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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
I suppose it’s because the class system is so different in the US but Thomas Markle des seeem lower class to me because if the way he looks and speaks .....judgemental? me ?
I'm not sure exactly how the class system works in America but I thought it was largely based on how much money you've got, or if you've been to an Ivy league university.

There's a rod of steel certainly, but tempered by street savvy. The woman knows when to keep her head down and mouthshut but you can bet she was a motor mouth when it suited her, like when she screwed Thomas over (or tried to) over the business he set up. He funded it and she took over and assumed the failure to pay taxes would be his problem, so yeah street rat savvy but not very smart.
Jailbird Doris (Harry's landlady) sounds like a right bitch to me and I don't think that the apple has fallen far from the tree. 🍎

Harry is currently trying to persuade us all that it was his choice to leave (not darling Meggy) because the delicate little flower found his princely life so dreadful 🤨

This really has showed us was a brat he is when has had everything handed to him on a Royal silver platter his entire life. Harry is a weak-willed fucking little shit. He really does deserve to be dumped in to a poor area with no bloody money and told to get on with it. As Welsh Yankee said in her tirade to Chas he needs some tough love and a real fucking dose of reality. He'd soon realise how bloody lucky he's been all his life.
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
I've been looking at the Soho House website.
It's a private members club for people with money judging by the price of their spa products and home furnishings (40 quid for a scented candle). They have private members' clubs (each a 'House') throughout the world. "Membership to Soho House is intended for those in the creative industries and people with a creative soul."

Sounds like the sort of guff that would draw Meghan in 😁 and was probably a good place to operate cruising for men with some dosh.

Marcus Anderson said in an interview to a magazine:
"When the Soho House decides to open in a new city, I'm one of the first people sent out to get to know the city, the creatives that live there, and determine who we want to involve in the House,"
Ugh the usual elitist bullshit. In other words a bunch of people who think that they're better than everyone else.
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Chatty Member
I always wonder if it is some kind of self-blame. According to my mom he refused to talk to Di on the phone. Maybe he somehow feels responsible, you know in the twisted way children convince themselves. Like they often think a divorce was their fault.
I remember reading that Di was due to be home three days before W and H were to g back to school but changed her plans last minute to (selfishly ) have more time in Paris with Dodi.
Had she come home on the original planned time she would not have died and would have had time with her sons before they went back to school.
She was no angel.
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In complete agreement. I’m not interested in the dross of other people’s lives. I have enough dealing with my own 💅🏻😂
I’m the same. I only watch if there is something new about Meagain and Hapless. I zone out during other things.
What Taz needs to remember is that we are her target audience, her customers. And as much as she might say ‘if you don’t like it, don’t listen’ the customer is always right. Her ramblings are getting increasingly longer, probably to fill out her videos as there isn’t much else going on.

Taz, if you’re reading this, take it as good feedback. Say hi, the date and go straight into your topic, you’ll gain far more followers that way and your audience will love you for it. If you want to talk about your hair, make up etc, then do a separate video for those fans.
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Chatty Member
And so I'm back from twitter space,
I just walked in to find you all,with a sad look upon your face....🙈
Did I not tell you that politics bring nothing but grief.. especially from the moderators.
So we must sweep it under the metaphorical carpet and never refer to it again,except on another thread.
We all have an op and we are welcome to it and we won't ask anyone to eat it.. lovely❤🤗group hug...I know you missed me😘
I have been watching fame vixens new video on if it was real or not,smegs pregnancy of course.
I think if she had admitted earlier peeps would have accepted and even liked her😲 for doing it.lots of ppl can't have children and they should be able to explore every avenue...(I only have experience of cul-de-sacs and we know how that went🙈🤪)
But it's too late again,every 🐖 in thing they do is too late.some ppl never learn(also I have experience of this,nuff said)
Anyway,it's very hot here and
It's summertime and the humidity is high...I'm sweating like Der di der in a Der di Der...fill in as appropriate...I'm SURE(tick) my spray is the only thing working overtime except the key workers...
Please look after each other and if you can't be nice....
Be off wid ya.❤🤗😘
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Why, though? What does she hope it will achieve?
Because she wants the exclusive. It's like the soap stars who hide their baby or tell their family no photos at their wedding or whatever because they want a deal with OK or Hello magazine, because for then that's the pinnacle of making it as a celeb. It's about the exclusivity.

Meghan wants the secrecy because she wants the Oprah deal. She wants to ramp up the plebs who believe she is a truly private charity-working feminist champion - gosh she's just like one of us isn't she, but so devoted to her cause - so she can sell at the right time.

She invited Ellen, who they didn't even know, to privately meet their baby so the story can leak that a big TV star was there, so they must be terribly big celebrities and not just stuffy Royals.

She had her Vogue cover opportunity too early so she went the 'humanitarian' route and put other people on it, because she's kind like that, said it would be boastful if she were on it herself (a dig at Kate obviously) and because she is holding out for her BIG Vogue reveal-o where she can maximise her potential.

Hence their self important press releases during a worldwide pandemic and 20 private planes and £500,000 maternity wardrobe; she's trying to build her own profile by the suggestion that she's important enough to warrant our attention, and then she can sell sell sell to the highest, most important and most influential bidder.

But since every move recently has been a huge misstep - insulting the Queen to try to bolster their own image of importance did not help their cause - they're not a hot commodity at the moment and it looks like nobody wants to buy shares in them outside of the National Enquirer or the Globe. If Weekly World News was still going they'd have stories about them holing up with BatBoy and if they burn any more bridges that might be where they end up.
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Wow...lots of interesting info and comment, and new photos ...this one of Doris and MM counting dollars caught my eye

View attachment 143849

Well, that’s an unexpected bonus to Kate & Will taking issue with the Tatler article; Meghan’s apparently annoyed that Kate got backing from KP, whereas she, Meghan, never did.
That’s because Kate has always behaved impeccably, and has earned backing.
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VIP Member
Can we stop talking about the saucepan now. Someone on this thread burnt a pan. And ask for advice on a Harry and Meghan thread?? Those Le crescent are nothing but a rip off. Keep on topic!! Go on the off topic thread or advice. thread. Do people not read thread titles? . If you can't deal with a burnt pot then keep out of the kitchen. This whole thread have people replying to a burnt pan. On a Harry and Meghan thread?

How long before Harry and Meghan divorce? I say 1 year from today.. On topic 👀
That was a bit ferocious.:cautious:
Are you okay? I know not many people ask.

After Christmas the cracks will appear.
Then he'll hang in for another year or so cos he's stubborn and will be embarrassed to throw in the towel too early.
Then he'll throw a wobbler over her trying to take his rotting grey tee shirt from him or something equally important and he'll run back to blighty crying.
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Sorry these are out of order

Yep, completely out of order and not in the way she meant.
No doubt all the valley girls at her old school will think she is “totes amaazing”
but she is just s self promoting cunt. Half of the video was about her.
And those bloody ”meaningful pauses” where she was feeling “emotional“
i just wanted to reach in the screen and slap her.
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These need 2 completely seperate emojis ^ 😂

Whereas this one ^ 😡😤
Who thé fuck do they think they are?

A spoilt white passing valley girl and a ginger British prince who introduced one of his army colleagues as “my little paki friend

I think I read somewhere the reason Meghan didn't speak-out sooner about the death of George Floyd was because she wanted to make sure she said all the right things. That's the problem with her, there is no spontaneity. I believe you can usually judge a person by their first, initial reactions to something rather than an over-rehearsed performance. I haven't watched what she said or how she acted because I'll throw-up.

I'd be interested to watch Meghan in a live interview, I think that would say a lot. When she eventually hits the buffers and does the Oprah interview it's going to be the most over-scripted, over-acted, over-rehearsed performance in talk-show history. She really is like a 14 year old, I have no idea what she did at Northerwestern University, but it certainly didn't allow her to mature into a fully-formed person. In that way I suppose she is like Harry: Emotionally and intellectually stunted.
She‘s actually fine live, she did her fair few speeches when she was on royal tours and she can talk very articulately about her specialist subject: herself; and she will always be the subject of that speech,
However she has the range of a wafer and sticks to a few woke topics of
you have a voice, I’m your sister, word salad..... blah blah

The woman has the sincerity and depth of a puddle. She feels zero empathy for the #BlackLivesMatter cause which is why her emotions appear so fake; because they are.
She milks the One Drop Rule to the nth degree, for her sole benefit.
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Don't use mine, I've had the honour a couple of times. I just posted it to possibly inspire a variation.👍

OUCH! That gotta hurt.

AUNTYNOOS,👋 we need your professional input regarding if it makes a difference re either side having an upper hand.
I was actually just thinking that 👍 We need an intelligent explanation of all the legal jargon, Good thinking 😁

I don’t think Meg will ever set foot in England again.
I’m sure Harry is beginning to see through her (he really cannot be that thick, can he ?) and is trying to work out what to do.
Spending all that time together without any distractions, events, parties or company will make him see the light.
I’ve said before and will say it again, there is no foundation to that marriage.
Thank God she's no reason to return now, We don't want her here and she's caused too much crap and ill feeling to ever step back here , don't suppose Canada want her there either .

Saw this pic on Twitter. Stunning. Future Queen of England. Must burn I’m sure 🤣View attachment 146632
OMG Fantastic photograph, Murkle will be spitting mad when she sees how stunning Queen Catherine looks 😂😂😂
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Chatty Member
Court case update!

Documents released yesterday reveal her case will no longer allege her father was "manipulated" by the press.

Claims the press engineered a dispute between Thomas and Meghan - which resulted in him missing the royal wedding- have also been deleted.
There will be nothing left for her to whinge about at this rate ... result!! Hoist by her own petard.
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
OMG that's so sad. I feel like rushing round to rescue him. There are some horribly abusive people in the world.

Perhaps Megz is like that with Harry or perhaps he's just as bad as her. It's difficult to tell at the moment. I really hope that she finds another mark soon and dumps him, but unless she can snare someone with big bucks like Elon Musk it looks as if she won't be relinquishing control for a while yet.

Elon Musk sounds like an aftershave...

Lol 🤭

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Where the hell is Samantha Markle or Thomas Markle when you need them! It's so strange that they were both very vocal at one time, now both gone eerily quiet. I read somewhere that Sam had her Twitter account deleted.
I suspect they've been gagged. If not by the snarkles then as part of an agreement regarding the upcoming trial. If they might be called to give evidence then it's best they say nothing in the meantime in case they say the wrong thing and mess things up.
To be honest I think Sam had probably already been threatened with legal action over her book. Haribo had the pull back then to cause her problems and he's a vindictive little cunt.
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Which is odd considering how she couldn't keep her hands off him in public. Stroking his back, holding his arm etc etc
That is how gaslighting in a relationship works. Be over affectionate and lots of public PDA for all to see, but as soon as the doors are shut there is no affection or physical contact.
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Well, that’s an unexpected bonus to Kate & Will taking issue with the Tatler article; Meghan’s apparently annoyed that Kate got backing from KP, whereas she, Meghan, never did.
Smeg fails to see the difference between negative but accurate reporting versus negative and inaccurate reporting. 😂😂
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