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New poster here but long time lurker.
I’ve had Spotify Premium for got to be around 8-9 years. I’ve just cancelled it and left feedback advising I won’t be paying them anything whilst they have Just call me Harry and Markle on their books.
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Thanks to @Justhereforthedrama for the thread title, with a massive 72 likes!

Continued from here

Other than Harry spewing out yet another legal action, our favourite duo have been (relatively) quiet for the last few days.
Mourning the miscarriage, or the fact that Maradona proper spoilt it for them?
Or busy planning some sort of Christmas offensive?

Rumours abound that they are planning an alternative Christmas message; and some rival awards in the name of their poor missing child (though the pet Scobie has been instructed to deny this). We'll find out soon enough I'm sure!

edit: 50th thread! Happy Golden Threadversary, Harkles! What a lot of nonsense you have generated in two years.


Here's where it all began.
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Scotch Mist

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or try to understand what the politicians are really up to.... hahaha!!
back on the equally disgusting topic of Schmekels and Hazzard..... I'm expecting a heavily photoshopped "holiday" card from those two donuts any day now. Surprised one didn't magically appear 45 nano-seconds after Chuck and Cam/Wills and Fam cards
I've got exclusive access to the Harkles new Xmas card 😆
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I find it pretty funny that those two have ventured into podcasts now. They are the epitome of lip service. Jumping from cause to cause, venture to venture.
Podcast is what all those failed „influencers“ tried to do before crawling back to Instagram. All those new media formats, very interestingly, still work best under the same rules as the traditional ones. You need regular quality content, a USP and a niche/topic. Consumers also love to know when to expect something and when. That’s why normal radio and tv still aren’t dead.
I don’t think they have developed a great strategy for more than 10 episodes. If this whole thing goes longer than March I will be surprised.
Harry using the American Phrase „happy holidays“ just proves to me, that he is fully on board and has finally realised the UK is burned earth and he will have to build his persona up in the USA. It might also be a hint, that very much like the HRH, they “will choose” to not use the Duke and Duchess titles any longer. Obviously “their choice”, because they are totally entitled to do so (which they will remind us about a lot till summer) and conveniently they stop using the titles after the Queen had their review done.
No chance they are seperated (and if they were I would expect him to owe his err of judgment and stay in the US around his son. Suck it up and put the child first.). I also strongly believe she is either pregnant or on fertility meds re: her latest sight. If she is pregnant she is probably extremely annoyed about the flush of babies with royal connections next year. Her only chance would be to hide it till she has a massive bump and then refuse to comment or even hide till the baby is born. I almost wish Kate would get pregnant with twin girls just to see that drama unfold.
Can we take bets on how fast they drop the podcast? We should have stated listing their causes and ventures right from the start. Would make an interesting statistic.
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Scotch Mist

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The most interesting thing about the Andrew story in the Mail is the level of detail and investigation resources they've put into it.

You just know that they've got the full goods on the Harkles. No wonder Harry's got his lawyers on red alert - he must know what's coming in 2021.

The Frogmore story is fascinating. Are they redecorating or baby proofing? The press had a follow-up last week about Eugenie's RPOs being housed in a Windsor rental, so that sounded permanent.
Perhaps there's a shrine to St Smeggy there that's freaking Eugenie out 🤔😁

Or perhaps It's haunted 👻 😁 or perhaps its just too boring? It's in the middle of nowhere. I'd certainly rather live at Kensington Palace than there.

I love this comment:
'The ghost of Harry's self respect was howling at night in the hallways'
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I thought she was supposed to have provided them by now. She changes things so often I get confused! But I'm certain I read somewhere that there was a deadline which is about now.

I wouldn't be surprised if Judge Warby is peed off seeing her touting for business and showcasing, she probably gave him a sob story to get the delay. Hope he doesn't get Markled

Only if somebody asked her for advice about falling out with family and not speaking to her father!
I cannot today. Just cannot. can you imagine the caterwauling swill spewing from that pie-hole? I mean her speeches make my ears recoil in horror - there is no vaccine for any attempt at smearing that shit across 2 or three octaves. and Dancing? she walks like an obese billy-goat, her legs permanently jammed into an upside-down Upper-case "Y" from all her "Y"acthing "Y"ears, so honestly the idea of paying to hear her cloven hooves clattering spread-eagle on a stage?

*bangs head repeatedly on desk*
That is such an unnecessary comment
Really unkind.
I bloody love goats.
What makes you think it’s alright to draw this comparison? They have cute little satanic hooves. Not boat-sized, buniony flesh slabs.

This thread is Goatist ☹
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Here he goes again

Best quote:

"Oh look, here he is again. The man child who doesn't want to be a Royal but wants to be a Royal, who doesn't want publicity but wants publicity, who doesn't want all the cameras flashing and reminding him of his mum but who wants the cameras there wherever he goes and whatever he does, who doesn't like the UK but wants to be connected to everything in the UK, who doesn't like the RF but wants to be known as a member of the RF. Let's all laugh together. 1... 2... 3.... "
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Loving the fact that her CNN gate crash is being overshadowed by London changing to tier 3, the former Liverpool manager dying, jesy leaving little mix and its now pippa having another baby 😂😂 sorry mehghan! Looks like you need to start reading the room!!
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MM and JCMH's effect on William, video ends around 7 mins

She makes very good points. (On a side note I'm happy to watch shorter vids, more my thing).
I think William has a steel core and it has been tempered further in the fire storm of his treacherouus brother's behaviour. Have they made up? I would say yes, but only up to a point, because Wills now knows how low hazza will go to get what he wants so the relationship is forever tainted and wills will not trust him on anything important ever again.
From watching the documentary on Princess Alice the other night I can see where Wills get his attitude from. Phillip had a mother who was strong willed and independent. Yes she spent time in an asylum but not from choice. When she was well she was fucken ace, started soup kitchens, hid a jewish family, defied the germans (sorry poppea😜,) started her own order of nuns to do charity work and was devoted and utterly loyal to the family she married into, putting her life at risk more than once. That's where Phillip gets his ability to stand tall with Brenda and immerse himself in royal duty. I think that strength skipped Charles to a degree, but Wills has it in spades. William is no fool and Brenda knows he'll handle anything, including his cunt of a bro. Hazza might think Wills has softened toward him but I doubt it. Mr and Mrs Cuntchops have caused too much chaos and hurt Wills' beloved grandparents too much. Hazza will get his come uppance in time. Wills can afford to play the long game ... once hazza finally sees the reality of his marriage he'll be whining like a puppy and trying to get into Wills trust circle. Too late.

Edited to add. Even if Williiam ever wavers, Kate will pull him back in line.
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For someone who requested, and got, a delay of 9 months from the Court, these latest shenanigans just make a mockery of the justice system
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That list of Ms.Markles "accomplishments" on One Young World website is beyond pathetic. Other than her Suits role, they all seem more one-offs than sustainable long-term commitments. If I was a hiring manager for a regular job, I'd seriously question her CV and ability to commit to a job.

And, bitch please, stop using the "was outraged at a soap commercial at 11" as an example of activism. I wrote a fan letter to Jay Leno when I was about 12; I don't keep referring to myself as a Hollywood insider based on that :rolleyes:
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I WISH the UK media would come together and agree to respect their request for privacy and the fact that they only want to work with select media outlets. If the media respected their wishes they could just not write ANYTHING on them, nothing, zip. See how long Megan likes being out of the headlines. Its all or nothing with the media
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Just listened to their podcast ad. Prince Harry of Wokeness said happy holidays! :rolleyes:
I think it's safe to say that Smegatron is writing her drivel primarily for a US audience not us.

Oh and we really need a "rolleyes" option on the Like/Haha/Angry button on here!
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Do you know, when they initiated this break from the Royal Family, I thought he was being led by the balls and would soon come to his senses and crawl back with his tail between his legs. But the longer this has gone on, and with this latest tedious announcement of incoming self-indulgent podcasts, I think these two are simply made for each other. I think a few of us predicted divorce after two years or so, but they're obviously a match made in heaven (or hell). Seriously, does anyone know of single person who hears of these announcements and thinks 'wow, great, I really can't wait to listen/read/watch that'. For the majority, the reaction must be either one or all of the following: 😖:rolleyes:🤮🤬
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So Meghan has gifted a coffee selection to one of the world’s richest woman. Who she knew that she would make this public. How about spending time and money where it’s desperately needed. Homeless shelter, housing victims of domestic abus, soup kitchens _ the list is endless. But no-merching Meg only does what will bring her fame and fortune and she does it noisily, not humbly or quietly.
CNN you have been markled
What's with the hate?

What you need to understand is: There really is no point in buying a homeless person a gift basket unless they have 19 million followers on Instagram!

I really wish people would let them alone and give them privacy so they can live their best lives! :rolleyes:
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I have never been a fan of the Yorks - I've always thought Fergie a dreadful creature - but Andrew's 'crime' is a lapse in judgement for being friends with the paedophile Epstein, continuing to be friends with him and, finally, not acknowledging that this was poor judgement. None of those actions are illegal, though they certainly are not admirable. He is accused of having sex with a young woman who was over the age of consent in New York. There has been no trial and no verdict on this.

As far as Hazno leaving his handler: it will never happen. They have a classic co-dependent relationship where one person (Smeg) is in total control and the other (Hazno) is in thrall to them. When you add to this the fact that Smeg is a narcissist and Hazno is as thick as mince and emotionally stunted you have a marriage what will end only when the controller puts a halt to it.
He won't leave her. Not for years yet. She's in control and he's loving it. He's gone from one 'gilded cage' to another one, but this one includes blow jobs and hot roast chicken treats from an expert and gives him a partner in crime with which to vent all his childish ill tempered frustrations and bitterness out on his birth family. This life suits him for now and he thinks he's the hottest ticket in town because she's convinced him of that. He has utterly no interest in his family other than the regular cheques.
It's ironic that they are allegedly making another kid. She is not maternal. It will be done to reinforce her hold on his wealth and as a belt and braces security. A second child will be exactly what hazza has always resented ... a spare, just in case, but the irony of that will be lost on dopey dick. Also, no ill intent meant whatsoever but I suspect that all is not 100% perfect with archiedoll. If he was perfect then she'd be flaunting her perfect creation across the Murican media to rub the firm's noses in the fact that she can.
As for Phillip. I think that he's Brenda's touch stone on important decisions. The one person she trusts to be fully honest and who has her back. Watching the Princess Alice program gave me a great insight into the genes he inherited. His father was military and no nonsense loyal to the core and his mum was a grand daughter of Queen Victoria, so all in all he's certainly got the requisites to be a perfect back up to Brenda in all matters royal and loyal. If he tells her to bin the cunts she'll do it. She's dithering, understandably, and letting the hare sit but it's gone too far and I think she'll want this dealt with before Phillip pops his clogs. He's probly hanging in there determined to see the little ginger shit get his arse slapped hard by Brenda.😂
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Well I don't want him in America, either, not after that stunt in the cemetery walking all over our war dead for a photo op. Do you think France would take him?
Don't be like that :mad:, we've had the cunt for 30+ years, if you are really in a "speshul relationship" with us you'd do us a favour and do the next 30+ years.Hopefully he'll have run out of venom by then and we'll take him back and pop him in a home for the bewildered on a remote island in the Hebrides so he can sit and think about all the norty shit he's done to Brenda while the bitter north wind whistles round his arse.

Anyway France is out. Baguette would go mad.
Same with Germany. Poppea would lose her shit.

No, he's your problem for now bubba, good luck.:m
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Wu Tien

Well-known member
This is something I've been meaning to write for a while.

To all the people saying things along the lines of "oh, Hazno will come crawling back to the RF with his tail between his legs after Smeggy dumps him..."

I disagree. To do so, Hazno would need the following qualities, which he signally lacks: (1) the intelligence to admit that marrying Smegs in the first instance was a mistake (2) to take responsibility for his mistake and (3) humility.

When Smeggy dumps Hazno, he will blame the media, RF, ray-cissm, his brother, the media, the moon, the month having (or not having) an 'r' in it, the media and roast chickens everywhere. And the media.
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Scotch Mist

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Here he goes again

Harry just doesn't seem to understand that he opted out of the royal family and that acting like a royal now just seems very odd.

If he had opted out to pursue a different career then a lot of people would have given him credit for doing this, but he seems half baked these days!

He should get a job and stop making video calls to preach to everyone. The patronages need to be withdrawn so that he gets the message.

The resident sugar posted this comment:
'So inspirational, it's easy to forget the fact that Harry was nothing but a shambling drunk before Princess Meghan came along and transformed him into the great man that we all see before us today.'
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