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Chatty Member
He is a complete twat, isn’t he.
He actually thought he had a hard life.
That no other boy lost his mother ages 12?
Foolish weakling.

Imagine Harry Windsor without the royal background.
A rather thick, ugly young man with no prospects ....that’s Harry the Halfwit who happens to be royal and therefore thinks he’s important and interesting!
Martin Lewis lost his mum at 13 and look how successful he’s been
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Love him or loathe him, Piers Morgan is a very smart man - and I don’t believe for a moment that he thinks Markle is the voice we should all be listening to right now. Why would he? She’s said nothing of interest or importance whatsoever. Listen to Obama would be better and more sensible advice, especially since he’s addressing his comments to Trump.

Nah, he’s enjoying his new found popularity and wants people to consider him to be a harsh but fair commentator - “I only call out people when necessary/credit where credit is due” etc. But it’s clear that he can’t stand her & he’ll be back to his old ways soon enough.

(Thanks for the welcome. So nice to have somewhere to discuss Smug & Mug without having the “R word” automatically flung at me).
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The latest ‘Chatting with Lady C‘ on you tube is a long one ( Sorry I couldn’t work out how to link but perhaps someone else will be so kind - it starts with the music Bad, boys) ) Mainly about Sunshine Sachs and how they have come after her like attack dogs about her personal history so she goes into that in great detail. Obviously it cost her a lot emotionally to do so but it also highlights the despicable depths that MM is encouraging her minions to reach down to.

First Kate ( I’m glad the Cambridges’s are fighting back and hope the editor bears full responsibility as he is a self confessed Meghan supporter) then Lady C.

The Markle’s really do deserve to meet their Nemesis.
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Looks like the free security from The Met police has stopped.. rightly so. Let them fork out themselves if they think they are that important, and if the article in the other paper is correct and they are paying £7,000 a day, that's £210, 000 a month... Two hundred and ten thousand pounds a month... Madness , what a waste of money, might head over for a month and earn some easy cash😂 although I couldn't look at the DuchAss for a month..
so according to the sun, Charles is not paying the £4m security costs after all

With regard to the Tatler article, do we think it is possible that Meghan was the source for all of that rubbish? It seems to be quite bitchy and nasty in the way that I imagine Meghan to be capable of. Almost as if she wanted to “bring Kate down to her level” and get the same negative press attention as she feels she has had. I could be wrong, but I have a hunch.
Of course she was.
i think William and Kate suing isn’t not just for Tatler but a warning shot for other knee pads publications not to use Meghan as a source

Wow, the media know and they are about to go in.
Look at these two articles from this morning’s Daily Mail. Side by side. They are telling us in plain sight.
View attachment 142125
I’m feeling thick here; what are the 2 articles side by side saying?
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I'd just quickly like to thank you lovely lot for keeping me entertained with your wit and wisdom. I love catching up on here, although it moves at such a pace I have had to accept that I can't read it all, all of the time.

I have been wondering though, what are people's thoughts on what they actually WANT to happen to this pair of numpties? Irrespective of how they might think things are going to happen based on current evidence. Does that make sense?

I cant quite figure it out. I know that I just want the worst possible outcome for her though as I think it's what she deserves.

Harry is an utter cock, but if him returning home to the comforts of his family is what will break her delusions of grandeur, then that's what I want. However, if being lumbered with him for many a year more. Babysitting the manchild and being ridiculed for eternity is more fitting then that's what I want.

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

I can't imagine that anyone would want them to return with your tails between their legs? I'm betting that there are far more creative wishes and dreams out there, than what I can think of!
I've just joined this thread at this point and I'm very direct,,,it gets me in trouble lots of times, but I make no excuses for what I feel, she's an absolute nasty user and he needs get bk home quick and face the fucking war he has caused,,,fuck her off and stop being a total little utter entitled twat,,,,now breathe .....thankyou...
If we are getting them home at some point ,,, she is no way welcome,,no chance little scumbag, he would be wise to come bk and do an Andrew for a while then just grow up...
In addition I think that everyone who he's putting Kate down in other threads and in general is out of order , she had three children in a short space of time, has been gracious, respectful and current in helping the royal fam ply and William to do the best job they could before this little shithouse met the beg came along, and she's taken the slack now and has come up trumps for all of us .
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I’m sorry Mo5 but I cannot let this post just float by. I understand you have family in the police force but that is no excuse.

you find it disheartening that The Commonwealth Trust speaks out against racism? Seriously??? The US police force is institutionally racist as is the justice system. That is not saying individuals are racist. Anyone who cannot see that seriously needs to check their privilege and seriously examine their own attitudes. Trumps Twitter is consistently racist and advocating violence- this is inexcusable.

The looting and violence is also inexcusable but it is a separate issue to the problems shown by the recent murders of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery and the racist attitudes of people like Amy Cooper.

MM & H concern me as much as anyone but to me that is no reason to support racism and anyone who doesn’t call it out is complicit.

I attach the posts from the Commonwealth Trust - exactly what is “disheartening” in them?
That expression in bold shows the agenda. We're not interested in being lectured about 'privilege' ... boring as fuck woke word.
Start a thread on it and good luck.

A few non Harry and meg posts have been removed. Let's keep it on topic and if you don't get on with someone add to your ignore lists :)

Create a thread in offtopic if you want to talk about things not related to these two so that the thread stays on topic
Sorry, I posted a brief post before seeing this. In my defence I was trying to stop the thread getting dodgy.
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Honestly for me, this video came across as very insincere. The issue at hand is so huge and it is vital that we use this time to try and make genuine change, but Meghan could and should have spoken from the heart on this, rather than learnt her lines and added in X Factor style pauses. I feel that she was scared to speak out about this and has only done so because she was being criticised for not yet doing so. Again, it seems that Meghan is only interested in charity and helping achieve social change when she gets a pay cheque from it. Otherwise, she isn’t keen.

Then again, why am I surprised? This is a woman who listed Caucasian on her acting CV. It seems that she wants to pick and choose how she identifies, based on whichever race is more convenient and beneficial to her at that time. It’s really no better than Rachel Dolezal in my eyes. I hate that she is being opportunistic and capitalising off of the violent and tragic death of an innocent black man. Her intentions are never pure and Meghan has done this purely to get some positive press attention and aim to keep herself relevant. Meghan cannot tell people to put the needs of others above your own when she has repeatedly shown disregard for that principle in her own life.
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Latest Harry Markled post.
I am disgusted at Harry trying to undermine his brother ( football documentar)
Its to be expected of Meghan, doing it to Kate; but you’d think Harry would have some consideration for William.
Ironically all of this makes me so angry at Charles for funding this shitshow.
At what point are they going to be stripped of their titles, funding and protection and make it as MM and Harry Windsor?
Harry has no consideration for anyone. Sometimes not even his missus. The number of times we've seen clips of her making faux pas while he stands there looking gormless. When a touch on her elbow or whisper in her ear would have steered her out of trouble. Either he just doesn't give a shit when she buggers up, or he's too scared to correct her.
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It's the dramatic pausing and over emphasis that gets me, just doesn't sound heartfelt. I just cringed.
And as my husband so aptly put, no one actually cares what she has to say.
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Chatty Member
So...arguing has been heard at the happy Harry house....
It wasn't arguing,it was H screaming as they surgically removed his grey t-shirt....
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Her voice really does bore me though......whatever she talks about, she just doesn't hold my interest - I find my mind wandering (mostly wondeirng about what she's given Harry to entertain him to keep him busy - colouring book, crayons? Maybe she put him back down into the dungeon.)

ETA - I see she's got her mole back then! (unlike that weird video where she was all smoothed over!)
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I think this is her old house in Canada

That's tiny! My first house was bigger than that.
That has surprised me. I thought she had an apartment in a posh area but that looks really basic.:unsure:

Just noticed the fucking union jacks cushions ... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Scotch Mist

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They only left in March and were given a year to establish themselves. Of course with Coronavirus they couldn't have chosen a worst time to actually find work for themselves. Funding from Chas will therefore be continuing for at least the year agreed.

They planned to set up a charity foundation but in reality they might find that they don't have enough capital, influence and experience to actually do this. I'm not convinced that the world will be giving large sums of money to them now so that they can promote what wonderful people they are, whilst flying around the world for photo opportunities with poor people.🙄

I'm very dubious about the foundation as they don't have huge wealth like the Clintons, Obamas or Bill Gates. It's one thing to turn up at an event as a Royal and shake hands with people, but a totally different game to run the whole business yourself.

If Meghan and Harry embarrass the Royal family or get involved in anything shady they will be toast. We've already had Meghan's PR pieces trying to discredit them, along with veiled threats of tell all books. I think there's a high likelihood of the Harkles getting involved with the wrong people.

It also looks probable that Meghan is very poor at managing money or she spends it like water. She apparently took a large sum from her ex husband and would have been paid reasonably well on Suits but it's telling that she doesn't own any property and doesn't appear to have any investments.There are rumours that she is hugely in debt, so where has all her money gone?
Frankly that should be enough to make most people worried about investing money in anything she's involved in.
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They only left in March and were given a year to establish themselves. Of course with Coronavirus they couldn't have chosen a worst time to actually find work for themselves. Funding from Chas will therefore be continuing for at least the year agreed.

They planned to set up a charity foundation but in reality they might find that they don't have enough capital, influence and experience to actually do this. I'm not convinced that the world will be giving large sums of money to them now so that they can promote what wonderful people they are, whilst flying around the world for photo opportunities with poor people.🙄

I'm very dubious about the foundation as they don't have huge wealth like the Clintons, Obamas or Bill Gates. It's one thing to turn up at an event as a Royal and shake hands with people, but a totally different game to run the whole business yourself.

If Meghan and Harry embarrass the Royal family or get involved in anything shady they will be toast. We've already had Meghan's PR pieces trying to discredit them, along with veiled threats of tell all books. I think there's a high likelihood of the Harkles getting involved with the wrong people.

It also looks probable that Meghan is very poor at managing money or she spends it like water. She apparently took a large sum from her ex husband and would have been paid reasonably well on Suits but it's telling that she doesn't own any property and doesn't appear to have any investments.There are rumours that she is hugely in debt, so where has all her money gone?
Frankly that should be enough to make most people worried about investing money in anything she's involved in.
I would take a huge educated guess all the money went straight up her nose...

Probably up her nose 😂
Sorry just seen you posted this before me...great minds think alike x
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It’s about class , Meghan is from a lower class background. Kate is from a middle class background.
Kate’s family supported her rise through the ranks of society . Meg dumped hers before they got a chance to , quite rightfully suspecting they would embarrass her but, she ended up embarrassing herself much more that any dodgy family could have.
Doria is passive and dull and has no presence. She does what Megs tells her, so she was allowed to be seen.
But Megan isn’t from a lower class background. Her father was a well-paid lighting director in Hollywood, she went to private school and a good university. Solid middle-class credentials.
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Chatty Member
I was actually just thinking that 👍 We need an intelligent explanation of all the legal jargon, Good thinking 😁

Thank God she's no reason to return now, We don't want her here and she's caused too much crap and ill feeling to ever step back here , don't suppose Canada want her there either .
I know. She really is hated. Quite an achievement to be so disliked by two whole nations.
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