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If he is invited then a lot of the public will turn on KC for being weak. Read the mood of the public ,KC, we don't want your toddler-tantrum traitorous son at the Coronation. You need public support, well, maintain it by not pandering to your son. He has shit on the public, calling us all racists then trying to back track. He inflicted his narcissistic actress on us. Read the room, Charles, please!

Why does Charles need the Archbishop to 'broker a deal' , anyway? What's it got to do with him?
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Oh well, I am calling it BS.
I just can't say if:

a) This is the Dailymail milking the will-they-wont-they attend story, as I am sure this brings them a lot of clicks, sharing and overall metrics that bring them money;

b) The planting from the Harkles as they want to keep being relevant and they are nothing and of absolute no interest without these shenanigans.

And again:

1. King Charles is not a fragile, emotional, old man. He is a narc with a clear vision of his reign that he has been preparing for at least 50 years. A rogue son and a z list talentless actress will not change that;

2. TRF doesn't need to do a thing: being quiet in the mist of the chaos of lies of the Harkles is now proved to be the best strategy. The "magic" of the Harkles is their capability of destroying themselves without any help - remember 2018 when they were loved and praised? They brought it all down without the need for more than one now historical sentence "recollections may vary".

3. Please remember that just six months ago the Harkles were doing the same with TLQ: they kept saying she wanted for things to be resolved, they were in talks with her, they often talked with her, and the Dimwit even said that he protected her. Of course we now know the only reason they only talked with TLQ was occasionally and to ask for money. Now KC3 is to be painted as the one they are talking to - and we were already told that KC3 said he is not a bank and that there are no lines of communication.

And finally, I really don't think that Justin Welby even likes the Harkles after the disgrace interview with Orca. It was shaming to put him on that position that he immediately and vehemently denied the wedding 3 days prior to the big ceremony.

So, just my opinion, but when you put all that has happened on the table, I will keep saying that the Dailymail stories are BS.
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He’s such a spoiled, self centred clueless cunt. He’s writing this sitting on his CHIMPO position which YES he is in no way qualified for, and which would take others decades of working to achieve. He had unbelievable opportunities within the RF but he and his wife simply couldn’t be arsed to do the work and wanted fame, get paid millions and to blag endless freebies. They didn’t have to leave and had a year to decide whether they went back or not. Charles’s also gave them millions in ‘severance’ and every opportunity they’ve had had been off the back of their royal status given that they are thick, talentless clueless cunts who are impossible to work with.
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I kind of like the Churchill option (apologies if I have the name wrong) which would have the Prime Minister issue a statement that, due to the security issues raised in Harold's book (number of Taliban kills), it has been deemed impossible to provide security for the dignitaries and the Gruesomes, therefore they cannot attend the Coronation. I wonder if it is under consideration as a possible solution to the problem of their attendance.
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This is one of those times when I've come on Tattle to say something but by the time I've caught up on the thread, I've forgotten what it is. :rolleyes:
I'm quite sure that whatever I was going to say was very wise, gentle, life affirming and full of love. :giggle: Ok, forget the love. This is the harkles we're talking about :LOL:
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Totally agree but the trouble is that the narrative that H&M and Scoobie et al are trying to push is that the Commonwealth is British Empire 2.0, thus bringing it into a modern day "Britain is evil" supposed relevance. That being said, there are countries lining up to become part of the Commonwealth, so it can't be that bad Commonwealth of Republics&text=Membership is voluntary and a,the as yet unrecognized Somaliland.

The 2nd point is that the commonwealth is a voluntary arrangement, so it isn't like Chuck is sailing in on his galleon and pronouncing XYZ country as part of the Commonwealth. The ignorance is strong with Scoobie, Hawwy (King Henry's great great great great great grand... nothing) et al. But those who WANT to hear that narrative, well that sticks, unfortunately.

Also, there is a deafening silence regarding the other countries that did partake of empire building in a brutal and patronizing way (Spain, France, the Dutch, Italy, Portugal etc). Why are we not revisiting the Vikings and their Empire while we're at it. Or the Romans? They didn't exactly swan in with a bouquet of flowers and a box of bonbons and set up camp and roast marshmellows over a fire with the locals, did they. HAwwy et al are just focusing on this to grind a fabricated axe.
Interesting map showing the early colonisation of North America. Look at the large territory claimed by France. Yet somehow the narrative has morphed into England being the only one. And "useful idiot" Harold is willingly giving credibility to it. He who barely understands his own country's history, let alone anyone else's. He can't see that he's a tool for those with agendas.

Do the US media ever hassle President Macron or King Felipe for the past in the same way they hassle the RF? The French were part of the slave trade. Are they continually berated and expected to pay reparations? Or is it just us?

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Lady C plunging right in

Plot to destroy William's reputation? İmplied threat in Spare that KC & QC planted stories against the Wales's eg. Rose Hanbury. There is no way KC would have planted such stories. You only have to look at who the stories hurt (Catherine) and who might benefit to deduce that the stories likely came from the Harkles (Smeg) themselves.

Shammima Begum parallels with Smeg? A narcissist who sees herself as a victim too. A bully who enjoyed the power trip of being in İSİS. Both called sociopathic narcissists. Lack of empathy and conscience and beyond redemption.

Haz was sweet on Catherine?
May have led to Smeg's jealousy. Smeg looks like a poor rendition of PoW. Smeg was soft on William and still looks at him plaintively rather then Dodgy Todger.

Smeg's greed? İs the living embodiment of Pushkin's The Tale of the Fisherman & The Fish (see also Grimm's tale The Fisherman & His Wife) The Harkles could have had everything they wanted but now nothing. Lady C observed that they will end up rich but infamous. They will appear as a footnote in history as having been the archetype of mischieviousness and personality problems. With Smeg nothing is ever enough and greed will be her undoing. The consequence is destructiveness.

Marcus & Andrew? Rumour that they are father and son? Ludicrous but boosts Marcus' prestige.

Edinburgh title? TLQ, PP and KC all agreed the title will go to Edward in the fullness of time. Lady C has no doubt it will happen but suspects the Harkle shenanigans/titles are a factor.

Baby buried under the banyan tree? Why hasn't Santa Barbara Hospital commented? There are serious penalties in US for breaching medical confidences.
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Wackie Jeaver

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I dont like and dont trust the Markles either @Chita, but I think they have a perfect right to speak 'their truth' in the face of the crap that Harold and Smegz throw out
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Thread idea:

Harry and Meghan #309 The Harkles want to reconcile, hope the Royal family run a mile!
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I think it shows how thick Harry really is. 'We didn't use the word racist' is not an argument. You don't have to actually use the word 'racist' in order to comment on racism. I think there's been two years where he and smeg have been frantically back peddling because it all blew up in their faces. And this is the best argument they can come up with. The pair of them are stupid.
This reminds me of the amber heard defense- but I never mentioned Johnny by name when I wrote “Then two years ago, I became a public figure representing domestic abuse.”
That is one of the problems with narcs, they think that even their most egregious lies must be accepted as truth because I say so!!
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Omg. Scobie on a podcast (on gb news) saying when HMQ said recollections may vary that was racist. Wtf
OMFG is he that thick that he thinks you can’t actually criticise or disagree with someone who is mixed race/black because that’s racist?

Surely this joke must just be ejected from RR circles (if he has any access left).
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I like to think that when the late Queen heard about the racism allegation she went into a @Nuttynana style rant full of expletives about the skank ho bitch while her private secretary sat and nodded. When she finally ran out of steam, the secretary simply wrote "recollections may vary" 😁

Oh and if the husband ever annoys me enough, I'm so going to change his ringtone to Harold singing 🤭
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Oh thats awful. I saw what losing my brother did to my Mother especially. I understand wanting to save your child, but when you birthright means you have to think of your countrymen. He can't put the needs of 1 son over the good of the Nation and CW. If he wants to cater to his son, fine. But he should step down to heel his errant son and turn the Crown over to William now. Jmo, and as an American I dont mean to butt into it, it just seems logical. Choose Charles. Father or king. Haz makes it impossible to do both.

Also, Charles must not conduct any interviews.
They never end well.
A short speech to camera that is broadcast live is the best thing to do if he must speak.

That way prople can listen to him and make up their own minds.
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Wouldn't it be nice if the media all agreed to have a total blackout of the Harkles for the week before the Coronation and the week after. Just fill their columns/shows with photos/talk/footage of how KC3 has waited and been prepared for this day since he was a young man and afterwards show pictures of the whole splendid occasion with all the pomp and ceremony only the British can do.

If The Gruesome's had never left then this is what would have been in the media with nothing at all reported about what they were getting up to. Everybody is getting fed up hearing about them anyway. Bring on the blackout I say!
I wish this would happen.
Loads of stuff about Prince's Trust.
His conservation work.
Duchy of Cornwall.
Infornative stuff.
Make it all about him for a change.
Let's have positive reporting and uplifting features.
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