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The photos where Meghan was beaming straight toward the camera and she was carrying something in a sling. Those covert sneaky shots?
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yes - I know I am replying to my own email but went down the rabbit hole with Holmes and found out this latest nugget: " In September 2020, Bloomberg News reported that Holmes is exploring a "mental disease" defense for her criminal fraud trial "

what are the chances that when it gets REALLY bad and the full rainbow of horse-shit that these two have been ladling out by the gallon to the masses gets revealed, they pull an insanity plea? or He does and she claims domestic abuse (it will be a case of 1st past the post in that case.... looking at the Heard/Depp saga as a "for instance").... Markling yet one or two more genuinely legitimate world-wide issues

Belgium? they can pingpong between the Flemish and Walloons and then try to turn into royal ambassadors to the post-Brexit EU (just to emphasize once more how out of touch they are). I kinda like the optics on that .
Wish Antinoos was still here to guide us on the legal hurdles
The problem is that no one wants them.
Why don’t we tell them that they are needed for a after dinner speech on a very exclusive yacht? The first night, the crew can make an escape leaving Meggo and Hazzo on their own. Then whenever they approach a port, the country can just close it to them. No one allows them to dock.

Sunshine Sachs can drop food parcels to them. But we also need to make sure they have no access to media on the boat. Lest they bore us with sailing podcasts.

I don’t like to boast, but I think it’s a brilliant solution. We can’t inflict them on anyone. They are too awful. This way, no one has to have them. They can imagine they are sailing on a trillion raindrops of kindness, all nourishing the ground. Really it is pollution and piss, but whatever.

I bet the UN try to contact me. They’re going to be well impressed with my ability to solve tricky diplomatic problems. I might (absolutely definitely) even get on the Honours List....

All of you plebs had better address me by my title when the Queen awards me one. Just saying.
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This is a very valid point i hadn't thought of. I hope more big names come out in support

What a kick in the teeth for real musicians. Something not right with this world if Netflix and Spotify are really giving MM and JCMH all those millions. İ blame the Kardashian clan for setting the trend of earning millions for little talent and lots of plastic surgery. On the subject of plasticity, surely tweakments aren't allowed in pregnancy/fertility treatment, or those hair straightening chemicals? With her recent appearances, MM appears to have debunked confidential reasons such as mental health (rehab), physical vulnerability (elderly pregnancy) she may have given to the judge. She is going all out with cosmetic treatments, grifting, oversharing, pursuing fame and riches to the point of insane greediness while pretending to be a philanthropist/humanitarian....
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When/where did Disney call them a controversial couple? As Disney hired meghan im a bit surprised
Disney said something along the lines MM needs Disney more than Disney needs MM. This was after the voiceover, probably to draw a line under their association with her. İt was rumoured she did the voiceover at the expense of another actress. The 3 million payment was meant to go to Elephants without Borders Charity but has been shrouded in shadiness whether it went to them or the Harkles' own pockets...
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Scotch Mist

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I have some issues with this article. Its not the wokeness that pisses everyone off, it's the way that they attach themselves to bandwagons with a complete lack of sincerity offering nothing but meaningless soundbites of the bumper sticker kind.

"They have achieved financial independence with a highly lucrative deal with Netflix and also to produce podcasts for Spotify as well as future engagements for the Harry Walker Agency and launching their non-profit charitable organization, Archewell when circumstances permit."

I would also dispute the above paragraph. I very much doubt that the Harkles have yet received any money from Netflix or Spotify. They have to produce content and these companies will want them to spill some royal tea☕. That's all they are interested in 😄
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So at the moment we have
- marriage is over rumours
- pregnant and baby due in June
- mysterious refusal to visit UK (COVID is the excuse) and zero family meetings since March.
- 'confidential reason' for delaying January trial (her team asked for October 15th at earliest)
- Megz booked into One Young World in April in Germany
- filming is continuing for Netflix documentary with heavy NDAs
- Spotify holiday podcast plus (maybe) more to come in 2021
- New PR team, threatened Arsewell launch, Omid saying 'seeing much more of them in 2021'

She's taking a lot of work on for someone with Baby Number 2 on the way...
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You couldn't make this up, it spoofs itself
View attachment 347200
Oh for fuck sake. :rolleyes:Didn't I read that they would donate 1% of profits ? Big fucken whoopy-doo.
I just can't get all excited unless the profits are in millions, which I highly doubt.
Whatever cunt chops invested would (I'm pretty damn sure) amount to more. But donating directly to a charity wouldn't generate publicity and a chance to put her new face out there.

I hope Judge Wotsisface is taking notes. Can't do a court date but can do videos sporting another new nose and a trout pout a porn star would kill for, dressed in grandma's finest blouse that she wore for her wedding to grandpa circa World War 2 and ..🤪
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What always gets me is the two bits of hair that she has hanging down either side of her fizog nearly every time she has an up-do. Why FFS? They look foul and there's no way she can look in the mirror and think, "I know what, I'll just pull these bits down either side and, there! That looks great." Is she aiming (and failing) for a casual look? Or maybe she has a tic where she needs to be able to fiddle with her hair.

It's reminded me of when I was a teen and I used to carefully arrange a bit of my hair in a weird way so that it covered an old scar which I thought was really really obvious and disfiguring (it wasn't). Of course the hair rearranged itself throughout the day, especially if it was windy, and I'd furiously try and put it back.

One day when I was doing this my friends asked why I wanted to wear my hair in this mad way as it looked seriously weird and made me look a right pillock. They said 'everyone' thought it was weird, even - the clincher - the boys had noticed! No one had noticed the scar - I had to point it out to my friends. The weird hair stopped after that.

Back to Smeggy: does she perhaps think those mad strandy bits hide or enhance something? I can't see what. Maybe scars from her procedures? Or she doesn't like her profile sans strandy bits? Still looks weird.

Now, if it were her Bob Hope hooter she was trying to disguise I could understand. She just can't leave that nose alone can she?
She has to keep having bits removed from her nose due to Pinocchio syndrome 😂
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Congratulations to whoever called it after the Cemetery walk that the Harkles would be putting out their own cosplay alternative Queen's Speech on Christmas Day

Nailed it. Can't wait for the Harkles Happy Holidays message to the adoring cult fans to drop?

The Mirror also says Meghan has signed up Michelle Obama. Doubt it - she's got her own exclusive big-ticket series with Spotify . More likely Spotify have lined up a few big name guests for the Harkles as cross promotion.

Its a one-off Christmas episode followed by a series in 2021. Maybe if we all ignore it, they'll go away.....
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As much as I'd like this to be true, I have to wonder about the new Spotify gig as well as the alleged ongoing Netflix one.

Blind gossip is often right about the stuff they put out but quite often they're wrong, too.

Too good to be true? I don't want to get my hopes up, I know it's a terrible thing to say about someone's marriage but that woman ...
The Megflix and Spotify deals are surely for the pair of them. Both corporations that they have sold their souls to, have exceedingly expensive lawyers on their staff, certainly ones that are good enough to have drafted watertight contracts that say they get H+M for their cash, not just one of them.

So I would be surprised if they were to split up already, with these deals in mind.

If anything it will be Hazard that the two evil empires want, not her. Without him she is still back to being very little, just a bit-part and advert actress, too old to appear to do the briefcase dolly bird roles any more. There are countless other deluded morons like Emma Thompson that the world can go to for woke crap. She'll dine out for a while on tales of being married to a prince, but everyone knows that half of their marriage was under the cosh of coronavirus so all very dull. He has a lot more stories to tell yet.
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A warm meal like a hug? Pity she doesn't think of her father. I just cant abide her "caring, sharing" fake persona when she doesn't give 2 hoots for her father or extended family or think how they are coping during the pandemic especially as Thomas is classed as vulnerable.
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Chatty Member
Christ why won’t they just go the frig away? They are so utterly cringeworthy.
Why oh why isn’t Queenie stepping in to stop them constantly trading on their royalty, which is just undermining the whole RF.

Thank God for Saint Kate!
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Scotch Mist

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Or show a photo of Archie

Paula M

I don't agree with Paula here. Yes Meghan is a skanky bitch but Haznos never going to be King.

If monarchy exists then the laws of succession follow. It's not a fucking popularity contest.
TBH I'm not the biggest fan of Charles but he's not the first monarch to have an affair. I quite like Camilla anyway and couldn't care less about the divorce.
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These Tattle threads on the Harkles have kept me amused but I can't imagine wanting to listen to them spouting drivel on Spotify 😁
Only the silly sugars are going to tune in to hear them droning on.
Oh yeah, I won't actually be listening. Even if it's free.
I don't watch their videos, either. But you lot give me the gist and that's enough to keep me entertained for ages
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This is a doozy of a read. Telegraph

I think we all are hanging in there to see the little ginger twit get his come uppance. Otherwise it is just too revolting - the whole saga. utterly vile
Absolutely brilliant!!

How can they be seemingly oblivious to these absolute contradictions between words and actions!?!? Oh. Hang on.... she is the very definition of a narcissist and is as vacuous and devoid of humility and grace as can be.
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