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The Dyson the dollars and Diana who?

No wonder they did no wordy elaborate tribute to Diana. They knew they were about to open up her grave and shit on her coffin with netflix holding the shovels. Treacherous cunts.
The Dyson, the dollars & Diana who? Sold his soul to Netflix to earn a quid or two 👍
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Invictus Games comment: Maybe it is just as well Haz is not doing it. Megs would have hijacked it. What would she know about the military and it’s veterans? Seems like she muscles in to the forefront on everything as if she has always been the known one in their relationship. If they do a documentary on Diana, you can bet that she will be preening in the forefront as if it was HER mother! Why are so many people still being taken in by her?
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Pom Bear

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Hahaha! 🤣 I'd totally forgotten there was 'Pussy Galore' in that one too. Xx
Lol 😄 x
On her merkin's secret service made me laugh so much 😄😄 xx

I had put this pic up a while back before my new app, so I thought I would do it again and re add it seeing as it's on the topic of films 🤭

Shaving Harry's privates 😄
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Yup this has the potential to badly backfire and ruin them financially.

Netflix will be hoping for a royal exclusive which Smeg will be happy to supply doing a teary Diana impression. Very few will want to watch any programmes they might produce on their pet causes (global warming/feminism/racism).
Netflix will get the Royal goodies up front.

Then there will be a wokeumentary or two.

Netflix'll look at the data and then tell them it's Royal documentaries or nothing.

This ends with a balding Harry slowly turning into Prince Edward droning on about racism in the court of Henry VIII...
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back from 2017.

‘All I can say now is that I think Meghan was calculated — very calculated — in the way she handled people and relationships. She is very strategic in the way she cultivates circles of friends. Once she decides you’re not part of her life, she can be very cold.
‘It’s this shutdown mechanism she has. There’s nothing to negotiate. She’s made her decision and that’s it.’

^^on point with what is happening now

‘I know the Royal Family was something she found fascinating. She had one of Princess Diana’s books [Diana: Her True Story] on her bookshelf, and even when she was with Trevor she told me she wanted to go and stay in London for at least a month.

maybe she has one of Lady C's old book too:LOL::LOL::LOL:

Her earliest memory is of Meghan reaching out to touch her hair. ‘She loved it because it was so long and straight. She had this amazing curly mane. I always cherished her hair and she mine.’

➿➿➿ curly mane... not that fake extensions she has on. i think all the people from her past are just fed up with her and moved on.

now can the media just be fed up with her and archive her already?
I didn’t really read that article when it first came out.
Funny how everyone who was warning against Meghan when she got engaged looked like loons, but they were spot on.

The passage stuck out; reminds me of the « 5 friends » in the court case.

There were instances when I felt she developed a sense of entitlement because she was on the show. The breaking point for me came when she wanted to adopt a dog.
‘She’d fallen in love with it, but found someone else wanted the dog, too. So she emailed the pet adoption people and explained how she could provide a great life for it.
‘She spoke of what a great time the dog would have in the Suits Family. I felt that she was playing the Suits card to try to get what she wanted.
She included me and the other bridesmaids in the email chain because she wanted our moral support,
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A few things about this Netflix deal. Their own PR could only say it was a 'Megawatt' deal (meaningless fluff) and didn't attach any numbers to it. I notice they had to wheel out useful Honorary Professor and Purveyor of bullshit Jonathan Shalit to say 'Oooh I dunno could be billions.' so that the their PR could then quote him to shape the press headlines and make a big splash.

I think Netflix have simply got first look at anything they actually manage to make. Maybe there's a signing pre-payment to fund their first documentary? If there's something planned around Megxit/Finding Freedom, Netflix will get eyeballs from that.

Netflix have amazingly good audience tracking so they will know immediately if the Harkles documentaries work for their membership and won't be influenced by their fluffy PR.

I'm very unimpressed by the lack of focus in the announcement, which seems to be mental health, racism, sexism, cartoons, women in history and inspirational family-friendly programming. Just missing a cuddly toy and the kitchen sink. No sign of any of the things that Prince Harry could credibly pitch which would be woven around Veterans / Invictus / Sentebale / Royal History.

I don't see the Harkles making money from this because they have zero ability to control costs and work with a team. By the time Megz has flown by private jet to Cannes for 'research purposes' a few times, they'll soon run through the advance. Meanwhile the supposed Netflix multimillionaires are posting merching PR for Rothys shoes, so something doesn't add up.
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I'd love this to be true but a cynical side of me thinks its just damage control, Palace side ...
The rumours are that Charles and TQ gave them a lump sum (Charles was supposed to be about £2 million) to fund this transition year and it was up to the Harkles how they used that money. So this PR is an absolute straight up lie, as they took the cash for the entire year and presumably spent it on cheap wigs for the Duchess (and burgers for Just Harry). Oh and that mansion they seemed to have managed to buy somehow.

The only sense Newsweek can plausibly say that they are 'no longer getting' cash is that they know they won't get another lump sum next year. That's it. But I doubt they have refunded Charles half of the money for the current 12 month period....

Any story that appears in Newsweek is Harkles' PR. They must be going nuts trying to cover up the damage of Harry leaving Invictus in the lurch.
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Scotch Mist

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Harry must spend all day every day in a rage. 🤯

Every time he goes on line he finds people slagging him off on social media and newspapers writing articles about him and Smeggy with their own interpretation of events (rather than his). He must be on some high dose blood pressure pills by now! 😁😆

But seriously he really needs to start chilling out a bit. You can't sue everyone, he'll go bankrupt in the attempt. World fame and money comes with a price. Harry and Smeggy would have been protected to a certain extent within the royal family but out in the real world you can't control what other people think about you.

I bet Harry and Smeggy have a shouting match every day about some plan thats turned to 💩 or some negative article they've seen in the press.

Both of them will end up going crazy 🥴🤪and being sectioned if they get themselves into rages about perceived slights all the time. What a fool he is.
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Wu Tien

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I never believed the narrative that Netflix was so dazzled by Pinky and Perky's glamour that they threw lorryloads of cash in their direction without due diligence. NF didn't become the biggest media streaming company in the world by being naive.

They have stitched the Manky Markles up like kippers and good for them.
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I really like her she's spot on about Meghan but I do feel that Harry has proved not to be the person we thought he was, and that he is more than just her enabler. He's just as bad as his horrible wife.
I agree, he's as bad as her, if not worse, as he's betrayed both his family, and his country; she's only betrayed family, both her own, and his, but she's also massively taken the piss out of our country.
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Invictus Games snubbing has hit the Daily Mail now.

They say that the cancelling of the Invictus concert was due to covid (which doesn't make much sense given the dates and that it could easily be an all-streamed thing). Public feeling in the comments is that he is lying through his teeth.

:p stupid clowns.
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Step in how though? She wasn’t able to stop Charles philandering, or prevent Andrew mixing with the wrong types. The RF are not answerable to the British taxpayer. They are independently wealthy individuals who get a bit extra dosh from us for opening things, wearing silly uniforms and in the Queen’s case being a figurehead leader thus saving us the trouble of having to vote for an Irish or French style President.
They were grown men, she had no control over those issues at the time. I''m not sure what you think she should have done unless you expected her to check their underwear for signs of recent sexual activity every time they returned home.
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Thanks for posting this. It's very worrying to think what will happen to actors, dancers, musicians and all those behind the scenes if this goes on much longer.

Smeggy should be dumped immediately as patron of the National Theatre. The bitch has done nothing for them.

In fact now the Harkles are trying to be big shots in Hollywood ALL their royal patronages should be stripped. If I ran any of these charities or the NT I'd be insisting on it because it's obvious they don't give a fuck about anyone other than themselves.
The National Theatre have already had various opportunities to seek a new patron, and vast numbers of calls from the public and the acting community for them to do so. Unfortunately the place is run by idiots.
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I'm sure that Harry and Meghan are going to be a big pull over on Netflix (especially to a Worldwide audience - not necessarly to a UK audience)
The genre of their intended films/ documemtaries, is so diverse, I'm assuming that they will have to work alongside already establised production companies in order to have the expertise in all these fields. Even if they establish their own production company, I'm not sure they would have the knowledge to work in all these areas?
I'm interested to see how this all pans out for them - I actually don't want them to fail as they need to earn their keep somehow and this is as good a way as any for them I suppose. As long as they are not using UK tax payers' money for the initial investment into this venture.
I personally won't be watching any of their preachy woke bollocks but sadly this is a hot topic right now and will appeal to some.

At least it's something for us to talk about! If they had faded into obscurity how would we have got through the lockdown - in fact, Meghan could add to her CV that she has been providing therapy for bored tattlers! She's given us an outlet for our primal screams! (wasn't that a woke thing to do about 10 years ago - go out into the woods and let it all out? Screaming.........not anything else - you dirty minded lot!)
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Scotch Mist

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Would love to hear what Prince Philip really thinks of the ginger and his hanger-on....
So would I 😁
I bet he's been spitting feathers about the way they have behaved towards the Queen. Philip has his faults but he's always put duty and the monarchy first, something that Harry obviously doesn't understand. Haznoballs must be a terrible disappointment to them. OK he's thick but if he had kept his head down and done his duty nobody would have cared too much about his lack of achievement.
Now Harry is a complete laughing stock and the Americans don't want him either. 😁
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View attachment 230207

this is how Hazzzooo balls is fixing it: with unoriginal PR puffs 😆
The kid he's lecturing couldn't give a shit😆 Like the rest of the world she is SO over this patronising crap he spews. She's probably terrified of the freaky guy with orange hair and a funny accent and so she's doing as mommy says and ignoring the cunt.

Look at the kid behind him though. Fucken terrified!:eek:

ETA. They won't be back. He might do a flying visit but she's a coward and won't face the people she shat on from the safety of the States.
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Invictus Games snubbing has hit the Daily Mail now.

They say that the cancelling of the Invictus concert was due to covid (which doesn't make much sense given the dates and that it could easily be an all-streamed thing). Public feeling in the comments is that he is lying through his teeth.

:p stupid clowns.
Harry's lawyer straight up said it was due to a conflict of interest (Amazon vs. Netflix) so why are they trying to spin it now? They must think we're all morons.
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