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All this surrogate stuff is a bit off the wall isn't it? I mean, come on, can't be right can it?
Can it?
I used to think that the surrogacy theories were ridiculous, however in all the endless soul baring and whinging about how unfair people have been about them and how awful people have been to them, they have never once said how unfair it was to be accused of using surrogates?
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I was starting to get really annoyed by the stories about 'peace talks', but I saw this on twitter and it makes sense:



The Reason why you see those 'ideas of peace talks' from "Royal insider'is because Harry +1 have Not been invited to the Coronation yet. And since KCIII scrapped the Oath by the Dukes, Harry doesn't need to be there. Meg & Haz are now desperately fishing for an invite...
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Can you imagine haz being a commentator on the Coronation?

"Oh, that's Blah blah, can't remember his name but I hate him. I wanted to play with the Crown Jewels once and he wouldn't let me. I was only 7, who says no to a 7 year old? I got my own back though, everytime I saw him I kicked him in the shin."
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Sky News have picked up on this.

A quote from this article ......

"If you don't lead by example, what is the point in living?" he asked.

What is the point of your life Hazno? If you think you are leading by example, think again. I hope no young person looks at you and thinks .... 'It's alright to take drugs for years on end, it makes you a great bloke and a good laugh. If it's good enough for a member of the RF to take them, it's good enough for me!"

You are one repulsive little man/child with drug-induced feelings of grandeur.
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If KC takes that awful pair back into the fold (or even just Harry and gives him a prominent role again) we should just rename this thread "abolish the monarchy" and be done with them. He's not just Pa taking back his wayward son - he's the king for god's sake and has to think of the opinions of everyone. KC had better not turn into the lily-livered embarrassment that I think he could be capable of becoming in these "peace talks".
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Lorraine Kelly says Harry sounds like a "wee damaged soul" and should be invited to the coronation because all families have "fall-outs".
I'm sick of people giving him a free pass like this, making him sound like a child again. And this isn't exactly a small falling out in an ordinary family.
This really hacks me off. Nobody EVER takes into account that William also lost his mother. And by all accounts, they were far closer, she told everybody he was her confidante (inappropriately, at his age, imo). But it's always all about Harry and his grief.
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If the RF have covered up seriously bad stuff - stuff that should have been a police matter, then it serves them right if the monarchy collapses.

If Harry is mentally ill, then that's medical records stuff and should not be outed by anyone else but him.
I think he's a nasty and angry person using mental health problems as an excuse for bad behaviour.

If they used surrogates, that's fine, and private medical information should remain undisclosed but Archificial and Invisibeth should never have been included in the line of succession. The fact that they are, means we have a right to know the truth about their births.

I think the Harkles seemed to be in an awful hurry to have babies.
And if they were natural pregnancies, she must be super fertile to get pregnant three times (including alleged miscarriage) so quick and in such rapid succession at her age.

I think they used surrogates because she didn't know about the " born of the body" rule.
I think she was in a hurry because it's rule number 3 in the gold digger handbook.
1 - hook a rich guy
2- get him to buy you a massive diamond ring (high re-sale value)
3 - have his child/ren.
Do all this as soon as you can because the sooner you achieve numbers 1, 2 and 3, the sooner you can divorce him.
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The Wicked Lady

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I was thinking, what if Ashley Cole has google alerts set up and every day he receives an email from google
‘I blame Ashley Cole’
‘It’s all Ashley Cole’s fault’

Sorry Ashley. But it is your fault. Why couldn’t you have married Meagain… in olden times you’d have been made a Knight of the Realm for protecting the monarchy in this way.

As it is we are stuck with Spare and TW.
@margaretta you called it! OMG! Ashley Cole has just tweeted to say:
I want to tell this @wibble person and their supporters that it is NOT my fault. I have a phobia of yacht girls and I have a doctor's letter to prove it!
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Sun newspaper, this could be what the Stoat's been taking for "therapy."

"Brit couple ‘caught selling hallucinogenic “little death” tea once used by Harry & frog drug 40 X stronger than morphine..
A hallucinogenic tea nicknamed "little death" once taken by Prince Harry.
(The Brits) allegedly used mind-bending drugs such as ayahuasca to get punters high in unlicensed shamanic healing sessions.
Prince Harry said in his book that he had taken psychedelic drugs including ayahuasca.

....“dangerous substances” including magic mushrooms and ayahuasca with no health controls
....kambo, the poisonous secretions of the giant monkey frog said to be 40 times stronger than morphine.

Nicknamed "little death", the potent psychoactive drug ayahuasca is often drunk during tribal rituals in the Amazon rainforest by Westerners who have been promised they will experience "spiritual enlightenment".
A string of celebs including Sting, Paul Simon and Lindsay Lohan are said to have endorsed the class-A drug, a blend of he ayahuasca vine and a shrub called chacruna.
Prince Harry confirmed he took ayahuasca as well as other psychedelic drugs such as psilocybin mushrooms in his book, Spare.
He claimed that it helped him to deal with the scars left by his mother Diana’s death in a car crash in August 1997."
A friend’s adult son, resident in Brazil with a good job and sensible lifestyle, got persuaded to try this when he was feeling a bit low. Had an awful reaction, physical and psychologically - ended up in hospital in a dreadful state and only now recovering and trying to rebuild a life back in the UK, after his father went out and brought him back.
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Currently headlining in the DM.


Prince Harry has demanded an apology from the Royal Family to his wife Meghan for unspecified reasons.
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I can’t understand what Harry always looks so scruffy.
I know a lot of ex servicemen and they are fussy about their clothes, probably because of their training.
When they are going out clothes are never stained or crumpled, shoes are always polished, even in smart casual dress.
Harry looks like a Wurzel Gummidge even on official occasions
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Currently headlining in the DM.

View attachment 1881837View attachment 1881838

Well fuck you Harry, you are not getting an apology.
The arrogance is breathtaking! You are owed NOTHING Harold! 🤬
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Over the last few days, the more I've read and seen from Harry, the more i think he's unbelievably unwell. He has met someone who thrives off another's trauma and uses it to control them. She is keeping him in victim mode, as are his therapists and his circle of enablers (he thinks they're friends).

He's living in a bubble of people who never tell him he's wrong, never pull him up, never give him another viewpoint and are fuelling his negative mindset for their own gain, be that financial or psychological (so they can be Harry's 'saviours' maybe).

The damaged child in him is revelling in all this 'support' and euphoric affirmation from his inner circle. Finally he's getting the attention and comfort he feels he's been missing since childhood.

They will tell him he's got to do this. He's got to share and work through his truth to have healing. But he's not getting any balance. No-one is reminding him that his truth might not be THE truth.

I really think he's living in a cult of yes men. He's drowning, but they need him - he's their meal ticket.

He's also now trapped (nice nice Meghan) - if he leaves his marriage she will have so much dirt on him and has a fat mouth - plus i don't think he'd ever leave his kids.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely despise what he's done/doing, but the more he has spoken shows the warps in his mind - I'm now totally convinced he's unbelievably unwell, just as his family have been telling him for years (spot on William).

So when i first read that Charles might want peace talks, i thought surely fucking not - Charles you big fanny!

But then i thought, if my family member was trapped in a cult, suffering (possible) psychosis and paranoia amongst MANY other things, maybe I'd reach out to them too.

Data analysts will have told the RF that feedback is in their favour - most people think H is off his head... maybe meeting him shows they are trying to help him. Again. 🤷‍♂️

Some early morning thoughts - i might be completely off the mark because it's stupid-early for a Sunday 🤣
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Wackie Jeaver

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Fucking twat:

Prince Harry ‘compromises Royal family’s safety’ by revealing layout of palaces
Duke of Sussex labelled a ‘fool’ for describing security arrangements in his tell-all memoir, Spare

ByVictoria Ward, ROYAL EDITOR and India McTaggart14 January 2023 • 6:00pm


The Duke of Sussex describes the layout of various royal residences, as well as his personal protection detail, in his memoir CREDIT: P van Katwijk/Getty Images
The Duke of Sussex has compromised the security of the Royal family by describing the layout of various royal residences, as well as his personal protection detail, an expert has warned.
Dai Davies, a former head of royal protection, said the Duke was a “fool” for revealing such information in his memoir, Spare – details that could prove “dangerous” in the wrong hands.
The Duke wrote in the book that he carried an electronic tracker and panic alarm at all times, describing how his protection team operated and reacted.
He included a detailed description of where to find the Queen Consort’s “fanciest bottles” of wine, “absurd gifts from foreign governments and potentates”, as well as “several storerooms full of paintings” at Highgrove, the King’s Gloucestershire home.
Minute details are also shared about the location of Queen Elizabeth II’s bedroom at Balmoral and the precise route from the entrance at Clarence House to the King’s private sitting room, complete with the exact number of stairs.

Mr Davies, who has worked in police and security for more than 50 years, said: “These revelations give me great concern and will likely give great concern to Prince Harry’s current team.
“It makes the job of protecting him, whether privately or otherwise, problematic. Only a fool would reveal this kind of detail about the royals’ inner sanctums.
“Historically, there have always been people who have tried to access parts of royal palaces.
“Whether they are fixated individuals with mental health problems or terrorists, this information could prove very useful.
“There is a reason Buckingham Palace never discusses any detail about its security operations, big or small. It would never expect someone with such an intimate knowledge of private royal residences to disclose such information.”

The Duke recounted in his book the moment that the Duchess of Sussex was first introduced to the King and the Queen Consort, when they were greeted at the door of Clarence House by a butler and a house manager.
“They led us down the long corridor, past the big paintings and gilt-edged mirrors, along the crimson carpet with the crimson runner, past the big glass cabinet filled with gleaming porcelain and exquisite heirlooms, up the creaky staircase, which rose three steps before jogging right, up another twelve steps, then jogged right again,” he said.
“There, at last, on the landing above us, stood Pa.”
Elsewhere, the Duke described how to get to his old basement hideout at Highgrove, the King’s Gloucestershire home – nicknamed Club H.
The former bomb shelter, he said, could be reached by walking “through a heavy white ground-level door, then down a steep flight of stone stairs … along a damp stone floor, then descended three more stairs, walked down a long damp corridor with a low arched roof, then past several wine cellars, wherein Camilla kept her fanciest bottles, on past a freezer and several storerooms full of paintings, polo gear, and absurd gifts from foreign governments and potentates.
“Beyond that final storeroom were two green doors with little brass handles, and on the other side of those was Club H”.
The Duke also recalled in great detail the layout of Balmoral, the late Queen’s “happy place” nestled in Aberdeenshire’s grouse moors.
Prince Harry recounted in Spare: “Closing my eyes, I can see the main entrance, the panelled front windows, the wide portico and three grey-black speckled granite steps leading up to the massive front door of whiskey-coloured oak, often propped open by a heavy curling stone and often manned by one red-coated footman.
“And inside the spacious hall … and then the light brown wooden door leading to the corridor with the crimson carpet and the walls papered in cream, a pattern of gold fleck, raised like braille, and then the many rooms along the corridor … and finally the castle’s main chamber, built in the 19th century.”
He went on to describe the grand staircase in the heart of the main chamber, writing that “whenever Granny headed up to her bedroom on the second floor, corgis at her heels, she preferred the lift”.

The Duke of Sussex describes the layout of Balmoral in great detail CREDIT: Andrew Milligan/WPA Pool/Getty Images
The King shares his mother’s love for Scotland and is currently staying at Birkhall, his home on the Balmoral estate.
Meanwhile, the Duke also described his former personal protection in detail, sparking fears that this could compromise the security of the rest of the Royal family.
He wrote: “I needed someone who’d treat me normal, which meant ignoring the armed bodyguard sleeping down the hall, whose job was to keep me from being kidnapped or assassinated (to say nothing of the electronic tracker and panic alarm I carried with me at all times).”
The Duke added that before his security protection was lost, he “had never been allowed to go anywhere without three armed bodyguards”.
Additionally, he also revealed that the official threat level in the country is “used by palace security to allocate personnel and guns”.
The Duke talked at length about his protection officers, including one man he called Billy the Rock – who he admitted gave the green light to retracing his late mother’s final journey through the Alma tunnel in Paris at the same speed her car was travelling at when it crashed.
“Billy added that if the driver ever revealed to another human that we’d asked him to do this, we’d find him and there would be hell to pay,” he wrote.
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