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VIP Member much to say....

To start with, who is advising them? How many previous litigations against the press by Harry and Meghan have been successful? Throwing a strop because the press 'misrepresent' or dont tell the story the way you want it told, is childish and ineffectual! can you start to professionally trust someone who is throwing ideas around, like a concert at the Hollywood bowl, which must be booked up for years in advance, and then cancels it 9 months before its due to go ahead!
That shows appalling planning, if its 9 months away shouldnt the main points, like venue and headline acts be pencilled in? Beyonce and Ed Sheeren's work diaries are bound to be booked up for years ahead!
Good luck to the pair of them for working with Netflix, if they are this hopeless at getting the basic stuff right!
It's just amazing stuff!

The Harkles do not disappoint. They literally sent out PR saying that after a year of planning their professional team hadn't booked a venue or star acts with only 9 months to go but the amazing genius gang that is Team Harkles 'saw lots of problems with it' so cancelled.

Shambles or shit-show, you decide :poop:
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I've had a good old nosey at all the DM comments on their articles today while I was bored, my goodness, the amount of people saying they've cancelled their Netflix is unbelievable. Don't blame them, I don't have it, but if I did I'd be getting rid too!
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cosmo girl

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A bit like the phoney engagement photocall..when she said..she didnt know who he bullshit..we are not wrong chick..we can spot a bullshitter a mile away.
The childhood best friend of Markle, Ninaki Priddy, explained to Express that Markle has always been obsessed by the royal family. Priddy shared her thoughts when she heard about the engagement. “I’m not shocked at all,” Priddy said. “It’s like she has been planning this all her life. 😂
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Scotch Mist

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I think this or the Queen even.

Until I see the check from their bank account I'll never believe it. It's come too fast on the back of the Invictus debacle and smacks once again of damage control.
Exactly, the money may have come from Charles or out of the Netflix advance but wherever its appeared from Harry sure as hell didn't do any grafting for it. This has definitely been done for damage limitation.
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Good news.....they’ve paid back the money for Frogmore in full!
So it would seem!

Will believe it when the dust has settled and it's been confirmed that no new shenanighans has gone on
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Chatty Member
Edited to add: Just spotted that @PennyCrayon introduced us to Crowns of Britain upthread! Yay! Nothing gets past us Tattlers!

Good morning Tattlers. I came across a blog called The Crowns of Britain which I like a lot. It's funny and perceptive and the blogger clearly thinks the gruesome twosome are prats. What's not to like?!

I came across this on the blog which I'd not heard of before.
(The memorial carol service was, I think, in memory of Henry van Straubenzee who died in a car crash in 2002 aged 18.)

How disgustingly shocking. She's definitely not right in the head.

Quote from The Crowns of Britain blog >>>
"Had it not been for the fact they were only surrounded by a bunch of three year olds, I would’ve expected Meghan to stand up and provide us all with rousing speech about Diana (and making it about herself too), telling us what a wonderful and inspiring woman she was– despite the fact she has never met her.

I mean, it’s not like it stopped her giving a speech at Harry’s dead friend’s annual memorial carol service two years ago— even though the guy died 14 years before she even met Harry."
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Miss Havisham

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I’ll finish watching The Fall, and then cancel my Netflix subscription.
I am already paying for their Californian Mansion etc, via my UK taxes - I’m not funding them through Netflix as well.

The irony of it all. Two privileged, work shy thickos - lecturing us on how we should live / how we should think.

Hopefully, the Netflix cash will roll in, and the RF will have to stop funding them.
Hope they stay in the USA for good. I don’t care what they do there, but I do not want to fund them.
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Vanity projects by talentless, egotistical, narcissistic people, how can it go wrong,

unless they do a new version of the apprentice, applying to be Archies new nanny, called ‘the nanny’
They can critique the nanny’s, give them tasks like reading to a child with a full nappy, Meghan critiquing the emotion, running with one of those tricycles things away from ‘paparazzi‘, and at the end of each episode one of the nannies is fired. Dora can be a paid consultant That’s where their talents lie 😂
That would be bloody brilliant. And since the original Apprentice series were in the US and featured Trump as the boss, would sell in the US as well.

They could have Doris in the Margaret/Karren female advisor role and Omit Scoobies in the Nick/Claude male advisor role.

They already have the glamorous Massive House for the teams to stay in.

Tasks need not necessarily include Archiedoll, but some should:
  • Look after Archiedoll for a day while making sure he gets papped but without getting found out for blatantly booking the paps in
  • Make a TV advert to try to get viewers for their latest wokeumentary Megflix show
  • Come up with and market a new flavour of tea to throw at the staff
  • Organise a tourist bus tour of Greater Los Angeles, pointing out the houses of the rich and famous who are still Smeghan's friends
  • Work in a Private Jet agency, the team that sells the most flights to Extinction Rebellion members wins the week
  • Sell avocado burgers and banana rock with inspirational quotes written all the way up the centre, to the punters in Disneyland California
  • 10 item shopping spree around Beverley Hills, with all the items on the shopping list being tat from Misha Nonoo and Victoria Beckham's shops. Excellent merching opportunities from this episode!
  • Gatecrash some other charity's event then claim it as your own (being sure to get lots of photos)
  • Design and market a calendar of every other UK royal event or birthday, worth trying to overshadow
  • Persuade celebrities to lend you their Massive Houses, but then don't actually pay them
  • For the finale episode, try to blag a ticket to the Oscars by any means possible!
At the end of the episode instead of Sugar saying "You're Fired!" it would be Ginge and Cringe sniggering, pointing, and saying "You're Markled!".
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Brand would certainly be an excellent choice to play Manson in a film 😁

Wow if they haven't paid their rent to Tyler Perry that's a big mistake. Especially after they trashed his taste in decor in Finding Freebies 😃
That won't make them any friends in Hollywood, they'll just be known as scroungers.
Quick summary of Danja's YT video. She's heard (no sources so it's gossip) that Tyler is suing for back rent. The agreement was $150k per month plus extra for top-up security. They paid for the extra security but skipped out on the rent. Amazing if true or even partly true.
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Yes, I've met a few of those sort too! One I'll never forget, on holiday, loud, brash I'm the big guy know it all type. Asked if he could 'pet' my dog. I said I'd not advise it, he was wearing a 'nervous' harness but totally ignored me and went ahead and did it anyway. Then wondered why his hat ended up squashed underneath the dog 🤭
My favorite thing about some Americans abroad is that somehow the topic always goes back to how they do things in America, and why it's so much better there. I've actually lived in the U.S. for many years so I'm used to it/it doesn't bother me, but my partner is Scandinavian/Dutch and raised in Norway and all the endless chatter and American supremacy infuriates him. Sometimes he pretends not to hear them so they'll go away. :LOL:

Come to think of it, Megs does a similar thing where she’s consistently trying to push her unsuitable ideas and way into the Royal Family. Even without any relevant experience or understanding of the culture or institution, Smeg thinks she can do it better.
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He's worse at this point. She is behaving as we expected. The only thing out of synch and that we hadn't accounted for was the speed with which she operated.Excising him from his blood family and friends was going to happen so that she had total control but she's done it at warp speed and the thick ginger cunt's head is spinning with dollar signs playing catch up with his cunt of a wife.
But all that aside, he must be rotten to the core. He has shat on everyone who was his crutch during hard times. He doesn't need anyone but the dyson and the dollars. As long as he gets what he wants he doesn't give a fuck. He's a grade A 5 star cunt.
"The Dyson and the Dollars", is that the next thread title :ROFLMAO:
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Let's hope harry gets an absolute bollocking from William for making money off the death of their mother with this supposed documentary
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I can't believe that the people in the street seemed to like and support them! Bloody idiots!
Think about how many people spoke negatively about H&M but they didn’t show them, because they want to give the illusion of a lot of support for them still in the UK.
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“...impactful content that unlocks action.”

Is MM merching laxatives now?
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I'm sure that Harry and Meghan are going to be a big pull over on Netflix (especially to a Worldwide audience - not necessarly to a UK audience)
The genre of their intended films/ documemtaries, is so diverse, I'm assuming that they will have to work alongside already establised production companies in order to have the expertise in all these fields. Even if they establish their own production company, I'm not sure they would have the knowledge to work in all these areas?
I'm interested to see how this all pans out for them - I actually don't want them to fail as they need to earn their keep somehow and this is as good a way as any for them I suppose. As long as they are not using UK tax payers' money for the initial investment into this venture.
I personally won't be watching any of their preachy woke bollocks but sadly this is a hot topic right now and will appeal to some.

At least it's something for us to talk about! If they had faded into obscurity how would we have got through the lockdown - in fact, Meghan could add to her CV that she has been providing therapy for bored tattlers! She's given us an outlet for our primal screams! (wasn't that a woke thing to do about 10 years ago - go out into the woods and let it all out? Screaming.........not anything else - you dirty minded lot!)
That's the thing though Spangly ... Making just one of those programs takes months, in fact sometimes years for a top quality one. Yet they are claiming to be able to churn out one on feminism, one on female empowerment, at least one on mental health, at least one on racial equality, one on BLM and programs for children. It sounds to me like they are planning to attach their royal names to shows they really haven't actually worked on.
Again , using their "Royal" connection to cash in. Very fucken sneaky.:mad:
BRENDA ! Get a wriggle on Mrs and cut these cunts off at the knees.

The Mail's Palace Confidential say that they had a whiff of the TV production deal in January and were pretty sure they had a deal signed when they committed to the monster mortgage for the Montecito mansion

They also think that it's obvious Netflix will expect them (Harry) to cash in on Royal status as they don't have anything much else to offer (unlike the Obamas)
BIB. That makes perfect sense. Everyone was trying to figure out how they were gonna afford the mortgage and now we have it. They were beavering away on this deal from the day they fucked off to Canada, in fact likely before. Cunts.
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Scotch Mist

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But that's a big part of the problem - they do think that we're morons 😃
Unfortunately the majority of the public will take this on face value and think it's wonderful news along with the mad sugar nut cult that will see this as further proof of Smeggy's sainthood.
I despair sometimes......
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Chatty Member

"When, more than a year ago, the Duchess of Cornwall first bravely spoke out in this newspaper about the horrors of domestic violence, I doubt I was alone in wondering: What could she possibly understand about it?

And yet through her quiet and diligent work as patron of the charity SafeLives, Camilla has done more than anyone to highlight the plight of abused women.

Yesterday, writing in The Guardian, she pointed out how lockdown has caused a huge increase in the torment suffered by those trapped in these relationships.

‘Abusers work from home,’ SafeLives chillingly warns. There is nothing self-aggrandising about supporting this cause. Domestic violence is gritty and ghastly: one of the least glamorous subjects for which any royal could campaign.

Yet it could still save lives: and Camilla is clearly sincere when she implores people to ‘reach in’ if they suspect someone is a victim, not to wait for them to reach out. Needless to say, there are no multi-million pound TV deals in this line of work.

Camilla (left) has done more than anyone to highlight the plight of abused women. Pictured right: Meghan Markle

Camilla (left) has done more than anyone to highlight the plight of abused women. Pictured right: Meghan Markle
In her dogged way, Camilla is following a long tradition of royal women — the Queen, Princesses Diana and Anne, the Duchesses of Wessex and Cambridge — who undertake charity work that is mostly unseen and unsung.

How different is the path chosen by the woman who still takes care to call herself the ‘Duchess of Sussex’ and served the Royal Family for all of two years before she decamped to Los Angeles.

As Meghan and hapless husband Harry revealed in a toe-curlingly woke statement, their new multi-million-pound deal with Netflix will ‘shine a light on people and causes around the world . . . creating content that informs but also gives hope’.

The truth is Meghan knows that if she’d stayed in the Royal Family, she could have done all those things.

But there might not have been such an enormous pay packet for being the self-appointed saviour of the universe. This former ‘briefcase girl’ on Deal Or No Deal has now become a money-grubbing, international laughing stock.

Meg’s ‘friends’ claim she had to flee the UK because this is a horribly racist country that never appreciated her talents as a brave campaigner.

How I wish Meghan had taken the time to learn something from Camilla, who was once the most vilified woman in Britain. Yet through hard work, duty and, dare I suggest, a sense of humour and a level of self-awareness that Meghan can only dream of, Camilla has gradually transformed herself into someone most of us respect and admire.

Is it too late for Meghan to do the same?

In short - yes it is, about 40 bloody years too late! 😤

Edited to remove the double posting and add the emoji 🤗
Which clearly didn't work, sorry folks 😤
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