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I think the look of her breast bulging over and out of her tacky, ill fitting bra is more egregious than the pit stain. The pit stain is an example of unconscious crassness, the boob buldge is an example of conscious crassness.

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Hi each, haven't been here for a while, started a new job working with those struggling with addiction, DV, bereavement, poverty, general life's been an eye opener, even though I have certain experience myself...nothing prepared me for a pretty intense first full week....
I see Rachel has gone quiet, who knows why, I'd really like them to get their shit together, count their blessings and live their lives in peace, but I dont think that's on the cards, unfortunately 😕

Coronation..looking forward to😁 (JOHNNY SIGN MY BOOBS😁😁😁)

Children, if they were conceived by IVF or carried by a surrogate, I just wished they'd have said. A huge opportunity missed. Hope they are thriving xxx

Still miss HMQE II, though I'm relieved she's not here to witness this shitshow.

Anyway. Hope you are all doing well.
Best wishes from South Staffordshire xxx
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My fellow tattlers, don't let the hazbeens and the press wind you up. How many times have we seen them use these same tactics, buying news stories to influence events. A quick reminder:

Harry and Meghan will attend Barak Obama's birthday party
Harry and Maghan will walk the red carpet and present an oscar
Harry and Meghan are flying to Balmoral to be at the Queens bedside.
Harry and Meghan will attend State dinner before Queen's funeral
And the list goes on.
The suss-sexs are desparate for a reaction from the RF, and will keep pushing and pushing.
The papers love the click bait , and will keep bilking the will they/won't they until the RF makes a statement, or the actual Coronation ceremony.

I call bull :poop: on the Archbishop's involvement with a sussex cease fire. As if madam would listen to a mere mortal. I call bull:poop: on haz issuing terms to attend.
I also call bull :poop: on the whole idea that KCIII will address haz's comments in an interview, because his last interview in the Diana years left a lasting impression of humiliation. Interviews never go in the favor of the RF, just ask andrew and haz.

I'm am grumpy, we are back in a -20 degree (sans wind chill factor) weather pattern. My poor doggies don't want to go outside at all. I have to go out with them which means bundling up several times a day and an horrid heating bill. When they come back inside I have to help them dig the snow out of their paws. (They won't wear the booties I bought them). Global warming-bah!
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What I wanna know is, what expertise does Harry bring to his “role” at better up or indeed speaking engagements like this?! There are people with 15-20 years career experience in employee engagement/HR matters, people who’ve got MBAs or postgrad qualifications in behavioural science, business psychology, business management, whatever. And what the fuck has Harry ever done? He’s never even worked for a private company up to this point. He is as well qualified to be a chief officer of anything, as I was in my first shit temp basic admin job when I was 20. i.e. not at all. So what’s gonna be in this (Meghan-penned/ghostwritten) speech? Why are we all buying into this illusion that he’s a seasoned professional or an expert? Almost everyone who’s ever worked for him has left after like six months, that’s appalling. Employee retention is a key part of personnel management these days.
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I think Megan's plan has backfired totally now. She created a monster (the press) that could unite them as a crusading couple, since they don't actually have much in common and a shared enemy is useful in bringing strangers together. She knew would really press his existing buttons because of his mum. She then gave Harry the opportunity to be her hero, (since he frankly can't do much else) and protect her from the awful, mean press. This she saw as a double win, manipulate their relationship dynamic AND get hubby to open his wallet and crush any nasty stories about her that may have slipped through the net.

Only problem is they could really REALLY do with some positive press now. Books, Netflix, Oprah, Spotify are the only routes to the public that they can not only control but also profit from. Sadly they have all failed. Public still don't like them and 'The Press' are having an absolute field day.

They are running out of options and I'm honestly excited to see what bizarre shit show idea they come up with next.
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What kind of real satisfaction can there be for Harry in the FAKE lives these two lead?

He resented being used a the “Spare” in the RF…but his wife uses him constantly to build her own brand, the bit-part Juggler outside the window. He’s been used as third-rate aging actress’s ticket to fame. How much of her love is real and how much FAKE as necessary to her own overwhelming ambition?

These Company Boards use him for the title…because he has neither the education or expertise to offer anything else. Can you imagine him trying to take part in any expert discussion with these other attendees? Can you imagine the snickering that goes on when FAKE HAROLD turns away?

American late night hosts use his autobiography as fodder for jokes, and laughs from their audience. There is no gravitas in how he is being treated by them or their audience. Any sympathy he expected is twisted for a laugh by his FAKE American media friends.

Woke Oprah and her crowd use him like a TV preacher might use a derelict living on the streets who they drag on stage to proclaim he has found the one true religion. Racism, racism, racism. He needs to keep confessing his family sins to have worth in their eyes. Otherwise any interest in him is FAKE.

As for his family life, the great love story, the darling children…how much is FAKE, we don’t know…but Harold DOES.

I wonder, except, for his anger and self-pity….is anything REAL in his new life?
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I agree. I’ve said before that they were not so much interviewers as facilitators.
Bradby was visibly shrinking at one point.
A decent interviewer would have had Harry tying himself in knots. Let’s face it, he doesn’t need very much help in appearing deranged.
Even if there was a list of agreed questions, what was to stop one of them coming in from left field just to see his reaction?
They gave him undue deference for reasons I cannot fathom.
He’s of no importance so what were they frightened of?

They will never agree to being interviewed by anyone who would challenge them.

But..... the public are turning against them anyway....

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I agree, his cousin Peter learnt carpentry didn't he, Zara and her horses etc
Yes, but Zara said in an interview once that they were brought up knowing that they had to earn their own money. They wouldn't be getting any money from 'being royal'.
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I only asked if the US presenters had much influence. Meaning do they influence how Americans think/feel about Meghan and Harry.

I'm sorry that led to talk of political parties.
That derails the thread and the Mods have told us to keep that out of here.
@Chita - No need for you to apologize. You asked a simple question which was relevant to the conversation. Not your fault if anyone chooses to use this forum to deliver anti-Trump rants.

Thank you all for your good wishes regarding my surgery. I'm still feeling a bit woozy but so, so grateful for your support and kind thoughts. 🤗
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Harry & Meghan #309 This pair are so twisted & bitter. And now their approval rating is down the sh*tter.
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They scream about press, for doing their jobs, and the idiots condemn stories that later on, when their narrative changes, they themselves end up confirming.

Because they are both intellectually limited, they are unable to play the press game, and can only work with sycophants who idolise them, report on them using the exact words they mandate, and more importantly, never, EVER, question nor fact check what they say.

And they surround themselves by these sort of people, who feed their ego and delusions of greatness. They have, I'm sure, a very small circle of people around them that are either infatuated or taking advantage (Doria) of the duo.

I keep saying, there's no better example about their stupidity than how they handled their first born birth: if they had a moment with press at the hospital, released a proper birth document, released pictures of the boy on his birthday, no one would be questioning if he was real, or adopted, or born from a surrogate. But his autocratic need to control the press and her need to just be talked about are feeding that narrative and all conspiracy theories.
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I realise that the DM headline is little more than clickbait, but I honestly feel really sorry for Charles over this. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place with Harry and the Coronation. If they do come, it'll grab the headlines. If they don't come, it'll grab the headlines. Harry has put his father into a horrible situation with this book and never ending mud slinging.

Having just lost my beloved Dad, I want to scream at Harry to grow the fuck up and make the most of this man while he has him.
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