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"shared experiences, narratives and values".... I cannot, for the life of me, think of ANYONE on this planet who could remotely or would want to claim to share their experiences (z-lst actress pretending to be Kween, Meryl Streep AND Mother Teresa all at once, spoiled semi-literate princeling, etc etc), narrative (we have zero qualifications but will lecture you on every subject except astro-physics) or values (prime grade mooching, hump your way to stardom and insult everyone along the way). No one. Not a soul.

I am really having trouble accepting the situation with these 2 donuts today. Netlfix and spotify deals based on zero qualifications when literally millions of people with proper university and technical/professional qualifications are currently unemployed or facing unemployment. I just cannot. not today, Satan
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Scotch Mist

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It shits on Randy's pizza alibi, but then we all knew it was shite. He's too much of a snob to waste his time in a common pizza place where the great unwashed had access. Certainly not with a bunch of tweenies. That shit is for mummies and nannies in his eyes. Modern man he ain't. On the other hand the bathroom in that flat is nothing like the one the woman described. Even allowing for potential modernisation since then, there is absolutely no room for her to do the slow sexy striptease she described to a man at the other side of a room measuring 7Ft by 7ft 2ins containing a bath, a bidet, a toilet and a "large" sink without poking his eye out or dislocating an arm. Nor would a victorian style free standing tub fit in there unless you removed the rest of the sanitary ware. Maybe it's like the tardis, I dunno.:unsure:
Make no mistake, randy is a skirt-chasing cunt and I never could abide him, but this is basically a "she said ... he said" case impossible to prove either way. She has photos with him, big whoopy doo. I have a photo of myself with Van the man, doesn't mean I shagged him.:rolleyes:Even if he did have sex with her there is no way of him knowing the circumstances of how or at what age she became sexually active, and while she certainly looks young she doesn't look under age. IMHO.
In the end I think she probably did have sex with him somewhere, wherever(certainly not in that bathroom) but may have moved the goalposts date wise to ensure it became a criminal case and gathered more of a spotlight on her when she did the rounds of TV stations and press interviews.
But that's just my personal opinion and it could change when the DM reveals more from their snoopity snooping.

Back on topic but also relevant to the above ... no wonder hazza is trying to gag the DM, they certainly manage to unearth stuff and he wants them silenced or made to look unreliable.
Also, in the Harry Markle blog she says the press agreed not to publicise hazza's misdeeds in his yoof ... cos dead mummy etc etc :rolleyes:. So I can see why the press being more open to reporting his present day shite-fest has hit him like a brick between the eyes. They no longer feel handcuffed to that agreement now that he's a grown man and has taken to dumping on the country of his birth. So all bets are off. Hazza wants the old days back. Beheading reporters would be his dream scenario obviously, but failing that he wants back the positive spin from his teen years and military time. Hazza the norty little imp teen and hazza the hero. The ginger cunt still hasn't worked out that those "men in grey suits" and the palace fixit fairies he and his mummy so despised were scurrying around sanitising everything bad he did or was involved in. He actually believed his own press, silly cockwomble.:m

oops sorry it's so long. Wanted to squeeze in a few points.:oops:

Fuck sake scotchy. How come you managed to condense what I said into one brief sentence?

I talk too much don't I.

You've articulated well exactly what I think about Andrew and the prostitute. She was paid to service wealthy clients which is where all this Epstein case stuff gets murky for me. Yes she was young and exploited, but at some point she made a decision to sleep with men for money.

If someone can prove that she was forced at gunpoint or similar then I'll review my opinion as I know it won't be popular on here. I don't fully buy in to her victimhood and I don't buy Randy Andy's alibi either both are fucking liars. I honestly don't think that Randy Andy will ever be charged with anything because unless they can produce a sex tape its all unproveable.
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I must admit I’d heard of Suits. I liked the first couple of series and then it just got same-y so I stopped watching. MeAgain was never one of the lead stars, she was just the love interest of one of the main blokes. You could tell she wasn’t meant to be because the lead women got amazing (ridiculously impractical) clothes to wear and she didn’t.

And she didn’t exactly set the screen alight.
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If i told you …

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So Meghan has gifted a coffee selection to one of the world’s richest woman. Who she knew that she would make this public. How about spending time and money where it’s desperately needed. Homeless shelter, housing victims of domestic abus, soup kitchens _ the list is endless. But no-merching Meg only does what will bring her fame and fortune and she does it noisily, not humbly or quietly.
CNN you have been markled
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I recall someone upthread saying (about their videos), "They have good faces for radios"
Newsflash my friend "They have good voices for miming".
Who the fuck wants to listen to square Bob posh pants and minnie mouse on helium dribbling on about anything? There is literally nothing, no subject on this earth that I'd be interested in them word-salading to death.
I suspect spotify got a bargain basement deal because they reduced their prices.
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A family member had a "friend", who somehow ALWAYS had similar adventures to almost everybody they spoke to, only bigger and better. I had a friend at school who was similar, and still remember when one of our group was telling us about his Mum injuring her leg, and I kid you not, within 10 seconds we were told that her Mum fell of the stairs and had her leg in a cast 😂😂😂🤦‍♀️.
A long time lurker here who has read the top 20 posts on all threads and all of some. Thank you everyone for keeping me entertained and affirming my opinion on this pair of “what Freda says”.

Re the quoted post, a friend refers to a mutual acquaintance as “Tommy two shits”....if you’ve had a shit she’s bound to have had two (always bigger and better)!!
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Scotch Mist

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'A new poll by YouGov suggests the majority of Britons are not interested in listening to Meghan and Harry's podcasts.

Some 77 percent of respondents said they were not interested at all, while 12 percent said they were not very interested.

Just five percent said they were fairly interested, along with two percent who said that they were very interested.'
😆 oh dear 🤣
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Chatty Member
I dont know I think Brenda has probably had enough of this pair. The family went out of their way to welcome her in and make things as easy as possle for the 2 wastes of space but they Meggie knew best and just demanded everything to be done her way.
She preaches about equality etc but you know she loves having actual servants and being able to get them to do menial tasks. She delighted in that, however I suspect she forgot that they have been with the family a lot longer than her and they know class when they do or in her case dont see it.
Harry has been spoiled his whole life not just because of the riches etc. But the family felt guilty that he is a spare and that his mum dies and that he is not quite right. So they covered up for him and made things as easy as possible for him.
He doesnt know anything other than people cleaning up after him. He needed someone who could give him the emotinal and mental support he obviously needs, instead he got a complete and utter nutbag who only sees him as a paycheck.
My feeling is that Brenda, Charles and William knew they were going to screw up, and make some dodgy choices but I doubt they realised just how much hatred he would show to people who had loved him.
I think Brenda's people are just listing every single thing the idiots do and come review time when Harry argues and cries and stamps his feet that granny is not being fair, she will reel them all off one by fecking one.
I would like to think they will be given strict rules if what they can and cant do.
No use of titles at all as they are private citizens. He will remain prince but her title goes and if they use it anywhere they lose something.
I suspect even Brenda has had enough of their grab a cause word salad bullshit and wants them to shut up.
Right now they are like kids just pushing buttons for a reaction and not getting one ao they push more and.more.
Brenda said they had a year and she will stick to that but I think the gloves will be well and truly off.
After the review megs will be livid and will try her luck yet again and will be handed her arse by the RF.
I dont see them being willing to held to ransom by this pair for keeping quiet about whatever secrets they think they have. If they go down that road they are done for. It looks shitty to rip into your family just because they wont give you millions a year to sit in a mansion and slag them off.
It wont end well for H and M, the only ones I would have sympathy for are however many kids they end up having for cash.
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Thread suggestion #51 Giving us all our daily dread, harkles raising their dough provides food for our thread

Thread suggestion #51 The Harkles: the other virus that just won't go away
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I know I should make better use of my time but I really do get cheered up by watching the Harkles galumphing haplessly around, doing ever more random things and begging us all to look at them. Just when you thing it can't get weirder... there she is again, in another awful blouse, with weird hair and another new face, or there he is, balancing somehow in front of a picture of a sofa, shouting 'hi guys' and gurning at another group of startled unfortunates. Occasionally he can't even be bothered to do that, so he hires a looky-likey with different coloured eyes and a gap in his teeth.

It's all priceless and I can't stop watching, even though I know I should. I expect I'm what the sugars call a 'hater', but I don't hate the Harkles, I just find them very, very odd.
Tattle (and this thread particularly, I don't venture elsewhere very often these days) is my guilty pleasure. Husband just rolls his eyes, because normally I don't watch soaps/read gossip mags/take much interest in celebrity culture. And yes, H &M frustrate me greatly when they do something particularly stupid (like her miscarriage confession lately...), but most of the time I'm just greatly entertained reading on here. Don't hate them either, but quite surprised how many people still can't see through this cunt.
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Thanks for the new thread @kev1974 and well done to @Justhereforthedrama for such a popular thread title.

Happy threadversary everyone. Seem like only last week that I joined in all the fun and games. I seriously wish the cunts would fuck off into the obscurity they claimed to want but we all know it was a lie so on we go!

in honour of our first thread I humbly suggest that 15th November now be known as Roast Chicken Day!
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Andrew and Harry Markle are similar in that both don't like playing second fiddle to the older brother. Andrew has thought of himself as a Jack the lad playboy but he's not been accused of rape or underage sex so he's only guilty of poor judgment and using a bad pimp.
With Andrew I honestly think he’s just extremely arrogant and shockingly dim. I think he really thought that these young women wanted to sleep with him, presumably because of the glamour of royalty, his dazzling good looks and razor sharp wit. He’s delusional rather than criminal.
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The real problem with Meghan Markle: she just doesn’t speak our language
No doubt the Duchess means well. But to jaded British ears, her earnest gushing is like nails down a blackboard
19 December 2020 • 6:00am
Michael Deacon

Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle is to present a series of podcasts with Prince Harry, featuring ‘stories of hope and compassion from inspirational guests’CREDIT: Dominic Lipinski - WPA Pool/Getty Images

God bless Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. I’m sure they mean well. But if I have to listen to their new podcast, I fear my toes will curl so violently that surgeons will be helpless to straighten them out again.
The promotional trailer is painful enough – with its earnest promises to share “stories of hope and compassion from inspirational guests”, and to “bring forward different perspectives and voices that perhaps you haven’t heard before” to help the people of the world “find common ground”.
Listening to it, I began to suspect something. The main reason so many British people struggle to see eye-to-eye with Meghan – well, aside from the whole “quitting the Royal family” thing – is the language she uses. Sadly, we just don’t understand her. Because she doesn’t speak English. She speaks Californian.
It’s a curious language, Californian. Essentially, it’s like a hippie version of corporate management-speak: schmaltzy gushing mixed with robotic jargon. It’s the language of people who are perpetually boasting about how “humbled” they are. And there appears to be nothing on earth they aren’t “passionate” and “excited” about, or “empowered” and “inspired” by.

Take any statement released under Meghan’s name. When they start work for Netflix, she and Harry aren’t merely going to make TV shows; they’re going to “share impactful content that unlocks action”, and produce “powerful storytelling through a truthful and relatable lens”. The American coffee company Meghan’s just invested in, meanwhile, doesn’t just sell hot drinks; according to her, it offers “a holistic approach to wellness”.
To her fellow Californians, phrases like these no doubt seem entirely unexceptionable. But to British ears, they’re excruciating. They’re just so… sincere.
So showily, extravagantly, ostentatiously sincere. To the extent that they barely sound sincere at all.
Over here, we don’t really trust sincerity – or at least, not the gushing Californian kind. We tend to feel more comfortable around understatement, self-deprecation, sarcasm, irony. Great noisy displays of sincerity make us itch and squirm.
I don’t mean to pick on Meghan. She can hardly help it. And anyway, it’s not just her. Her husband, to judge from their podcast trailer, now appears to be fluent in Californian himself.
I’m sure he’s a very nice man. But these days he always seems to be trying so desperately, agonisingly hard to say the right thing.
Or at least, what he imagines to be the right thing.
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Just_me1954 said:
I really feel for Brenda. She’s stuck in a dilemma. She knows she should take the titles away, but then that lets Nutmeg off the leash - there’s no way she’s not gonna do a tell-all interview/book like Diana and milk her experience for all it’s worth, even if it means the ball-less wonder leaving her.

The alternative is to make some deal with her to keep her mouth shut, and imagine having to keep paying out to that shameless famewhore year after year? And then there’s the ever-present fear of Meghan dying an untimely death like Diana, and screwing them over from beyond the grave like Rebecca DeWinter, because conspiracy theorists would be all over it, this time with accusations of racism that all the woke mafia will scramble to support.

Besides all that, there’s the question of Andrew. If they get the pink slip in March, everyone will say “well yeah, they are nobs, but isn’t Andrew worse? Shouldn’t he lose his title?” So letting him keep his title might be seen as a sign of condoning his behaviour. But then, if his title is taken away, it’s like an admission of his guilt...

I wouldn’t be her for all the crowns and titles in the world.
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This is a doozy of a read. Telegraph

He won't leave her. Not for years yet. She's in control and he's loving it. He's gone from one 'gilded cage' to another one, but this one includes blow jobs and hot roast chicken treats from an expert and gives him a partner in crime with which to vent all his childish ill tempered frustrations and bitterness out on his birth family. This life suits him for now and he thinks he's the hottest ticket in town because she's convinced him of that. He has utterly no interest in his family other than the regular cheques.
It's ironic that they are allegedly making another kid. She is not maternal. It will be done to reinforce her hold on his wealth and as a belt and braces security. A second child will be exactly what hazza has always resented ... a spare, just in case, but the irony of that will be lost on dopey dick. Also, no ill intent meant whatsoever but I suspect that all is not 100% perfect with archiedoll. If he was perfect then she'd be flaunting her perfect creation across the Murican media to rub the firm's noses in the fact that she can.
As for Phillip. I think that he's Brenda's touch stone on important decisions. The one person she trusts to be fully honest and who has her back. Watching the Princess Alice program gave me a great insight into the genes he inherited. His father was military and no nonsense loyal to the core and his mum was a grand daughter of Queen Victoria, so all in all he's certainly got the requisites to be a perfect back up to Brenda in all matters royal and loyal. If he tells her to bin the cunts she'll do it. She's dithering, understandably, and letting the hare sit but it's gone too far and I think she'll want this dealt with before Phillip pops his clogs. He's probly hanging in there determined to see the little ginger shit get his arse slapped hard by Brenda.😂
I think we all are hanging in there to see the little ginger twit get his come uppance. Otherwise it is just too revolting - the whole saga. utterly vile
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Just found this thread so ignore me if this has already been discussed;
I don't believe Maggie was pregnant at all in July. They invented the miscarriage story for attention and sympathy.
I think she was using fertility assistance (from that clinic visit, either meds or injections) then had a belated heavy cramping period and decided to class it as a miscarriage, because that's more dramatic and gifted her a bye ball re the court case and a few sympathy votes from whoever chooses to believe her shite. The clutching tear stained hands is just embroidery because in the world of acting that's how those scenes go. The reality is very different. She really hasn't a clue.

It's interesting that there are now a number of male video bloggers calling out the Harkles.

Last year the list was nearly all female and many would have put it down to female 'bitchiness' along with the obligatory cries of 'racism' 🙄 These days it seems that nearly everyone (bar the deluded sugar nuts) is getting sick to death of the Harkles. 😁

I don't believe that they have received any money from Spotify or Netflix yet. They will only get paid when they deliver content. The only way they will get a payday is dishing dirt on the royal family and its bound to happen as soon as the review takes place.
They are whistling in the dark. The money they are forking out for PR people is horrendous and the tactic seems to be that if they throw out enough imaginary squillion dollar details of these deals then it will generate more interest in other companies using the pair of freaks.
If peoplle genuinely believe Spotify (spit) have given them a dime up front then I have a lovely bridge spanning the Thames I could sell them dirt cheap.
As for netflix(spit) they may as well call themselves Shylock because they WILL get their pound of flesh when they begin actual work with this pair.
Does anyone actually believe that in these uncertain times businesses are throwing money at a pair of inexperieced twats just because oprah(spit) awards them crown emojis? Aint happenin' baby.
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