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Chiswick Flo

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I’m only an occasional poster as I just don’t have the time. And then there are weeks like this one….
Marlene Headley is a race baiting skank who just wants exposure for her « charity » to keep the donations coming in to pay her exhorbitant salary and expenses package. She’s a paid up member of the SS so we all know where this is coming from. MeMe clearly has a grudge against Lady Susan (some perceived slight) and just waited for her Madge to be out of the way before exacting her revenge. Our beloved Queen would never have thrown her long standing aide and friend under a bus in this way.
And don’t get me started on that load of effing Nutflix crap!
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All this stuff the horrible two are releasing. They think they are playing the sympathy card but it’s really the mockery card.
Saw David Mellor on GB News this morning (don’t judge me) and he says he’s known Lady Hussey for many years and feels she’s been thrown under the bus, and that its no coincidence this is all happening as the Harkles doc is coming out.
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Wackie Jeaver

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Lady Susan Hussey doesn’t deserve this vitriol
Two worlds collided at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday night: a Lady in Waiting encountered a Lady in Wokeing
ALLISON PEARSON1 December 2022 • 8:00pm


Lady Susan Hussey (right) with Princess Anne in 1969 CREDIT: Keystone-France
Required to deal with an almost unimaginable amount of social change, the oldest generation has done pretty well, I think. Words that were once harmless are suddenly a linguistic IED, likely to blow up the unwary or the merely old-fashioned.
For years, my incredibly polite mother used to say “coloured people” believing that calling someone “black” was rude. Her grandchildren were horrified. Like all young people these days, they believe they invented virtue. Enthusing to the family about Paul Robeson’s glorious voice, Mum used a now-banned word to describe certain songs of his and all hell broke loose. “You can’t say that, Grandma,” squawked the non-binaries. “What do I call them, then?,” their grandmother asked meekly. They settled on “spirituals”.
At least my mother’s “unacceptable and racist language” was not the lead item on the BBC News. That hellish mortification befell 83-year-old Lady Susan Hussey. For 60 years, Lady Susan never put a black patent court shoe wrong as Lady in Waiting to Queen Elizabeth (and godmother to Prince William). This week, she blundered into a very modern minefield where one individual who is minded to take offence, whether offence was intended or not, can cancel a lifetime of discreet and loving service.

Ngozi Fulani, the leader of Sistah Space, an east London charity for victims of domestic abuse, accepted an invitation from the Queen Consort to a reception at Buckingham Palace to raise awareness of violence against women and girls. According to Ms Fulani, she was approached by Lady Susan who asked her where she was from. When Ms Fulani explained her organisation was based in Hackney, Lady Susan persisted, “No, what part of Africa are you from?” When Ms Fulani said there were no records, the courtier pressed on regardless, “But what nationality are you?” Ms Fulani says she replied, “I am born here and am British.”
That should have been the end of it, clearly. A younger, more alert Lady Susan might have picked up a growing prickliness in the response, but she was like a corgi with a ham bone: “No, but where do you really come from, where do your people come from?” In that use of “people” one can hear the terrifically posh (“pipple”), almost extinct voice of the English aristocracy (Lady Susan is the youngest daughter of the 12th Earl Waldegrave.) Reading the transcript of the conversation (a very odd thing in itself; was this private exchange being recorded? If so it was a gross breach of etiquette), you can hear two worlds colliding: Lady in Waiting meets Lady in Wokeing.
After decades by the monarch’s side, Lady Susan is trained to break the ice and draw people out, which is what she was doing with Ngozi Fulani. Her opening gambit was fine, but the refusal to accept the guest’s insistence that she was British comes across as overbearing and, quite frankly, rude. Was she being racist? No, I don’t believe she was, because there was no malice in her behaviour. She was simply being rather grand and octogenarian; conditions Lady Susan can do very little about.
Ngozi Fulani went public with her distress on Wednesday morning and the damaging story was swiftly retweeted around the world. If the Queen were still alive (goodness, we miss her), I have no doubt she would have defended her old friend; the woman she chose to accompany her on that last, lonely journey to Prince Philip’s funeral. There might have been some holding statement along the lines of the immortal “recollections may vary”, which is how her late Majesty responded to Meghan and Harry’s allegations of institutional Royal racism during their interview with Oprah. But the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s highly-emotive media manipulation has changed the decorous rules of engagement. Within a few hours, the Palace described the remarks as “unacceptable and deeply regrettable” with Lady Susan apologising and resigning from her honorary position.
Some have accused the Palace of acting with “indecent haste”. The jolly, unrufflable Susan was a shoulder for the sensitive young Charles to cry on; she was one of six female intimates to receive a special gold brooch featuring the ostrich feathers and coronet crest of the Prince of Wales. The select group became known, rather wonderfully, as Charles’s Birds of a Feather. No, the ruthless speed of the banishment is a testament to Palace nerves. They are worried about the reception of the Prince and Princess of Wales on their current trip to the States and even more on edge about Harry and Meghan’s £88 million Netflix docu-series which, with diabolical timing, is due to be broadcast next week. Advance stills show the Duchess in tears, doubtless weeping over further reimaginings of “my Truth”. If, as feared, the programme rekindles allegations that Meghan was mistreated because of her skin colour, the Royals simply cannot afford to have an allegation of racism hanging over a senior member of the court. Poor Lady Susan is collateral damage in the Battle Royal.
It is, of course, perfectly possible to take a slightly different view of the clash of the charity boss and the Woman of the Bedchamber. If you turn up at an event in African dress, then don’t be too surprised if questions are asked about your heritage.
The leader of Sistah Space appears to have previously tweeted in support of Meghan and Harry and made nasty remarks about Charles and Camilla. “Harry and Meghan won’t be allowed on the balcony?,” ran one tweet from the charity, “They’re in a completely different category to Andrew… Harry married & had children with a black woman. An all exclusively white balcony. The only black people, banned. RACISM!”
And in a second tweet in March 2021: “Our charity supports black women DV survivors. I can’t stay silent about this. I admire Meghan for speaking out. According to clear definition, it seems Meghan is a survivor of DV from her in-laws.”
Now, why would you willingly venture into a palace that is a bastion of “structural racism” for an event hosted by a person you seemingly believe to be guilty of domestic violence? One Royal insider fumes that it’s a “stitch-up” that could scupper William and Catherine’s visit to the US. I’m not sure about that conspiracy theory, but there is more than a whiff of conveniently confected outrage here. As any fair person looking at photos of the reception Ngozi Fulani attended can see, the Royals are going out of their way to be as diverse and inclusive as possible.
In all of the furore, the UN’s “16 days against gender violence” featuring heartbreaking stories of women murdered by their partners is quite forgotten. And one much-admired elderly lady, who served her Queen with great distinction, has her reputation trashed because, just once, in all the decades since 1960 when she took on her role, she got things badly wrong. What a brutal, unforgiving people we have become.
Lady Susan will be desperately upset that she has caused embarrassment to the King, his Queen and her beloved godson. When cruel things were said about one years ago, Susan Hussey and her childhood friends would chant, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” She will need to call on all that fierce wartime nonchalance, the enduring stoicism of her great generation to weather this storm. Personally, I hope she gets tons of emails of support. Our late Queen is with you in spirit, Susan, sitting right next to you in the back of the car, under the rug you always shared, a gloved hand laid on your gloved hand. So are we.
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I was going to finish reading the thread before I commented, but Im too pissed off at the way the BRF has treated Lady SH.

That woman who showed up at a Royal Event, with our Queen, was not on the guest list and covered her name badge up.

Of course she was asked where she was from!
She was dressed in traditional clothing, which invites questioning about where its from.
Especially to someone like Lady SH who is extensively travelled and was probably very confused by an outfit and name which are a mish mash of several African heritages.

Yet Lady SH has been thrown straight under the bus, no words in her defense.

KCIII needs to grow some, fast.
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I didn't like Katherine makeup or hair. Also, either she did some botox or she's on some heavy relaxing meds, because her face seemed bloated, especially eyes. As I look in more detail, it could be false eyelashes. Too heavy and too dark eyeshadow, she should go for lighter one and hair was too flat for that makeup. I would also liked for choker not to be a choker but at least a finger loose. But that's me.

As for Cunts, there is nothing new, I expected something like this.
Blimey - she has flown half way around the world (not on a private jet), had to deal with the time difference, been bombarded with shit from Cali and the UK, been up and around trying to highlight serious issues and she has an off day?
Give her a break. She may not meet your standards but quite frankly, and considering what has been going on, I still think she looks amazing all things considered.
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She’s in Afrocentric attire. Again you are totally missing context for why some descendants of African slaves go full throttle in rejecting the adornments of slave owners conjure some generic “Africa” and dress accordingly. And give themselves Swahili names etc. it’s not the same thing as dressing as a leprechaun when you have Irish ancestry.
My great grandparents watched several children die of starvation during the potato famine. They were dirt poor, owned nothing. …maybe I should attend a reception carrying a simulated dead baby to reflect my heritage. I am exhausted by identity politics.

Anyone can dress as they please. But don’t use it, at a party you were not even invited to, as a trap to ensnare an old woman who offended yr idol MM.
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sweet. Sparry's wife would kill to get natural-looking unposed pictures like this.

Also very happy to see #NgoziFulwaniIsALiar on my local trends this morning.

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Not a very popular opinion maybe, but the light green dress with that choker makes sense. Matching the stones or a darker dress would have looked far too cohesive, and the choker would have blended in with the dress.

The rented unembellished dress, the light colour of it, the sparkly shoes and the lack of anything more than small earrings and her daily wear ring both highlighted the gorgeous necklace, and reiterated that one doesn't need a lot to shine.

There's a lot of textural and colour contrast, which makes the entire outfit quite interesting.

I did have a little pause when I considered the mining aspect of the jewellery, but then all her jewellery was heirloom pieces or would be passed down generations so we reduce waste that way.

Sure, all of us don't have heirloom jewellery, or can afford precious metals and stones which are longer-lasting, and renting is not an option for everyone either, and most importantly, most of us don't look like Catherine. But she has set a really, really lovely example. 🌲💚
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So they didn’t want to invade their own privacy by filming in their own home, but they had no problem breaching the Queen’s privacy by filming in her home without her permission?
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She is igbo, right? And proud of it? Or not? Where are the journalists these days???
She might talk the talk about being British, but she certainly does not walk the walk. Could she advertise her origins more obviously in her dress, even though she claimed she had no papers ? More hypocritical nonsense. So, correct answer to the question is. Where are you from ? Well, I was born here, so I am British, but my roots are in Africa. Then a civilised conversation about that if she was willing to engage.
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Wackie Jeaver

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Just thinking about the Marlene conversation.

In the context of what the event was, surely the answer to "Where are you from?" should be "I'm representing Sistah Space, we do blah blah blah"?

Which makes Marlene's agenda even clearer, to me at least.
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Scotch Mist

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I think it's hugely significant that Sarah Vine mentioned the moonbump in her article. This would never have happened a year ago so it would appear that something has changed since the Queen’s death.

Has the injunction been lifted? Nobody mentions it in the comments though which is odd because I think many people suspect about the faked pregnancies now.

Perhaps the revelation that Smegz used a moonbump and there are many unanswered questions about the flatpacks is not going to be the bombshell exposure that we hoped it would be?
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This is my first time starting a new Fred, so my apologies for just making up a thread title.
:::ducking the canned tomatoes 🥫:::
I’m certain someone had an awesome suggestion, but I wasn’t sure if there was a special repository for suggestions so I just made this up! Nothing has exploded thus far so I guess I followed the directions okay! If someone would please do a recap, that would be swell!

Mod edit, thread title updated to most liked suggestion.
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I would ask Shouty to have some decorum when she refers to Lady Susan thusly, however there's a reason she's known as Shouty.
I could be irritated by what she's said in this tweet but am actually cooing to myself, imagining being able to share a live broadcast space with her :devilish:
Hussey by name Hussey by nature? Is this cunt for real? These people are DISTURBED.
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