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Just saw this
I don't think the Queen wanted to see him, I'll go as far as to say he won't have another face to face meeting with her in her lifetime.

The betrayal The Queen, the late DoE, Prince Charles and Prince William experienced won't be forgiven or forgotten in his lifetime. He's done.
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I just made this in honour of the statue unveiling

Which Diana statue are you today?
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me from mid-America

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They dumped on the RF, they moaned about their mental problems, they had the baby…and the Diana statue is unveiled.

Now what?

Is the world waiting for more of their Woke preaching?
Does anyone care where they donate their money? What their next ‘imitative’ is?

They have gained curiosity status now…you can see what I mean in the DM every day of the week. An article on some HasBeen’s new hairstyle, or romance, or…yeah, a baby picture. The reader thinks…oh yeah…what TV show were they in?

One day, her Father will die and the public will remember her cruelty….and she will carry that stain.
One day, the Queen will die and the public will remember his treachery….and he will carry THAT stain.

One day, there will be all the majestic pomp and circumstance of the crowning of a new KIng…and even, if allowed some minor role…the public will vomit at their hypocrisy if they dare to take part.

What a buffoon Markle’s husband made of himself…his chaotic idiocy at what should have been a solemn remembrance of the beloved Mother he lost. Instead his antics showed little emotion for dear departed Diana.…not even respect. His immature intellect could not fathom that his grinning and pointing might be appropriate at a sports game…but this was an event centered on the memory his OWN dead Mother.

Obviously, he had been told that the UK public missed their fun-loving Prince…and were appalled at the Woke, whining, public windbag he’d become…so, he was going to yuck it up for the cameras.

Neither one of the Markles can EVER read a room’, can they?

My opinions only.
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Apologies if this has been posted. I thought this was super sweet of lady Louise to carry on PP’s legacy.

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Look at this as proof of shills bigging up MM in the Daily Mail comments. Two supposedly different people in different parts of the world saying the exact thing word for word! Unfortunately for them, the comments appeared one after the other. Busted!

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Scotch Mist

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Undercover with the Harkles... Hazno went shopping to find a new toupee today.... I hope he finds one soon..... I'm sick of being a stand in 🦰😬
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I’d say this tops Mr6’s ‘boom!’ moments. I’d also say Eva is not only more than qualified and prepared for her promotion to this position, she’s also one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen - not just in looks, which are obvious, her heart/soul beauty shine can’t be hidden, in my opinion.

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I've got too many pages to read and too little time to catch up on everything but just saw this on Twitter and it tickled me..... (apologies if already posted - see time above!).

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Personal opinion here, very soon, anything that depicts colonial ties will be subject to burning or destroying thanks to the woke brigade. I see a very worrying trend of 100 year old Catholic churches and the Queen's statues being burnt and destroyed in Canada while Trudeau does or say nothing (because he's a fucking coward).

I find it very offensive and stupid to see young people destroying history. It's pathetic.
I enrages me. Just because what happened in the past doesn't fit in a nice little box for the woke asswipes they want to destroy it. History doesn't work like that. History is a factual event (usually, unless you have a maiden name of markle) therefore the destroying of statues is pointless. We are supposed to learn from History. By destroying the reminders of what happened doesn't change the events. It's criminal damage. Pure and simple.
Slavery was an awful thing, but its still going on. Now we are hearing about child sex slaves. The trafficing of children of all ages for the sexual gratification of all sorts of people, many if whom are rich and famous. allegedly. Where are the woke brigade on that ? Nowhere to be seen .. why not ? Because it doesn't fit their agenda. You cannot change the past. You can only change the now and potentially the future. Yes atrocious things happened, and for me the statues are a cold reminder of it but that is what we learn from surely. Its like the concentration camps, I think every one should visit Poland and see them. They chilled me to the bone, that human beings can inflict so much pain and misery upon others and totally dehumanised them. That wasn't even that long ago. There are evil people in the world, and that's something that will never change. History cannot be re written or changed because it doesn't support the half witted woke agenda. I want my grandchildren to know of the atrocities that have been inflicted on humanity by alleged human beings. How can we expect our future generations to have a balanced education if we are only picking and choosing what to tell them. All that does is discourage individual thinking and makes a mockery of everything that people have endured over the years. They can quite frankly fuck off and leave our statues alone. Apologies for the rant I feel very strongly about it.
However I do have to add, if there is ever a statue of that vile excuse of a woman in California and her pathetic weasel of a husband, then I'm right at the front of the que with our big tractor and tow hitch to drag that fucker down.

Re the statue, it looks better from a distance. I would have much preferred it in a beautiful marble or smooth stone because its such a tactile work medium. For me that would have symbolised Diana more effectively as she was a tactile person. I actually love the photograph it was taken from,although I can almost see the "look at me mummy not William" on number 6 face even then!
He was smacked off his tits wasn't he. A troubled and fucked up individual with a fucked up wife. There is no hope for him really. I sadly predict an overdose because I don't think he can cope with reality, oblivion is his happy space. His life is a mess he's got everything but nothing. Very very sad.

They are still a pair if cunts
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Chatty Member
George Santayana said in 1905 " those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" Winston Churchill added his own take on this statement " those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it"
Tearing statues down and wrecking symbols of past atrocities isn't going to make any thing better. Society needs to learn from past atrocities and wrongdoings. trying to obliterate history isn't the answer.
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George Santayana said in 1905 " those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" Winston Churchill added his own take on this statement " those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it"
Tearing statues down and wrecking symbols of past atrocities isn't going to make any thing better. Society needs to learn from past atrocities and wrongdoings. trying to obliterate history isn't the answer.
How many of those tearing down statues and marching genuinely give a shit about either those children or BLM? Most are white people anyway. They are just rebellious mobs, who think doing it will make them feel better. It isn't going to do shit. You can't erase history, no matter how hard you try, good or bad. The whole of Rome was built on murder, rape, slavery. Romans and Vikings came to Britain, raped, murdered and pillaged the tribes here. What can anybody do about it now? It's done, finished, it's over.

History is full of awful events and stories, but that's then, this is now. Focus on modern slavery if you truly give a shit and point the finger at those that still carry out forced marriage of young girls, rape of women, killing and persecution of homosexuals, and general backward attitudes. They don't dare do that though as they know it's easier to point the blame at Western countries, their own countries, despite human rights in Europe being arguably the best in the world.
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They can call it a car all they like but Hazza was dumped back to the airport in a van.... No fancy SUV or Range Rover... Do you think he may have pissed someone off while he was here... It is hardly a vehicle "fit for a prince" ... Looks like one of those private ambulances that pick up bodies...
Ah now , who defaced the roadsign 😂😂
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Chatty Member
Personal opinion here, very soon, anything that depicts colonial ties will be subject to burning or destroying thanks to the woke brigade. I see a very worrying trend of 100 year old Catholic churches and the Queen's statues being burnt and destroyed in Canada while Trudeau does or say nothing (because he's a fucking coward).

I find it very offensive and stupid to see young people destroying history. It's pathetic.
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SS probably advised him to try to reclaim his cheeky chappy persona because he was bombing so badly in public opinion, but he utterly failed to grasp that the unveiling of mummy’s statue probably wasn’t the right occasion to do it. He clearly didn’t feel any emotions about his mum’s 60th birthday or the statue unveiling and was playing a role without understanding it was completely the wrong role for the occasion. Now he’s probably baffled as to why it didn’t work - “I thought you said they wanted Cheeky Harry back!” No emotional intelligence whatsoever. He also doesn’t understand that ship has sailed, and we’ve seen who he really is. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.
The interesting thing for me is that he's claimed over the last couple of years to be so affected by his Mum's death etc and marketing it as if he's the only child affected, but when the time came to be reflective and remember his Mum he didn't give a damn.
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Going forward, comment was made that bringing Prince George to the football was a very visible sign that a future king is growing up and will soon overtake the visibility of the Harkles. İt was a delight to see. Catherine is pushing forward with dedicated projects on her own and PW's Earthshot endeavour has a high mission and promise.

The Harkles' PR puffery is a huge menace, and meant that PR around the statue unveiling took more prominence than it warranted because Hazzno was involved. İnevitably the event was a disappointment, but a significant cut-off in collaboration between PW and Hazzno. The more İ see of Hazzno the more he is a figure of ridiculousness, a buffoon either angry-rude or pumped full of happy-silly drugs. The Harkles are wind-bag liars, shallow as puddles of sacred water on their Montecito lawn with two doll-children needing nourishment and nurturing or topped-up batteries.
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