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I feel so sorry for Catherine. She doesn’t need this constantly bullying and goading. The Oprah interview was bad enough, but now the Netflix trailer. She hasn’t put a foot wrong and yet she’s had to deal with unproven lies about her marriage, the whole bridesmaid story, it goes on. And every year around her birthday there is another “nugget“ from H and M. Next year it will be the release of Spare. Previously it was “them leaving the royal family”. It’s so calculated, so snide. Mentally, it must be completely draining. Not to mention the abuse that she’s had to deal with online.
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Don’t even know what to say about that vindictive narcissistic trailer, exactly what we all expected.

But if I were Kate, I’d be giving the royal family an ultimatum right about now - me or them. That poor woman must be absolutely exhausted and infuriated by all of it. She’s stuck by them and been humiliated by those two at every PR stunt they pull. It’s time Charles and William man up and take the titles off them.
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Here’s the article.
What really annoys me is:
1. The assumption all black people are descemded from slaves.
2. The sheer and wilful ignorance that there were many white slaves.
3. The choosing to ignore the fact slavery still exists.
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I’m sorry but I have to say this. Unless you’re a person of color you will never understand the true meaning of being asked “where are you from?”. I have been asked countless times as a woman of mixed race heritage (mother is white, father is black), where are you from. When I tell them more often than not they will say “no but where are you really from” or “yeah but where were you born”. Or “ohh you look like you’re from x y and z”. It’s not a nice feeling whatsoever. Of course it’s a normal question being asked where are you from that’s not the issue. The issue is when you give the answer some people choose to push it much further by almost making you feel like you should have been born in Africa etc. I understand what this woman is saying as like I said I have been through this a million times. People would come up to me in school and say “can I touch your hair” or most times they wouldn’t even ask and would touch it anyway because it “looks fluffy”. I’m not taking sides in any of this btw but I just want to state that I do understand what this woman is saying. No hate. No arguments. Just my personal experience. Thank you.

I am not denigrating your experience. I started high school during the first year of integrated schools in my town. I could walk to school, but the kids being bussed in added an extra hour plus to their school day. Some days it was truly ugly. One day school got closed down for a riot beween the Hispanic kids and the African American kids. Personally as the goofy white girl with bows in her hair, I got smacked around a bit in gym class. In my four years of high school things slowly began to change. People shared sports teams, and sang in the same choir, and giggled through Reefer Madness in health class. I grew up during the terrible injustice of the separate but equal policy (rubbish), during the civil rights movement where law enforcement weaponized dogs and firehoses. Intellectually I understand how history has shaped our society, but my spirit simply does not understand how human beings can treat each other so cruelly. However, people on all sides of the equation are still using race as a weapon, and that is what Fulani did. She went to Buckingham Palace wearing attention grabbing African-ish attire including a necklace that resembled teeth, recording app primed for prey. She went with an agenda. She lied about standing on the edges of the group when video clips plainly show her speaking to QC. Her agenda was damage and notoriety which she acheived. Life is not fair, life has never been fair, life will never be fair. However, people with integrity must try to be fair. Fulani was a racial torpedo aimed at Buckingham Palaceand the Royal Family.

Ms. Fulani could have simply told Lady Susan that her questions were making her uncomfotable, and to please stop. She could have excused herself, but her recording app would have been so disappointed. Instead she successfully manipulated an old white woman into her web of avarice. I understand her as well, she clearly telegraphed her intentions and continues to do so.
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Chatty Member
Anyone else just wondering when they will actually get their karma? I find it so depressing at times seeing what Kate and William are going through and I don't see an end to it in sight ever. Feeling really sad for them today
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I am calling it a day My stomach issues are flaring up again and I feel like shite won't be around this weekend as I propbely will be staying in bed getting worked up over those two shits has not helped so I will be avoiding all news outlets as well , Have a good weekend everyone and don't let the cunts get to you 💋
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Mock Turtle

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I can’t link this article so I’ve just had to screenshot it. According to this Harry was never off the phone asking for money.

View attachment 1778780
Am still so heartbroken that our lovely Queen spent her last year being badgered and harassed everyday, in person by her grifting, egotistic son and on the phone by her traitorous, vengeful grandson. She deserved so much better. 💔
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Scotch Mist

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For the love of God, what is it that Harry and Meghan want? What's the end-game? What's the resolution? They wanted to live in peace and raise their children away from his toxic family and predatory UK media that understandably triggers Harry's childhood trauma? Ok done. Basically nobody in California is bothering them, right?

Then why are they constantly stirring the pot. W T F do they want to see happen?
If Smegz wasn't a malignant narc and just a normal woman Hazno may have left the royal family for a quieter, more private life. Charles offered them an estate in Herefordshire when they got married but of course Hazno married the wrong woman and there was no way Smegz was going to bury herself in the countryside.

As an American I understand that she wanted to return there but again this could have been low key with them just getting on with their new life.
The endgame for Smegz has always been to be extremely famous and seen as the successor to Princess Diana. She doesn't want a quiet life and never has. Her narcissisism means that she has to be seen to get one up on the RF and to be the winner. It seems to escape her notice that if the monarchy goes down so do they, and that she owes her platform due to her association with them.

I can't wait for it to go 'tits up' for them. After the book is published and the documentary is out they will have said everything and there will be nothing left but barrel scrapings. They will then hopefully fade into insignificance because people will get bored of hearing the same whingeing again and again and again.....
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Scotch Mist

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Where's Mr markle snr? Wish he would come on out and really tell everyone about this bitch once and for all.
The poor man lost his ability to speak when he had his stroke. My guess is that he may never fully recover 😧 so his days of speaking to the media are over. Not that his ghastly daughter cares of course! I bet she hasn't helped him pay his medical bills or visited him. She should be vilified for the way she's treated her father let alone anything else.
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Oh, I suppose it does look good in motion.

I think the choker would have looked even more magnificent with a black or white dress perhaps?
She rented it. For £74. And it looks amazing. And it fits. And it sets off that choker to perfection, doesn't it?

Smeg will probably turn up in NY in something that costs 100 times that, and make it look like something that fell off the rail in Primark. And no choker. :LOL:
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And just like that, the knot I’ve been feeling for the last couple of days due to the antics of the terrible two has evaporated in a puff of green emeralds, beautiful and graceful as ever, thankyou Princess of Wales for the moment of calm. When they go low, go higher. Suck on that cocky arseholes one and two!
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I do understand both of your points. And perhaps some part of me wouldn't have minded a response like that.

However, I still prefer how they responded. Just because you know someone and they are wonderful with other people and have been wonderful for 100 years doesn't mean they weren't awful in this particular instance.

I think you can condemn someone's actions and not them. Then learn and move on.

She chose to resign for a reason.

I also 100% believe that this woman went there looking for a fight.

She got the one she wasn't looking for and I hope the Comission goes after her.
We have only this one account of the conversation…and it is from the accuser. Really? Someone who hates the RF to boot. Yet her account is gospel?

And…on this alone, Lady S reputation is in tatters. In her long history at events like this, are we to believe this is the first Black person she ever encountered? Are we to believe that she was so uncaring of the RF‘s current issues…that she decided to humiliate this one Black person?

Are to we assume she is so unsophisticated, racist, and clumsy…YET that she would not have stumbled many many times before this? And that the first and only time…it was a BLM, sketchy activist who had an agenda and hates the RF? What are the odds of that? Kind of like Jussie Smollet running into two Black Trump supporters who are declaring a certain part of downtown Chicago as Trump Country at 3 AM.

Better yet…Are we to assume that the late Queen put friendship over duty and subjected decades of foreign dignitaries of every race to this racist loose cannon?

Guess so…
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Poor 43 has such bad luck with employees. Whoever would ever not get on with our sweetest and most beloved Duch?

EDIT to add this adorable picture

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She'll NEVER work in Hollywood now, nor I suspect rub shoulders with true A-listers, B-listers, or even C-listers. Although the movie industry is corrupt and seedy, work-ethic and talent is still far more valued over opportunism and blatent grifting, whoever the fuck you're married to. Wish I could get into a time machine and see where the cunts are in 10 years time.
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What a great night 😀😀
Fantastic American crowds galore for the Prince & Princess of Wales in Boston , USA.

Diana's emeralds worn by Kate

Shade thrown oh-so-beautifully..................

And those two lying grifters sitting in their own bile, not invited.
The old bike & the orange spangle.

A lovely night. 😀😀😀😎
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Chatty Member
Kate's quiet, hard working, humble and relatable. Gets the job done without drama. Everything a princess should be.

Meghan is a loud mouth trashy influencer wannabe who's constantly hungry for attention. Her idea of royalty is crying in front of a camera under a Hermes blanket

The two cannot be any more different. William has emotional intelligence and chose well, Harry is a fool and beyond help as he cannot see the world's most obvious thing that we all see
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Short recap:

- More is coming out about Ngozi's background, nothing seeming to her credit
- Boston is turning out for William and Catherine. They met an adorable Guardsman-in-training, people were waiting for hours to see them (and managed to meet them!)
- Netflix released the trailer for the Duo's behind-the-scenes love story. It is receiving many downvotes
- the thread was done and dusted in just over 24 hours. So much from the Duo when Actual Royals are touring, naturally

MeghansMole shared this (credit unknown):


Second bit of Patrick Christys, mentions of the only bits of racism in the RF come from Hazno:

Comment from Esther Krakue:

Esther speaking on Sky News Australia to Rowan Dean:

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