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🤮 The Sturgeon cunt is already wanting to let rapists into women's prisons - as long as they've got a dress on. She's absolute scum as far as I'm concerned🤬
But what do you really think of Ms Sturgeon? 😬 She is a strange one for sure, a very bizarre woman whose only goal in life seems to be gaining independence for Scotland, which in and of itself is fine, but it seemingly comes at the cost of all else ... health, education, crime, etc. It consumes her whole life, she's obsessed with it. That's not healthy. She is In complete rapture of the radical Left, who in my opinion are actually anarchists with no interest in the betterment of society. As with everything Nicola does one can only conclude Meghan and Harry serve a political purpose, ie: stirring-up anti-monarchist sentiment in order for her to achieve personal political aims. A very cynical, dangerous, person ... I can see why she would side with Rachel. You know they used to call Nicola 'seaweed' at university? Because not even the tide would take her out. A bit cruel I suppose ... maybe that's why she seems so angry all the time.
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Isn’t it funny how a week or so ago POW was quoted as saying not all therapy is suitable for all people and now that seems to be setting a narrative?
Unfortunately "therapy" can be very attractive and enabling for those with a victim mentality. Harry has obviously been immersed in woke therapy delivered by self-seeking "therapists" who are keen to maintain their burgeoning bank balances along with their "royal" client.
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Churchill's Ghost

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Do people like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and others who scream about oppression and colonization ever stop for a moment to realize that their very names reveal them to be descendants of the colonizers who wiped out the indigenous people of South and Central America? Nope, apparently only English-speaking people are evil. France, Italy, etc also get a pass in Africa too.

I guess he is threatening a second boom because they didn’t get the reaction that they wanted from the family.

Spare was supposed to be his journey from prince to man, but that is only addressed in the last sentence “That’s not a spare, that’s a man” Which is a patently stupid pronouncement in a profoundly stupid book. She acts as if no man has ever attended their birth of their children before…in fact KC3 was the first royal father to insist on being in the delivery room with his wife, but heaven forbid he give his father any credit at all. William was by Kate’s side too.
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VIP Member
It pains me.
Her sister has MS.
Meghan could have worked with her alongside MS charities to help people.
If the kids were IVF and/or surrogate, they could have done podcasts and all kinds of stuff to help others going through it all.
So much good they could have done.

Wasted opportunity.
She won't do fuck-all.
She couldn't give a toss.

Unless, its .........



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The Tipsy Titian

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He is seriously pissing me off now!
How much longer is he going to get away with everything, he's admitted to assaulting bodyguards and taking drugs to name but two.
His mother totally ruined him, he did just as he liked with no discipline and look where that's got him, the total shit that he is today. He does just as he likes because he knows he can get away with it. He was born into a life of privilege and wealth and as it has been said on here many times, he could have done anything he wanted and lived a life the rest of us mere mortals could only dream about. Perhaps poor William would rather have been second born but he's stepped up and accepted it and will no doubt make an excellent King one day.
It really is time the pair of them were cut adrift. After the Coronation (no bloody invitations) they need totally erasing from the RF and everything that involves, let them survive in the real world on their own! Speaking of which, how can people pay to hear him speaking, a self confessed druggie and all round idiot?
Rant over!
Thank you 😂
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I'm sick to death of the 'British Empire was evil' crap. Yes, it was evil but it was also a long time in the past. Nobody who took part in the Empire is alive today. And no one living today took part in the Empire. Plus we don't have an empire anymore. It's gone.
But more than anything. If you look at any country's history you're going to see evil done in the name of that country. Everywhere. So that's my rant for the day. :giggle:
Totally agree but the trouble is that the narrative that H&M and Scoobie et al are trying to push is that the Commonwealth is British Empire 2.0, thus bringing it into a modern day "Britain is evil" supposed relevance. That being said, there are countries lining up to become part of the Commonwealth, so it can't be that bad and a,the as yet unrecognized Somaliland.

The 2nd point is that the commonwealth is a voluntary arrangement, so it isn't like Chuck is sailing in on his galleon and pronouncing XYZ country as part of the Commonwealth. The ignorance is strong with Scoobie, Hawwy (King Henry's great great great great great grand... nothing) et al. But those who WANT to hear that narrative, well that sticks, unfortunately.

Also, there is a deafening silence regarding the other countries that did partake of empire building in a brutal and patronizing way (Spain, France, the Dutch, Italy, Portugal etc). Why are we not revisiting the Vikings and their Empire while we're at it. Or the Romans? They didn't exactly swan in with a bouquet of flowers and a box of bonbons and set up camp and roast marshmellows over a fire with the locals, did they. HAwwy et al are just focusing on this to grind a fabricated axe.
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I am still astounded at the men he chose to interview him basically walking on eggshells around him like he is 12.

Anderson Cooper asked him "Why not renounce your titles as Duke and Duchess?" and he just let's Harry say "And what difference would that make?" Why didn't he probe further? Anderson Cooper isn't a newbie interviewer he should have been able to very quickly and smartly outmanoeuvre Harry. But he didn't.

Tom Bradby didn't even try. He was saying things like "people might ask" "some say". No. Just cut the bullshit and ask straight questions: why do you condemn Thomas Markle for speaking to the media when you are doing the same thing? Why are you backtracking on the racism claims? Did Peg bully staff?

They just let him run around unchallenged.

Yeh but his anger prickling below the surface was made very evident by those interviews, so despite not challenging him, they did help to show the real Harry.
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Meghan is a very hard person to have sympathy for but I do have sympathy with people of mixed heritage. I recently watched a documentary about New York Yankee's shortstop Derek Jeter, one of the best to ever play that position. He was of mixed-race (like Meghan you wouldn't neccessary know that by looking at him) and although he didn't let it define him he found as he grew-up some white friends started to consider him black and stopped hanging-out and some black friends considered him to be white and an 'Uncle Tom'. As I said, he didn't let that define him and he doesn't make an issue about it other than trying to explain how it was for him growing-up (and as an adult). As a white person it was interesting to listen to his experience. Trouble with Rachel is that by playing the race card she's lost a hell of a lot of sympathy and good will. I mean, what's the point of being so fucking divisive? Hardly anyone in the UK cared about her race untill she made a big deal about it. She's so immature it's beyond belief. As I said, it's so very very hard to have any sympathy for her.
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My current thinking about them at the coronation, I really don't give a toss if
they turn up or not. Whatever happens there will be fallout and the big day will
be ruined by these morons.
Wouldn't it be nice if the media all agreed to have a total blackout of the Harkles for the week before the Coronation and the week after. Just fill their columns/shows with photos/talk/footage of how KC3 has waited and been prepared for this day since he was a young man and afterwards show pictures of the whole splendid occasion with all the pomp and ceremony only the British can do.

If The Gruesome's had never left then this is what would have been in the media with nothing at all reported about what they were getting up to. Everybody is getting fed up hearing about them anyway. Bring on the blackout I say!
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Iconic Member
No offense, I’m sure he’s a lovely man but can this Justin Welby just keep the fuck out of it and let the lads ignore each other or deck each other….
He’s like that weird maths teacher that volunteered to take weekend detention and tried to make the kids hug out their feelings and do the circle of trust.
He looks like he smells of werthers original.*

I don’t want them to get on, i want more broken dog bowls and less harmony.
Charles do NOT show how much of a wet drip you are, if your feeling emotional go hug a plant and suck it up.
Bless you.

*not an insult per se, I do like a nice butterscotch/caramel treat.
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The sheer arrogance of assuming that anyone wants to read about you just 12 weeks later and just in time for the coronation is utterly breathtaking.
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