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Yet another attempt to get the perks of being royal without actually doing any of the work or having any of the restrictions and making money. I can definitely believe this is another one of her gate crash events because why would anyone care about what MM has to say about workers during the pandemic? There are even many other celebs not involved in the broadcast that CNN could call first who have visibly done things or raised money.

She's definitely had something done to her face.

And I'm pretty sure she's going to be announcing a pregnancy in 4, 3, 2, 1 to overshadow the Queen's message. I don't think they went public with the miscarriage until they had a "miracle" rainbow baby on board to maximise publicity.

And then it will be back to "how dare you invade our privacy!!!" again. Whilst doing everything they can to get on TV or in the papers.
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I'd rather stick hot pokers through my ear drums that listen to them preach about stuff 🤢🤢 Spotify will see the mistake they've made when only 10 people (the sugars) listen to them... I really hope the Queen kicks Harry where it hurts (not literally) in march with the review. I really hope so
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One positive to come out of Tier 4/the current mess in the UK is that whatever JCMH and Meagain have to try and upstage HM The Queen on Christmas Day, will be more irritating and irrelevant than ever.
The only thing they can do to retain any credibility is to shut up, which is the only thing they seem unable to do.

Hope everyone is safe and well.
@bsdetector sorry to hear of your health issues.
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Scotch Mist

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I think that Haznoballs and Smeggy are still together and although he may have an inkling that he's not as popular as he once was, he probably still doesn't realise how much they are despised over here now. It's too easy for them to think that it's just Daily Mail readers who are unreasonable bastards. That's why they hate the Daily Mail and MOS.

I believe that the press are well aware of the fake pregnancy and probably many other things they've lied about but are not allowed to report it.
I bet that there's loads going on behind the scenes that we don't know about both in the Uk and in Montecito.

Obviously the PR people are pulling made up figures out of the air regarding deals with Netflix and Spotify. I don't believe that they will get anywhere near the amount they say they will get.

It's nauseating that in a time of global hardship with many families struggling they dangle their wealth in front of us in that disgusting way. The only plus is that the sugars will believe it and so Smeggy won't need a big divorce settlement (when it happens) 😁 I'd be surprised if she divorces him before he comes into the rest of his money when he's 40. Obviously money is the only thing Smeggy ever thinks or cares about.
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She exiled herself already!

Actually when I developed a lactose intolerance (or realised I was lactose intolerant), I switched to oat milk for my morning coffee and it is pretty tasty. This powdered poo however, with mushrooms and adaptogens (that mess with your hormones)? Nfw
I'm thinking of trying it. I can't get a handle on my IBS flare ups. Just when I think 'A' is causing it and I avoid 'A' ... it flares up again. I can't nail the bugger down at all so I've been thinking of trying oat milk. Might give it a go after Christmas.

On topic. All that work and she just looks common and generic and older. I could imagine her scouring the posh shops looking for a business woman blouse and a sales man (had to be a man) unearthed that mostrosity from a storage room where it had hung unwanted since the 50's and told her "WOW! You look amazeballs in that dahling, very business like and superior to the peasants". Sold.:m
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Loved this reply.:m

Yebbut... that 'sexy' video of her barbecuing burgers gave me the biggest soft-on I've had in years.
The porn version would probably leave me in a state that Viagra or even an injection of concrete couldn't help with. Permanently.
Would I be able to claim?
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He is worse. He is her enabler. He has supplied the elevation she needed by making her a quasi royal, and is supplying the money. He has opened doors for her that would normally be slammed in her face. Were he to remove himself from her and cut off the flow of money she would be hard pressed to achieve anything significant.
But the worst thing is that he's enjoying it. It seems he's found something to give him a hard on (other than her Dyson skills) and is positively revelling in irritating and embarrassing his birth family and his aging grandparents. You have to be a particular brand of evil to turn so spectacularly and nastily against the family who babied you and cosseted you and protected you from press intrusion for 30+ years.
For a battered old hollyweird minge that's seen more action than a teenager's aging playstation ? Really Hazza? Fuck off and stay fucked off you absolute cunt.
Well said Freda! Is it wrong of me to want him to stay out there and suffer!

Thread suggestion

Harry & Meghan #51 The fresh prince of hot air, please disappear with your skanky mare.

If the word skanky not allowed, maybe smelly?
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Her latest look reminds me of Meghan fox in transformers and her is annoying teenager style circa early 90s

May be a bit late but just adding this

It's just MLM like other brands that have very bad reps.
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I want to scream
Don't scream. Take it for what it's worth and have a good laugh.

Uplift and entertain on a day when one of Broadways most beloved hoofers dies, (Ann Reinking) kind of puts things into perspective.

Now there was a woman who could uplift and entertain. Meghan and Harry, follow that!

I had a good laugh when I heard Meghan was having singing and dance lessons, especially after watching her as a kid at a dance class, there was nothing there, it was like watching an empty vessel. No passion for what she was doing just grifting along the way she has her whole life.

What was it she wanted? A Tony, a Grammy and an Oscar? Yep, I had a real belly laugh at that.

I don't know what the agenda is with these two cretins but uplifting and entertaining is nowhere to be seen on their horizon.

Disgusted with Spotify, mind.
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Nonsense. I have lived under the final approach to heathrow for years, on the Richmond side which due to the wind direction gets far more of the noisy landings than the Windsor side, especially the very early arrivals. You very quickly get used to it and simply don't notice the planes. The only time I noticed them was midsummer when sleeping with the windows open and around 4.30am every day there were usually three or so 747 "heavy" cargo flights arriving together, and they might wake me up, but I'd go right back to sleep afterwards.

It's certainly not 24/7 either, Heathrow closes overnight.
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ps. the Royal Family doesn't announce to the media and to the entire world that they are helping feed the poor. lol
they just do it. no need for validations or acknowledgment
H&M announce many many things, they don't seem to do much. Well, unless there's a photographer around. I wish they would stop pontificating and just Fuck off.
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I think it's been pretty well documented that this was a class project at school and they all wrote letters?
No way! I mean, how great to engage a class in activism but to use it as news-worthy material nearly 30 years later is pathetic AF😂
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Marriage is over according to blind gissip.
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I liked that track, I might have to buy it, thanks!

since it's Christmas it's time to dig out this shambles again now as well
watch in amusement as nobody wants anything to do with Smegatron or stand next to her, so she is left having to make cringeworthy arm gestures to fill the dead space. the big guy pretending to drum so as not to have to hold hands with her is my favourite

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Scotch Mist

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For someone who requested, and got, a delay of 9 months from the Court, these latest shenanigans just make a mockery of the justice system
The court case delay is really annoying. I know that a number of people speculated that it was probably health or mental health related but WTF? This obviously can't be the case and she isn't pregnant either. So why have they been allowed to postpone it when they are busy lecturing us and making programmes for Netflix and Spotify?

Is it something to do with Meghan having to provide all her texts and emails?
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Better to be somewhere completely uninhabited, I think. Hazmat would find the conversation with the sheep a bit hard to follow.
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Lady C elaborated on what she wouldn't say a few weeks ago - Eugenie and Jack never moved to Frogmore, it's all a fabrication.

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