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So now the timelinbe is a bit clearer for me:

Concerns pre-marriage raised with Harry but he doesn't listen.
Diva and mean behaviour to little girls in the run up to the wedding.
Staff bullying goes through the roof, household separate, she is a nightmare on the tours.
All this birth shite likely to be because of surrogacy (she bought another woman's body)
Then the big flounce that was for privacy but the story has changed ++

Then prior to the Orca interview they find out about Charles' title situation so concocted this racism accusation.
Scabies has been hinting its William or Charles.
They are trying to blackmail William or Charles with this accusation hanging over their head.
Empire strikes back with lots of positive stories about Kate, Sophie and Edward, challenges the lies about Lilibarf, starts leaking bullying behaviour. Press now reporting on super expensive PR team they employ.

Now thick as shit Harry doesn't have much more to talk about "genetic" pian thick bastard so he'll be all about press intrusion and negativity.
HW is on mat leave so should be quiet (let's see about that)
But the only thing they have over the RF is the talk about Archie's skin colour "reecollections may vary"
Whereas the RF will continue to meet with world leaders, focus on early years and draw attention to issues that need attention post COVID.
Hopw much more longer can the Markles go on about being kind when they are nothing of the sort themselves.
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Good Morning Tattlers :)
Saw this comment on the Arrse forum and thought it worth posting.
"Anyone else think Ms Markle has read all about veteran suicide and is wondering why it's taking so long and what more she has to do? " :LOL:
Also it's my birthday today :D I am now older and delighted to be so. Decades ago, my beloved Mother in Law (RIP) told me it was great to get older because you stopped caring what other people thought. She was dead right too. There's something very liberating about getting old.
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Been doodling.
The time bomb is a-ticking.......... the pruning is going to happen.
prince charles 70% smaller text on.jpg
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I find it appalling that as soon as the bullying allegations came out Hazno doubled down and defended Meghan. These are staff members he has known for YEARS - loyal and trusted. It just goes to show what a petulant, entitled POS he is, that he would allow such behaviour to happen. I have no doubt he witnessed some of it himself. Didn't Robert Lacey claim he was screaming down the phone? He sounds like a bully himself.
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It makes sense. William, after chucking them out on their arses, realised that he needed to look deeper and that included finances. Once they knew what was happening, they fled. Didn’t minge leave in the middle of the night or something? Not the way an innocent, scorned victim would need to behave.
If these embezzlement claims are true, I wonder if the intense staff bullying in part has to do with just wanting to instill a culture of fear. Don't approach me, don't look at anything I do, never question me. How dare you look at the accounts. The staff were in a place full of land mines that kept moving. What caused an explosion one day didn't cause one the next and vice-versa. In the morning you get screamed at until you run to the bathroom crying; in the afternoon the same person who made you cry gives you a diamond necklace. In an environment like that no one bothers to question accounting; they're just trying to get out. So I think you're right on the money here. PW saw all this and decided to have a deeper look.

She did leave in the middle of the night-- on a budget flight to Canada, and left Harry to deal with any leftover mess. I think Archie was already out of the country. We had to refresh our memories on this a couple of threads ago.
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the musician

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Lady C just mentioned in today's video that Harry and the wife could be trying to damage Prince Charles. Since Diana was trying to get Charles removed from the line of succession, Harry and the wife might think they are fulfilling his mother's wishes if they do this. Scobie has apparently suggested Charles' name and said some bs about the "racist" member of the RF shouldn't be on the throne. So Haz and the wife are trying to threaten Charles with titles even though their kids are not entitled to them.

Instead of bullying a 95 year old woman they've now moved on to a 72 year old man. And they're supposed to be "compassionate" :rolleyes:
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Regarding the story upthread about mistreating Tyler's staff. I could totally believe it, because remember, this was just after they left Canada/UK and BEFORE the crap came out about her abusing her UK staff. So she was confident she'd not yet been rumbled as an abuser so just contined in that mode.
No wonder she is silent over the UK staff bullying. She knows that to get into a kerfuffle publicly over the claims could shine one of her beloved 'lights' into the murky corners of her time at TP's house. That migrates her UK bullying troubles across the pond and makes the mess even bigger and with more evidence.So she is blanking the whole bullying accusations situation hoping it dies a death. Cunt.
She's clearly one to abuse anyone she feels is 'in service' to her, like the scabby little nouveau-riche piece of trash she is. Honestly, it is classic nouve behavior to act like an obnoxious tinpot dictator with servants as you have no idea from your upbringing how to treat them, but with a personality disorder driving it, so it's way worse than normal as it's clearly fulfilling some deep need in her to behave like this.

So far we have accusations of abuse and workplace bullying from three countries, and three sets of staff:

- Ten Palace staff in the UK .. all highly experienced and educated people, most of whom have worked for demanding and famous employers before. Everyone from office staff to PAs to bodyguards driven out of jobs by her.

- Staff in Australia, from Lady Cosgrove (sworn at and jeered at), to lowly kitchen and waitstaff (sworn at, insulted, yelled at, stuff throw at them, forced to stay up all hours to bake her gross banana bread)

- Tyler Perry's housekeepers/maids (physically assaulted, verbally abused) in the USA.

She clearly knows to hold off on the physical assaults on people with a little bit too much rank, but you see her worst nature with people she considers true servants. I am sure she held off on this side of her nature and was sweet as pie when initially dating Harry. She doubtless has control over her actions like all abusive people do. They pick and choose targets they can get away with to satisfy their need to dominate. She wouldn't have got away with actually hitting one of Knauf's staff, so she didn't. She stuck to typical workplace bullying, like keeping people out of the loop then berating them as useless when they didn't know what was going on, or verbally abusing and belittling staff. She can get away with throwing tea at minimum wage underlings and shoving lowly immigrant servants of rich people into pools for not getting her towel in the US where fame and money rule, so she does. I always hope people like her finally pick on the wrong person and get their teeth knocked down their throats in return, but they generally pick people who cannot retaliate like that either physically or because they'll be the one who ends up arrested.

Also, notice her targets are nearly always female? I suspect because they're less likely to physically retaliate, and Smeg sees women as competition to be squashed, or heads to step on to get where she wants. Men are treated more nicely, as they can be manipulated easily with flirting and sex.

ETA: Given the turnover at Archwell, I bet there's some more tales of workplace bullying to come out of there too. Or really, anywhere she's been allowed to lord over 'staff'. Would be interested to see if there's some scuttlebutt from the lower orders at Netflix and Spotify too.
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I can't stand either of them. Both jumped ship and abandoned the UK and Royal Family yet seem to want titles for their children. Nope.

Is that harsh?
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I never knew about these earrings!! Is she saying that they belong to TQ?
A revolting tale which says everything you need to know about Skid Markle. Here's a little quiz I posted back in March:

A Duchess wants to wear some vulgar but very expensive earrings. Her aide tells her it's not a good idea, because the person who gave them to her is all over the news headlines, implicated in the grotesque torture, strangulation and dismemberment of a journalist (and US citizen). The Duchess tells the aide to fuck off, wears the earrings and lies about where they came from.

How would you describe the Duchess:
(a) compassionate and kind or (b) cold-hearted and without natural feeling for others
(a) beautiful and glamorous or (b) ugly on the inside
(a) insanely smart and a recognised expert in international relations or (b) too stupid to know she knows nothing and a diplomatic embarrassment
(a) respectful of the expertise of her professional assistants or (b) rude, bullying and dismissive of advice she doesn't like
(a) very, very important, as manifested by the size of her diamonds or (b) tacky, mercenary and corrupt
(a) always walking the talk on truth and justice in the world or (b) a liar

Mostly (a)'s - you are being played by a dangerous, narcissistic con-artist.
Mostly (b)'s - you are wise and your appraisal is fair, but what you didn't know is that the Duchess is bi-racial, so you are also a racist bigot.
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The Sun published this article about Diana the other day, and maybe I'm on high alert these days but I think I've picked up on a lot of nuanced shade in it :cool: it's well worth reading the full thing, but a few quick things that jumped out:
  • “My first priority will continue to be our children, William and Harry, who deserve as much love and care and attention as I am able to give, as well as an appreciation of the tradition into which they were born.
  • Speaking to Time magazine, she said: “It’s vital the monarchy keeps in touch with the people — it’s what I try to do.” It is a legacy that lives on in her children, with William inheriting his mother’s easy rapport with people and putting it to good use in his work championing frontline workers and young people."
  • She had concern for her eldest, William, about the expectation placed on his young shoulders. She told friends after the birth of Harry: “Only when the baby is a lot older will he realise how lucky he is not being the eldest. "The second child will never have the same pressures or problems poor William will have to put up with.”
There's also a section underneath it which opens with this:

"EVERY time I see Prince William, I think of Diana. The same smile, the same eyes, the same pink cheeks when he’s embarrassed. But, most importantly, he has the compassion of his mother." 😂

That will wind PWB and his wife up I'm sure! Not a single mention of how Harry is carrying on her legacy/how similar his is to his mum; nothing.
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There's little in the Robert Lacey article that you couldn't have read on Tattle. Apart from the lies that is. But one paragraph really annoyed me:
"...The Dean of Windsor was just addressing the final commendation to the congregation in the chapel when journalists’ phones started to “ping”. Timed at 15.39 BST (British Summer Time), just before the end of the funeral service, it was a tweet from Omid Scobie, the royal editor for Harper’s Bazaar and the co-author of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex biography Finding Freedom, passing on Harper’s Bazaar’s 15.35 report on the “sentimental tribute” from the Sussexes “to the late Prince Philip at his funeral today”."
They couldn't even wait until the funeral was over???:mad: How disrespectful and disgusting. Not just on Markles side but on Scooby doo's side as well. Appalling behaviour and if anything shows that she's a cunt and so is Scooby, this is it. I'm just so angry :mad::mad::mad:
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Thank you for the title @Maggiemaynot and @buflesse for setting up the thread.

Agree with posters in the previous thread that the bullying investigation results are out and are being sat on by BP. It's taken the solicitors 3 months and I think BP used an independent firm because of Smeg and No.6's love of suing. I don't believe that BP are "exploring ways to address PR policy changes" so may release the results "next year". They're treading water for the moment with the results in the bag, and No.6 will know this and be on tenterhooks because the allegations were true whether the results are out or not. Maybe that's why HM looks happy, she's seen off a threat of racism and mistreatment of Minge which would have been toxic to the Monarchy.

On the previous thread @kittenattack posted that No.6 and Smeg should be hit with it now, and I agree. They need to experience the consequences of their actions, as if you cut off the head of a cockroach it keeps shitting and laying eggs like Minge and causing damage. I don't think BP will do this though, but I think they will be making a mistake as these two are full of hatred and out of control. I hope BP don't agree to discreetly release a sanitised version of the results now in exchange for gjving up their titles or abiding by a cease and desist order, as you can't make deals with narcissic bullies and No.6 and Smeg have broken their word over and over again.
The RF won't get a better opportunity to neutralise them than proof of their bullying of their own staff. This is great ammunition and it will totally annihilate No.6 and Smeg. Unsurviveable for the woke compassionate world saviours.

The DM comments on no titles for the children are very supportive of Charles and I bet his approval ratings go up. One commentator said that Charles "knows a lot more than he's saying about the children" and that " his actions speak volumes."

The DM headline was bad as it reads as though Charles is specifically targeting Farch, and it's misleading and will give Butt Boy Omid and the sugars something to attack.

It says a lot that Charles will be in Scotland if No.6 comes over. Smeg failed to bully the Queen with invented race slurs against Farch into giving them titles, and now Charles has taken charge and put his foot down which was probably a shock to Minge as they thought they could give Charles a swerve and deal directly with the Queen.
They've now also got William to contend with and I think he will turn out to be their most dangerous enemy of all.
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As a British servant to our Queen I believe Harry and Meghan, should they step foot again on English soil, should be consigned to the Tower of London for treason. That's my position. I know it's extremely old-school. But that's how I feel. I know it's just folly, but I wanted to state it. For the record.
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