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VIP Member
The thing that is going to piss me off about these two is that they are going to paint britain as the racist segregated place and it’s not. Yes you get twats everywhere. But she was here 5 minutes living in palaces, she just needed to drive out the palaces and see what was around her.
there are a couple of documentaries coming up on Racial Britain....Which are going to be interesting viewing Naga Munchetti, the BBC interviewer is going to be doing a Panorama documentary programme on Monday 8th March. ''Lets talk about Race''

But I also just thought this article was fascinating, maybe it is a comment about Racism that is relevant for someone like Meghan! Candice is talking about losing out for presenting documentary work, to lighter skinned black women!

It’s time to face up to colourism | Candice Brathwaite | World news | The Guardian

Even in the playground, I was told my skin was too dark: it’s time to face up to colourism
As I grew up, the majority of black women I saw on TV were fair skinned. Those who looked like me were never cast as the lead

If 2020 was the year the world decided it was time for a proper conversation about racism, then 2021 is definitely the year we need to face up to colourism. Colourism is discrimination against dark-skinned people. It comes from within the community as well as without, and is an issue across many races, including mine.
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Sometimes one person likes the other more. 🤷‍♀️ Sometimes they think the other person likes them as much as they like them, so they show them support and friendship even if it’s not reciprocated at the same level.

Hmm. I want pics of the pups’ mum during her pregnancy. Can’t allow ourselves to be fooled by a doggy moonbump!
I forgot another fact, Hugo Taylor (Millie's husband) is a friend of Eugenie I believe
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Ooh I had a broken collar bone - dead painful. Good luck and carry on taking it easy - get the best sling you can.
Thank you - am on to physio which has turned out to be worse than the sling. I was pinning my hopes on it being better so its been a bit of a blue week.

Made so much better by some vitriol and meme's obvs 😁
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What Kate apparently does for example is she will have a 95% reduction on things she wants as this gets around the problem of being gifted by designers
Urgh - didn’t know that. Is just as bad - she can afford to buy stuff.
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Can we not slip into this gross kind of nonsense? I’m all for critiquing their behaviour but this is fucking ghoulish. Earlier on someone posted that she should have been drowned at birth. There are some newcomers here who seem to think this is acceptable but it really isn’t. We’ve spent 60 odd threads chatting said:
I agree but think you might possibly have quoted the wrong posts.
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Haha I’m definitely a conspiracy theorist myself! Genuinely I think it’s as simple as she wants fame, adulation and money. Some people can be very ruthless in their pursuit of these things, it’s just that Meghan is kind of on a world stage because of the pawn (Harry) she chose.
Remember she said she wanted to break the internet
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Pippa M

VIP Member
Have there been any comments recently from Samantha and Meg's father ...they must have plenty to say !
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It won't happen but BP should really clean house, send Andrew to see the FBI, do the meghan investigation and they then answer every counter argument thrown at them
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I think she’s gonnna really dig into William and Kate how they supposedly treated her, I don’t know what she could say about PC though didn’t he walk her down the aisle and he was very very welcoming and friendly to her mother.

So I will be interested what she has to say about Charles, information which Harry may have told her.

Oprah will deffo ask about Andrew so I do wonder what Meghan will say about that.
Also isn't she on her own for much of it? Does Harry actually know everything that has been said. If he wasn't on set the whole time she may have said stuff without his knowledge
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VIP Member
Me too !

I broke my shoulder six weeks ago and have been on the sofa ever since surrounded by pillows and cats. I do not get much sleep.

I would like to say thank you because this place has kept me occupied, sane and made me laugh - it has also helps pass the time when I run out of Poirot / Law and Order etc

Thank you Tattlers !
Hope you get better soon. If you want to guarantee some sleep, check out the wiki for a list of Woko's mega blockbuster , hit (made for tv) films and TV series 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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