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I find it appalling that as soon as the bullying allegations came out Hazno doubled down and defended Meghan. These are staff members he has known for YEARS - loyal and trusted. It just goes to show what a petulant, entitled POS he is, that he would allow such behaviour to happen. I have no doubt he witnessed some of it himself. Didn't Robert Lacey claim he was screaming down the phone? He sounds like a bully himself.
Exactly. Where was Hazno’s loyalty and respect for these long serving staff? Imagine how thoroughly hurt these people would have been to see Haz defending Smeg and disregarding their feelings? No wonder they were compelled to seek out The Times’ reporter about the bullying once they heard the sick pair were going on Oprah to spout how kind and compassionate they were. That must’ve really stuck in their craw.

Funny thing these ’consequences’ aren’t they?! If Haz had not had such a hissy fit about his military titles being removed, he might not have gone moaning on Oprah, which means that these staff might then never have gone to The Times about the bullying at the hands of his wife. If only he had kept his whinging gob shut, eh?
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Here is today’s archived excerpt in The Times from Robert Lacey’s updated book. It concerns the deep seated resentments surrounding Prince Philip’s funeral. I have not read it yet so have not provided a summary but it seems to focus on Smeg’s pathetic attempts to promote herself on that hugely important day, implying that she is a selfish, attention seeking cow who couldn’t stop releasing PR puff pieces just for one day.

Ooh, it's damning. And more to the point, it's not dancing around any of the issues.

I think Lacey is a self-serving weasel of sorts, but it is very, very telling he's prepared to put this out now.

It reflects the fact that the Harkles' ship is now widely recognized to be in the process of sinking and everyone, even those who formerly crawled up their arses and supported them for various reasons, bloody well knows it, andnow wants to disassociate themselves and try to re-ingratiate themselves with the RF and the general public. The Harkles are poison after that interview of lies and Philip's death, and Lacey knows it. The general public mostly knows it and will be delighted to read about it, so more money in Lacey's and his publisher's pockets too. The publisher has clearly read the weather in regards to the Harkles and knows what's up.

I admit, it is VERY satisfying to finally see this stuff in the mainstream media after pointing it all out at the time. God knows what else they'll be prepared to publish when the shitty twosome really start to circle to drain.

I will say, if Markle does another interview in which she attempts to slag off H's family or her bullying victims, it won't end well for her. I think she will do something stupid like it when she needs more money or attention though. She has a need to try and control the narrative and she must be raging at Lacey's book and all the exceprts detailing her behavior floating about now.
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Scotch Mist

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Regarding the alleged bullying of staff at Tyler Perry’s mansion, one of the staff members has posted again on MarkleNews1 Instagram to say that they have video evidence of the incident and that lawyers have obtained this from Perry. She also says that there are five members of staff from Perry’s mansion who have come forward. In addition to the ten staff from KPalace that are giving evidence, that brings the total number to fifteen so far in the US and the UK. This does not include the staff who were allegedly bullied on the AUS tour in 2018. No idea if any of them are getting involved but I really hope so. Especially the main lady at Admirality House who Smeg allegedly told to Eff Off. Screenshot below.

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It's good to hear that Tyler Perry's staff might speak out and even better if it turns out that any of them are poc. The sugars will be shocked 😲

The Americans can easily blame the royal family for what went on over here, but not for anything that might have happened in the US.
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Ach for fuck sake, not the friggin' "received a standing ovation led by Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general" shite again. Shows Lacey knows fuck all. Someone posted a video on one of our threads many months ago of that event, where she spoke and then the camera panned across the audience, Ban Ki-moon in full view seated, as was all the audience. It bugs the shit out of me, this duvet journalism where they do some very basic googling.
She puts that crap in her wiki and stupid cunts like lazy Lacey just accept it. Twat.
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Thanks for the new thread and awesome title :m

If that post by Luca is true, then I hope the Duchy legal and accounting teams are all over this.
As I have wandered into Twitter for a gander at things, non-sugared versions, I came across this. Wonder if it's true, and if so, yay to the legal teams of the Dukes of Cornwall and Cambridge.

I couldn't quote as thread locked but to the pp that posted about a bag of Revels (totally forgot they were a thing) the ginger turd would totally be the coffee one. Happy Sunday everyone.
But... but I like the coffee ones. Can he be the toffee ones that stick in your teeth instead?
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I think there has been some stories from Netflix (I think in the last thread, there was a blurb for the internet from someone whose mother worked there and that they were about to be dropped) Plus, don’t forget the leaked behavior towards the Givenchy staff making her wedding gown.

All of these are pretty similar. We have a family joke whenever we encounter a particularly petty bureaucrat (like the HOA inspector who fined our neighbor for having the wrong color gravel under their 12-inches-off the ground deck)- “Literally the smallest amount of power to go to their head”

She is all sweetness to those in power, but not towards anyone she perceives as lower than her.

it’s interesting that William seems to despise her the most…he’s not even trying to hide it. That tells us that he knows something that the others don’t - either she made a pass at him or he knows the Skippy story or both. That is also why she centers her vitriol on him and Catherine. She knows that he (and most likely Catherine) know everything
I think Smeggy tried to make a pass at Wills or at least catch him on camera looking directly at her whilst she was giving him those adoring doe eyes. That is why he always looks and acts incredibly awkward in her presence, like he doesn’t want to catch her eye in case a camera clicks just at that point and then her PR can try to make more of it than what it actually was (Eg look at the perfect bro and sis in laws! They adore each other..look at how they gaze into each other’s eyes…yuck!)

There are lots of jokes on Twitter and Tumblr about Wills ‘scarfing’ her. This relates to an occasion, I think it was a walk to church on Xmas day, where Smeg was trying to engage him and he was very busy rearranging his scarf for ages to avoid eye contact. Since he has continually given her the brush off, she is out for revenge. Like the recent UN Women in the Fiji market article has confirmed…Smeg cannot handle rejection and will never forget it. People will pay for rejecting her, she will make sure of that. She is used to snaring men with her magic boobs etc but Wills did not, and would not, fall for it. That must’ve burrrrned!

Regarding her ‘servicing’ Haz’s best school pal, Skippy, Will MUST know about it. If we do, he certainly will. I bet he has spoken directly to Skippy about it, especially when asking why he and Haz are no longer best chums any more. The reason is pretty obvious. Fancy not even inviting poor old Skippy to the evening do of Haz’s wedding?! Great way to treat your old school chum. No loyalty shown there either, just like Haz showed none towards his staff. Nasty, shapeshifting, cuntstruck idiot.
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I couldnt wear those ear rings.... rather like Naomi Campbell and the blood diamonds. Poor Kashoggi.
Same. That she didn't care and wore them twice (that we know of) is disgusting, but very her.

The gloves are well and truly off. Love reading comments after the article too.

There were a lot of red flags for me with her early on, starting with his letter to the press, her ripped jeans at their first public appearance, and how they treated her father. However, scheduling their wedding for less than a month after Kate's due date really annoyed me. Given how difficult her pregnancies are, it was pretty obvious even to outsiders that Louis would be their last child. Yes, Kate has a nanny and staff but she's clearly a hands on mother and having to do fittings for two kids, prepare them for a very public ceremony, etc. was a lot of unnecessary stress. To me it was a very clear sign of how narcissistic they both are that they didn't delay their wedding a few weeks. If I knew my future sister-in-law was going to give birth in a few months, I'd make sure I didn't schedule my wedding for less than four weeks after her due date, especially if she's the future Queen Consort! (Note: I assume M didn't expect her to bounce back so quickly and wanted her to look "fat" at the wedding, hence their wedding date so close to Kate's due date; added bonus for her of messing up Eugenie's date.) I feel bad for W&K that those first few weeks with their final child were so stressful.

That said, I'm glad it seems H won't be anywhere near the Cam kids as they grow up. He's toxic and an idiot, they're better off not knowing him. That line about him turning off his phone so William couldn't call him is just beyond childish.
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"Baroness Bruck on Twitter: "Interesting theory !! 🤔🔍 ... from your fingertips to God's ears !! 🚫👑🙅🏻🍀🙌🏼" / Twitter"
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Not to derail but just reporting that The Stench is just £7 in my local Sainsburys, and has already been tucked at the back of the display, so there was no more for me to do. A fine job, whoever got there before me.

And now, on with the show, which gets more entertaining by the day...
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From Twitter
Ach for fuck sake, not the friggin' "received a standing ovation led by Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general" shite again. Shows Lacey knows fuck all. Someone posted a video on one of our threads many months ago of that event, where she spoke and then the camera panned across the audience, Ban Ki-moon in full view seated, as was all the audience. It bugs the shit out of me, this duvet journalism where they do some very basic googling.
She puts that crap in her wiki and stupid cunts like lazy Lacey just accept it. Twat.
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God, those so called family sharing bags are full of fresh air!
‘Family Sharing Bag’ - Is that what we’re calling Smeg’s minge now? I get that she’s probably a bit loose but full of fresh air might be stretching it...
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Did mine this afternoon in tesco. Luckily there was no " BARRED: for parsnip theft' image of me in the foyer. Phew!
So one Bench book behind a row of kids Jewelery making sets and one behind a pile of towels. And the last one nudged sideways behind a cracker looking book about a hospital dog.
What I did notice was that it's very good quality for a vanity project. Nice thick pages and sturdy cover. It also has a dust cover and I removed that to see if (as reported a few weeks ago)it really was just her name on the spine, but it's not. It's the title AND her name on both the book spine and the dust cover spine. All in all it must have cost her hazza a fortune to produce. Arrogant bitch.

Happy Birthday Cass. 😘
In my local Sainsbury’s all the copies were on display in the toilet roll aisle. I have no idea how they got there!🤫:devilish:
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A few musings
1. The Palace are in a rock and a hard place re potential surrogacy, ultimately that is private medical history and it's not their place to reveal it. I think the best they could do is put pressure on the Hazznos to publicly admit to it.
2. In the Times thingy by Robert Lacey he makes a big todo about there being no Ethnic staff so Meghan was surrounded by white people/men. Err when has Meghan ever surrounded herself with anyone black, literally everyone in her life is white except her Mother who is only now playing a part in her life because it suits Meghan. She has cut every single other black member of her Mothers family out, all her friends are white, all her previous men were white, I bet all her clients were white.
3. Harry is family so at some point he will be rehabilitated into the private family, unlikely he will ever be part of the public Royal Family again and that is perfectly reasonable.
4. Everything she says about the staff is designed to reduce her culpability, she knows they have her bang to rights, too many people out there that have been victims in different households. We have the Australian lot, the Palace lot, the Tyler Perry lot. All rumours so far but once the dam breaks, it's breaking big time, they'll all be lined up to tell their stories.
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I asked my husband what he would think if I bought him a bench for Fathers Day.
He said benches with plaques are usually for people who have died and I was insane.
So I guess that he wouldn’t appreciate it......
He's correct, I live by the sea and some country parks and every single bench has a little tribute to someone who has passed away. Perhaps Megs is getting one step ahead. Careful Haz!
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What a fragile ego she has.

"It has long been one of the mysteries surrounding the Duchess of Sussex: why did she walk out of an engagement at a market in Fiji, upsetting and disappointing the people she was supposed to meet?

A book serialised in The Times, an updated edition of Robert Lacey’s Battle of Brothers, suggests a possible reason: she resented the fact that UN Women, which was hosting the event, had not made her a goodwill ambassador.

The duchess, according to a source close to her circle, does not cope well with rejection."

What ... she's an insecure, brittle narcissist? Who knew?

Oh right. Anyone who'd been closely watching her manoeuvres for years now.

I noticed another excerpt from this book says the Palace staff thought she was a 'sociopathic narcissist' too with her willingness to destroy young female members of staff and set them up to fail so she could have her fun screeching at them. Again, you could have read it here first.
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Be's actually quite easy.
Oh gawd, incoming true story.
So today in Tesco I was buying some carrots and some parsnips. Carrots 40p per whatever ... parsnips 96p per whatever. So I thought "Fuck it, I'll discreetly bop them all in the same brown paper bag and get my parsnips cheaper. Cunts owe me big time for my loyalty". Got to the self service till and hubby threw a freakin' fit when he saw what I'd done. The twat had the girl on fixit duty nebbing at us squabbling. :mad:He demanded I separate them for weighing. I didn't. So the journey home was silent. He's so infuriatingly honest.
Apparently he'd just yesterday read an article about Tesco complaining of this very thing and threatening all sorts of consequences :eek: so I'm sat here waiting for the Peelers to kick my door in and arrest me for parsnip fraud. #prayforfreda

Disclaimer : I should point out, I don't usually do things like that as I'm really quite honest. But gawd it felt exciting getting away with it(so far).

And the gruesome twosome are still cunts.

I don't read them or watch the damned longgggg videos regurgitating shite over and over again .
( Lady C an exception as she may actually have inside knowledge) i do wish anyone posting a video would post a little summary of what was said... There are too many to watch, and few say anything worth hearing ... Billy big bollix could always go to a fancy dress shop for a uniform, just not get the last one he rented😂...
The "DO KEEP UP!" was aimed at the silly twat being interviewed.
Not you. You are an adorable little doodlebug.😘

Well we're ahead of the times. Tattlers discussed this threads ago!
That's OK, there are lots of newbies who may not have seen it.(y)
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I will still do my duty when I go to the supermarket this morning!
Did mine this afternoon in tesco. Luckily there was no " BARRED: for parsnip theft' image of me in the foyer. Phew!
So one Bench book behind a row of kids Jewelery making sets and one behind a pile of towels. And the last one nudged sideways behind a cracker looking book about a hospital dog.
What I did notice was that it's very good quality for a vanity project. Nice thick pages and sturdy cover. It also has a dust cover and I removed that to see if (as reported a few weeks ago)it really was just her name on the spine, but it's not. It's the title AND her name on both the book spine and the dust cover spine. All in all it must have cost her hazza a fortune to produce. Arrogant bitch.

Happy Birthday Cass. 😘
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I liked this article seems she wasn't a good enough actress to stop people's spidey senses tingling! Which we all know . . Obvs.
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