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I watched the videos of Trevor Coult interviewing firstly Tom and then Samantha. He asked them some really good questions such as where was Doria when she disappeared from Meghan's life, was she in prison. How many times has TW been married, and did she have a child prior to Harry.

I find it really hard to believe that neither of them knew the answers. If my stepmother suddenly left I would be asking questions and seeing as they were by then late teens/early twenties I think they would have been told the truth.

It was interesting that Sam confirmed that Meghan had frozen her eggs. Makes the surrogacy rumours seem more likely IMO.
Agree 100% @Kitten Heels. I think both Tom and Samantha know exactly where Doria was and if there were previous children, previous marriages etc etc. on Meghan's part. My guess is that they are being advised by attorneys on what to/what not to say. Especially considering Samantha is already in litigation with TW.
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Chatty Member
If he does come back and gets to keep his titles with no repercussions for all his statements in his book, especially the ones that raise security concerns for the armed forces, kc is creating a lifelong problem for pow, talk about golden child. But if he does get to come and behaves like a tantrum img toddler kc has no one to blame but himself.
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I remember reading in Sam's book that smeg said Daddy I've met a prince instead of I've met a lovely man

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Got it.


Also Who is this Lady C? And does she really know anything?

She is a good writer.
She married a British aristocrat - Lord Colin.
Their marriage was short lived but she is entitled to use the title Lady Colin.
She milks that title to make it look like she is in the inner circle of high ranking aristos.
She isn't as "in" as she would have us believe BUT she knows people who know people who are.
So she does get to hear bits and bobs in the same way as a journalist hears stuff from their own " sources."

Does she dine with Charles and Camilla? No.

So her info is third hand at best.
Doesn't mean her info isn't credible though.
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GB news big discussions about H and M at the Coronation and I think they are coming, apparently old flap ears wants both Sons to come and mend the rift.

It goes to prove that that if you are an evil,nasty cun t you get all you want and nil consequences. I said yesterday if he wants him here he should give up the throne and he is not listening to the most important people,us fucking old tosse r not worth a wet wank,, both him and Welby should just pray and shut the fuck up and go away.

If true and I suspect it is then wave goodbye to the throne you weak,feeble,pathetic bastard.
Poor William, I can't help but feel if they are invited and come, it undermines his feelings on the matter. If the family want to kiss and make up in private, then who are we to stop, BUT it should not interfere with their jobs. The Coronation is a work thing, Harkles have undermined the King, and as such should not be supported to attend the work function. If Charles wants the Harkles to eat cucumber sandwiches with them in a private family 'do afterward, then fine. But don't invite them to a ceremony that they have tried to ruin! It's like inviting a bulldozer to the celebration of a house building once built, makes no sense and pisses everyone off. Because if they do come, it's going to detract from that actual fun bits like the crowning. The press will be be bothered about what TW will be wearing.

I hope the organisers have whopping great candles on standby and I hope they are further away than second row this time.

Will must be furious.
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But the perpetrators this time are BLACK! Not much mileage in it for them this time is there??
Yes, the ring-leaders of BLM will be very unhappy that the police officers were black. Obviously, for the vast vast majority of people the whole thing is a tragedy and we aren't interested in making a political point about it or race-baiting. So yeah, Meghan will have zero interest.
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It pains me.
Her sister has MS.
Meghan could have worked with her alongside MS charities to help people.
If the kids were IVF and/or surrogate, they could have done podcasts and all kinds of stuff to help others going through it all.
So much good they could have done.

Wasted opportunity.
Have they done anything bar hand out some vegetables/sandwiches/packets of crisps and lumbered innocent children with copies of The Bench?
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I am no expert in finances and so, but the reports from Archewell look very dodgy.
First, that's not an official report, it's a Marketing/Propaganda piece.
Then, they are reporting the totals of what others achieved with *some* contribution from Archewell.
And then there's a considerable gap (reported 10M) between the money they received and the money they distributed.

I would like some of our American friends to weigh in, as, where I live, this would be enough to request an IRS inspection to the financials - and there's an obligation to issue an official financial report every year.
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VIP Member
I watched the videos of Trevor Coult interviewing firstly Tom and then Samantha. He asked them some really good questions such as where was Doria when she disappeared from Meghan's life, was she in prison. How many times has TW been married, and did she have a child prior to Harry.

I find it really hard to believe that neither of them knew the answers. If my stepmother suddenly left I would be asking questions and seeing as they were by then late teens/early twenties I think they would have been told the truth.

It was interesting that Sam confirmed that Meghan had frozen her eggs. Makes the surrogacy rumours seem more likely IMO.

I find that curious, too.
As if they weren't in Meghan's life much around that time either.

I'm still not sure what to think of them....her father, brother or sister.
I'm still veering towards all of them being trashy and wanting to cash in on the Royal connection.

Even if they are, they are allowed to defend themselves against defamation.
So, good on Samantha for doing so.
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This is still doing the rounds...

Imagine if there was a possibility it was true. Poor Harold would now have TWO older, and more attractive, half-brothers (both Heirs and both Willys) to contend with. :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 1915733

Always the Spare 😭

God hates you, cunt.

The way this guy can imitate Harry so well has me howling.

I am still laughing over the frozen todger one. Priceless.

This lady speaks for a lot of us


But in truth, many people are tired and have lost interest, she makes a good point. Everything that Harry complained about can be found in everyday families. No one is writing a whole book about how their big brother got the bigger room. And gloating that William is balding and doesn't look like mummy anymore was so petty. And embarrassing. I don't get how he couldn't see that.
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If KC is really wanting this then he is as soft as shit as my late nana used to call him! Fair enough any normal person would want their son at something big in their lives, but this is far from a normal situation seeing as they’ve spent so many years now trying to throw a bomb under the RF. Get a grip Charlie Boy, can’t wait until it’s William and Catherine’s show they’ll be as welcome as a fart in a lift.
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Scotch Mist

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There's something very odd about this photo 🤔 Archie climbing on the table like he's never seen a cake before, vases of flowers in the way instead of the usual party foods you might see at a children's birthday party, a cake with a poisonous flower as decoration, no plates or cutlery. It's like the Harkles have never done a kids party before 🤭
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He’s now against free speech too!
He doesn't know what he's for and against, he's a dolt. He's a 38 year old man trying to catch-up on 38 years worth of learning in a week-long seminar hosted by Meghan and a power-point presentation.
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The trouble with getting up to all the dodgy tricks to inflate reported book sales, sooner or later the truth catches up

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Scotch Mist

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So, above is a link to a YouTube psychic/tarot reader I've posted here before. He predicted many accurate things in the past (like how Britney would get a chance to speak and set the ball rolling to the end of her conservatorship, for example) - here's what he thinks is going on between Harry/William right now - and Meghan doesn't play a "big role" in the dysfunction, apparently!
I've thought that for a long time. Harold picked Smegz for a reason and that was to use her against his family. He wasn't going to marry a stuffy member of the aristocracy with a face like a horse, he wanted glamour and rebellion.
He wanted the world to look at his wife and feel envious that he was with a beautiful woman and together they could outshine William and Kate.

I do think that the Royal family are probably very snobby and of course there were expectations about Harold's wife but the problem is based in class rather than race. If she had been upper class or royalty from another elite family that would have been fine, her skin colour is irrelevant.

It was a bonus that Smegz was mixed race, as Harold could see that might make them appear more modern and cool to younger people and he could claim racism if they refused to let him marry her. Being able to use the race card against his family seemed like a marvellous coup at the time. It remains to be seen if he ever develops a conscience about the damage he inflicted for petty revenge.
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Omg. Scobie on a podcast (on gb news) saying when HMQ said recollections may vary that was racist. Wtf
Just to get this straight in my head:
Twats go on Oprah in front of audience of…dozens & “suggest“ racism in RF;
Two years pass…
Twat then denies it & says that “the press” said that;
Press (as that is what Scobie presents as) accuses late Queen as racist saying racist things.
Has time travel now been proved?

Or is someone desperately trying to prove his & others relevance & importance in the face of a masterpiece of dealing with a narcissistic tantrum, & flailing about like a dick in a shirtsleeve in the hope of provoking any kind of reaction that can then be distorted and spun.

Must be fun being a self-appointed “Royal expert” when the object of your fixation refuses to acknowledge your existence.
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