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And she’s David Foster’s daughter.

The woman’s torso looks too long and the body too slim, but the watch and bracelet appear to be hers. But put a massive hat and big sunglasses on someone with long dark hair, and it could ‘appear’ to be her. A shot of the jaw or nose would be helpful.


Don’t you think both of these expressions are quite similar?

View attachment 1404043

View attachment 1404046
My husband is giving me weird looks as I’m pulling faces in the mirror to try to get those nostril indents when I don’t have any normally. I don’t think ginge has them either. Also, his ears seem a bit ‘squarer’ on the parade photo. I appreciate there are different angles, lighting etc.

Eta: the second photo is probably a better angle. Red pen is my own addition.


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This one's for @Nuttynana.. you've always said she's got them Nutty and you were right xxx don't be down, well get there in the end.

"Meghan Markle's 'debilitating' hidden Embarrassing complaint she was hospitalised with!
The Duchess sought high -pressure jets to help!

Meghan Markle is a beacon of Californian wellness, but the Duchess of Sussex hasn't always been on top of her health game, having previously spoken about Crab Infestations so bad she had to go to the hospital.
On one tragic occasion the Crabs themselves transported Minge to A&E.

SEE: Minge / crabs

"I used to have debilitating fungicide-resistant Crabs (hospitalised for them)," she told the "Wall Street Journal" and "The Financial Times".... Luckily forPrince Harry he is plagued with them too... how cute is that!! Awww!!! She found a cure that works for her and Haitch! Pressure STEAMING, a la Goop. The A-list actress and HRH Prince reportedly undergo daily high blasts of near-boiling steam together for their crippling Royal Crabs, as recommended by dear friend and fellow Hollywood A-List Actress Gwynnie."
Note: This treatment can lead to difficulty and pain with walking, sitting and luurve activities.

Hi-Pressure "Netha-Steam" Portable and Discreet Jet-flow $6,996. Available from Buggr.Up Now!!!
Fucking Jaws in her case!!
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Chatty Member
Could the gruesomes be visiting one of their suspected backers Murdoch. It was mentioned that he had a house in Wyoming.

Or could PWB be meeting Murdoch's daughter in law about the misinformation organisation they are supposed to be involved in. The young Murdoch's could have been there on holiday and invited the gruesomes for a catch up.
The son that she is married to left the old Murdoch's companies.
Actually this isn’t a bad theory if you dig a bit.

Haz and TW are constantly suing DM. Just the DM. This is despite all the other mastheads writing the same ludicrous drivel about them, including Murdoch’s The Sun (tabloid) and The Times (b’sheet). Maybe he’s backing their constant suing in order to quash the competition. He’s no holds barred that guy, and I reckon he’s still smarting from the collapse of NOTW.

Then again, his publications do write some of the worst stuff about the two (page six, NY Post, Daniela Elser who is no longer a sugar). So Murdoch is by no means on the squad… by why don’t H&M ever go after those publications?

He does run Fox News which is so conservative that megs wouldn’t go near it from a values perspective but I think she’d sell herself to the highest bidder to kickstart her delusional political career. It wouldn’t be bad for Murdoch to back her - she causes noise and distraction, will never get voted in and this would guarantee that he always has his preferred conservative candidate in the chair.

They have to have backers, they would have burned through all their cash (was is around £50mil?) just with property, travel, security and life in general for the past 2 years. And there is no way Netflix, Spotify or PRH would have given them advances that weren’t conditional on producing content and recouping the cost through sales. If anything, they may have gotten a vanity signing bonus that is non returnable - a couple of mill for each of the contracts maybe. Businesses just wouldn’t give away money for free.
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Re the photos, we're they backgrid? If not, how come she's not seeing?

Closed off by whom though and why on earth would armed police be involved!
Even if they were living in the U.K. that wouldn't be happening much less in a country where they are nobodies.
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Still not buying the Wyoming bullshit.

No wristband

View attachment 1403583

with wristband after it was pointed out

View attachment 1403589

Something (apart from the whores minge) here stinks :unsure:
Something strange is definitely going on as the old pictures show Archie has a hat on then in the new ones he doesn't have a hat on, Archie's hair looks brown in the photos that were released before yet the new ones show he has ginger hair and in some of the photos Harry is sitting next to Meghan yet in some of the other photos he isn't. Actually I have just looked at the photos again and the hat isn't anywhere to be seen in the photos where Archie is not wearing it. So, where exactly has the hat gone and why is Archie only wearing it in some photos.
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Thank you @Evangelina for taking the time to clarify this. As I understand it, what you say is:

A Clarence House Press Briefing is to give to a group of invited journalists information approved by the RF. It's given by a Royal source (as in this case), and the source tells the journo the truth (or lie) that was approved by the RF.
If a mistake happens it is quickly corrected by the RF.
So if the reported meeting with the grandchildren was one such "mistake" the RF would have already put out a denial in the press.
What the invited group of journos was told by the Royal source, about PC and Camilla meeting the Flatpacks, was approved by the RF.

So they said they met them, but they didn't.

I suspect that CH is relying on public scepticism here, people not believing the Snarkles brought the children and concluding that the meeting is a lie and it's more Sunshine Suxx PR.
I think it's a joint CH / Snarkle lie, but CH is hoping it will slip below the radar and people will call BS and ignore it as more Snarkle lies - when on this occasion it wasn't.

You've explained the difference between the "source" of William's war comment reporting and the Clarence House source.
You're welcome.

Bib. 1
Correct .

The rest I don't know about.
Particularly this :
''So they said they met them, but they didn't.''

It seems that this is seen as the desired outcome by the PR Guru's.
The problem is that the PR Guru , the ultimate , know it all , god of media control is Charles .
They highly likely met in my book, my list of concessions (Harkles) is longer than the combined lists for Anne/kids,Edward ,Andrew /York girls, and Linley.

Depending on how one sees it (for me it's :May God/force help them all, and us) it's a stereotype of a manipulative appeal to values(family), emotion (children) and upper echelons of the establishment(impacts media) who often believe in the religious elements of forgiveness .

See AoC being roped in to setup that Andrew ''want's forgiveness '' which was a ploy to eliminate him/keep the negative coverage.
Everyone reacted to artificialy created outrage, as predicted and it worked.
Andrew probably reacted, hence the backpedaling (easily, I was'' speaking in general terms''), however traction can't be beaten , so teh evil Andrew ''is pushing for ways back in'' is mainstream now. People have low levels of understanding about the , well politics/technical side of the Monarchy so it's truly easy to sell them everything .
Remember the Spectator article I posted here, the only one that actually even dared to mention the methods used.
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Another biscuit situation! An ice cream sandwich has to have a different meaning in the US to what it means in the UK!

An ice cream sandwich to me, is actual ice cream...( ie vanilla ice cream that melts from the minute it comes out of the freezer) sandwiched between 2 wafers. If you put it in your would end up with a soggy sticky mess!

Nice to see she allows Archie to eat sugar sweets.....just taken from the street. Loads of young mums I know are so strict about allowing their kids sugar treats!
I was thinking the same thing! You can't put an ice cream in your bag or it will melt!
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Something strange is definitely going on as the old pictures show Archie has a hat on then in the new ones he doesn't have a hat on, Archie's hair looks brown in the photos that were released before yet the new ones show he has ginger hair and in some of the photos Harry is sitting next to Meghan yet in some of the other photos he isn't. Actually I have just looked at the photos again and the hat isn't anywhere to be seen in the photos where Archie is not wearing it. So, where exactly has the hat gone and why is Archie only wearing it in some photos.
View attachment 1403607View attachment 1403608
Is something strange going on, though? It's a hat. He's a small child. He probs took it off and Meghan stashed it in her bag.

Honestly, I think a lot of this speculation is a stretch.
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Tangent Tiger

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Good morning, Tattlers! Been AWOL as I’m trying to buy a house, and it’s sucking the LIFE out of me in this dog eat dog world of bidding! (Just shoot me now! 🤦🏻‍♀️) Looks like I’ve missed some stuff here, so I’ll have to catch up! In the interim I hope everyone is well, healthy & taking good care! Sadie Mae sends ❤ & sleepy puppeh kisses to you all!
What a gorgeous dog! Best of luck with the house!
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It's Warby all over again. We never thought she would get off yet she did. Now this. Any of our legal Tattlers know what next stage is

Titsalina Bumsquirt and her Poncey,predatory,Princeling stick their fingers up at our weak legal system once again, where is justice coming from for these two fucking fripperies!!
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A foreign Royal .

However the IVF debate about Sophie also had some entertainment value, because well-she's a beard.
I havent been reminded of that rumour about Edward for years!!!!!! :LOL:

They knew damn well it wasn’t for sale, and didn’t actually expect to pay for it, but thought making the offer made them look less entitled. So they know how entitled they are but just tried to make the optics better.
Trouble is.......I am not sure that Meghan would have realised that the security wasnt for sale............and I think she is the brains in this partnership....
.harry himself has to be too dense to realise - otherwise why are they still threatening any kind of legal case?

What kind of optics would this new court case raise?
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VIP Member
Is something strange going on, though? It's a hat. He's a small child. He probs took it off and Meghan stashed it in her bag.

Honestly, I think a lot of this speculation is a stretch.
The thing is the bag looks too small to fit a hat in it though and according to the article she also slipped an ice cream sandwich in the bag for later, but I suppose she could have had another handbag with her.
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Well I offered up my son's dog, showed the bite marks on my arms and got no offers from the CAS. Caliente is still available.
View attachment 1398952

He'll take some nice chunks of flesh, and we can train him to attack the Ginger Twunt.

Just saw Boris resign on tv. I can hear the stupid sugars now.
"With Boris resigning, does this mean Madame Duchass can get the job?"
Caliente is welcomed and looks to be a right little git, so come join us georgeous Pupper, Tom will sort out his bad attitude 🐱🐕
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