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Murphy Brown

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Scotch Mist

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This is why Murky Meg has been suspended from Twatter apparently. Obviously targetted by the sugar cunts 🤬

They’re livid that their kween looks like a fat, hot mess and everyone’s smirking over it, Hazno is bald simp and the media is lampooning them for the budget Walmart ‘royal tour.’ Kate looking like a supermodel yesterday hasn’t helped either 🤣
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Omg - we're trying to get a quote for our new boiler, current one has died; but we've got hot water for now. Yeah 💖
Another boiler OMG from me. :confused:Ours went doo-lally 2 days ago. The pressure was scary high and I was shitting myself, cos gas yeah ...., but our boiler guy bled it(or WTF they do) today and got it down to normal. He's back tomorrow for it's annual service. Boilers eh?

Sorry, but I can no longer see the humor in all of this. H is here on a visa. Can we kick him out? I don't know....but he is now meddling in our government and stirring our populace. He is also stealing and committing fraud through charity money laundering. Slandering individuals and institutions....lying on our national television.....I could go on..... HE IS A PRINCE OF THE REALM...YOUR REALM....NOT OURS. HE IS YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DO WE LOOK STOOOOOPID?🤪 TAKE HIM BACK? :eek:Nah sorry, no returns on this product.
He resigned and his dick is super glued into your lil Murican smeggy, so suck it up buttercup.
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She looks really uncomfortable and nervous in every photo. At the reluctant photocall-in-the-fog, I thought it was because she might be scared of heights (combo of the stilettos, the Swiffer Trow and the 110 floors) but she has the same look on terra firma. And wearing sunglasses in the foggy cloudy 80f weather and jndoors? Defo tryimg to be Angelina 2.0. Fuckers
She’s punching well above her weight with these meetings - the title may be opening some doors for a while, whilst she is living the Disney dream in her own head, but is delusional. Hazzno has been trained for years on how he should act I have no doubt she won’t listen to anyone as she always knows best - that will be her downfall. eventually.

Off to re read Nostradamus and recap on the 3rd anti christ chapter 🥴
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Bubbles Tizzy

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Kate seems to radiate kindness and love - she seems so happy to meet people and chat to them. The gruesomes seem so bloody miserable all the time and have a don't touch me or talk to me attitude.
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Dooley Doo

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The DM says its the longest H and M have been away from Lidl.
I hope that Lidl and Aldi are in a secure cupboard so the dogs cannot play with them. It would be difficult to replace the dolls now.

Have I gone too far .... getting my coat now.
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I love GB and it's people. My ancestors are British. My maiden name is from a small town in the middle of the country. My forefathers came on the first ships and received a land grant from King George in the Carolinas. They ended up fighting under Francis Marion for independence. I still love my British heritage. This is one reason why I am interested in The RF. But............ I am an American and we have a ton of problems just now. I DO NOT WANT THE ROYAL FAMILY INTERFERRING WITH OUR INTERNAL POLITICS AND STIRRING OUR SOCIAL PROBLEMS. It needs to stop now. The Queen needs to hear from Parliament as soon as possible. Harry needs to go home...he is a menace...I don't care what happens to MM...the RF needs to take control of this very soon. Good will is eroding fast. WE DO NOT WANT A ROYAL FAMILY IN THE UNITED STATES.
I agree and it isn’t going to happen the USA will never accept a RF. We didn’t ask Obama to come here and give his opinions on BrEXIT either but he did so. I understand some of what you say because we were angry he basically said we would lose trade deals if we left the EU. The main difference was that he was an elected POTUS.

These 2 act like world leaders but have only nominated themselves into that position and who is questioning how and why? It is in fact a power play by her - she is a nobody so why suddenly are they getting the time of day from Mayors/Ambassadors? More security than our own RF - it is the biggest overt con I have ever witnessed.

But as with everything Joe Public’s opinions do not make a jot of difference. We do not have a say in what the RF does/do - we have set up petitions/written to senior royals and still the Cali2 are spoken about on a news channel - unfortunately there are still media outlets promoting them - spinning some of what they do as a good news story.
He is Diana’s son and that still stirs emotions for some.
The UK / Europe are also facing many issues we don’t want these two depriving the planet of any more oxygen.

They are a divisive force, with a divide and conquer mentality and IMO self serving and unbalanced.

Even if she enters politics Americans will hopefully see through her and, as you have said, the slightest sniff of a royal being in any sort of power via a marriage would be met with serious consequences from the majority i believe.
I honestly can never see it happening.

You can write to TQ or other members of the RF and explain how you feel, write to Biden, Senators, Governor's or anyone who has a voice let them know how you feel. Only real people power can stop this - it is only the power of ‘we’ which can change things we do not like/agree with.

I feel your frustration and anger but us Tattlers are all on the same page and understand we all can get very frustrated, not just with them, but with those who hold the power and fail to hear / take action with anything they do not want to deal with because it is a little out of their comfort zone Or more realistically ‘cos they are shit scared to lose their positions.
The idiots have definitely taken over the asylum the world over.
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Murphy Brown

VIP Member
Why? Im fascinated to imagine in what role are they meeting the US ambassador?

Is it because they need the ambassador to stop the forest fires in California, in case their house burns down?

Or maybe its to confirm with officials that Hawwy is giving up his British citizenship and title in favour of becoming a regular USA citizen?
I had a similar rant, YES. Ambassadors and mayors are taxpayer funded. On what basis are they spending taxpayer time and money getting photos taken with this pair?
Elected officials have a role and duty to perform and it doesn't include having photos taken for US Weekly with private citizens.
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Murphy Brown

VIP Member
They had a motorcade - why????
I notice she let Hazzno bring his colouring in folder to keep him quiet whilst the grown ups talked 🥴
I....have no words. They had a MOTORCADE??? On the basis of what? They are exactly equivalent to Beatrice and Eugenie - royals but not working. Would Beatrice get a motorcade??
There is something deeply wrong with this.
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But behind here sorry if this is posted already… what the hell???

How nice to hear from U.N. Ambassador Linda gushing about her meeting with these two lunatic frauds on the three topics below: Does she know...
Mental Health issues: Noballs and his Ho are both borderline insane. She's psychotic and he's a backstabbing turd-tapping ferret.
Racial justice? These two shysters have a proven track record of stirring up racial hatred and have damaged race relations in the UK.
COVID? They wll scam a vaccine charity or any charity through their scam Arsewholes 'R Us (Delaware 5% Only!) Charity.
Thought not. Not interested are you Linda?

PS. I've posted some very attractive photos of a selection of my cats using avatars as I don't know how to post pictures. Not one has been complimented on their looks or asked to join the elite CAS Squad though one pussy sent off his c.v. to the Mods. No enquiries about what fish they like and stuff like that. Zilch, nada. Soddit.

ETA Pictured today is Fark. If you like Fark, swipe left. Or move on. If you don't fancy Fark, swipe left.
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Well said. How the fuck is the Queen supposed to control her middle aged grandson (who married a ho) when he lives over the other side of the world?

The only thing she can do is not supply him with any money or possibly make a statement saying that he doesn't represent her.

I doubt whether any statement will be made by the royal family about the Harkles, because they don't want to look petty or give fuel to their victimhood.

The most worrying thing is that the Harkles could do something really stupid and offensive, and then the royal family will be blamed.

Hasn't Harry yet realised how his wife has used him to seek power and influence for herself? Pube head must be one of the thickest cunts on the planet 🙄

I think right now he sees his wife as having enabled him to move to the US and seek his own power and influence over there. He thinks he's finally getting the kind of meetings he's always believed he deserved but was thwarted by the "grey suits" and the Royal hierarchy that meant he had to fall in line behind PC and PW. And he's too thick to realise that he's still not getting acknowledged by the real power brokers. He's probably thrilled to have done something with Jill Biden, but even though she's FLOTUS she doesn't have the same cachet as Michelle Obama does.

If Hazza and Smeg start prancing round the Commonwealth on pseudo-Royal visits, particularly countries where TQ is Head of State, then I'd expect her to act.

But she can't do anything right now, unless Hazza does have some kind of UK diplomatic status. And if he does, that would be up to the FCO to sort out and do away with. If Hazza had a photo op/meeting with BoJo or the UK Ambassador to the UN then we'd need to worry about what was going on, but the British contingent seem to have kept their distance. As have Willem-Alexander and Maxima.

Trump said no way to security costs but Biden may well have changed that, and aren't there rumours that his administration has given Hazza a working visa? And that's Biden's decision to make, not the UK's. But I hope our diplomats, politicians and the "grey suits" at the Palace are quietly making notes about who's consorting with the Harkles, and that they'll act accordingly when it comes to doling out the invites to meet senior Royals here or overseas.

I'm more concerned with the Harkles possibly being welcomed back here for the Jubilee and stuff like that. Things TQ and PC do have control over, rather than stuff they don't.
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Scotch Mist

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View attachment 777404

Is it just me or is the coat navy and her trousers black, and why are they so long?
She looks fucking awful IMO.
The scraped back hair yuk - I prefer the 'slut strands', it just looks too harsh.
The dull outfit more suitable for a winters day.
Her face looks bloated. I can't think of anything nice to say about her outfit and Hazno looks rather scruffy too.
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Sooo it’s been confirmed they are getting federal security - I imagine this won’t go down well with the average American - we need to make this known!!!
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Might & power

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What the hell is she wearing?
What the FUCK does she think she looks like?
She is as big as a house!
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I’m not up to speed, but I had to crop this to show Haz’ face, and the unknown woman’s look as Meghan prattles On. wtf?
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Chatty Member
The situation with Wallace and Vomit is still unfolding. It's not over yet. We have no idea of what the RF plan. It's going to be very interesting to see. And whilst smegs (narcissist) may see them as weak, it doesn't mean they are. The RF play the long game. That's what they did with Diana and that's what they're doing here. And along the way, every time smegs does something, she ends up looking like a fool. She hasn't suceeded with any of her plans. I doubt she ever will.
I'm going to sit back and enjoy the ride :devilish:

Lady C made an excellent point in her last video. She said her Maj gets her own back on people in subtle ways without any fanfare or big announcements for example appointing Naomi Campbell in the Commonwealth role. This was done quietly in the background showing HW that she is easily replaceable and now irrelevant. TQ can't be accused of racism because she's appointed someone who is obviously a person of colour to everyone, no pretence needed. This would really really piss HW off as it's as if she never really existed.
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