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Well, now we have visual proof that one of KC3's sons can actually fly front seat in an Apache . :p

Did anyone even mention Hazbeen today? Aside from the snivelling media?

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It’s all gone very quiet on the jam front hasn’t it. I wonder if any of the recipients were asked not to announce whilst they were in Nigeria to avoid taking any of the attention away.
Talking of jam.... I tried to order KC's Highgrove jam but all sold out, so ordered a jar from The Royal Collection from BP. It arrived today and its delicious! Not as sweet as supermarket jam. Also bought strawberry shortbread in a lovely tin!


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Harry can't be happy. He just can't. In his (probably rare) lucid moments, surely he must think "what have I done" ? Until his next dose of pharmaceutical goodies kick in.

I swear, his balls have retracted so far, it would take a team of Sherpas and a St. Bernard to find them!😁

He'd have given up the entire Nigeria trip and what's left of both his bollocks to have been in William's place at Middle Wallop yesterday.

We know it.

He knows it.

And he knows we know it.

He probably spent last night rubbing jet fuel into his todger with a photo of an Apache temporarily replacing the one of Mummy at the side of the bed.
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Scotch Mist

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And they HAD A COMMONWEALTH ROLE but threw it away!
I think the late Queen heard back about how badly the Harkles behaved on the Australian trip and was regretting that she had given them that role.

My guess is that they were pulled up for their behaviour and they didn't like being told off. I think the commonwealth positions would have been taken away from them (if they'd stayed) because the RF are supposed to act like diplomats, and evidently prick Harold and the ho lacked the necessary intelligence, tact and charm.

They honestly did us all a favour by going, although I still think that they might have been asked to leave.
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Went to the farmers market yesterday & got myself some new baking pads; one of which is almost identical to one my favorite sayings!! The other one was just fun!🤣
(And, no! I won’t be making fucking jam!!)
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There were outfits - highly inappropriate and Rachel’s boobs were playing hide and seek. We had the used condom, the skeletor and a red underslip. Then we got to Big Bird takes Lagos.

Hairy has a face like a smacked arse. Posed some staged photos in a room with some Nigerian men who were injured. Allowed himself to be dragged away from schoolgirls who were trying to present something to the Snarkles. And stood for the National Anthem.

there was talk that maybe this may be an allowed tour with collusion from the BRF, and speculation that Hairy and his Ho actually flew into London together and she hid.

Their PA was seen pushingNigerian soldiers out of the way, as well as others, to make way for them. Doesn’t seem that Netflix are with them but never fear because the criminally ridiculous Nissan Hairyman is making a film about it.

thanks to @Hannahebee for this link.
If you zoom in on Harriman’s lanyard says Paramount plus !!!!
So maybe he’s doing the film for them not Netflix …
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I think we need an organigram of their various companies/deals/way of moving money around. Can they partner using instead of Archwell?

I'm not sure Royal fans are desperate for a reunion...just H&M fans who want to see them merch the monarchy even more and take W&K down. I bet William has been dealing with Harry drama all his life, and there comes a time when you can't help someone, you just have to leave them to follow whatever path they choose. Cutting Harry out will be a sort of sad relief for William I'd have thought. I just wish the press would stop pushing reunion. They don't believe it, they just do it for clicks.

Harry must have known he'd be an 'also ran' with this tour. It would all be about MM and her upping her links to Nigeria, I mean she took over Invictus in Canada so she'd hardly share the lime light now. He's becoming a ghost of his former self...following Markle around while she bleeds him dry.
He's even a Spare in his own marriage.
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Happy Lady

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Is it over now? No more delightful outfits for us to swoon over in jealousy. Damn!

Meanwhile, Sky News have been showing Charles handing over to William colonel-in-chief of the Army Air Corps. 😁. We know it's in good hands.
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I’m going to pop this article in again cos it rolled into my other comment.
Hairyman isn’t there for the Snarkles per se; he’s under a paramount press pass for a documentary he was already filming.

I'll bet that's a ratings winner.
Assuming it ever gets aired...

Seeing as the Paramount CEO was recently fired...
And company is valued at about $10billion less than it's current outstanding debt...
But never mind that Tracey, the wife of the studio boss who has been put on a three person team to act as CEO... she got jam.
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Scotch Mist

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Didn’t we just hear from her how hard it is to be a mother and have a career? It is - at times I considered walking away from my career but NEVER my children.
I don't believe that Doria was absent for 9 years because she was pursuing her career 😁 she's hardly hit the heights as a top notch lawyer or entrepreneur business woman. Her career according to Meghan was social worker, yoga instructor, travel agent and jewellery maker. No explanation as to why this would lead her to be absent so much.

Likely scenarios are that she buggered off with a lover, lived in a hippy commune/cult, was into drugs or could have been in prison. I'm not sure if she did go to prison for fraud as suggested by many but if she wasn't in jail why wasn't she around more? Neither is very inspiring. No wonder Meghan is messed up. Her mother neglected her and her father tried to make up for it by giving her anything she wanted.
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IMO, I don't think the Palace is in anyway behind this trip. Nor the Government. This was a trashy visit, with an enormous amount of protocol faux pas that tells me that no professional people, those who are professionals at these things, were involved.

Also, I am starting to think that Hazno's fast visit when the King's cancer was announced was a grifting visit. He came to appeal, knowing Catherine was ill and his Father would be fighting a not so short fight, and request the half in, half out that was denied previously. He might even have pointed out that they would do it anyway with the Invictus - he was flying to Canada in days and probably already working on the invitation to visit Nigeria. I think maybe that is why this time the King made no time for his son last week and reports came out that his visits trouble his father.

So, the Haznos have no money. And I am pretty sure that Netflix is not giving them another dime after years of footage of them going on fake tours and visits (NY and the children, Uvalde, etc) and now Misan Harriman saying there is a documentary being made for Paramount.

Finally, to end my morning rant, I was watching the ILBW on the red dress that didn't fit and we know it was a grift from a Nigerian designer and I bet you the ILBW claimed to be one or two sizes smaller than she is and so the dress wouldn't fit.
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Chatty Member
Wearing another gift- they are desperately trying to get her to cover up, but no…… got to keep those pits dry - bare arms and no sleeves
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View attachment 2933503
Oh my god. She really is a freaking scary nut job.
I expect choosing to cosplay Diana is her own decision. However, after the DIVORCE (all actions are undertaken with this particular final day in mind -her inevitable final pay day to make attaching herself to such an unattracive specimen worth it for her), she will spin it that Harry begged her to dress as Mummy otherwise the Elizabeth cream didn't produce the required Arden.

Harry's humuliation is yet to play out in it's entirety. Even HRH Smeg doesn't quite know the depths to which she will delve to be invited back on to Oprah's shows (tissue in hand, simpering away).

I've never liked Harry (did I mention that? :ROFLMAO: ) and he deserves all he has coming.

I believe that vanity and stupidity are not part and parcel of one another. He is stupid, that's one thing -but it's his vanity I find most distasteful. Vanity always deserves the rug being pulled, and it will be pulled by Smeg no less and take his breath away. I won't have any sympathy - just stupid? yes sympathy, but no - Harry is vain, pompous, jealous and all the other negatives you can think of. So no sympathy from me.
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Like Rachel, I'm only a Lady when the other door says Gents.

I hope this tour was the last straw. Please stop the madness. Shes a ho like her mother, and comes from a family of grifters. Her 25 minutes is done
She should shut up and go away
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Scotch Mist

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its Smeg's PR Mark Duell in DM working overtime
needs to be added to the cunt list

I would laugh but if the cunts really are planning more trips to Africa or any commonwealth countries cosplaying as members of the RF then something does need to be done about them.

They do not represent the UK in anyway and our government needs to step in here. It's not good enough thinking he's the son of the King and Charles might do something in the future (but he has cancer so he won't do anything now). Action needs to be taken not continually put off. Charles must realise that the British public are disgusted with the Harkles and by not doing anything he looks complicit. The ginger fool really could topple the monarchy. It would be a shame for William who appears to be a decent guy but Harold really should be in the Tower at this point.

Rishi could offer them a one way trip to Rwanda of course!

If only the cunts had been kidnapped on tour.
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