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Oh god, a bloody awful article from the ABC (Australia). This isn't some trashy gossip magazine either. H&M are the victims as usual - nothing is ever their fault.

The exerpt in the second screenshot gives me kind of 'Camelot lost' vibes.
Tina really needs to get back in her 'But...But...He Walked behind Mummy's Coffin.....' box while someone nails down the lid.

Enormously appealing to the public? Where? We've all seen the latest YouGov figures. Even online polling has a hard time because the Sugarbots can't overwhelm them.

Good at their jobs? That would be a 'No'. Haz used to be what passed for 'good' but we now know a lot of that was down to PR. Smeg never stuck around long enough to understand what the job actually was.

Attractive? Don't make me laugh. Hazza's about as attractive as a haemorrhoid.

Tina's clearly reminiscing about the glamorous days when she was 'besties' with Mummy, and thinks the RF somehow need that. She's projecting. They don't.

'Celebrity Di' was only good for the papers. In retrospect it was detrimental to the Institution by making them look boring and out of touch. They weren't. They just didn't do the "Oooh, Shiny!" thing the media fell for. And ultimately it failed Diana. As it will fail the Harkles in due course.

Thankfully William seems to be charting a new course firmly down the middle. His Mother's natural warmth combined with his Grandmother's firm belief in duty. With the lovely wife who understands her current and future roles and isn't hellbent on stardom.

Given that the Waleses are the most popular Royals, the public would seem to agree.

Tina's stuck in the 90s with Smeg. Ordinary folks have moved on.

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Sami Lee

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I got a lot of angry/sick faces in response to my last comment on the previous fred - I think because I mentioned the 'B' word. I didn't realise it still causes so much anger!! In my defence I'd had a few wines and was annoyed at the Gruesome Twosome and their Nigeria Nonsense.

On topic, thank fuck that's all over and done with!!!
Well, I'm sorry that you felt you had to apologise!
I'm glad that you raised this topic.

But now I'm a bit worried if I might have left others a disconcerted or puzzled....

In fact I have whole days when Smeg and/or Haz appear in a post they (not the poster) get the angry/sick face from me. Just for being cunts.

But I would never throw angry/sick faces at a fellow Tattler because of their opinion or the words they used!
Because everyone is entitled to express their opinions and in the way that they want.

To be honest, I just assumed that it was kind of protocol that all our 'likes/dislikes' are about the people/activities described in the post.

So if you get a angry/sick face from me, it's not you, it's me being pissed off at the person or situation you wrote about!
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So as tattlers predicted Nigeria has been MARKLED
Poor Nigeria they should've known better
Nigeria has huge resources. Very, very badly managed for a long time. Mainly due to corruption. I suspect this visit of the Markles will energise factions they will seriously regret taking notice of them.

It is one thing making crafty jam in California, and quite another inadvertently destabilising one country on one side of a continent already struggling with the intrusion of China etc. The entire continent of Africa has lost control of nearly all of its ports to China. Colonialism??? Capitalism?

I think those 2 just dipped their toes in to the water and found the Mariana Trench.
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Chatty Member
Ive just cringed myself inside out.
Basically you all knew I'm Nigerian because I'm perfect. Right.
Shes astonishing. But not in a good way.
So she's describing herself as brave, beautiful etc...OMG....they might as well remove the definition of Narcissism from the dictionary and replace it with a picture of Megs.
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This is actually scary.
I defy anyone to look at this picture and say that this is the face of a sane woman.
Her eyes are stark, staring mad …
I don’t know what planet she’s on but it ain’t this one.

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Chatty Member
If Harry would just grab that stupid scarf bit around her neck, he could throttle her and put us all out of our misery!
She does not look mentally well in this photo at all! The phrase "The crazy minding the crazy" springs to mind!
Also, what the heck has she done to her eyebrows?
Totally agree her eyes look wild like she’s been on something.
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Overheard on BA 392 Abuja to LA …(behind a little curtain)….

So, how did it go when you mentioned Invictus ?
What do you mean , Invictus ?
How did they respond when you spoke about Invictus ??
You said you were going to speak about Invictus …
No, I specifically said I’d leave Invictus to you
But, but, but….

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My thoughts this morning….now what? Or maybe…so what?

In the short term, H&M got great publicity (primarily in the UK) and got to play ‘pretend.’ As the Nigerians clean up after the circus…do we think that this changed any minds among the Grey Suits or the RF…about conceding to their demands? Markle has been financially status-stalking the RF on a freaking Baby Reindeer level for years…do we really think anything they do now…can erase the toxic past?

Maybe Paramount or Netflix got some great film for some Wokey project tauting their popularity, good works and inspiration. I’m guessing that would be based entirely on the M’s racist concept that humans are only inspired by humans that look like them…in which case, Harry should have stayed in Cali, since I failed to see a balding redhead in any photo op.

Does that sound like a money-maker for them or Paramount/Netflix?

Who benefits?

What came out of this that benefits Nigeria or enriches the powers-that-be? None of these Generals gives a rats ass about Markle’s DNA…they are expecting VALUE in return for the ‘performances.’ And I’m thinking…it better be GOOD. I’ve read there is some coffee deal in the works to be sold with the jam that hasn’t been produced yet….that 30 of her best friends Instagram-ignored. Or, of course, the ‘promise’ of holding the Invictus games sometime in the next ten years…relying on the integrity of a promise from a man like Harry…gosh, recollections might vary again.

And, what other Commonwealth countries will want to play Fake Royal Tour games with them again…if nothing much comes out of this EGO EXTRAVAGANZA…using the Nigerians as backdrop?

As far as Invictus is concerned…well, was anyone ‘concerned’ with promoting Invictus or the wounded veterans? Did the Invictus brand benefit from the expenditures to promote Meghsn’s wardrobe changes and word salad wokery? If this is their brand now…is it viable to maintain a larger public interest in the future?

In my humble opinion…paraphrasing…this was…two ‘poor players who strut and fret their hour upon the stage…then back to Cali and scraping around for the next ‘deal.’
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So she was ‘made’ an official mother figure by a tribal King? Did they check which tribe her DNA matches because I’d hate to think she was actually descended from a rival tribe. I really wish someone would sneak out the true details of her DNA test and all this charade would be exposed. As for her being brought up in Germany and her mother being Jewish….?

The problem is, if you stole a strand of her hair her genealogy would be traced back to either Brazil or India, where all the thick-haired beauties she purchases her hair are from.
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Sami Lee

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To be honest this just reminds me of the fake royal overseas trips the Duke and Duchess of Windsor did. It's role-playing royals and it's just a bit cringe.

At least they aren't going to Nazi Germany like the Windsors did
If Germany were still Nazi, they'd be there!

Oh but wait, Hazno plays about with the Congo, not known for its abundant milk of human kindness and participatory democracy. That must be on the Stoat's Grift Holidays list. China? They have some really neat censoring tactics that Hazno would appreciate. North Korea has to be on there somewhere too... Smeg could even pick up some new bullying tips from them!
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I wonder if Talk TV were expecting this?

Judging by the presenter's expression, possibly not.

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Who is this Harriman guy?
Is he a qualified/trained professional camera person?
What's his CV?
He too, is a grifter. His family are in Oil in Nigeria I believe? He ‘only picked up a camera for the first time 8 years ago’

I think there’s some bits in the Wiki.
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Shade. And you?

Well-known member
Harry and Meghan #443: Who do you think you aren't?

all encompassing faux heritage claims, faux royal tour, faux parentals etc...
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Churchill's Ghost

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Apologies. I’m not a regular reader of these threads and it’s just not practical to go combing through it all. I should have known that you forensic lot would have dissected it. I’ll go back in my box.

Not at all - we repost things all the time for people who may have missed it. No need to go back to lurking! It's not a bad thing for questions to come up again!
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From Sarah Vine in the Daily Mail:

"Taking Nigeria by storm, the Duchess of Sussex told a group of children an anecdote about her daughter Lilibet, aged two. 'She looked at me and goes: "Mama, I see me in you." As I look around this room, I see myself in all of you as well.' What a remarkable thing to say. I've known a few two-year-olds in my time, some quite bright, but none offering such a handy opportunity for a soundbite as Lilibet Mountbatten-Windsor."

No 2 year old in the world has ever said such a thing
Right! I’d like to think, even if you didn’t think she was full of BS before, everyone who has heard this must believe she is now 😂

But I guess she already knows she can say wtf she likes after the Oprah drama 🤷🏼‍♀️ If she said she was 5% Kryptonion, someone would believe her 🤦‍♀️
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