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That sums up the dastardly duo very well. They are both massively screwed up and seemingly all they care about is their own image.

Being obsessed with how you are perceived is just scarily weird to me because while you are concentrating on that you are not being true to yourself or just getting on with life in the best way possible. I can imagine the pair of them having hissy fits because theyve been caught out or criticised and that seems a really negative way to lead your life.

I don't suppose either of them have ever reflected on any criticism or tried to improve their behaviour they just want to shut the critics down. Even more worrying is the fact that they don't understand that having digs at members of their own family doesn't make them look better.
Do you know what runs through my head a lot when reading about this pair?
John Lennon (yes I know he was a wife beating cunt but anyhoo) singing "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans".
True dat. There they were, so busy trademarking goods and plotting world domination that they took their eye off the ball of just living in the moment and enjoying parenting and loadsamoney already in the bank, so first Brenda pisses on their avocado on toast ... then corona shits all over them ... then the Donald pokes at a hornet's nest in their chosen Utopia. You have to laugh.:giggle:
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Chatty Member
This also baffles me:
If they were so set against Archie having a title....why would she want her own occupation on the Birth Certificate described as Princess? Surely she could have described her occupation in all manner of other "down to earth" ways?
There is absolutely no way Meghan would have refused a title for her son.
She is jealous of the Windsor children and would want her kids to be treated the same as them.
Also,for someone with an ego as big as hers, it is odd that we rarely see photos of Archie.
I can’t quite believe the surrogate theory but something is not right about this baby.
And she has very little natural instinct as a mother.
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I don't want to dwell on this but I found my dad dead , he'd been dead all week and died on his own,,,i had one of my kids with me when i found him, horrific situation,,within a space of time couldnt cope, I saw a psychatrist and was diagnosec with ptsd , on a stronger note, no one knows till they live and those visions and emotions , but you survive, you have to. It's not about you , it's about your other family members and your kids, f suck up and get on with it , no one can help you but yourself.
So sorry you had to go through this, horrific x x glad you could get help x x
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The palace aides have better breeding than Smegs, they knew it, and she knew it too. It made her uncomfortable
True. But there are probably creatures living on the bottom of ponds that have better manners than Megsy
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No video. But it didn’t take her long to jump on the bandwagon; from the safe distance of her LA mansion
She wanted to wait "to say the right thing"...
Yeah right.
Meaning see which way the wind blows on it and jumped on.
You want your privacy Meghan, have it! Take it, it's yours just shut up behind your ivory gates.
There are far more people many of them ordinary speaking more eloquently on this issue and from the heart.
Your twopenneth is neither wanted nor needed by most people.
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A few non Harry and meg posts have been removed. Let's keep it on topic and if you don't get on with someone add to your ignore lists :)

Create a thread in offtopic if you want to talk about things not related to these two so that the thread stays on topic
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I think it’s the bit where someone close to Harry tries to insinuate that her dad had ‘interfered’ with her in an attempt to influence her opinion.
What a shitty thing to insinuate. She’s scum. Hasn't she shat on her dad from on high enough?
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This is going to get messy when the book is out.
The book will be a load of shite about rainbows and unicorns and fluffy pink wuv hearts with smeggy pissing perfume and haribo farting fairy dust all day long. And cooking roast chicken under an african moon while the elephants gather round and trumpet their approval of haribo's choice of wifey. I bet she includes shite like that, barf.:sick:
I think it will be hilarious in that respect, especially when we know they weren't even sharing a bedroom on the Oz trip.;)
There'll be some digs, it's smeggy's baby after all, but nothing earth shattering.
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Just out of curiosity, I though I’d see how long it takes her to mention herself in any of her official speeches. (I hate listening to her fake voice but I’m taking one for the team.)

Smartworks launch
37 seconds in.... “When I first moved to the UK....”

Grenfell cookbook
21seconds.... “ I had just moved to London....”

South Africa
about 2 seconds
”I am here as a member of the royal family...”
Who the fuck says that?! She likes to remind the peasants.

Compare and contrast Kate: sticks to the subject matter

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It also looks probable that Meghan is very poor at managing money or she spends it like water. She apparently took a large sum from her ex husband and would have been paid reasonably well on Suits but it's telling that she doesn't own any property and doesn't appear to have any investments.There are rumours that she is hugely in debt, so where has all her money gone?
Frankly that should be enough to make most people worried about investing money in anything she's involved in.

Probably up her nose 😂
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Call-me-H has been let out of the basement, mustn't have been behaving himself as it looks like she's not let him thrive, have a clean shirt or a wash in weeks poor lad. 😂

Harry has really drunk the KoolAid with all his LA speak.
Hot on the heels of William’s excellent MH documentary last night.

It also looks probable that Meghan is very poor at managing money or she spends it like water. She apparently took a large sum from her ex husband and would have been paid reasonably well on Suits but it's telling that she doesn't own any property and doesn't appear to have any investments.There are rumours that she is hugely in debt, so where has all her money gone?
Frankly that should be enough to make most people worried about investing money in anything she's involved in.
I think a lot of money was probably spent trying to crack into Alist circles.
She would have had to pay for her own plane tickets, clothes, hotels and it would have been business class / designer / 5 star as she wouldn’t have got any freebies as an unknown Blist cable TV actress.
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Scotch Mist

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Because legally that was her occupation at the time. Were they supposed to lie on the birth certificate?
In my opinion the whole thing is a lie. The kid was born using a surrogate a few weeks earlier. The reason for not giving him a title is because you can't inherit titles if a surrogate is used. Plus we all know that Meghan wanted to go back to the states where you can't use titles.

Am i correct in assuming that Lady C wrote about surrogacy rules in her book but didn't directly say that they had used one? I guess without evidence she didn't want to be sued.
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Once again....the NERVE of the bloody woman!

Where was her commitment to dogs when she abandoned one of her own to come and live in London?

I have to shut up now because, quite frankly, words fail me.
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It's funny how even though she goes by Meghan, there are always media references to her name as Rachel; originally their 'foundation' was registered as Archeway - isn't that just an anagram of Racheway, because it's her way?!
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I’m not sure she even owned it. I read somewhere it belonged to the tv company who made Suits.
I remember it was rented.whether owned or rented though, not the home of a very wealthy person.

what about the LAPD being called out, 're harrassment though? I know at least in her mind she's famous, but if the stories of police being called out are false, she can't have them all in her minge can she?
She notorious! Plus her minge is like the Bermuda Triangle. God knows what’s up there, it’s like a Venus fly trap
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Yes..he proposed whilst they were cooking a chicken..said the lying two faced vegan...
Probably wasn't even a chicken. More likely a very rare birdie of which there are only 4 in Africa ... oops 3 now ... caught and tethered and sedated like the heffalump haribo posed with. Poor birdie, the wildlife protection people only caught it so they could micro chip it and do some blood work, but smeggy nicked it when they were busy elsewhere because she was craving some chicken Mc nuggets and the nearest maccy D's was 1600 miles away.
That's a true story, told to me by a 'source' . In my head.🤪
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