (e.g clothing, jewels from ethically shaky donors). MM wore those earrings twice, both AFTER Jamal Khasoggi’s killing. Perhaps I misremember it but I recall Mohammad bin Salman being implicated very very early on in his disappearance. Yet MM claims she was unaware of this. For someone so woke i don’t buy it
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Er..that’s not actually what the verb ‘to Meghan Markle’ means, Jameela 🙄

Person A: Where’s Harry?
Person B: He’s been lobotomised by a malignant narcissist who’s cut him off from his family and pub mates and is currently holding him hostage in California and making him speak word salad on Zoom every 5 minutes. He’s been Meghan Markled

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I just wonder who dafuq is giving Megzy her advice. Honestly this is such bad PR. Maybe some Americans are eating this up but have you seen an actual person of power or real celebrity defend them.

I think most with real power is actually embarrassed by the behaviour. I understand why Diana did the interview but Smeghead is hoping to paint herself a victim and yet most people will be so offended by this vulgar showing. Rich people, and I'm talking the 1 percent of the 1 percenters, complaining about their "hard" lives while the rest of the world is struggling with a pandemic and to put food on the table.

On a side note for somebody that despises the RF she sure loves using her title
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I do believe that photo is of Archie and Silver tree (what a name!!) thought as her and Meghan are BFF's, probably not now though, she was ok to post it, maybe Meghan forgot to tell this "friend" the rules or more likely Meghan told her to post it then quickly remove!??!! I think Meghan looks different in it as her hair is scraped back and she hasn't had her make up done, amazing what contouring can do to a person's nose 😂😂
We will probably get to see Archie anyway on this Oprah bore fest so we will know one way or the other then.
Why would a'friend' release a photo of someone's child, without permission, when the whole world knows that there have been approximately 5 previous photos released in total by the child's parents? Also, how do the Harkles suddenly own the copyright of someone else's photo?
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What some people fail to realise is that you can be critical of H&M and their bullshit, while also being critical of the allegations levelled at Prince Andrew and what is seen as shielding him from being investigated. It's not a case of picking a hill to die on. And being critical of the H&M shit show does not make you racist. She could look like Barney the bloody Dinosaur and I'd still think she was awful.
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Admin, please can we lock this thread for a couple of hours so we can all catch up?! 😜
It’s like shovelling snow whilst it’s still snowing - I read 1 page and in that time another 4 have been added! 😱
Just as well I’m not sleeping much!

Also, re the “Archie” photo - did anyone else notice that the announcement said something along the lines of “our clients now own the copyright”?
Why was the word “now” used?
Is it so that Silver Tree can’t get sued because she owned the copyright at the time of posting it but has since handed them the copyright so they can sue?🤔

PS Apologies if this has already been discussed, I’m still working my way through...
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Not a royalist by any means but looking forward to doing my bit in boosting viewing figures for the Commonwealth programme today at 5pm (BBC 1), no doubt it will be a masterclass in duty, commitment and loyalty #TeamQueen
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View attachment 469963

So weird how these American Sugars always try to weaponize hierarchy, rank and snobbery while claiming to be fully against such things. Royalty is outdated and oppressive, also Smeg is better than you because she's nominally part of it. Pick one, you idiots.

They also fail to grasp British class consciousness. They're projecting American ideals of social and class mobility onto a people who don't view such things in the same way. People in Britain aren't ashamed of being working class, quite the opposite, and they also know all the money in the world cannot buy upper class social mores and mindset. So all these dumb attempts to crow over their precious 'black' duchess and accuse everyone of envy fall flat. What they simply cannot grasp is that nobody's jealous of her or is clutching their pearls over her black ancestry. They're just simpky disgusted by her behaviour as a human being.

How bery dare she attack Lady C , She lives in my neck of the woods and is actully quite nice & she shops in the local big Tesco's
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Why would a'friend' release a photo of someone's child, without permission, when the whole world knows that there have been approximately 5 previous photos released in total by the child's parents? Also, how do the Harkles suddenly own the copyright of someone else's photo?
Because the 'parents' are trying to set up another smash-and-grab lawsuit against a newspaper for invading their privacy?

Agree with you, that this 'accidental Archie reveal' is as fishy as a dead haddock.
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liar liar

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I thought Elton was her bestie ? I think he’s going to remain dignified for Diana, he’s not taking sides because he does love her boys.

My cousin who knows Kate said he’s so pissed of with Meghan that he’s very tempted to release some goss on her that’s he’s witnesss with his own eyes 🤣
Can't you 'persuade' your cousin???? Or at least post it on here 🥺
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I think it’s time Trevor came out of the woodwork and talk about their marriage and expose any secrets she had.
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I think this interview is going to be a damp squib. I doubt very much she'll actually name any names. I think it'll all be innuendo and half thruths.

The main reason for this is because nothing happened to her!!!

I think people in the palace were perfectly nice and supportive to her. But her long term plan was always California and an Oprah interview.

Her only real grip could be those Daily Mail headlines - the ones where the sugars compare cringe's headlines and Kate's headlines.

Oh and the palace didn't protect her from them. How did see them??? Apart googling her own name???
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The fact that the Sugars actually think that Diana would be happy with the state of play between Harry and William is a tad laughable. Say what you want about her(and most people do), she wanted her boys to play an active role in the RF. She continued to work for the charities she was patron of right until the end, and she respected the institution of the monarchy. Why on earth would she be happy with what Harry and Smegma are doing now?
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Sick of the bs

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First comment I see on Sir Alan Sugars tweet...

"Is it because she is black and he is white?"

This is why the majority stay silent, I don't believe for a second that Meghan has more support than The Queen. But if you speak out in support of TQ you are automatically branded a racist.
To people like Piers, it's water off a ducks back, but for your average Joe, it's not, hence they stay silent.
Meghan is a bully, a conniving, calculated, narcissistic bully.

It all helps her victimhood. She's half white but we never hear that bit. Her dad had a good job... think she never experienced 'white privilege' in some way? Bollocks. Her white privilege would not help her cause so instead of using her 'place in the world' to show she's NOT a victim, show that she's a strong, positive badass, she wallows in the self pity, basks in the sympathy and wears that 'poor me' label with pride.
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Megz conversing in Spanish, you say? Perhaps her and Hilaria could buddy up? #pepino 🥒
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He was absolutely disgusted by it and he heard eveything but he was told to keep quiet.

it was how she shouted at one of the kids that he really went of her completely he said Harry sat back and allowed her to do it and did not defend them.

Thats all I have been told. I’ll try get some more outta him.
I personally hope this gets made public at some point beung a cunt towards adults is bad enough but being a cunt towards young kids is a whole new story, she is positivly fucking Evil
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Just saw this on The Royal Family thread.
Wonder if Harry knows about this... 😯

Have you read the comments? People are raging about it. If she or Harry knew this info and still agreed to do the interview with CBS then they are morally bankrupt. Just how low will they go?
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