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As cringey as that self congratulatory mutual tongue bathing was, it is interesting.

It's one of the most "legitimate" things either of them have done in a almost 2 years and it's about Harry's old life and not his new one and Meghan is nowhere to be seen.

She wasn't invited to join the First Lady in a project or even better a former First Lady. Harry's the one getting the gigs and that's based on him being a prince and the organisation that was basically set up for him.

No one seems to be knocking down Megs door to partner on an amazing cause. The things she sets up herself like 40x40 she didn't even get 40 famous women to sign up for her "mentoring". Rumor has it that The Bench was published as a sop so that PRH could get at Harry's memoirs.

The interview was supposed to be her coming out party where all of Hollywood and the political glitterati celebrated her courage, voice and "truth". Where is that? She might get online "support" from various celebs but that's not translating into offers.

Goes to show that you can't stick around for 70 something engagements and then fly the coop and expect to be treated like Diana.
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She has been excluded from everything she ever wanted and has now become a social leper. She must be spitting tacks especially since the Ginger Cockerel Seems to be the only relevant one.

I hate the pretence, back slapping sychophancy this is a sick society and I loathe them all.

For a Flotus to nail her colours to the mast so openly is disgusting but they need a distraction from the massive cockups they have made.

Disloyalty and disrespect infuriates me and as their oldest ally it stinks like the Haddocks minge and all the furore of Andrew what about Annie Sarcolas?? yes the person who killed a young man accidentally no accountability there!!

I love so many things about America and the people are great but this lot are a disaster for them and the rest of the world, what a balls up when the failed ex soldier, traitor and forked tongued Harry is hailed a hero, what a slap in the gob for our own ex service personnel and to HM and the UK in general.
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This information needs reposting anyone who just dips into the thread can see it!

This is appalling. On so many different levels. Mainly of course that the elephant charity didnt get the money promised

But also the lies, the duplicity, and the charity scam, taking 95% of charity donations for themselves.
It's so bizarre that this never gets questioned.

I mean, if I collected money for charity and pocketed the lot, I'd expect to be investigated and charged with theft.

Why is it all so hushed up?
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Thinking of all who were affected by this awful act. 20 years went by so quickly ❤
As expected these two jumped on the bandwagon
No surprises there then any old wagon to jump on for a self aggrandisement.

Phoney,puerile,parasitic plebs, they disgust me🤮🤮
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Scotch Mist

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Noballs has praised the military community "in a poignant speech". He just can't let go of the one and only part of his life that he loved and could really relate to. No responsibilities, pretty medals, lovely suits pressed by underlings, told what to do so didn't have to think. Now he's had to think for himself he's fallen flat on his face. The camerarderie he clings to and constantly relives exists only in his mind, as he was a liability rather than an asset, and his childish XBox approach to the taking of human life has been exposed to the world by no less than a Taliban leader.

Of the 3 military appointments he held, Hon Air Commandant RAF Honnington has been filled. I couldn't find out anything about the post of Commodore in Chief Small Ships and Diving so don't know if that's been filled.

Interesting that the post of Captain General of the Royal Marines is still vacant. Noballs held this hon. post from December 2017 to March 2020. Interesting too that since 1901 the longest period that the Royal Marines have been without a Captain General was a 4 month gap between the previous incumbent standing down and Prince Philip taking it up in June 1953.

As PP stood down in December 2017 and Noballs took over until March 2020, the RM have now been without a CG for 18 months, unprecedented in their history.
This appointment is in the gift of the Queen.
Is the post being held open quietly for Noballs to return? If not, are they afraid to fill it in case it triggers the paranoid and psychotic former CG?

Someone has made a decision to leave the Royal Marines in limbo, and the RM deserve better. Noballs was a disaster and a cringe-fest, and a new CG worthy of the post should have been appointed by now especially since the RM were ditched by NoBalls for his Ho, BeyBey and Bob Iger so that he and the Ho could filch charity money meant for the elephants.
Do you think this is a sign that they're keeping the post open in case he returns? I hope not.

The problem is that all the working royals apart from William and Kate are now getting on in years.

Princess Anne is very hard working but she's now a woman in her 70s and might want to cut back on duties rather than taking on more. Who could blame her for that?

That's why they really needed Hazno to step up and instead he's let them down because he's a lazy shifty money grabber.

The royal family will have to cut back massively on patronages and these types of appointments going forward.
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just scroll past the stuff you dont have interest in - we all try SO hard not to veer off-topic, but it's inevitable that we do because there's just so bloody much that interconnects to the Harkles.


aah yes, the smile that subsides. I call it a 'smile subsidy.' She's proficient at that.
Has she got a jaw malformation? She keeps closing her lips over her teeth in a weird way, and the underbite jutting out doesn't help. Maybe the veneers are loose? In this slow motion video you can see the muscles in the hinges of her jaws bunching and forming knots. There's a lot of anger and rage, her eyes are full of hate, and she actually looks unhinged but blink and you miss it. What on earth did Noballs marry? She's full of testosterone and violence. No wonder children and animals shun her.
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I reacted like that. I saw the first plane hitting the tower and thought it was a trailer or something for a new film. I didn't realise it was a news programme. Once it hit me, I stayed in front of the TV for the rest of the day. I couldn't believe it could happen.
That’s how I reacted. I was fast asleep as it was nighttime for us aussies. My husband started yelling which woke me up in a start and went running into the lounge room where he was watching tv. At first I thought he was watching some Die Hard movie. When he said no this is live I couldn’t believe it. We watched in horror as the second plane hit the tower. And we were glued to the tv as things were happening live. We have relatives who live in Queens and our cousin workEd very near the twin towers. We were frantically trying to get in touch but of course lines were down. Fortunately for our cousin he didnt go into work that day. Over slept and missed his regular train so stayed in bed instead. One of the lucky ones.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families who lost love ones that day and those affected by such a despicable act.🙏🙏💕💕
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It’s the US news agency I have a hard time with. This charity is in the US now. WTF don’t they follow up? Why do they just let idiot duo say what they wanted and no one in the US media say a damn thing about it. When it’s full of lies.? Why does the US media not highlight all of these charity rorts? At least the UK media have printed the lies that they spew. It’s the lack of accountability in the US media that pisses me off more.
The US media don't/won't (in my humble opinion) touch anyone who has been cheer leading for the pres (spit).
If she was a trumpite then it would be forensically analysed and she'd get crucified.
Look at how the Biden Junior mess:mad: was tidied up. Wiped as much as possible off FB/Twitter etc and brushed neatly under the carpet. Sexual and drug abuse dodginess aside, his financial dealings with foreign agents etc using his daddy's name and power are quite shocking and a hundred times more advantageous to his personal fortunes than Smeggy's piddling little $3million personal bonus.
Possibly, just possibly, Obama marking her card as not worthy of an invite among the elite of the Party might change things and someone will go for her, but I won't hold my breath.

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Murphy Brown

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I think this is for the cameras, so that she doesn't look as though she's being ignored when she is. She did it on the BP balcony flirting with a stone gargoyle. We've seen it often, her talking and laughing to fresh air so as to appear important and involved. She chats and nods and smiles and gurns into fresh air for the benefit of the cameras. She is quite mad.
Yep. Remember when she did it to Serena's mother? It is definitely for the cameras. It's almost insanely insecure. What on earth is wrong with just sitting watching the tennis/standing watching the crowds? She can't even sit next to the Queen without shutting up.
Remember the footage of her entering the Remembrance service with Harry and telling him to 'SMILE.'
It is always about the cameras for her.
Pity she's so fucking unphotogenic.
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The issue I had with it was that the Doctor stuff had never come up before the 2020 campaign. At some point when Joe ran this time, the "Dr. Jill Biden" stuff was suddenly all over the place and nobody had ever heard of her getting a doctorate before. It was an obvious PR move and it pissed me off. The First Lady is not an elected official and I am not voting for her. We had other much more important concerns-- BUT DR. JILL BIDEN LIVE PRE-RECORDED WITH JOE FROM THE BASEMENT AGAIN. Jill is smart, so that gives us legitimacy that you know who doesn't have, never mind Joe can't form complete sentences. Same with H&M. Dr. Jill Biden is doing this thing with Harry, and she has a doctorate of education, so that means Harry's legit, folks. Because college educated people have never done anything stupid.
Yesterday, I was accused of being ignorant and sneering and basically uneducated, elsewhere ( near here) for daring to question "dr" jill ... glad to see someone I respect post this❤
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This one is about Andrew and I'm putting it behind a spoiler for those who aren't interested.

This has really pissed me off. I DO NOT LIKE ANDREW but who does that lawyer think she is? She's going to make the UK Courts force him to give evidence because of an 'agreement' between the UK and US? Where was that agreement when that American woman killed a teenage boy with her car and then ran away under diplomatic immunity? Why wasn't she forced to give evidence in court?
I started off feeling sorry for Virginia Guiffre. Then I discovered that she'd lied under oath. Then I read the chapter in Shaun Attwoods book which was supposed to be sympathetic but made her look appalling.
I think the only reasons that she's sunk her fingernails into Andrew are because he's a Prince and because she has a photo. If she had more photo's, there would be a lot more men up in court. I think she's a chancer and out for what she can get. :mad: :mad: :mad:
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As you know not a regular on here. Skimming through the article on Harry and Mrs Biden, what a load of self congratulatory gobbledygook! I’m surprised either of them can walk without someone guiding them as they have their heads firmly stuck in their own derrières.
Absolutely! The patting each other on the back 🤮🤮 "Thank you for your service" should be retired...isn't that what he said when PP died🙄...
They really think they are wonderful.... Many of us have a different view.... A bit like a giraffe😂... Judy Murray shared this on insta... It made me laugh....

Ohh, love your new avitar Doodle

Thank you @just_me the fabulous @Pom Bear made it for my vip day! Love the term Bunker Henry 😂😂
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D. A.

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I have just read this in Daily Star:
A royal expert has claimed that if and when 'PWB' and 'TW' make a visit to the Queen, it will be in a private capacity away from royal aides, so as not to annoy the couple

If PR, why would they admit to being annoyed by royal aides?
If not PR then sadly the Royal Family & Her Majesty herself deserve all the Harkles are throwing at them.
Harkles do not deserve consideration, they require handling.
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