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I do wonder what will happen to Archie. If George, Charlotte and Louis for whatever reason have no children then Archie will be the next Monarch after George if he outlives him but if Meghan doesn't want him in the family then will he still be in line?
I agree with everything you said!

I just wanted to mention that Archie is a fair way away becoming King. Currently it's The Queen, Charles, William, George, Charlotte, Louis, Harry, Archie...

Before laws changed after Will and Kate got married it would have skipped Charlotte like Anne is skipped, but now she is the next in line after George. (Anne is, due to Male primogeniture, below her two younger brothers in the line of succession).

A full list is here:

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I agree but MM would have been briefed in full regarding her future role and she was eased into it during the engagement period etc, she wasn’t blindsided like Diana, also times have changed from all those years ago with more support put in place.
Kate Middleton went to Uni and she had a job and she is not a statue I’m sure she has her own opinions as well, and Diana made hers well known I think it’s all about the money,
All the kerfuffle and the racism debates and the like are just way too deep MM was a social climber and it’s basically about the money some people really are that shallow unfortunately.
From what I’ve read, Kate has a history of art degree (just like every other upper class person who never plans to work for a living) and seems to have been working a little bit in her family business while wiating to marry William. Diana was one of the many girls who were groomed for the position of the future princess, so both of them would’ve known the protocol and expectations. Diana suffered mostly because she realised Charles will never love her, and her pride was hurt that he was cheating with another woman the entire time, not because she found royal duties arduous. If Charles loved her she’d have been as happy as Kate seems to be. If anything, Diana developed independant interests just to remove herself from them, I think she created “people’s princess” role in order to get some support from the public, as she must have felt ostracised in that family.
Meghan’s appeal for Harry was obviously the fact she didn’t fit in (like Diana) and that she was highly critical of the royal machine (like Diana). He knows why he married her. I for one am really glad Diana debacle is haunting the RF through Harry and his relationship. They don’t deserve to be content after how they treated her.
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Ive still got my Union Jack bunting from The jubilee So that will go up. :LOL:
Speaking of Canada is it snowing there as a news reporter was there the other day asking people what they thought about H&M moving there.
Canada's a huge country. It isn't snowing every where. Vancouver is normally mild but had "cold" temperatures for them, - 13, and snow. Western Canada, such as Calgary has not had snow the past week but has been - 40. No snow in Toronto.
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Chatty Member
A rumour is going around that H is gay and this is all indeed fake for him to have an heir, sounds farfetched
They sure could have found a non-crazy younger woman if the only goal was for him to have an heir. But I’m sure it’s not true because then they wouldn’t have let her take the baby to Canada or the US or wherever they are.
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ALso canadian monarchy is virtual. It neither rules nor resides in Canada. It would go against parts of the Canadian constitution and monarchy agreement if they kept HRH and lived in Canada. It would have screwed with two governments. Canada is apart of the commonwealth so it’s a little bit easier as a common wealth citizen to live in Canada. But they couldn’t have been allowed if they were monarchy.
But the Queen owns the land legally just saying
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Daily Mail readers arnt happy says the Queens conned us as they can still use duke and duchess, get to keep frogmore. and we will pay for the security.
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Chatty Member
The original plan was that they would take the Kensington Palace mega apartment next to William and Kate but they decided to take Frog Cott. Both places needed refurbishing.
That's madness to choose that little dark cottage inside the ken palace grounds, the light will be crap compared to a high floor in the main building! I wouldn't want to live in their places even for free.
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New member
noun [ C or U ]
(US also demarkleation)


Demarkleation line, a temporary ‘boarder’ between the countries.
  • Demarkleation dispute, may arise when two different Royal houses both claim the right to represent the same tax payers.
On a map, demarkleations between countries are shown with pound signs.

Cambridge English Dictionary
Is that the Duke of Cambridge English dictionary;)
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Just been on Social Blade and when you compare 1. Kensingtonroyal ig follower numbers to 2. Sussexroyal numbers it’s clear that she’s buying followers in chunks ....

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BIB , that's a great point actually.
If they're both indulging then it might explain a lot. Users often tend toward paranoia which could explain his/their imagining everyone is out to get them when the reality was that some people were resenting being lectured at.
It could also explain his regression into teen stupidity and needing to shock.
Totally. In her circles it’s almost a way of life, but in his too. A lot of people are surprised how rife it is in aristocracy but there are loads of high profile cases from those close to William and Harry, even relatives going as far as crack and heroin.

Harry has form too, being sent off to rehab By Chas at 16 for cannabis and drinking at Highgrove, plus that infamous Las Vegas party where he really caused a brouhaha as it was widely known as being a big old hookers and blow session.
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Chatty Member

WHATEVER! I am more concerned about why they didn't remove their security too

Do non working royals have the extent of the security they currently have - Beatrice etc I wouldn’t have thought it would be so intense and I read his military appointments are no longer so he’s less likely to be a target.
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