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VIP Member
can't get over how a brother could do ALL THAT to his loving family (whether royal or not), by trying to make a mockery of their endeavors & dedication of service to their country, especially in light of the worldwide mourning of ERII.... if i could have only one wish for the holidays, i would wish for Peace on Earth, with cessation of all wars.... if i were granted 2 wishes, one would be for world peace and the second would be for KC to remove the titles from the Wayward Overseas Family....if i were granted 3 wishes, would want world peace, removal of titles AND absolute exile of the Gruesome Two-some to a deserted island.... but if i had 4 wishes (4 whole wishes??!!), i would want all of the above and include a team of sharks with fricken' lasers attached to their heads to continually swim around the deserted island to prevent escape of Hawwy/Ho....
View attachment 1776214
(credit - SteveMartin)
If I could have 1 wish it would be for Thomas Paine’s term limits to any federal office to have been implemented into the US constitution and then most of this crap would never have happened 😎😎😎
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If so why aren't these families being given this financial aid instead of being spent on Fucking reparations just because of History!!
Because of history is the whole point of reparations. I’m going to drop the reparations discussion here because that’s not what this thread is about. That said it is a complicated issue but the premise is aligned with restorative justice not economic aid. Other groups that have been harmed by the US government are not in some sort of competition with this movement. I have no idea what Megan Markle feels about this issue but as it’s based on lineage not “identity” that would determine her qualifications.

Now let’s get back to the gruesome twosome trying desperately to stay relevant in the USA.
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My great grandparents watched several children die of starvation during the potato famine. They were dirt poor, owned nothing. …maybe I should attend a reception carrying a simulated dead baby to reflect my heritage. I am exhausted by identity politics.

Anyone can dress as they please. But don’t use it, at a party you were not even invited to, as a trap to ensnare an old woman who offended yr idol MM.
Again you are completely missing the point about who had their past stripped from them imagining a past and people whose ancestors greatly suffered from extreme poverty. This isn’t a struggle Olympics and I’m not negating the horror of your great grandparents experience. I’m simply saying that black peoples descended from African slavery who wear Afrocentric garb because of some unknown stolen and erased heritage is vastly different from your desire to carry a “simulated dead baby.”

Also, the Afrocentric stuff is really reflective of earlier generations.

And there are folks who take it overboard. See the black Nubians in the USA who think that enslaved people were Nubians from Southern Sudan. I know one of these guys and he actually dresses up like some British croquet playing chap with a walking stick because Nubians. I’d call that cultural appropriation gone wrong.
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Isn't that the point?
Why suddenly would she be accused of racism, when for 60 years no one said a thing?

I suggest the clue lies in the Netflix documentary and Harry's memoir.

Since it was she who as responsible for showing Meghan "the ropes".
And it was her late husband Marmaduke, who was the chairman of the BBC at the time of the Panorama program with Diana by Bashir.

If it's true that Harry's memoir is going to make wild claims about Diana's death...
What better than to have Lady S branded a racist, and her daughter still a lady in waiting to Camilla...
... to reinforce the bullshit narrative that Diana couldn't marry Dodi because of RaCiSm...
And therefore she had to be killed.

It is utterly cynical...
But that's publishing.
Wrong rope.
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I've said it before and I will say it again, she and her supporters would burn down the whole of Scotland and kill any of us who disagree to get her way.
I'm always quite careful and respectful about what I post on-line.

But if you truly belive that statement - You're Mental and should seek help 👍👍👍
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What really annoys me is:
1. The assumption all black people are descemded from slaves.
2. The sheer and wilful ignorance that there were many white slaves.
3. The choosing to ignore the fact slavery still exists.
California actually defined black Americans eligible for reparations must be descended from American slavery. Reparations by nature is readdressing some past wrong ie contemporary slavery is not connected to American race based slavery.
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No you're wrong about that. The job of a lady in waiting is to brief the Queen before she meets someone. That was the whole reason for Lady Susan being at the reception. She was there to pass on information. I agree that her questions were ill judged and clumsy and she should have read the room when Ngozi obviously didn't want to tell her anything but Lady S would have been asking similar questions to anyone else she met at the reception.
I don’t agree. I’m a POC. I would know, like I said unless you are a POC you wouldn’t understand the true meaning. End of.
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