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VIP Member
Thanks @peradetlic, and @LadyMuck for the fantastic title.

QUOTE="LadyMuck, post: 18157067, member: 59163"]
Tom Bower telling it how it is. Spot on!

Thanks @LadyMuck 🦋
Transcription of Tom Bower
Discussion with Tom Bower on a Channel 4 documentary about Harald's relationship with Camilla. We have some information but TB said there's more to come and he's not yet watched it.
TB says that Camilla was responsible for the breakdown of Charles and Diana's marriage, she humiliated Diana whenever she met her, and was present during C and D's honeymoon with phone calls. Diana was treated appallingly, and when she died and Charles and Camilla openly resumed their relationship William and Harry were appalled.

There is more to come about how Camilla treated Charles's sons, lots to discover.
Whether the documentary will take it any furtherTB doesn't know, but he did write in his book that the conversation about the colour of Farkk's skin was held at Clarence House between Charles, Camilla and Harald, and it was not a critical conversation.

Harald loathes Camilla and believes she destroyed his parents' marriage.
The boys were heartbroken at how their mother was treated and cast aside, and must have gone through hell when she died.
The presenter said he completely understood Harald's animosity, but Camilla had won people over.

Tom Bower said the Stoat needs to move on, and has done enormous damage to Britain and the Monarchy.
Is there a way forward, a possible reconciliation? Tom said No.

The Jamaica trip was provocative, worse because when William and Catherine visited recently they were humiliated by the Jamaican PM.
Our relationship with the Caribbean is critical especially with the slavery issue, and now Meghan is posing as a champion of diversity.
The Sussexes went there to stir up trouble, and they capitalise constantly on their royal status.
Is it time for KC to remove their titles? Tom Bower says Chuck feels far too guilty about Camilla to do it.
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Scarlett O' Hara

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I am the least likely person to say "I told you so" mostly because I don't often trust my own instincts and have been proven wrong.

However, I have always loathed Harry. Never got the Princely love and most eligible batchelor shtick, I always though he was as ugly as sin and a buffoon. Bit Emperors new clothes....

Add to that his allegedly appalling and abusive treatment of his horses (Polo) and I couldn't abide him. Hated him in fact.

Since his repellent behaviour towards his family and marriage to that horrible woman, I have sadly be proven right.All royal titles should be removed asap. Why he is still allowed profit off them is mind boggling.
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It take two to tango. Charles is as much to blame, he was Diana's husband.
👍👍👍👍👍and 👍👍👍👍👍
The Charles and Camilla shit should be put to bed! Who cares anymore? William has moved on, there is a monarchy to protect, and this crap just fuels instability. Which Hazno o doubt loves. Wish everyone would get a grip jmo
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I suppose it’s not the done thing if Charles was to go and pop in for a moment to see Catherine before his own procedure, but it’d be nice for them both imo! *Just heard on Sky News that he did indeed visit her before going for his own treatment, nice move Chuck.
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Thanks @LadyMuck 🦋
Transcription of Tom Bower
Discussion with Tom Bower on a Channel 4 documentary about Harald's relationship with Camilla. We have some information but TB said there's more to come and he's not yet watched it.
TB says that Camilla was responsible for the breakdown of Charles and Diana's marriage, she humiliated Diana whenever she met her, and was present during C and D's honeymoon with phone calls. Diana was treated appallingly, and when she died and Charles and Camilla openly resumed their relationship William and Harry were appalled.

There is more to come about how Camilla treated Charles's sons, lots to discover.
Whether the documentary will take it any furtherTB doesn't know, but he did write in his book that the conversation about the colour of Farkk's skin was held at Clarence House between Charles, Camilla and Harald, and it was not a critical conversation.

Harald loathes Camilla and believes she destroyed his parents' marriage.
The boys were heartbroken at how their mother was treated and cast aside, and must have gone through hell when she died.
The presenter said he completely understood Harald's animosity, but Camilla had won people over.

Tom Bower said the Stoat needs to move on, and has done enormous damage to Britain and the Monarchy.
Is there a way forward, a possible reconciliation? Tom said No.

The Jamaica trip was provocative, worse because when William and Catherine visited recently they were humiliated by the Jamaican PM.
Our relationship with the Caribbean is critical especially with the slavery issue, and now Meghan is posing as a champion of diversity.
The Sussexes went there to stir up trouble, and they capitalise constantly on their royal status.
Is it time for KC to remove their titles? Tom Bower says Chuck feels far too guilty about Camilla to do it.
I'm pleased that at last the actual story is coming out....
Chuck and Camilla's behaviour was atrocious. Enough to send any young wife round the bend and make her very ill.
Diana needed a husband who cared enough to understand her and be her trustworthy helpmeet as much as she wanted to be for him. Every wife and, one hopes, husband at the altar expects that. That's the deal, pledged legally and religiously.

But Chuck was too busy and preoccupied one way and another to be a genuine participant in the marriage.
"Whatever in love means" is a phrase that'll follow him throughout history. To my mind what Chuck and Camilla did is up there with what David and Wallis did in terms of damaging the Monarchy. Chuck, though, got his cake and is eating it, it's turned out to be a sour feast.

Deception always has consequences. Here, Haz's acting out behaviour is but one. Chuck is hoist by his own petard, "I am justly killed by mine own treachery." He's so awash with guilt that he can't do anything to remedy the damage which has spread far and wide.
It's a true Shakespearian tragedy.

I am pleased it's all being uncovered and discussed, albeit piecemeal, at last. The endless plotting and scheming and twisted narratives over the past 40-odd years have been mind-bending for everyone. Though it's truly tragic, at least we're able to put the pieces together more honestly and retrieve our manipulated minds!

I think Tom Bower's assessment is sound, though he rightly stops short of suggesting remedies. I'm not constrained by the same considerations as he is, so I can. An early abdication could achieve a semblance of peace, a truce even, and give the brothers an opportunity to begin to mend fences. As it is they're both trapped in a triangulation of deceits that they've both had to play along with for years which is a deeply corrosive situation. QED.
I don't want William to mend fences. I don't want the Traitor Spare anywhere near William and Kate or the UK.
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I think the better seats were those in the back…better to view the screen. I think those preferred seats started with the row behind them…where water bottles are placed…and the most prestigious are most likely even behind those seats.

M momentarily gestures to someone behind her before she sits down. Looks like questioning why they were not seated with that person or at least in that section.

But they did not ‘make the cut.’ Interesting.

I am wondering if the anti-monarchist PM didn’t throw a little shade their way by not upgrading their seats. She in particular looks ridiculous in a ball gown sitting among people in ball caps eating popcorn.

A very different impression was given with the first few staged photos released. M strides the red carpet like a bride entering the cathedral…her skirt almost appears to have a bridal train. One is left to imagine they are entering a posh venue where other VIPS…glittering in formal dress… will make way for the ‘modern’ royal couple. They are pictured with the Prime Minister…and with the Studio CEO.

Okay, good.

But someone made the decision to put them in the cheap seats. This was no accident. They could not do that to K&C on an official visit…but these two, still clinging to their titles, looking to ‘use’ Jamaicans for their PR purposes….let’s downgrade them.

And someone made sure the demeaning photos…showing the ‘put-down’ are all over the Internet. Hmmmmm
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D. A.

VIP Member
Thanks @peradetlic, and @LadyMuck for the fantastic title.

QUOTE="LadyMuck, post: 18157067, member: 59163"]
Tom Bower telling it how it is. Spot on!

Thanks @LadyMuck 🦋
Transcription of Tom Bower

Is it time for KC to remove their titles? Tom Bower says Chuck feels far too guilty about Camilla to do it.
If Charles feels too guilty to deal with his disgusting devious & dangerous son, then he needs to step away from the throne. It is not a position for guilt.
The country must be the priority & if he is incapable of doing that then he is not fit for purpose.

Absolutely cracking title!

Love the video of Stoat scurrying out of the theatre, his bald spot was glowing like a beacon 🤣
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VIP Member
I am the least likely person to say "I told you so" mostly because I don't often trust my own instincts and have been proven wrong.

However, I have always loathed Harry. Never got the Princely love and most eligible batchelor shtick, I always though he was as ugly as sin and a buffoon. Bit Emperors new clothes....

Add to that his allegedly appalling and abusive treatment of his horses (Polo) and I couldn't abide him. Hated him in fact.

Since his repellent behaviour towards his family and marriage to that horrible woman, I have sadly be proven right.All royal titles should be removed asap. Why he is still allowed profit off them is mind boggling.
Totally agree with you. I never bought into the Harold the ‘ cheeky chappy‘ scenario either . I always thought he was an attention seeking Show off .

I saw him one night near Albemarle Street , just come out of a club and his security were attempting to get him into a car …He was shouting abuse at the public and trying to harass a pretty girl with her boyfriend . He was acting like a “ Yob”. If he was a young man or black, he would have been waltzed down the cop shop for his behaviour .

He can claim ‘but that’s my trauma ‘…it wasn’t , he was an entitled Prick …Of course now he thinks he’s enlightened , but scratch beneath the surface and that ‘ entitled yob’ is still there !!
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The Wicked Lady

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Perhaps she had her own toilet seat under that HUGE skirt...or perhaps she wore a TENA lady! :ROFLMAO:
Or both!! I found this statement on the Tena Lady website...
Here at Tena Lady we feel it is important to listen to the feedback of our customers. Some of you have said that you are not ladies and some have said you don't want a discreet pad for those unexpected leaks. In fact, the more unladylike amongst you have requested a standard size toilet to wear under clothes to red-carpet events!
To this end we have worked with our partner, Shein, to create 'The Duchess'. It is a full-size toilet hand-sewn into the lining of a cheap and affordable ballgown.


It has the added benefit that you will have somewhere to sit when you successfully gatecrash an event! For those who are concerned that people will be able to tell when you are relieving yourself we suggest that you cultivate an irritable persona or spread rumours that you dislike your husband. Thereby, providing an alternative explanation for your facial expressions. 'The Duchess' was recently showcased by another Duchess, Meghan Markle, to the opening night of that Bob Marley film.

images (3).jpeg

Here she is - taking the piss alongside her husband!
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More Harkle PR crap.

William - stubborn, angry.
Hazbeen - friendly

Ummm, would this be the same Haz who allowed his wife to insult Catherine? The same privacy-obsessed Haz who published text messages supposedly from Catherine in Waaagh? The same Haz who implied William only married Catherine because she 'fit the mould'. That Haz?

And, given Hazza's position in the polls versus William's, and the assorted polls wanting Haz's titles stripped/out of the Los, etc I doubt the public give a shit TBH.

That last sentence. :rolleyes:

Sykes can do one.
Just remember how Harry smiled at Charlotte at the funeral. And how she moved as far away from him as she could and got close as possible to her mother.
Now tell me that Catherine would be happy to welcome him into the family fold.
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This is my outfit for scrubbing the kitchen floor.

Then after lunch I’m going out shopping for paint, my shutters needs sprucing up. Howb’s this one for the mall?

Rachel is a spineless Twat. the Amount of malice and ill will she has for anyone who achieves their goals shows on her face. It’s amazing to see that after all that plastic surgery, the new noses, and eyes, and face fillers she is still the same dull, gormless looking pos she was as a child. the selfish girl playing Queen st another girl’s birthday. Rachel is a cunt. A nasty, malignant, spiteful, deranged cunt.

Good morning Tattlers. Sending good vibes to Catherine. Hope she recovers swiftly.
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