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I don’t understand why they were handed a deal? Harry is somewhat i tersting if you take his background into account but Smeghead has NOTHING interesting about her. There are 1000’s of really good producers out there trying to get a foot in the door and these two just stole their jobs
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Invictus Games comment: Maybe it is just as well Haz is not doing it. Megs would have hijacked it. What would she know about the military and it’s veterans? Seems like she muscles in to the forefront on everything as if she has always been the known one in their relationship. If they do a documentary on Diana, you can bet that she will be preening in the forefront as if it was HER mother! Why are so many people still being taken in by her?
I have a sneaking suspicion that hazza may have done a little side deal with netflix allowing him to do something similar to the cancelled Invictus concert but filmed for Netflix. It would be a way to make him appear relevant, rather than just the ATM for cuntface.
And yes, if that happens she'll be front and centre stage every step of the way.
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Ok which one of you is hadenough283 in the comments section? :unsure: 😂

Harry and Meghan are fair game now - I look for a lot of books hopefully about her real background that media chose to overlook. Her annulled marriage; yachting days, where Doris was while Thomas raised Meghan for several years. Harry doesn't have BP to protect him anymore - should be interesting.
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That wallpaper looks like a classic/ classy homage to William Morris designs - I think it's called "Dappled Flaps" ;)
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Do you think her ‘reading’ of Duck Rabbit was her attempt to convince the Netflix execs that she can produce children’s tv? 😂
Oh you've nailed it... We thought she wanted a book deal but it was a TV audition for 'Prince Archie's Celebrity Book Hour'

No that isn't royal enough.

How about Prince Archie's Royal Reading Club - It's what Diana would have wanted'
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Scotch Mist

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Above himself. Cambridges first. Sussexes got more than enough coverage methinks.
I don't understand why he suddenly doesn't know his place. Too self important (like bloody Andrew). 😡
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Scotch Mist

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This campaign popped up in my Instagram. I would have thought a royal patron would be leading this but I assume they're only going to promote Netflix content now?

View attachment 232840
Thanks for posting this. It's very worrying to think what will happen to actors, dancers, musicians and all those behind the scenes if this goes on much longer.

Smeggy should be dumped immediately as patron of the National Theatre. The bitch has done nothing for them.

In fact now the Harkles are trying to be big shots in Hollywood ALL their royal patronages should be stripped. If I ran any of these charities or the NT I'd be insisting on it because it's obvious they don't give a fuck about anyone other than themselves.
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I'd be surprised if she said it at the wedding although I can well imagine that being said privately to William.
This possibly points to Meghan having an encounter with Uncle Andy, or does anyone think Smeggy has screwed them all? 😜

Agreed if I was one of the parents I wouldn't want Smeggy anywhere near my child!
They should have had written permission from the parents a) to be there in the first place and b) for their children to be used in photographs. Why are schools/charities etc so willing to break all the rules for these two?
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Did they spend more than ten minutes there this time?

How fortunate that someone was on hand with a camera once again. I see the photos are by Matt Sayles who's credited on lots of her photos so they obviously brought him with them.

Would have thought that with all her expensive advisors and friends, at some point she would come up with some fresh ideas of her own?

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They seem to have released more photos from the staged baby2baby 10 minute charity drive through stunt, are they needing to double dip now, to squeeze every drip of value out of their private jet fees and to ensure the public see how holy and gracious they are?

wonder how long it will be until they arrange themselves as judges of a photo contest, copying Kate once again.

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i did some digging on this new charity. the place they went to is located in Hollywood according to google maps. :rolleyes: i knew they would go nowhere near where all the poor folks are at. The charity is founded by hollywood celebs according to wikipedia.

Since its inception, the Assistance League has had the support of Hollywood celebrities participating in volunteerism and charitable events. It was not uncommon to see celebrities like Jean Harlow reading stories to children in need,[11] Claudia Dell waiting tables for a good cause[12] or Shirley Temple Black, who was actively involved as a member, running the register at an Assistance League gift shop.[13]

there HAS to be a reason why she chose this location (other than wanting to copy Kate)

So they went to help charity that is already hugely helped and recognised by other celebrities, not some random local small ones that could actually benefit from promotion 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I honestly cant with the bitch...

Didnt they want privacy? Why they always have photographer with them? Why do they even need PR team if they wanted privacy so much? Pair of entitled idiotz...
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Yes, Harry agreeing to relinquish the titles is the best strategy from all sides...
This AND not going back to the UK to be photographed with his family whatsoever. They need to cut all ties to the money making royal connection.

Also, may I suggest they use the Markle name and work as Mr. and Mrs. Markle. Shouldn't be a problem given H is such a feminist...
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Nah, I'm still not buying it. Everytime shit for brains and the yacht girl get bad publicity 'somebody in the know' drags up some shit about William or Kate to take the heat off the snarkles. Usually it starts in the Royal Family thread (spit) but sometimes in the Secret Celeb thread (to create the illusion that it's just a tidbit and not yet another sniper attack on the Cambridges and hey, if it gets around wellllll 🤷‍♀️ ... *shrugs*.)
Right on cue, Hazza shits on his mum's grave and then wipes his arse with his Invictus tee shirt and up pops the rumour again to distract from his being a total conniving cunt. It's tedious and in an era of high tech in the hands of everyone from the bin man to the ladies who lunch there has been no evidence to support it. None other than Kate and Wills looked like they were enduring a prolonged tiff. Maybe he came home drunk and pissed in the wardrobe(yep, had that done here) or brought his pervey obnoxious old school pal to stay overnight(cunt🤬).Thank fuck there is no footage of me when Mr Freda forgets a birthday either because it can be 'picture only but no sound' for days on end.
Any of us can claim to be anything. I mean I'm 21, 6ft tall, have a body to die for and wear only Victoria's Secret lingerie as I do the dishes ... I also have a Masters degree in Chemistry, Physics and Biology. Or something.:unsure:
You fibber! Mr Freda says you wear your Nanna's pinny & rollers, and have a master's degree in the appropriate use of the word 'cunt'. But we knew that bit! 😘
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Harry and Meghan have cancelled a key fundraising event for the Invictus Games, after signing a new deal with streaming giant Netflix.

The glittering music and comedy show was set to be held in California in June 2021 and broadcast on Amazon, with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex planning to make speeches during the event.

The fundraiser, which organisers hoped would raise at least £1 million for the Invictus Games Foundation, would have likely taken place at The Hollywood Bowl.

Harry and Meghan have cancelled a key fundraising event for the Invictus Games

Officials at the foundation were reportedly 'stunned' after a lawyer for the Sussexes informed them they would not be going ahead with the event last week, shortly before the Netflix deal was announced.

According to a report in the Sunday Times, the lawyer cited a 'conflict' of plans with another streaming service.

A source involved in the planning of the event told the publication: 'It's very bad form and everyone at Invictus is gutted. 'Harry said yes to doing this last year and everything was still moving forwards until a few weeks ago.

'This was going to be a big moment for Invictus where the pot is pretty empty, and it has left them in the lurch. Harry needs to pull his finger out to find another way to raise funds for them.'

According to an Invictus spokesperson, the event was 'shelved' due to the Covid-19 pandemic and was a decision independent of the Netflix deal being signed.

I see the DM aren't pulling any punches with this headline!

Also, the quote in bold, a desperate attempt from the gruesome twosome's PR team to try and pull things back from the inevitable backlash?
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Scotch Mist

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Perhaps we are getting Smeggy fatigue. The endless puff pieces are getting tedious.
These threads have kept me amused during lockdown but I guess that we need some more significant events to fire us all up again

Still we have the court case, inevitable divorce, potential scandal with Andrew being involved and who knows if we're lucky exposure of the moonbump to look forward to 😉 its just a matter of time 😃
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Loving all the film spoofs!

Thinking of the vetting of M that was undertaken, who do you suppose was given full disclosure? HMQ and her private secretary and the Prime Minister obvs. And the Home Secretary? And the Cabinet Secretary? Someone upthread mentioned Charles seeing all the info. Do we think he saw the whole lot, or a redacted version? He's such a wet lettuce and I really don't think he's capable of separating affairs of state from personal matters.

Who else do you think saw or was informed? I'd hope William would be told. He'll be king quite soon probably, and he seems far more sensible and responsible than Charles.
With all the stories coming out about her now, I have to wonder whether MI6 were either asleep or put an apprentice trainee on the job of checking her out to be honest.
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