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Sami Lee

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From Sarah Vine in the Daily Mail:

"Taking Nigeria by storm, the Duchess of Sussex told a group of children an anecdote about her daughter Lilibet, aged two. 'She looked at me and goes: "Mama, I see me in you." As I look around this room, I see myself in all of you as well.' What a remarkable thing to say. I've known a few two-year-olds in my time, some quite bright, but none offering such a handy opportunity for a soundbite as Lilibet Mountbatten-Windsor."

No 2 year old in the world has ever said such a thing
Of course not!
We found out today that it's almost verbatim from a US book for little ones (black) about black role models that you could see yourself becoming...
Looks like a sweet little book and a lovely message.

Smeg must have read it knowing that she'd have to do this session.
She simply stole the lines, of course.

She really is a total idiot that she thought she could get away with that big fat lie to little ones in some far off country so it would never be discovered....

She Is Vile.

(Very sorry, can't remember where I saw the book - probably on the last thread in a video - I hope someone can help us out here!).
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Apparently neither of them ate anything at the meal either, the disrespect is quite something. Would love to be a fly on the wall at Palace,bet the RF are horrified.

They took their own sandwiches.
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Why didn’t they eat any food at the lunches/dinners? Surely that’s incredibly rude?
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Many thanks to whoever put up the very interesting Markle/Hussey genealogy stuff - I can't find it again to credit you, sorry. The excerpts from the books were amazing.

Is it possible that she came out with the whole Nigeria thing on the podcast as a spontaneous lie? And it has exploded to where now they are having to go with the story to such an extent that they have been to Nigeria and continued the lie beyond the point of no return? If so, and there is zero or minimal truth in her claim, how likely is it that one of the expert genealogists now traces back the other line of the family and proves beyond all reasonable doubt that there is NO (or very minimal) Nigerian blood in her?

As everybody has said, she thinks she is so clever, but seems to act on ideas without even the minimum amount of research or comprehension of the factors at play. She doesn't even seem to have grasped that Nigeria is made up of many tribes, let alone done any background research before going there as to culture, language, religions etc.

I remain hopeful that this particular lie, which is global rather than simply anti-RF, will be her downfall.
I think it was made obvious that by having a white father and a mother of mixed race (Doria‘s ancestors were described as Mulatto), then there was little chance of her being 43% ‘Nigerian’. Whatever ‘black’ (sorry if term is offensive or wrong) DNA she has may be 43% Nigerian but that is 43% of the less than 50% from Doria.Lets face it, Doria, whilst descended from African slaves, is several generations removed from that continent so unless her relatives had specifically sought out fellow ’Nigerians’ to marry or have kids by, the % will have declined with each generation. Moreover, did one of her relatives not have children by a half brother? A complete work of fiction which, unfortunately, has pulled the wool over many folks eyes.
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I’m not on ozempic but I’ve had a health issue which has seen me loose 3st9 since February - this melted candle stuff is real. I’m very active - I’m an equestrian and I ride 2/3/4 horses a day and provide all their care and still this is happening and it’s awful!
I had a mild case of Covid in 2022 which led to other health issues and dropped 2 stone in a couple of months. My weight seems to have stabilised at around 8 stone (I'm 5' 3").
I have this melted candle skin, it's horrid, I don't seem to have any subcutaneous fat and it is so upsetting. I can't imagine anyone doing this deliberately or with the knowledge that this might happen.
I can no longer wear sleeveless tops or anything showing cleavage (haha what cleavage!)
Just be glad of your health and don't worry about a few extra lbs.
Just to stay on topic the Harkles are grifting cunts and a waste of oxygen,
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DM Me Hun

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So up her own arse it’s embarrassing.
How she thinks she is a role model is quite terrifying
This “representation matters” word vomit seems to be the new “when I was 11 years old.”
It’s psychotic how she’s obviously rehearsed these talks over and over and includes pauses, smiles etc in exactly the same places to feign authenticity and empathy. She’s fucking bonkers.
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Just catching up with the thread and videos about this tour.
I’ve just watched the Sidley Twins discussing this Women Inspirational blah blah blah something something of Nigeria.

I honestly can’t believe how brazen she is. I feel like the Oprah interview was her appeal to the world, but mostly Americans, to seek out alliance from them whilst simultaneously tarnishing the reputation of the UK. I think it worked initially but because they went on and on about it, I think the Netflix documentary killed their reputation in the US, and now they are looking for another country to lean on to use and elevate them.
How she can sit on that stage saying she is an inspiration because she looks like them. Does she fuck look like them. She doesn’t look like a sister - AT ALL. It’s ridiculous!
Also to then suggest that Nigerian’s knew she was one of them because she is strong and courageous and beautiful. How much does she want to blow her own trumpet.

I think this trip to Nigeria has been really interesting and insightful. I don’t think Nigerians suffer fools gladly and are a proud and humble people. I found the reactions towards them very curious, and quite heart warming to be honest. Those school kids lined up in the walkabout are absolute legends! To conclude - when a Nigerian says ‘to tell you the truth’ they don’t beat around the bush. Love it!
I asked a few pages back so I may have missed any reply, but what does Shouty Shola have to say about this whole charade? Honestly, I would laugh my arse off if Shola takes agin her and becomes very much anti-Meghan. That would make my fucking day. :ROFLMAO:
After watching the latest Sidley twins video, they play a TilTok video by RoyalNewsChannel where apparently some of the Sussex Squad were not impressed by her turning her back on that woman speaking to her.

I think once the penny drops that it’s not just fusty white upper classes and gammons that this woman likes to walk all over and disrespect, but also your black brothers and sisters, I think the game will be up.
She has used black people in the last four years in the most exploitative and cynical way. Feeding off the same negativity that she plagues her husband with by tapping into his grief for his mother. Afterall, she likes to “pull at people’s heartstrings”. She is a very sick individual and when/if these people come to that realisation, it’s going to be GAME OVER for her. Hence the desperate trip to Nigeria. She’s using them. They both are.
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They may be disputing her Nigerian heritage on TV, and no wonder, but that's not the problem on this tour.
There are 8 newspaper and TV channel articles on their visit, and not one of them is even slightly critical. No mention of rudeness or insulting behaviour, or children being pawed by a half-naked Ho. No mention of the two detained mothers who dared complain.
So far the Nigerian press like the UK press is reporting positively on the visit, and we'll see how long this holds.

I don't care too much about the media, because the media typically has an agenda, and in most African countries, the media is controlled by the state.

I care more about the independent thoughts of Nigerians and so far these people are not impressed.
I never used to believe the flat pack conspiracy theories but what type of mother willingly misses being with kids on Mother’s Day, let alone all those times Harry missed being at home on Archie’s birthday 🤔 Something just doesn’t add up with it all.

I think the children exist.

I just think she is not maternal or good with children in general. She doesn't really care about them and all her stories about them are made-up nonsense.

Unfortunately, she needed them to raise her profile (Mother of a Prince and a Princess). And to lock in Harry.
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I’ve also noticed how very quiet The Invictus games Facebook page has been about all of this, you’d think since this was supposed to be about future games potentially being held in Nigeria (highly unlikely) that they’d be promoting the wounded soldiers over there, or what exactly the plan might be?!? 🤔 (The most recent post is actually a worthwhile and relevant story about one of the Invictus families). I’m disgusted by the hierarchy of the games, I think they’ve all got their hands in the honey pot and they don’t want to rock the boat because they’re doing rather well out of it. I am perplexed that the veterans involved are not being more vocal, or do they think their ‘leader’ is actually all that?? 🤷🏼‍♀️
Was this just a vanity trip for the Sussexes, and actually nothing to do with Invictus or promoting Lagos as a venue? There's been nothing about veterans except for a couple of creepy photos of the Stoat stroking a man in a bed wearing sunglasses. None of it adds up, so was there another agenda all along? At the end of their visit today, nothing is clear as to the purpose of the trip or what it's achieved.
Apart from £1.2 million if Paula M is right. Was this from People magazine?
I wondered before, was it all allowed for Netflix and People, using IG as a front?
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The top comment is spot on:
She's quite happy to dance at a Beyonce concert but not in, quote "her country" of Nigeria. And then they leave! How rude. Just goes to show, she knows absolutely nothing about Nigeria. She's pathetic.
You can also hear how upset and angry the lady is when she asks for the music to be turned off.
Apparently neither of them ate anything at the meal either, the disrespect is quite something. Would love to be a fly on the wall at Palace,bet the RF are horrified.
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Scotch Mist

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Any idea what hotel Harry stayed in whilst in London?
He must know he's finished if he visits the UK and not one member of his extremely wealthy family are willing to offer him a room for the night and dinner 😉 😄

It's not like they're all living in tiny flats with no spare rooms. The Spencer side don't appear to be anymore welcoming to him than the royals. Anything done by Charles Spencer which appears supportive in the press is actually just him trying to stick one to the Windsors as Earl Spencer obviously despises them. I don't believe he has any real love for Harold.

Most normal people would be gutted if their entire family disowned them because of trust issues but Harold still hasn't made any attempts to make up with them. I don't believe that KC3 is funding him. He's still ignoring the problem knowing that Harold will soon run out of cash because their faux royal life cannot be maintained on their income. I think they want Harold to turn up grovelling for forgiveness when he's broke because that's when they will have the upper hand over the renegade liars.
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Yes I remember the 43% originally was meant to be something along the lines of 9% African American and 43% of it is Nigerian. So about 3.5% that makes it roughly.

My DNA funny enough has me at 3% Norwegian :ROFLMAO: absolutely no links whatsoever and I won't be claiming my Reindeer rugs etc.

I'm not sure she understands how DNA works? She doesn't understand how most things work so I think we can rest assured she doesn't understand why she looks a fool claiming links to Nigeria. Facts don't matter and as Thalia says above - Smeg will just lie to shoehorn any inconvenient truths in the bin. Not Chita's bin, this is Smeg's set of huge bins and it only has truthful facts in it.
Smeg's mum is mixed race. Even someone that considers themselves not mixed in US has on average 24% European DNA as per this info below:



so even two very clearly African American parents with no "mixed look" to them would have a child with significant European DNA. Smeg has a white father and a very mixed race looking mum.

Smeg looks very European to European eyes. I wonder how she looks to Nigerian eyes? Possibly looks like a white person (with orange fake tan) looking to appropriate their culture and experience. She grew up with everyone assuming she's white wherever she went.

Nigeria is perhaps experiencing for the first time the equivalent of the American plastic paddy obssession with Ireland ( I say this as someone with 56% Irish DNA ha ha!!). I don't hanker after telling Irish people how they should be grateful I have Irish DNA and demanding to know where my welcoming committee is when I arrive! Can the media not at least do some research and expose this DNA nonsense for what it is?
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I hate to give Smezghan any compliments but compared to the red dress the yellow one is at least loose fitting and more age appropriate.

Sadly it’s a one off though! Every other outfit has been a “disaaaaaaster” darling
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Exactly. His inheritance won't last long, when you live or attempt to live such a lifestyle it's easy to hemorrhage money. Imagine the maintenance costs of a mansion! I dread to think how much private flights cost.

Also, that beige halterneck dress she wore looks like it needs bigger breasts to help with the shaping. On her, it looks like the apex of her breast are expected down by her navel 😂 the fabric is gathered too low into a cup Shape. If she had bigger breasts it wouldn't look so bad. Such an ill fitting dress.
But her boobs are like the moonbump. In the zebra dress she was ‘aspirins on an ironing board’ then in the red she has a decent bust? Her bust varied by at least 4 different sizes and changed from one outfit to another. Even allowing for padded bras etc it’s quite ridiculous….was the todger shape actually the pump for her inflatable boobs?
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Apparently the gruesomes flew into Heathrow this afternoon

Tom Bower
Hardly dressed like a Hollywood A lister!

HRH Smeg - Her Rectangular Human Fridgness was dressed more like a failed extra in TOWIE (someone's mum in TOWIE at that!!)

I must admit my very first thought seeing her speak for the first time (the engagement video) was that "something was very off" about her. Her femininity was not natural and had the same performative femininity exhibited by men dressed as women. It was that same uneasy feeling when you feel you're being lied to. I hadn't read any bad things about her at that time, it was just my instinct about her.

Over time it's clear everything about her isn't "real". So the feeling I had about her was correct, but maybe not for the right reason. Although I did back then look at the waist/hip ratio and the lack of muscle development that occurs at puberty to give females their shape and thought I still wouldn't be surprised if something came out along those lines. She does have a very unfortunate shape - no shape.

I've never said that out loud or posted about it but that was what I felt about her when I knew zero about her. My dislike has always been more Harry and his clear jealousy of his brother from an early age. Smeg has grown on me (ie grown to dislike her). I did initially think maybe being an actress would be useful in a public role, but that was wrong. So I wasn't being negative about her, just my observations back then. Race? I had no opinion on and any mocked up pictures of her with genuine dark skin (not the orange fake tan shade she actuall turns) she looks way more attractive. I do think she is very unattractive, the orange tan looks particularly aging and terrible on her. In TOWIE they all look 10 years older than they are also, fake tan isn't flattering it seems

ETA: since my first instinct, I've obviously seen all the photos from when she was little - and she was a particularly plain child, so I guess again, it's the fakeness of the surgery that gives the impression she isn't really female. She is, but she didn't grow up being feminine or being treated that way as she was a plain and ignored person I'd guess (hence the bossy - YOU WILL hear me!). I guess that's the performative femininty thing I felt.
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Fucking Chris Ship has just managed to make the entire news segment of KC and Prince William completely about Harry!! That man seriously needs to be given the heave ho
Grr Chris Shit on itv now talking about William receiving the army Corp honour from KC, but had to add that this was where H did his training or wtte. And that he didn’t meet up with them last week.
You must’ve been watching and typing at the same time as me - seething I am!!!
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