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I think it’s the bit where someone close to Harry tries to insinuate that her dad had ‘interfered’ with her in an attempt to influence her opinion.
That is the pits! 🤬
Are the no depths that Meghan won’t l plunge to ?
She is a very dangerous demon 👿 and succeeding in wrecking numerous lives.

Charles would do well to listen to Yankee Wally.
Some of us remember him as weak and a whinger when he was young but he’s improved his image since Diana’s death.
Now that weakness Is threatening to cause problems for William when he takes over the Duchy of Cornwall. Questions are starting to be asked about how the money is raised and spent. It’s not just a private piggy bank for the Markles. The role carries responsibility both for the people who live there and for retention of the land itself.

How can anyone in their right mind support her?
I’m tearing my hair out in frustration and wondering if I‘m the mad one.
Thank God for you like minded people. 🙏👫👫👫
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I know it's the trashy new idea magazine, but it says they are fighting.

I reckon there is probably a fair bit of truth in this. She is very controlling and I can see her constantly nitpicking because there isn’t anything else to do.

Alarming Around The Children

[Blind Gossip] Of all the family members that this actress could be targeting with her anger, she seems to have chosen a certain female relative.
Want to know why? Of course you do!
The popular version is has to do with some sort of spat before a family event.
In fact, that event was not the catalyst.
You actually have to go back a couple of years for this one.
It was one of the very first times the actress was brought into contact with her future brother-in-law, his wife, and their children.
Actress was on her best behavior, and was trying to impress her future BIL and SIL with how much she enjoyed meeting their family and spending time with them.
It was a casual event. The children were running around being noisy and playful.
At one point, Actress excused herself to another room to make a phone call.
She somehow wound up alone with one of the children. Perhaps the child simply ran into the room looking for her? Whatever the case, what happened next was the catalyst.
The Actress snapped a couple of quick photos of the child.
Perhaps it was innocent. Perhaps not.

Actress tried to pass it off as some sort of innocent, spur-of-the-moment decision, but SIL never trusted her again after that.
What else had Actress done? Had she secretly photographed or recorded them? The children? The house? Other members of the family?
That meetup did not bring them together as family. If anything, it created distrust and a desire to keep a safe distance from Actress.
It may have also been one of the reasons BIL suggested to his brother that he should slow down the relationship.
Perhaps that was when Actress decided that SIL was her enemy.
Perhaps that is why Actress leaks stories to the media to try to portray SIL as a less-than-perfect mother and person. Someone who is privileged and cold and unwelcoming. Perhaps even… unaccepted of her race? Actress has been playing the victim for a while now, so we should not be surprised at any accusation she might make.
So, what was Actress planning to do with those photos?
That’s a good question.
We did find out later that Actress actually kept a diary of all family interactions. Perhaps those “innocent” photos, taken in secret, were meant to be part of that comprehensive chronicle.
We’ll see
There is no smoke without fire. There seems to have been multiple reports over the years that she has been known to secretly photograph or record things without permission. I like the story that suggests she isn’t allowed anywhere on Royal property without a chaperone approved by the Queen. 😂
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Chilli pepper 19

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Not a daft question. I can't see it's been answered, though sorry if I've missed it.

The vast majority of Charles' income is from the Duchy of Cornwall. On the whole, it is a business renting out land, farms and buildings. But, Charles has evolved this into other areas, such as housing developments (see Poundbury and Nasleden) but they also have a food production line sold in Waitrose (a posh UK supermarket for those overseas). They have a website, here.

The Duchy is for the Prince of Wales and is automatically inherited down the line. Therefore it will go to William when Charles ascends to the throne, and George when William ascends etc. It's designed to provide income from the PoW and their children.

The Monarch has something similar - Duchy of Lancaster - for them and their children, which again is inherited down the line.

We don't know what will happen to H&M's funding when Charles ascends to the throne. It's not unreasonable to assume Wills may have to continue funding, or the funding will come from the Duchy of Lancaster if they're not "financially independent" or they return to the fold (though I think that's unlikely, especially for Meghan).
As much as I love the queen, I'd love for her to abdicate so William and Kate run the duchy. I'd pay seriously big bucks to be able to see Migraines face when William immediately stops the money 😂😂😂

They are seriously thick fuckers aren't they targeting Kate
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Scotch Mist

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So insincere and fake, it was very cringey.
It was rather cringey because as usual she has to make everything about her rather than just talking about the issue. Im sure that the majority of people won't notice though and will just lap it up.

At least she's made more effort than Ginger to look good in her sound bite videos. She must be getting fed up of seeing him in a grey polo shirt.

What is it with celebs these days that makes them all feel that they have to comment on world issues? I remember the days when people who were actors just got on with acting and if they were interviewed they would talk about their film and just provide us with a humorous anecdote. We didn't know their opinions about politics or whatever. The constant virtue signallers these days are driving me nuts.
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Wearing full military dress with a hand holding clinging fawning wife in tow is definately not any kind of protocol...they were using each other as a crutch I think.
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It’s about class , Meghan is from a lower class background. Kate is from a middle class background.
Kate’s family supported her rise through the ranks of society . Meg dumped hers before they got a chance to , quite rightfully suspecting they would embarrass her but, she ended up embarrassing herself much more that any dodgy family could have.
Doria is passive and dull and has no presence. She does what Megs tells her, so she was allowed to be seen.
Do you think Doria is passive? I get the impression that there’s a rod of steel running through her. She very much gave the impression of being demure and quiet at the wedding but I don’t think she is. Just a feeling and I could be completely wrong.
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Harry & Meghan #26 Droning on about Me, Myself and I

I’m presuming this is Meghan and Oprah 😖
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I doubt Smegs ever even fancied Harry. It was all about marrying a prince and when she realised that she would not be wearing a tiara and ball gown and riding in a golden carriage every day the sex stopped.
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Court case update!

Documents released yesterday reveal her case will no longer allege her father was "manipulated" by the press.

Claims the press engineered a dispute between Thomas and Meghan - which resulted in him missing the royal wedding- have also been deleted.
Very interesting! But we all knew it was a load of lies anyway from her. She will be seething. Haha!
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Court case update!

Documents released yesterday reveal her case will no longer allege her father was "manipulated" by the press.

Claims the press engineered a dispute between Thomas and Meghan - which resulted in him missing the royal wedding- have also been deleted.

He’s such a proud dad, and she’s such a happy daughter. What a shame she has sacrificed all of this on the altar of her ego. 🙍🏻‍♀️
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my brother n law did. He said it was really good, but damn if it didn't piss him off. And only confirmed his believe he did not kill himself.
I might give it a watch.

Not hi-jacking the thread MO5, but just wanted to say I’m sorry for all the shit that’s going down in your lovely country. Stay safe. xx

Now, as you were.
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You are right, this does not sound like something the palace would state. The wording is too much MMs style. Also having to be unpolitical it is highly unlikely HMQ would comment on the ongoings in any country, lest alone a non-commonwealth country. I think it was them. Again.
The RF in some form or other have spoken to condemn atrocities in other countries over the years. It looks like this Commonwealth Trust post is voicing support in the same way, the CT is about representing a more modern ideal for young people etc. (hence the vernacular and use of emojis to communicate a message) so the Trust will want to be projecting a voice that is representative of the mood, and not silent/compliant.

Either way is the support a negative thing? Since Meghan Markle is a mixed race American it could look like she directly is not being supported by the RF, again, even though they are allegedly private citizens.

My husband is American and I lived there off and on for several years. My brother and sister in law in the US are a mixed race couple; my SIL told me a couple of weeks ago she feared the protests that started about lockdown would soon escalate to race riots. She had already for years not driven alone at night for fear of being pulled over and the possible aftermath as a woman of colour. As a family they're afraid because there are websites that have been set up posting the names and addresses of mixed race families, they're afraid for their daughters in this climate and hoping maybe their lighter skinned daughter will pass as white so she has an easier time.
As of the weekend they were stuck home due to roadblocks because of protests in their area. This is the reality a lot of people in the US have been quietly living with and if the Commonwealth Trust offer their solidarity to the situation it could give people more confidence.

To relate this it back on topic, it is a shame that Meghan Markle ended up as such a negative persona and did not use her position for a real positive influence to that community and be a role model for the girls who were excited to see someone they thought represented them on a global scale in a field where she could have broken new ground.
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So Meghan markel hasPosted her upset/ horror about the murder of George Floyd and guess what she's made it all about her!
i sometimes think am I too harsh on this woman bit when she pulls a stunt that is so tone deaf and focused on herself....she can really f off
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I'm not sure why anyone is too bothered about some pan never know when it may come in handy!

Seriously though, when I first came to these threads it was like a breath of fresh air being able to say more or less what you wanted (coming over from DS which is ridiculously heavily moderated) Do we really need to try and start moderating it ourselves? The conversations always get back on track anyway and a little bit of chat in between, makes the posters seem more human!

Back on track, Where's Harry - I'm worried about him? (Sorry, I know he's a.....what Freda says......but I do fear for his sanity!)
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The Nanny would have been knackered...Meg will have been in a seperate wing...I truly believe she did not give birth to that child. Nothing will convince me otherwise. Harry is so dim..he cant keep the story straight...2 weeks..2 days...he cant even count...
As I said earlier, he ‘two weeks’ reference is being misinterpreted. When asked ‘who does he look like?’ of his two-day-old son, he replied ‘I’m told they change so much over the first two weeks’, ie he’s not yet two weeks old, so you can’t yet tell who he will look like.’
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So, Meagain, you wanted privacy and a quiet life huh? Rona, drones and now and now civil unrest and riots across the States. How's that working out for you? Damn, just everything is keeping you off the front pages, and making you more irrelevant. Karma
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