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Naturally, I have been thinking about things, and mulling over the ‘You wouldn’t understand unless you were a person of colour. That is probably too. But for those who are POC, can I share a moment in time that I had with my aunt, in the fifties when Marlene’s parents arrived in this country.
My aunt was the youngest in a family of seven children, living in a dockside tenement in Glasgow. She was the last to leave home, and her parents both became bedridden, she had to care for them for quite a number of years. She didn’t have much experience of the world. . In those days, there were some people who lived in Scotland who were not British. Glasgow had Chinese people, but they were rarely seen in the wider community. There were Italians, they owned the cafes and the fish and chip shops. There would occasionally be a visit from an onion Johnny. None, or very few from Africa, India or Pakistani. As a child, I had never seen a black person in real life, only on television, perhaps Harry Belafonte for example. My aunt had no television.
When her parents died, she moved to London and made her home with her sister who had married a Londoner, they ran a boarding house in Paddington. My aunt was the sweetest, kindest, most gentle person I had ever met, even her voice was gentle. My family went to visit her a couple of times a year, but one time, things were different. Nothing was said, but we knew. She asked if I would go shopping with her, I was born in 1949, so I was young. As we neared the shops, my aunt became very subdued and she told me that she was frightened, she felt she was in a foreign country, that she didn’t belong. That was when the West Indian immigrants were arriving in shiploads. She told me that the shops no longer had the vegetables she knew, she didn’t recognise anything. Everyone stared at her, no-one spoke to her. She could be the only white person walking down the street. Music she had never heard was being played. But from then on, she had to learn to adjust and and live with the changes. And she did, she married and moved to Wembley. Her neighbours were African, they were friends. But how many immigrants gave a thought to how British white people felt then. How many felt they no longer belonged in their own area ? There was only one generation between my aunt and myself, but I have grandchildren now, so let’s say three generations since the fifties. In the integration of all the nationalities we have living here now, that we have, on the whole welcomed and befriended, I don’t think we have done too bad. So for my country to be accused of racism really makes me angry. Black or white, we have the same fears and worries.
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I think we need to acknowledge that asking ‘where are you from’ in the context of an event where lots of different people have travelled to attend AND the person was dressed in full African garb is a different scenario from people asking an average person that question in a day to day scenario… If I suddenly turned up to work in top to toe tartan with a massive sporran swinging around, gaiters and a sgian dubh I wouldn’t get shirty about a few questions being asked. This woman had an obvious agenda and unfortunately it’s worked.

I’m at a loss to understand who in their right mind would find this Netflix doc in any way interesting. They’ve spent the last three years bitching and moaning about all this crap, it’s literally 1 PER CENT PROBLEMS, they are KNOWN LIARS and who the fuck wants to tune into their grim demos of fake PDA?

Yes, there is the hate watch factor but there is only so much cringe and whinge a person can take.

I hope they bury themselves (no seeds).

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Catherine has been part of the family for many years now and only now getting to wear some of the more iconic pieces.

Meghan was there for 5 mins and demanding stones from iconic pieces for her ring.

One acts with grace and humility. One tries to do an asset grab after being on the scene for 5 minutes.

I still can't get over the audacity of her demands ever since she joined Harry. Entitled from the very beginning.
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I have been offered a 5 year old tabby & white cat called Apple Pie She is very timid and will need lots of love so they have asked me If I would take Her on Hopefully going to visit Her next week and If everything is okay will Adopt Her
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OMG she’s wearing the emeralds Meghan wanted to scavenge for an engagement ring….

🎤 drop
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She’s going down the Kardashian reality show route and hoping to make millions from endorsements and advertising. The cheese dick she married is going along with it to destroy the family he loathes.

How this colossal cunt of a woman worked her way in is astounding. Brenda and Phil should’ve braced themselves for racist accusations and ridden it out ( hindsight I know) but told cheese dick no fucking way is she in this family.

What a fucking mess.

Palate cleanse.

She wears anything so well and this look is out of this world; the colour and cut is superb.


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can't get over how a brother could do ALL THAT to his loving family (whether royal or not), by trying to make a mockery of their endeavors & dedication of service to their country, especially in light of the worldwide mourning of ERII.... if i could have only one wish for the holidays, i would wish for Peace on Earth, with cessation of all wars.... if i were granted 2 wishes, one would be for world peace and the second would be for KC to remove the titles from the Wayward Overseas Family....if i were granted 3 wishes, would want world peace, removal of titles AND absolute exile of the Gruesome Two-some to a deserted island.... but if i had 4 wishes (4 whole wishes??!!), i would want all of the above and include a team of sharks with fricken' lasers attached to their heads to continually swim around the deserted island to prevent escape of Hawwy/Ho....
sharks-with-laser-beams-gif-3 (1).gif

(credit - SteveMartin)
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Can I please make a request in that no further posts about this racial business, it is fucking infuriating but enough is enough, for me anyway.

Let's get back to basics e.g. , Ruff and Scruff are cunts and William and Kate embody our values.

We need humour and parody on this thread more so for our lovely Tattlers who are suffering with MH problems, they don't need to hear this shite and if I read any more I will have a bleeding fit with my leg up.

Nanna has spoken so shut the bleeding fuck up and let's cheer up, it ain't over yet and perhaps old flap ears has something up his sleeve, apart from a snotty hanky.

Their day will come, the cunts , and in 3 months time I reckon it will all be over for them.

Fuck em they don't live here and if US media loves them good just shows they are backing the wrong horse our own Fucking duplicitous,deranged press are far worse, another bunch of absolute CUNTS
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This is giving me Camila Batmanghelidjh and Kids Company vibes.
I said it yesterday - this woman has opened a can of worms on herself by chasing headlines and putting her agenda of sticking it to the Royals before her charity.

So far we have the following accusations:

Has made defamatory and criminal [unfounded] claims of DV against the royal family.
Also accused them of racism for not featuring Narckle on the balcony during the Jubilee. All under the Twitter account of the charity and not a personal account.

Suspected of wearing a recording device and recording people without their consent.

Was not officially invited to the function at the palace.

Turned away a victim of domestic abuse due to the colour of her skin.

Going by an unregistered name, and using it in her professional capacity.

Incoherent reporting of when her charity was founded, which would mean undeclared accounting for 2-3 years of business practice

Karma🙏 Namaste!
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"Where are you from?"
"We live in Windsor."

"Sorry we couldn't make your son's wedding."
"Don't worry about. Victoria was more upset that your sister-in-law tried to invite herself."

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I gave up,on the last thread as it was so depressing but surely the first reports stated that Lady H immediately resigned not that she was dismissed. Since she has done that job for years without pay she deserves respect but of course all the race warriors want to destroy her.
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Thanks for the thread and title. Congrats on your first thread @Who'syerdaddy

I think racism needs to be discussed calmly and fairly. Some of us have been doing that for 50 years or so. We've seen incredible achievements in the fight against racism during that time.
I don't, however, believe in Critical Race Theory. I think it's divisive and race baiting. It does nothing to achieve racial harmony.
What I find most upsetting about this latest attack on the RF is that it has totally overshadowed what the event was about. Violence against women, something which NEEDS to be discussed.
That woman is in charge of a charity providing help to women who have been victims of domestic violence. She should be supporting the event. Instead she made it all about racism in the RF and her own political agenda. I think she deliberately set up Lady S and probably rubbed her hands in glee that she got away with it.
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Episode 1

Meghan - she just kept asking me where I was from.

Cut to Lady Susan Hussey...

Cut to
Meghan - I told her, but she just kept asking where I was really from. I couldn't stop her. She was a monster.

Harry - It was Lady Susan and Papa that killed my Mama.

Meghan - But you'll always have me H. You'll always have me.

Cut to

Cut to
Harry - We moved around a lot when I was young. I had no stability. No sense of place. Sandringham, Balmoral, Windsor, Buck House, one of Mama's boyfriend's bedsits, I didn't know where I was.

Meghan - Until you met me H. Until you met me.

Harry - Until I met you mistress Meg... *scratch of audio*...

Cut to

Meghan - Harry was five when he discovered who his really father was.

Harry - It was traumatic: you know?. To know that you're life until that point had been a lie.

Meghan - His father wasn't Bigfoot .H found a more more shocking truth. Didn't you H?

Cut to

Meghan - How hard was it to learn you were part French?

Harry - That I could take. But to learn I was part Welsh was too much to take at first. I went a bit crazy. There was no counseling.

Meghan - Margaret Beaufort was so young. Her story is just like mine.

Cut to

Narrator - Determined to find their truth. They set out on a journey. A journey that would become.... the greatest love story ever told.


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The comments on the trailer are just hysterical.

"I cried so much at the scene where Meghan escaped from Buckingham Palace by building a tunnel behind a poster of Rita Hayworth, and had to crawl through the sewers in the middle of the night to finally reach freedom. When Morgan Feeman's voiceover said, "Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side." powerful."
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I really hate that choker but I love that Megatron will hate that the Princess of Wales is wearing it.
I love the dress on Catherine because she looks so damn sexy in it. The behind shots of her in that dress are hot as hell. It’s a perfect tight fitting dress for Catherine to wear after the days she has and days she may have to put up with from that jeolous, envious Megabitch. Megs will never look that sexy or good no matter what friggin colour it is.

And to top it all off, Catherine wears that choker. A choker so linked to Diana. A little fuck you to Megabitch to say “you can’t have it, you are not special enough”.

I don’t know if Catherine meant it and I don’t care she has left Megabitch crying on the kitchen floor with envy and jealousy and I am loving it.
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