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I am choosing to believe that after the Oprah interview, the Queen and Prince Charles deliberately filled every moment of their diaries for the period before, during and after 1st July.
I am choosing to believe they deliberately scattered to show Harry they do not want to see him.
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Re Diana’s outfit choice;
Could it have been chosen by William and Henry because it evokes special memories for them? It was not an iconic outfit to the rest of the world, but perhaps to them it holds a special place in their hearts so it was a personal touch.
I can’t think of any other reason that it would have been chosen.
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I don't think the statue is the worst likeness of her ever, but it isn't very inspiring. The clothes as per everyone else, just don't look right on a statue. Most of her famous looks are so rooted in the 80s they're quite dated, it would have suited something more timeless.

It's a shame it isn't a classical style statue because she was actually a very statuesque woman. She's the ideal subject for a statue! Her height and build - she was very broad shouldered, one reason she managed to carry off those old outfits as well as she did - and her strong features, would make her almost akin the Roman statue subjects.

This looks like it is trying to be something more than just a tribute to her. It is trying to evoke something that is contrived. It isn't abstract, so it isn't modern, but it looks like they are trying to appeal to a modern group by casting the boy child figure wearing a hoodie for goodness sake with unlaced shoes as though that is somehow street and relatable, which is surely virtually racial stereotyping.

It is rather too conscious of what boxes it is supposed to tick and missing the actual point of who it's of!
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George Santayana said in 1905 " those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" Winston Churchill added his own take on this statement " those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it"
Tearing statues down and wrecking symbols of past atrocities isn't going to make any thing better. Society needs to learn from past atrocities and wrongdoings. trying to obliterate history isn't the answer.
I used that quote and mentioned both people in a Twitter response: the person to whom I responded said that I had triggered him and accused me of being racist because I referred to Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill was only mentioned in the context of the quote.

That was not long before I was accused of being suicidal, had my account suspended, and received the suggestion that I seek help from someone who "cares" for me, on Twitter, because I said to someone that replying to the Sussex squad was like beating your head against a brick wall.

I no longer post on Twitter. I just can't deal with such nonsense.
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D. A.

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Totally off topic, but thanks for all the tattle love. Other half is sadly still in hospital but keeping fingers crossed for home coming tomorrow - he will get more of a welcome than PWB I am sure 😂
Back to the distraction of gossip...
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Scotch Mist

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I do hope that all these rumours of Andrew being like Harry's substitute dad and supporting Harry and Meghan come out soon 😃 imagine that!

The sugars will combust when they learn that the man they accused of being a kiddy fiddler has been the most supportive to St Smeg 🤣
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Fisher Lassie

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I think there is no hope of a reconciliation for William and Harry. Williams body language made it quite plain imho.
As for the Queen if she had wanted to see Harry then she would have. I can only conclude she didn't want to and Harry has gone back to Monteshithole with his bright ginger bushy balding tail well and truly between his legs. Serves the self seeking, selfish, childish, spoilt , manipulative, treasonous bastard cunt right .
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I enrages me. Just because what happened in the past doesn't fit in a nice little box for the woke asswipes they want to destroy it. History doesn't work like that. History is a factual event (usually, unless you have a maiden name of markle) therefore the destroying of statues is pointless. We are supposed to learn from History. By destroying the reminders of what happened doesn't change the events. It's criminal damage. Pure and simple.
Slavery was an awful thing, but its still going on. Now we are hearing about child sex slaves. The trafficing of children of all ages for the sexual gratification of all sorts of people, many if whom are rich and famous. allegedly. Where are the woke brigade on that ? Nowhere to be seen .. why not ? Because it doesn't fit their agenda. You cannot change the past. You can only change the now and potentially the future. Yes atrocious things happened, and for me the statues are a cold reminder of it but that is what we learn from surely. Its like the concentration camps, I think every one should visit Poland and see them. They chilled me to the bone, that human beings can inflict so much pain and misery upon others and totally dehumanised them. That wasn't even that long ago. There are evil people in the world, and that's something that will never change. History cannot be re written or changed because it doesn't support the half witted woke agenda. I want my grandchildren to know of the atrocities that have been inflicted on humanity by alleged human beings. How can we expect our future generations to have a balanced education if we are only picking and choosing what to tell them. All that does is discourage individual thinking and makes a mockery of everything that people have endured over the years. They can quite frankly fuck off and leave our statues alone. Apologies for the rant I feel very strongly about it.
However I do have to add, if there is ever a statue of that vile excuse of a woman in California and her pathetic weasel of a husband, then I'm right at the front of the que with our big tractor and tow hitch to drag that fucker down.

Re the statue, it looks better from a distance. I would have much preferred it in a beautiful marble or smooth stone because its such a tactile work medium. For me that would have symbolised Diana more effectively as she was a tactile person. I actually love the photograph it was taken from,although I can almost see the "look at me mummy not William" on number 6 face even then!
He was smacked off his tits wasn't he. A troubled and fucked up individual with a fucked up wife. There is no hope for him really. I sadly predict an overdose because I don't think he can cope with reality, oblivion is his happy space. His life is a mess he's got everything but nothing. Very very sad.

They are still a pair if cunts
I agree with the statues. They are history and should be left in peace.

I watched a documentary once and someone asked a concentration camp survivor did he want people to stop talking about such a horrid part of history and the little old man cried and said never. People need to know that this evil existed.
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I still don't understand why they included random children, this was supposed to be about Diana herself and now the conversation just turns to 'who the hell are these random kids? why does only one have shoes?'
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Thanks @Chita for the title and @Cassandra333 for posting it.

I suspect William hates the statue, and No.6 couldn't care either way as he was out of his head and couldn't wait to get back to his supplier. It would have been better if he had stayed away, as after all the whining about his love for his mother he showed no respect at her event, was casual, crass and clowning around, inappropriately dressed and scruffy. That he didn't stay to see his grandmother whom he may not see again is significant.

This jerking, grinning and twitching loon and proud father of 2 has scuttled back to safety. His gurning appearance and behaviour at the event have confirmed what a loser and waste of space he is, but has also confirmed William's fitness for his role and his self-control on what must have been an very difficult occasion.

There's a really interesting article in the Daily Express today, but it's not in the Daily Mail, by Maria Pramaggiori Professor of Media Studies at Maynooth Uni in Ireland. "MM's heartbreak as misogynistic root of vile pregnancy conspiracies laid bare".

According to Maria the root cause of the conspiracy theories lies in a "misogynistic" idea of what a pregnancy should look like as in Kim K who wore revealing clothes to show her bump, and say Catherine who was more discreet.
Maria says that the "wild and completely unfounded claims" of faked pregnancy and Farch born of a surrogate arise from one sort of pregnancy being "acceptable" like Catherine's demure and unassuming one with a relatively flat stomach, and Kim K's with a huge bump. MM slotted into this latter profile. Ergo the conspiracy theories are based on ... you got it... racism! Where misogyny comes in is anyone's guess.

Maria says that MM has been accused of not even being pregnant, and wearing a moonbump, that Farch is a doll. She says that this has led to questions as to whether Farch is really a royal heir.

The article is idiotic and it makes no sense at all for a Professor to suggest Black Pregnancy Not Acceptable White Pregnancy Acceptable. But it's significant as these rumours have never been in the mainstream Press or seen the light of day until now, not that I've seen anyway.

I wondered if it was a Trojan horse, an article on the surface sympathetic but whose purpose is to bring into the open some of the rumours that have been circulating for a long time? I can't see any other purpose to the article, as her argument about misogyny is utter nonsense. The only thing that would make sense is if it was written with a completely different aim in mind, to publicise the rumours, which I think could well be the case. Someone's released this and I wonder who?
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Yep, went to Tate tat once, there was a canvas completely painted purple, that was it, sorry but if I look at a canvas and know I can do the same thing then it ain't art.
I went to the Tate in St Ives about 22 years ago and there was a room with mouldy Carrots on a huge chessboard, with a film projector running footage in the background of the (male) artist on all fours with a carrot in his mouth and up his arse!
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Scotch Mist

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Have to say I'm really bored with the Harkles now. We need some proper drama to sustain my interest and Smeagol is obviously laying low and plotting at the moment.

We need a divorce announcement or confirmation that she didn't give birth to any child named Lilibet. I'm sick of the pathetic snipes at the Cambridges. No one gives a fuck if Kate sends them a peace message of not. It's speculation about jack shit.

I think Hazno must realise that his wife is a psycho by now but he has been ensnared by the kids. I reckon he's going to have an affair with someone. Let's face it who can resist his 'do you wanna shag a prince' line 😉
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Sorry if been posted but I fu#king love HRH Our Queen even in casual she looks a million Dollars

Smeg take note there is no need to be dripping in Blood diamonds to look glam
Have you noticed how absolutely happy and smiling the Queen has been the last couple days? She doesn’t look at all unhappy not to have seen her wayward grandson. So maybe it was the Queen who turned down an invite to meet with Hazno and those posts about such things were the usual Sunshine Sacks crap. They are trying so hard to make people believe that dickhead still has some kind of connection to the royal family. Could they have finally realised that without the Royals they are nothing, zero. I am sure it feels like a knife through the heart of that narcissist witch to realise that. Then again, she probably wouldn’t believe it but maybe her PR people are doing their job and actually telling her the truth instead of sucking up to her and just saying yes.

Agree, Harry’s always been a spoilt , petulant arse and ( regardless of meeting Meghan) was going to be a massive twat as an adult once he got fed up of the ‘suits’ directing and protecting him.

I’ve always (smug twat😂) said No6 is the greater cunt.
I also wonder if PW has guided him a lot as well. Told him when the occasion called for Hazno to be respectful, how he needed to act, follow my lead, etc. Without that guidance he doesn’t have a clue how to behave. Megabitch tells him to smile, you must smile more, but loser being the ignorant bonehead he is, played that role ott as usual. He is truly an embarrassment and to think I was one of those people who actually found his humour endearing. Oh brother, was I fooled or what.
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