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My apologies that this topic has been talked about for a lot of this thread and the previous one, but I would like to add my two cents to the conversation.
I am of mixed race, white and Native American, I am considered culturally ambiguous and have been mistaken for many different races . But I also am a First Nations performer and dance and wear traditional clothing to many events and ceremonies. My point is when I am in regalia I expect to be asked about it. By me being in my traditional clothing I am encouraging others to approach me and enquire about my heritage. I too walk with and carry my ancestors and have no shame in people asking me who my people are and where I come from because I am doing just that honouring their lineage. Why would someone go to an event dressed in “traditional” clothing and be uncomfortable when asked about the history behind it?
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I gave up,on the last thread as it was so depressing but surely the first reports stated that Lady H immediately resigned not that she was dismissed. Since she has done that job for years without pay she deserves respect but of course all the race warriors want to destroy her.
Of course they want to destroy her. She represents the British Empire. Although it ended a century ago and in the meantime Britain and her Commonwealth allies waged war against a vicious, hateful, racist expansionist Nazi regime - initially alone, they cannot apparently atone for the ‘Empire’. Germany, on the other hand, is apparently let off Scot-free, this despite the extermination of millions of Jews and others a little over 80 years ago.
Ghastly old racist Britain has contributed so much to the arts, science, humanities. Every year tens of thousands of people of all ethnicities storm in through the borders, are given refuge and the citizens pay for their living. Not bloody bad actually for racists.
People like this woman are a disgrace. She has taken things way out of context, shown ageism, lack of consideration and essentially hatred disguising it as decrying racism.
No quarter given, no compassion, just outright condemnation. Talk about baby and bath water.
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I love this picture. A "normal" holding of hands. No clutching. Not controlling. Just sweet and supportive. These two have been really tested these past couple of days. I am glad they can rely on each other.
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Interesting to see that William is holding Kates hand on that picture. Pretty rare don't you think? I think it shows that they are very upset by this latest crap move by Harry.
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Thank goodness for Boston. They are bringing it. Wonderful photos today of W&C greeting huge crowds who are so excited and happy to see them. They and we needed that to put things back in perspective. W&C are loved in the USA and no matter what the race baiters and anti monarchists throw at them, they suck it up and carry on. A true credit to the wonderful Late Queen.

I am still really pissed off at whoever let the team down and allowed this bitch of a race baiter into the event. How does such a vile, horrible, Megabitch worshipper, anti monachist get invited into such a hugely important royal event? This must be investigated and the race baiting bitch and her charity must be investigated. This sort of thing should never ever happened on the premises of Buckingham Palace.

And for goodness sake do something about Megabitch and idiot boy. Shut them down. Release all the dirt if they have to. Just do something.
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I imagine William and Kate are in shock. They probably anticipated Harry pulling some kind of stunt to undermine the tour but not this. I can't get over how malicious and spiteful Harry is to do this to his brother. It was so clearly planned well in advance and while he and Smeg might have a nice warm feeling at the moment having fucked William and Katherine over, that feeling won't last long. It is so transparent that people on both sides of the pond can see this exactly for what it is and that nice warm feeling is going to wear off smartish, the backlash has started already.
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Chatty Member
Hey😘😘😘😘. Working every day holds me back from contributing as much as I’d like ( I’m knackered when I get home ) but I still read avidly.

I love this thread and our community. It’s end of term in two weeks , I’ll stop working for a fortnight and I’ll be on here like a fly on shit. ❤❤❤
I'm a bit the same. I read every single page and pop in and out to comment. Am halfway through Chemotherapy and frequently sick so lie in bed a lot when not working. Am fine all ☺ Just gotta get through this next six months or so. These threads have given me so much joy and laughter I'm so happy I found them long ago!
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Since the middle of October lots of Very Bad Things have happened. Hopefully we are over the worst but we could be in the calm of the eye of the storm.

Last night was the first night me and my husband have slept straight through without a phone call, knocking on the door, an early morning dash to hospital or just laying there unable to sleep waiting for the next disaster.

Lurking on here gave me a few moments of sanity and you have my eternal gratitude.

You all know that I'm not the only one who has had, is having or will have a tough time (not you Smeg). You all have my sympathy. The best way you can support those posters is by providing a distraction and giving us a reason to laugh.

This thread has been far too serious and grown up recently. We need to get back to what we do best - ripping the piss out of Sparry and the Ho
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Interesting to see that William is holding Kates hand on that picture. Pretty rare don't you think? I think it shows that they are very upset by this latest crap move by Harry.
Exactly what I noticed. Whether it’s about being upset or not, it’s a nice gesture of support and togetherness.
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Looking at the front pages of the British papers this morning I feel so utterly sick of the propaganda being shoved down our throats by all and sundry. I am so angry and frustrated at the way decent hard working members of the RF are being treated and, by extension, the British public. I actually have tears in my eyes.
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I cannot bare to watch the trailer, but from the stills I've seen it looks like a pair of loved-up teenagers ... they have the emotional and intellectual age of about 12 I would guess. It's fucking embarrassing. These two thicko sicko's have more money than sense, clearly.

Today's Star:
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I imagine William and Kate are in shock. They probably anticipated Harry pulling some kind of stunt to undermine the tour but not this. I can't get over how malicious and spiteful Harry is to do this to his brother. It was so clearly planned well in advance and while he and Smeg might have a nice warm feeling at the moment having fucked William and Katherine over, that feeling won't last long. It is so transparent that people on both sides of the pond can see this exactly for what it is and that nice warm feeling is going to wear off smartish, the backlash has started already.
I could never forgive Harry for what he’s done. I’m all for families reconciling but he’s shown how spiteful and malicious he really is. Cut the ties.
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Chilli pepper 19

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They may be getting the headlines but only as the joke they are. After his book what else do they have apart from a dole queue. I hope they stay together and make each other totally miserable

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If what Sarah Vine says is true, about this doc attacking Catherine ... well I'm lost for words. Fucking psycho's. Jealously, envy, percieved sleights ... geezus, whatever pretend therapy dimwit had obviously didn't work. Who the FUCK would do such a thing? What the hell has Catherine ever done two these lowlife cunts? It certainly says more about their own insecurities than it does about anything else ... Rachel has totally fucking brainwashed the twat to not only to disown his family, but also attack them. I feel SICK. To think we actually were pleased these two were getting married ... Grifting on another fucking level. I feel ashamed of myself, used ... by a pair of total cunts.
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Chatty Member
If what Sarah Vine says is true, about this doc attacking Catherine ... well I'm lost for words. Fucking psycho's. Jealously, envy, percieved sleights ... geezus, whatever pretend therapy dimwit had obviously didn't work. Who the FUCK would do such a thing? What the hell has Catherine ever done two these lowlife cunts? It certainly says more about their own insecurities than it does about anything else ... Rachel has totally fucking brainwashed the twat to not only to disown his family, but also attack them. I feel SICK. To think we actually were pleased these two were getting married ... Grifting on another fucking level. I feel ashamed of myself, used ... by a pair of total cunts.

All of this ^^^^

From M’s nasty comment on Oprah talking about ‘waity Katie’ I’ve always felt there was a personal hatred of Kate by Megan.
Harry should be ashamed of himself, he knows what Kate went through at the start, for years she put up with shit and he saw it first hand and now he’s complicit in bullying her. For what fucking reason???? What exactly has Kate done?? Feminist markle… my arse she is.

Regarding the ‘where are you from’? In my experience its only this country where that is a loaded question. I’ve lived all over the world and one of the first question I always ask people on meeting is where are you from? Regardless of the colour of their skin, makes no difference. Never been a problem until I moved here.
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"When the stakes are this high, wouldn't you want to hear it from us?"

Because 2 books, 2 podcasts, multiple interviews and the bombshell Oprah interview still did not change public opinion of you that you need to go out and film your whole lives for 18 months when you claim you just want privacy. Not sure how this is supposed to work at showing their story when its starts so late in the game (already left the RF so what is the focus) unless it is nothing but a one sided attack on people you know can't retaliate all because you were told no.
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It will all blow-over, we'll just have to sit tight for a few weeks. Then what have the twats got? We can keep going forever.

Yes, William and Charles are weak ... but I don't think anyone would know what to do in the face of such aggressive narcissistic lunatics.

It's Catherine I feel so sorry for. I just can't imagine what one would do when being attacked by a deranged narc. There's nothing one CAN do ... they want drama, and confrontation. The good thing is Catherine has a lovely supportive family and probably some solid girlfriends. Markle is on an island on her own, listening to voices in her head. What a hateful, spiteful, deeply-insecure, bitter-and-twisted CUNT she is.

We'll get through this. Trust me.
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She shouldn’t have to say where her parents are from or what her heritage is. She was asked where SHE was from not anyone else. When I’m asked where I’m from I shouldn’t have to say but my father is from Africa so that explains my brown skin. It’s just plain wrong.
Fair enough, but would you consider that the outfit she was wearing, and the Jamaican ribbon in her hair, might have encouraged the question ? If I had gone to the function wearing a kilt and a sporran, would I have been asked where I was from ? Had I said Brighton, would that have satisfied the questioner? Or would they really want to know why I was wearing National dress ? Would that be okay, is it only black people who should not be asked? And when you are asked, and you feel irritated, do you go on social media, and claim you suffered violence and abuse ? Or do you just grumble away to yourself , roll your eyes, maybe swear a bit under your breath ? As a Scot, I get mighty bored being asked what a man wears under his kilt. I smile, nod and walk away. As a POC, who sympathises with the woman, can I politely ask, because it would be good to know the other side, do you think her actions after the event are good for race relations in Britain, or do you think she will alienate many who are not black? I feel it unfortunate that she will only help other black people. In Britain, that smells of racism to me, just as much as if a black person was turned away from a shelter. Racism works both ways, or it should.
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