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Great point you make here. She wanted out because she expected that her narc charms and wiles would ensure she would be the new Diana and darling of the RF. This didn’t happen, so she complained of ‘bullying’ and ‘needing to get out’. She’s a childish narcissist, textbook almost.
She actually could have become, with time...extremely popular. Lots of hard work, but eventually do-able. What did she expect so soon? Even if she had to stand/sit behind what? I can't believe the short sightedness of both Harry and Meghan. They had the world at their feet. Still makes little sense to me. All I can fathom is real,...REAL mental illness....or PURE EVIL. In the end, the RF will prevail. The fact that H&M don't understand this is amazing to me.

As far as Oprah goes....I haven't paid any attention to her in years. Still, I don't understand what she is thinking either. I thought she had some class....but I suppose not.

I wanted to add this...between bullying palace staff, especially the women, and now going after HMTQ...and now Kate and Camille...I just think Meghan hates women in general. This means you too...sugars.... she despises you all at the same time she uses you.
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As you say, the crown will be ok, it's been around for a very long time and survived a lot worse than a jumped up American - they've already been there, done that and bought the t-shirt. What I don't understand is what Meghan and Harry think they're going to achieve by slagging off the Queen and the royal family - the Queen is known and respected worldwide, even by people who are anti the royal family. All Meghan is doing is proving how unemployable she is and I can't imagine anyone would touch her with a barge pole after this. How dare she speak about the royal family in the way she is when if it wasn't for them, she wouldn't be in the position she is with all the privileges she has. What's even worse is that Harry is allowing this to happen, that's his family she's slagging off who he was really close to until they got married. It's also Archie's family so he will be asking questions when he's older about why he never sees them and unfortunately for her, it's all out there in the public so he will easily be able to find out what she's done.
I agree, and i think the Markles will become even more irrelevant once we are out of lockdown and HMTQ & The Cambridges/Wessex's and PC etc start going back to face to face service. I really hope W&K have a lot of overseas tours and the chances to mingle with world leaders and show themselves off and their service, those overseas tours will really put the Markle's noses out of joint!! They will become eclipsed so quickly
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I am actually disgusted and speechless after watching a short clip of the interview they've done where she calls the royal family the firm and plays the biggest victim on the planet, how could Harry stand by her when she's talking about his own family that way, absolute bitch.
Glad you've mentioned her calling them "the firm" as I was so angry this morning when I heard it. Who the fuck does she think she is?

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Just watched a clip from CBS Twitter, where Oprah says she asked for an interview just before the wedding, and her answer was 'now isnt the right time'... To me that says she had a time in mind and ties in with this being part of the plan all along.
Then she talks about how liberating it is to be able to give the interview and speak freely. She does realized no one forced her in to that marriage?!
I can't even word what I want to say right now as it's just so incredulous to hear how woe is me it's been for her to have these constraints when SHE.CHOSE. TO.MARRY.INTO.IT!!
She only met Oprah once before the wedding. Once. So Oprah must have asked for the interview on the first meeting & Markle said...”Now’s not the right time, but here’s an invite”??? WTF?
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Oh god if someone’s said she should be drowned at birth that is truly awful. I’m just saying I rarely ever see pure and true hatred about meghan, and if I do I wholly condemn it. Death threats and the like are disgusting.
what I’m saying is that for the most part I think that people have legitimate grievances with her
It was me that said she should have been drowned at birth. However, it was meant as a joke. Im so sorry and apologise for the offence I have obviously caused. I have a rather warped sense of humour, but lesson learned, Think before you write and know your audience. Apologies again
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This has been my line of thinking for the last year, it's the only way I can rationalize what's been going on.
She isn’t some kind of secret service/intelligence stooge. She is a tacky social climber. She wasn’t picked up by some shadowy organisation and introduced to Harry- she got in contact with the biggest z lister in the uk Lizzie Cundy asking to be set up with footballers! Then she caught a break when she realised through working at soho house that people knew Harry and could set them up. I love a good conspiracy theory but this is just not one of them. Trashy American met prince with one brain cell and the rest is history.
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Why have I only just discovered these threads? I am sure my family and friends are sick of me going on about these two!

So late to the party but in agreeance with a certain red tab today - it isn't a coincidence all this. Megan has fallen out with friends, family, the royal family, the media, her staff... yet she isn't to blame?
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Personally & I could be off mark but I really think she is going to go in dirty on the Royal Family with Oprah. She knows they'll look petty if they fight back but I really do think she will go in on Kate and Wills - she will most definitely hint or talk about Will's affair. She will mention the out dated things such as woman following behind the men etc. I very much doubt that this will be 2 hours of nothing. She will be out to destroy "the family she never had"
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I can't stress enough how much I love this safe space we have here!

It's getting ridiculous now the amount of people who are racist by assuming criticism of a white passing woman is down to her heritage. Fuckinf idiots she's given plenty of reasons to dislike them and none are to do with skin tone!
It’s insane isn’t it. I thought she was white until the wedding and seeing her mother! The racism argument stands up to zero scrutiny.
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I think the RF are in for a rough week, maybe weeks but Sunday will be like ripping off a plaster, once it's out there harry and meghan have played their trump card. The RF were clever to wait to release this once the interview was in the can. The RF will bounce back, especially as next year is a big year and hopefully this will all be behind them and positivity will take over
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It’s infuriating/funny when Meghan is described as a Hollywood actress. She is the US equivalent of an eastenders actress. MM is a desperate, embarrassing hanger on, and was a total nobody taking any low rent gig that may have got her a tiny bit of publicity before she married Harry.

WTF is this video? She looks so uncomfortable up there! Notice she’s stood on her own too, why won’t anyone stand with her ? Didn’t anybody ask if she was ok?
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Why on Earth would she be bothered that Harry wasn’t the heir??

Given where she came from, marrying into the Royal Family was a huge win! Respectability (after a lifetime of whoring around yachts) , riches, fancy frocks and the ability to stick two fingers up to anyone who had ever sleighted her.

Why wasn’t this enough? The RF even agreed to cover up her past and scrub the internet and do deals with the press to protect her.

Why wasn’t she sitting in Frogmore thinking “ Win Win! Yay me!”

It’s baffling. She had a massive opportunity here, the British people had welcomed her and she had a fuck Off wedding with the eyes of the world on her. Why?

She must be bat shit out of touch with reality to look that gift horse in the mouth. She’d managed to trick Harry and get rid of all his friends.

She got the “prize”. Mission accomplished. And then set a bonfire by faking her pregnancy and attempting to perpetuate a massive fraud against Britain and the RF.
Truly insane.
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At the time, I thought that was the most spiteful and mean-spirited letter and couldn't believe he could do that to his sister.

How stoopid was I? He was bang on the money as was Samantha.
i believed her family day1. i saw her for the first time and i knew she was just fake and narcissistic.
i did suffer narc abuse, so its second nature for me to just know
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There’s just no coming back to ‘the firm’ for either of them after this. It is absolutely mind boggling that Harry is cutting ties with his entire family for a woman who speaks to ONE of her family members. He really is a dunce if he can’t see the root of the problems! Still in two minds as to whether I’ll watch it or not on Monday. Either way by this time next week what are the odds we are on 100 threads 😂
My prediction is that within 2 years they’ll be divorced and Harry will come home. He will have no patronages, duties or official capacity. His family will welcome him back and accept him as they’ll know he was the victim of a narcissistic sociopath. But his life will never be the same again. He’ll never be cheeky chappy Harry who we all loved, or the face of the Invictus games, or the much needed light relief party boy. He’s been played and he’ll reap this for the rest of his life.

Exactly, I don't think Meghan or Harry deserve hate. They started (and keep going) with the wrong foot and that's it.
No sorry they do deserve criticism. ‘Hate’ is a very childish, woke term.
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That can't be meghans excuse as she seemed to have forgotten the throwing up part

It was well worth it. I'm finding the recording and watching on repeat
GMB reduced Omid to a blinking mess. He had to switch to 'What about Andrew' to compose himself and resume Harkle brown-nosing duties.

(It wasn't that dramatic tbh but deeply satisfying to see him rattled...)
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I would love to see low viewing figures. However I do think they may be high. But I believe this will be because people just want to watch this car crash unfold in real time. Not because they actually support and believe them. It’s the reaction afterwards that’s most important. And I really don’t think it’s going to go down well at all. I can’t imagine many people who dislike them are going to change their mind. But I do think many neutral people, not bothered by them either way before, may come away disliking them.
It's a two hour show - I'd give it 10-15 minutes before people change channel. Oprah herself isn't big news in the UK so she might keep the audience going better in the USA?

Megzy isn't a likeable or funny person. She's really, really dull, self-important, completely lacking in self awareness, and all this moaning about 'they were awful to poor me in several unspecific ways' is just boring. A lecture on race in the UK? Why would America want to watch that? We aren't getting a tour of the house, a nosey through the kitchen cabinets, a good look into the Ex-Royal Bedchamber or anything else that people buy Hello for. Just Hazza, his saggy black socks and an unattractive flash of pasty white calf.
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Two years later, MM's brother's letter is spot on!
you would think being a prince and he could get any woman to be with, he still chose to ignore the red flag warnings and married her. lol
or at least listened to william and waited a few years to truly see she wasn't the crazy narc that she consistently proves to all

remove their titles now

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I don't believe the deuxmoi post about H&M's PA being crap or having no experience.

The RF are completely focussed at getting the right people to work in their offices.

About 20 yrs ago, a very close relative of mine who worked in a very important Government Dept for over 15 yrs, was asked if she would like to be interviewed for a job working in the personal office of one of the Palaces ie. directly employed by a leading member of TRF. She declined (not her thing). TRF don't employ just anyone. It is a rigorous process and the thought of employing someone with little or no experience is pathetically stupid.
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Currently having a lively debate with a sugar on Instagram about when Harry dressed as a nazi, her justification for it was
“He was young and probably didn’t know what it meant, he was a child” 😆

he was 22 and obviously knew what a Nazi is! They would cancel anyone else for this behaviour... so hypocritical

What about that time when he called a Colleague "Our little P*ki friend", or told a black "You don't sound like a black chap,"?
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