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Scotch Mist

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According to Yankee Wally-
Meghan markle has made a 5 minute speech and mentions "I, I'm, me, or I'm" 37 times!

Yankee has been counting!
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I'd love to see meg begging Kate for money
.karma,karma,karma,karma's heres for meg,
Let's see her beg,let's see her beg,
It would have been easier if you had done your job
And stayed at frog,and stayed at frog
You're a narc and you took hs balls
So you'll get fuck all,you get fuck all...
And some of them lived happy ever after.'re all doing a boy George impression now ,arnt you...
The singer ,not the prince,I mean..well could be both🤣🤣🤣
I may have sunstroke🤪🤪🙈
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I was reading this thread when my son entered the room and asked what was burning?
So absorbed I had forgotten I was cooking pasta! Pan is now soaking 🥴
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I'm not sure exactly how the class system works in America but I thought it was largely based on how much money you've got, or if you've been to an Ivy league university.

Jailbird Doris (Harry's landlady) sounds like a right bitch to me and I don't think that the apple has fallen far from the tree. 🍎

Harry is currently trying to persuade us all that it was his choice to leave (not darling Meggy) because the delicate little flower found his princely life so dreadful 🤨

This really has showed us was a brat he is when has had everything handed to him on a Royal silver platter his entire life. Harry is a weak-willed fucking little shit. He really does deserve to be dumped in to a poor area with no bloody money and told to get on with it. As Welsh Yankee said in her tirade to Chas he needs some tough love and a real fucking dose of reality. He'd soon realise how bloody lucky he's been all his life.
He is a complete twat, isn’t he.
He actually thought he had a hard life.
That no other boy lost his mother ages 12?
Foolish weakling.

Imagine Harry Windsor without the royal background.
A rather thick, ugly young man with no prospects ....that’s Harry the Halfwit who happens to be royal and therefore thinks he’s important and interesting!
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Still not cool.
Very apt though. They raped the Royal Family and left them wondering what the fuck they'd done to deserve being ravaged by a little nobody and a selfish ginger cunt of a family member.

The tabloids have a

Fee-paying, expensive Immaculate Heart normally hold their graduation ceremony at the Hollywood Bowl so that's how the gig made it to Meghan's diary. This wasn't a spontaneous thing.
Know what makes me laugh? She has said through friends that she's looking at schools for archiedoll and she wants him educated in a (insert wokey word for peasants here) school because she doesn't agree with private schools. Yet here she is preaching at her old private school like Mother Theresa.

Please for fuck sake nobody start preaching that MT was a bitch blah blah blah. Bored shitless with off topic conspiracy crap today and not in the mood.
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There is absolutely no way Meghan would have refused a title for her son.
She is jealous of the Windsor children and would want her kids to be treated the same as them.
Also,for someone with an ego as big as hers, it is odd that we rarely see photos of Archie.
I can’t quite believe the surrogate theory but something is not right about this baby.
And she has very little natural instinct as a mother.
See that's how I view it. She knew a baby would set her up for life(like the ho's who bed footballers just to get sprogged) so clearly it was a priority to produce a baby ... somehow. Now I don't believe the dolly conspiracy, but something is definitely off about the production of that child.
It will come out though, these things always do.I also think it was a factor in them fucking off, I think haribo wouldn't want anything surrounding his offspring's production gone into by the 'nosey' press here and he hoped living in the states would avoid it. The talk of sharing time between Froggy and Canada (as he claimed back then) was bollox. He'd only have flown in for a few days for a wedding or a royal gig and smeggy and baby would be left behind to avoid stirring up the press conjecture.
So yeah, it was all too secret squirrel.

It was but the wording was.....odd
Delighted at the news ? :unsure: That sounds like the birth was out of their 'jurisdiction' or happened at a distance.
Very odd.
But the palace are hugely big on getting wording right and I wonder if the wording was to cover their asses against future claims that they were complicit in whatever haribo and smeggy had cooked up over the baby production.

I'll tell you a tale. What if...

MM showed up in Jamaica, claiming to be pregnant. Says no abortion for her, she's always wanted kids and loves him so much. She will even be single mom if he doesn't take her back, only to have his precious spawn.

H being totally kid crazy buys it and reluctantly takes her back. (Reluctantly because in the beginning he resisted the hand holding and pda.)

Now she gives up EVERYTHING for him :rolleyes:, moves to London and plays little housewife. Miscarriage as soon as possible. But not any old misscarriage. The kind where the doc tells her she can't carry a child without risking her life, Kardashian style. 😱😨

And why would she. She isn't 20 anymore and plans to get back to her "acting career" anyway. Why would she want to ruin the precious moneymaking minge and her body, just to get a child she may need to secure her position but isn't keen on at all?

Now she is
a. sad 😭
b. sad 😭
c. it is his fault because he sent her away and she was suffering so much she lost the child, etc. and
d. he needs to make her dream of having a family with him come true 😍
and did we mention she gave up everything for him? And loves him? And wants children with him so badly? If only it wouldn't kill her!

And in comes the surrogate. Now everyone is happy and he, being totally kid crazy falls not in love with her but with the prospect of becoming a father.
Excellent theory. I could buy that. Especially the guilting him. Very smeggy.
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She also made it about her at the start saying she was nervous she would be picked apart for doing it. Poor me etc etc. Notice the soft focus lens too
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Oh good grief, fell down a rabbit hole with anonymous. Is Markus son of Anders? Can't do links but it might explain a lot.
Here it is via a Yankee Wally posting. Be prepared to stretch your imagination -

The Mysterious Markus Anderson
Anderson - Meaning: "son of Andrew"
Born: 1978, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Not much is known about his background, just that he moved from a small town in Canada to London when he was 18 to work as a waiter at the SoHo Club. Not sure how a Canadian citizen with no special skills had the work visa and contacts to land even a lowly job at a high-end establishment.
In 1977, Prince Andrew went to Lakefield College (in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada) for a semester. He’s been back repeatedly and is/was a patron there.
Markus Anderson has been an important player in Harry and Meghan’s relationship. And a weird coincidence - they gave Archie the middle name Harrison (‘son of Harry), something never done in the Royal Family before.
In short:
Prince Andrew lived in the same place as Markus Anderson at the time of his conception. No one knows anything about Markus Anderson, but he impressed the hell out of Meghan, who we know has an agenda and Markus was a means for her to meet Harry. Using Harrison for a middle name seems so random, but somehow sends a cryptic message in light of this possibility. Markus Anderson is a nobody with no formal education, no family to speak of, yet he ultimately rises to the upper echelons of London society and plays a matchmaker to a senior royal?
Impossible to prove, but I can’t help but think the timing, location and names don’t add up to something. It can’t all be a coincidence.
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Honestly for me, this video came across as very insincere. The issue at hand is so huge and it is vital that we use this time to try and make genuine change, but Meghan could and should have spoken from the heart on this, rather than learnt her lines and added in X Factor style pauses. I feel that she was scared to speak out about this and has only done so because she was being criticised for not yet doing so. Again, it seems that Meghan is only interested in charity and helping achieve social change when she gets a pay cheque from it. Otherwise, she isn’t keen.

Then again, why am I surprised? This is a woman who listed Caucasian on her acting CV. It seems that she wants to pick and choose how she identifies, based on whichever race is more convenient and beneficial to her at that time. It’s really no better than Rachel Dolezal in my eyes. I hate that she is being opportunistic and capitalising off of the violent and tragic death of an innocent black man. Her intentions are never pure and Meghan has done this purely to get some positive press attention and aim to keep herself relevant. Meghan cannot tell people to put the needs of others above your own when she has repeatedly shown disregard for that principle in her own life.
Without revisiting the earlier crap ... it baffles me that, just like the charidees, some people are happy to watch her use a cause absolutely dear to their hearts for a PR stunt. She has hidden her heritage when it suited her and now it suits her to acknowledge, simple as that. Dirtbag.:mad:
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UH-OH ... I bet pokey lil Frogmore is looking mighty wonderful when viewed through the haze of burning cars and looted high end stores.
I can see Haribo crying to gangan to send in the SAS to rescue his lil family. Or maybe Uncle Elton will send his lear jet to smuggle them into France. Cunts.

Saw a tweet from an NBA player, black guy (yes it's relevant) where he tweeted the other day a picture of the burning buildings and trilled "YEAH BURN THEM SUCKERS DOWN" or words to that effect. Today he posted (again WTTE) "Oh my god they've just tried to breach the gates of the gated community next to ours ! This has gone too far, so scared"
Yeah, ain't so funny when it's on your doorstep is it buddy.

Yes i have just come across that one and thought bollocks.

Some of the stuff they’ve exposed has been fantastic, the Scientology stuff was particularly fun and was the beginning of thousands of members getting out of the cult.

I don’t know what to make of the claims that Diana was bumped off and was supposedly being watched by MI5 and had a taped confessional from a child that was interfered with by her husband and had plans to flee with the children abroad.

Could Harry’s “if you knew what i knew” be something to do with that hmm...
He's full of shite. How on earth would he ever get info like that? Nobody in their right mind would trust him with any secrets, not even the fact that Santa isn't real and is just a ploy to get kids to behave. There are always rumours and yes there was something leaked around the Di era about one of the older (gay)courtiers in trouble for manhandling junior staff, even talk of a rape. Diana told someone about it and it got leaked. She likely heard it ffrom Burrel. The man in question was allegedly retired.
Haribo is a drama queen.
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Latest Harry Markled post.
I am disgusted at Harry trying to undermine his brother ( football documentar)
Its to be expected of Meghan, doing it to Kate; but you’d think Harry would have some consideration for William.
Ironically all of this makes me so angry at Charles for funding this shitshow.
At what point are they going to be stripped of their titles, funding and protection and make it as MM and Harry Windsor?
I don’t think they’re going to be stripped of their titles, funding or protection. It’s a complete piss take. The very fact that they were given 12 months to change their mind was unacceptable to me. They wanted out, ‘here’s your hat what’s your hurry’ would have been my parting words to them.
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I can’t believe out of all the times she has chosen to stay quiet its during this hugely devastating moment in the history of her country and heritage!!!

Something’s either brewing or something big is currently going down with them, it’s the only conclusion.
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Her voice really does bore me though......whatever she talks about, she just doesn't hold my interest - I find my mind wandering (mostly wondeirng about what she's given Harry to entertain him to keep him busy - colouring book, crayons? Maybe she put him back down into the dungeon.)

ETA - I see she's got her mole back then! (unlike that weird video where she was all smoothed over!)
Maybe she's just a victim of those rogue black rice crispies. You know, there's always a few in your breakfast bowl.
Wash yer face after eating missus! Messy cow.

And that wasn't the only fact that has been buried
We've no interest in dodgy di. She didn't wear a seat belt, binned her usual PPOS and the driver was drunk and speeding. End of.
If you feel the need to preach your theories then start a thread so we can ignore it. Thank you.
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Oh I am SO stealing that image to diddle with. The potential jokes are endless.

No it's not in bad taste. Take it from me, if you didn't laugh sometimes at this crazy world you may as well give up, curl up and die from stress related crap.
Thank you 🙂 x

I agree you have to have a laugh and some escapism...this thread is perfect for getting away from stress ❤ x

Looool 😄 yep needs a Le Creuset big enough to put grey t-shirts in a boil wash on the stove 😄 x

Lol 🤭...

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Okay i will just say it but try to word it as best i can but i think Harry is subconsciously/deliberately playing out his mother’s very dramatic and traumatic last years of life in public.

Why isn’t it being picked up or talked about, it’s not actually that unusual for a child of a deceased parent who died in bad circumstances to do this, even in the celebrity/public figure realm we have seen in a few times and it always ends in tragedy.
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Shes hiding the 'baby' because shes delusional enough to think he will increase in value if hidden. He won't. They've fucked it, we don't care now.
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