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VIP Member
He seems a great catch tbh.
Also, he will eventually become a Baron through his own family.
I agree, his family are obviously private people going about their own business and I don't get the impression they're the sort who'd bring any sort of disrespect on the royals.
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Carmen 6

VIP Member
yes they are soon to find out that it’s what you have going out that counts not what you have coming in because if the former is more you’re skint no matter what you earn.
Yes thirty mil does sound like huge money but the way they spend it will soon diminish especially if they’re taking private planes everywhere and buying designer clothes and staying at luxury properties.
Taxes etc .
It’s like walking out on a guaranteed income a very substantial income for a maybe it’s nuts, all they had to do is a few engagements, they had six weeks away over Christmas 🙄
I hope they become a hot potato and that they do a tell all for money and are proved to be nasty gits,
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush is a wise old saying.
It's not a lot relatively, if you consider the property she 'expressed an interest' in, was 21 million. 🤔
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i would say they're wallis and edward reincarnated but Wallis was still alive when vile woman was born. lol maybe harry is edward reincarnated
Thanks to the lack of social media back in the day, and the fact that Wallis kept her head down it meant the world heard little more from her. Unfortunately we’re not that lucky.
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He's not happy with how the negotiations turned's not what they wanted.
He's laying the blame firmly with the press....
Well he's not lost his HRH, he's still got frogmore, still being funded by daddy. sounds ok to me!

Also all this 'months of talks' so did the royals know about this and made out it was a shock or was that the press?
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Chatty Member
When I first read H&M’s statement, I was slightly irked coz BP’s statement said they cannot use their HRH titles. Dan Wootton perfectly captures mine and I think many of your thoughts on this.

But, when I reread BP’s statement while scrolling through tattle it said “The new model will take effect in the Spring of 2020.”
I’m not from the UK, so umm when is that? Is this like a loophole that H&M can take/are taking advantage of?
But you know what? They are offering this transition period for the benefit of H&M, so they can get things started and still have security etc. She stopped doing the work als a royal a couple of months ago so we can be sure it’s not for the benefit of the royal family. But here she is still using the title. It’s kinda meant for the work, not to stroke her ego with. So yeah, I will side-eye her for that.

And I don’t believe she’ll do any engagement in the UK, unless they can trick her by naming it ‘give Megsy millions’
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Chatty Member
I have been directed to a Twitter account that is ran by a person called @torontopaper1 it could be a load of tosh, but it has a lot of followers, is followed by the editor of The Spectator and seems to allude to a lot of very personal details about MM.

Personally I think it is run by someone in her close circle who hates her.

I've only read a few so far but it seemed to confirm her leaving before it was announced, that her PR firm have left HER and some other things.

Take a look, I'm sure some more scrutinously minded people could work out if it has provenance.
Oh no I want to read every tweet now 😍
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Active member
So had Archie flown back with H&M at the beginning of the year and then they made their announcement, the Queen would have every right to say "Well until resolved, Archie stays in the UK"

I guess this is why he didnt come back?!
This is what I suspected. I can't imagine the Queen is too pleased with them seemingly playing games with his custody.
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That's anywhere between March and May.
So yeah, if she's booked herself some appearances previous to that coming into effect she can probably still legally use the HRH I should think.
Of course anyone with ethics wouldn't, but this is Ginge and Whinge.
Ah I see. I wouldn’t put it past them since they used it in their official statement already.

But you know what? They are offering this transition period for the benefit of H&M, so they can get things started and still have security etc. She stopped doing the work als a royal a couple of months ago so we can be sure it’s not for the benefit of the royal family. But here she is still using the title. It’s kinda meant for the work, not to stroke her ego with. So yeah, I will side-eye her for that.

And I don’t believe she’ll do any engagement in the UK, unless they can trick her by naming it ‘give Megsy millions’
Yes. Security makes sense.

No I don’t think it is for her ego either. That’s makes sense actually. It helps set them up.
Yeah I don’t think they’ll do “engagements” in the UK either. Maybe show face for things they are patrons of, weddings, funerals, christmases ... they’ll be there. It shows they are still very involved with the “family” just not “The Firm”. That keeps their value high as they are still in, with one foot out for their convenience which suits them just fine. When they need the connections they’re all there. When they don’t, they’re “not senior royals”. It’s pretty convenient.
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The Dutchy Of Cornwall money from Prince Charles was the mainstay of their income so I guess if he is still generous they haven’t lost much.
They need to live somewhere though. Their current residences etc are all Crown owned. IHarry and Meghan are going to need a much bigger donation from the Duchy or really cash in on an influencer lifestyle!
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Chatty Member
I started reading this thread yesterday and somehow got distracted by someone mentioning Wallis Simpson, and I now know where every former member of the Royal Family is buried :ROFLMAO:. I've been up all night reading this thread.


This is all a huge mess. I think Meghan knew exactly what she was doing. There is probably a very good reason for her first husband divorcing her after less than two years and we are slowly finding out now with her basically taking control of Harry. I noticed a change in his voice yesterday and his personality has definitely changed. He sounded so sad and vulnerable. Meghan definitely wrote that speech too. I don't want to speculate about what I going on but I think we have only seen the tip of the iceberg with Meghan and lots more tea is yet to be spilled. Meghan's favourite subject is Meghan. She will end up being a very hated figure. She comes across as a perpetuant child at times and thinks the world owes her something.

Meghan's family is a huge mess and even Dora seems to have disappeared now.

I think divorce is inevitable and Harry will be back in the Royal Family by the end of 2022 at the latest. I think everything was far too rushed because they wanted to get on with it and have children. 4 years down the line and they probably barely know each other.

Prince Phillip has been in very poor health recently and looked very ill when he left hospital. The stress of this could potentially kill him I fear. It's extremely unfair of Meghan and Harry to put this stress on Phil, and Elizabeth too. Neither of them are spring chickens and I don't think Phillip has long left at all. I know if that was my Grandfather, I would've cancelled any plans I had to spend Christmas abroad and spent it with my family but Meghan gets her own way as usual. She would probably stop Harry from going to the funeral too if she could.

I do wonder what will happen to Archie. If George, Charlotte and Louis for whatever reason have no children then Archie will be the next Monarch after George if he outlives him but if Meghan doesn't want him in the family then will he still be in line?

It's all a huge mess but I for one am very much enjoying all the twists and turns. I do feel for Archie being caught up in the middle of this though. it can't be a happy atmosphere in that house.
Er no, Archie would NOT be the next monarch! If George had no children then the next monarch after him would be Charlotte. If she was no longer alive it would then be her eldest child and if she didn't have any children it would then be Louis. If Louis wasn't alive and had no offspring the next monarch would be Harry (heaven forbid). Archie is currently 7th in line, but after all the recent goings on who knows if he'll even be kept in the line of succession.
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ALso canadian monarchy is virtual. It neither rules nor resides in Canada. It would go against parts of the Canadian constitution and monarchy agreement if they kept HRH and lived in Canada. It would have screwed with two governments. Canada is apart of the commonwealth so it’s a little bit easier as a common wealth citizen to live in Canada. But they couldn’t have been allowed if they were monarchy.
She's not a commonwealth citizen, but I don't know how residency arrangements are viewed between citizens of the US and Canada.
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Chatty Member
I've been thinking (I know! I know! Normally type before thought but here we are..! 😂 )

I think we are all viewing this completely wrong..

MeAgain can't lose here. She clearly hated living in the UK. Hated Harry's fam, hated being a faux royal.
She can make money in the US as the former Duchess of Sussex even if her marriage is over and she is stripped of her title. She can be as smug as she likes because she really can't lose.
And looking at the state of H yesterday it's quite possible this marriage isn't great either. We can all put on public displays of happiness.

View attachment 73022

Hold on.. what have I missed??
Can’t find the original article but it was something very similar to this!

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Active member
They're still half in half out? They still have their charities and patrons that she gave them. Or am I wrong? 😂

I don’t see them divorcing to be honest.
They are not doing any royal duties, and they wanted to part time do them.
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Anyone else thinking that prince Philip could shuffle off this mortal coil any day now and another family gathering would be entertaining!!

Check Google and twitter - rumours are circulating this evening that he has passed. Hopefully not true. ☹
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That twitter account is interesting to say the least, so insightful if it is genuinely someone who knows her.

Tweets on there seem to imply M&H were asked to leave the RF anyway and that this is their way of letting H save face, i guess like them telling Andrew to stand down immediately but then allowing him to put out a statement saying he was choosing to stand down.
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Active member
I have been directed to a Twitter account that is ran by a person called @torontopaper1 it could be a load of tosh, but it has a lot of followers, is followed by the editor of The Spectator and seems to allude to a lot of very personal details about MM.

Personally I think it is run by someone in her close circle who hates her.

I've only read a few so far but it seemed to confirm her leaving before it was announced, that her PR firm have left HER and some other things.

Take a look, I'm sure some more scrutinously minded people could work out if it has provenance.
I agree that its run by someone that knows her, if you look at the thread on the top tweet and then read tweets from 'DripDrop' they pretty much say they cant confirm if they are in the loop but are pretty sure TP (Torontopaper) are.. or along those lines anyway

Tosh or not, it makes interesting reading!

We need to bear in mind that the house she's staying in is owned by a Russian oligarch. The security on it was already high tech but the Brits added extra stuff as well. Now call me paranoid but don't the Russians love a bit of technological eaves dropping? Yes, they certainly do because the adage "Knowledge is power" is very true and God knows what snippets about the royal family cringe and ginge will be putting out there. She's a loose cannon with a candy floss brain.
Another reason she wasn't allowed to "dial in"...?!

Some rumors on Twitter shes not in VC though but in LA?
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