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Benjamin Smallbrook has made some interesting posts on Quora over the last few days. He lives on the Isle of Wight and knows some aristocrats who are friends with the royals. He has posted that the royals know all about the surrogate business but they are in a dilemma about what to do about it, ie how can they appear not to be complicit in the deception to the public. I have copied his post below and a link to the page on Quora where all his recent threads are listed.

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I'm just popping these down here before I run back for more. Thinking of them as individual Revels.

The results of the bullying investigation were supposed to be published next week in the annual Sovereign Grant accounts, a financial statement detailing all the royal household expenditure. The bullying investigation is still "ongoing" and the results may not be published until next year, but it's probably actually been completed and the results are in.

If the delay is related to investigating the reported suspected misuse of charity funds by H&M the RF could be waiting to complete this so they have both results tied up together, hence the delay, but I bet they won't wait until next year. How can No.6 come over to face his family? It just gets worse and worse, and just goes to show what trashy pieces of low-life they are. The RF is well rid of them.
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I absolutely despite Robert Lacey jumping on the bandwagon and changing parts of his book. My friend thought it was a new book and I informed her it was just the paperback version with extra stuff added. So she isn't going to buy it, I suggested she wait for the Tom Bowyer book for a really good read.
I honestly cannot wait for the Tom Bower book /expose. I haven't been this excited since Saturday Night Fever came to the cinema in the late 70's. God I'm old 😉.
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Churchill's Ghost

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She's clearly one to abuse anyone she feels is 'in service' to her, like the scabby little nouveau-riche piece of trash she is. Honestly, it is classic nouve behavior to act like an obnoxious tinpot dictator with servants as you have no idea from your upbringing how to treat them, but with a personality disorder driving it, so it's way worse than normal as it's clearly fulfilling some deep need in her to behave like this.

So far we have accusations of abuse and workplace bullying from three countries, and three sets of staff:

- Ten Palace staff in the UK .. all highly experienced and educated people, most of whom have worked for demanding and famous employers before. Everyone from office staff to PAs to bodyguards driven out of jobs by her.

- Staff in Australia, from Lady Cosgrove (sworn at and jeered at), to lowly kitchen and waitstaff (sworn at, insulted, yelled at, stuff throw at them, forced to stay up all hours to bake her gross banana bread)

- Tyler Perry's housekeepers/maids (physically assaulted, verbally abused) in the USA.

She clearly knows to hold off on the physical assaults on people with a little bit too much rank, but you see her worst nature with people she considers true servants. I am sure she held off on this side of her nature and was sweet as pie when initially dating Harry. She doubtless has control over her actions like all abusive people do. They pick and choose targets they can get away with to satisfy their need to dominate. She wouldn't have got away with actually hitting one of Knauf's staff, so she didn't. She stuck to typical workplace bullying, like keeping people out of the loop then berating them as useless when they didn't know what was going on, or verbally abusing and belittling staff. She can get away with throwing tea at minimum wage underlings and shoving lowly immigrant servants of rich people into pools for not getting her towel in the US where fame and money rule, so she does. I always hope people like her finally pick on the wrong person and get their teeth knocked down their throats in return, but they generally pick people who cannot retaliate like that either physically or because they'll be the one who ends up arrested.

Also, notice her targets are nearly always female? I suspect because they're less likely to physically retaliate, and Smeg sees women as competition to be squashed, or heads to step on to get where she wants. Men are treated more nicely, as they can be manipulated easily with flirting and sex.

ETA: Given the turnover at Archwell, I bet there's some more tales of workplace bullying to come out of there too. Or really, anywhere she's been allowed to lord over 'staff'. Would be interested to see if there's some scuttlebutt from the lower orders at Netflix and Spotify too.
I think there has been some stories from Netflix (I think in the last thread, there was a blurb for the internet from someone whose mother worked there and that they were about to be dropped) Plus, don’t forget the leaked behavior towards the Givenchy staff making her wedding gown.

All of these are pretty similar. We have a family joke whenever we encounter a particularly petty bureaucrat (like the HOA inspector who fined our neighbor for having the wrong color gravel under their 12-inches-off the ground deck)- “Literally the smallest amount of power to go to their head”

She is all sweetness to those in power, but not towards anyone she perceives as lower than her.

it’s interesting that William seems to despise her the most…he’s not even trying to hide it. That tells us that he knows something that the others don’t - either she made a pass at him or he knows the Skippy story or both. That is also why she centers her vitriol on him and Catherine. She knows that he (and most likely Catherine) know everything
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Scotch Mist

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Good Morning Tattlers :)
Saw this comment on the Arrse forum and thought it worth posting.
"Anyone else think Ms Markle has read all about veteran suicide and is wondering why it's taking so long and what more she has to do? " :LOL:
Also it's my birthday today :D I am now older and delighted to be so. Decades ago, my beloved Mother in Law (RIP) told me it was great to get older because you stopped caring what other people thought. She was dead right too. There's something very liberating about getting old.
Happy Birthday @Cassandra333 🥂
I've baked you a cake and have helped myself to a slice, hope you don't mind 😁
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Christ, if Big Ears does that he'll successfully piss away absolutely all the good will he has slowly built up since 1997 in one fell swoop. I suspect the Great British Public (those with an opinion anyway) wants neither titles for Archie, nor Queen Camilla. She's lovely, seems like a good, strong woman, but she's a second wife and we'll have just said goodbye to an absolutely stonking, proper Queen (i.e. top dog, not wife-of-top-dog) so some other title would be better.
I was quite anti Camilla at the start, as I honestly don't think Charles ever stopped loving her whilst he was married to Diana, and even if it wasn't a physical relationship, I think it was an emotional one. But I have really come round to her and wish he'd had the balls to marry her in the first place. I understand why she didn't become the Princes of Wales, and that was the right decision, but I think she deserves to be his Queen.
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It's beyond fucking disgraceful, I mean, as if The Crown is telling the truth about the royal family, and people believe it!!
Someone at work was talking about The Crown as if it was true. I said ‘you know it’s fiction, right?’ and they insisted it was true. I pointed out that no one actually knows what is said and done behind the palace walls and that the scriptwriter made it all up. They had genuinely never considered that. I bet there are lots of gullible people like that.

How surprising, Harry lied in Oprah interview about how things changed after the Australia tour between them and the Cambridge’s and he had the audacity to say it was jealousy when in fact weeks earlier William called Harry about Meghan poor staff treatment . I believe that is the time they gave their pitty interviews about ‘no one has asked am I ok’ ?! Actually Oprah you are speaking to the couple who are jealous ones , jealous of the Cambridge’s and their class that they will never have . You couldn’t make this stuff up but actually you can because it’s all made up fiction from the duo.
‘Jealousy’ seems to be the go-to excuse these days when someone doesn’t like you...’oh, they’re just jealous’. No Meghan, they aren’t jealous, they don’t like you because you’re a sociopathic little fuck who leaves destruction and hurt in your wake.
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Apols if previously posted

"🌺Baeyes on Twitter: "Oh dear, someone spilled some tea.👇👇👇" / Twitter"

Bit o/t but so true !
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Happy Lady

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This is brilliant, can't wait.

Those close to Meghan Markle suggested the Duchess and Buckingham Palace are heading for a 'brutal showdown' as the former actress remains 'adamant the staff were not up to their job'

She's got a nerve - she wasn't up to her own job either - or rather she refused to follow protocol which is worse!
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Regarding the alleged bullying of staff at Tyler Perry’s mansion, one of the staff members has posted again on MarkleNews1 Instagram to say that they have video evidence of the incident and that lawyers have obtained this from Perry. She also says that there are five members of staff from Perry’s mansion who have come forward. In addition to the ten staff from KPalace that are giving evidence, that brings the total number to fifteen so far in the US and the UK. This does not include the staff who were allegedly bullied on the AUS tour in 2018. No idea if any of them are getting involved but I really hope so. Especially the main lady at Admirality House who Smeg allegedly told to Eff Off. Screenshot below.

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I had a boss who would set messages to be sent at all kinds of bizarre hours, just to see who was keeping their phones nearby and answering emails whenever they came in. I wonder if she did the same thing (somehow, I can't see her actually getting up at 5 am)

That Lifetime movie looks hilariously bad...they act like they were being chased and being held captive. Literally nothing like that happened. No one ever followed them. The only "hounding" was the bad press she received for her actions. There are absolutely zero pap shots that she didn't set up. Z E R O!!! Does anyone remember their laughable claim of being spotted in their car (as if anyone can see who is in a car while driving by) and chased at high speeds by paparazzi and having to cut across 4 lanes of traffic to escape and pull over? In LA...on the freeway. It was so patently absurd (especially to anyone who has ever driven in LA) They dropped that claim pretty fast! The same with their claims of drones attacking their property for photos that never emerged. No witnesses ever came forward. No police reports ever filed.
BIB: Eurghhhh.
This brings back a memory I wish to share. Especially for @Cassandra333 as a birthday present...
There was a time when I worked for quite a respected publishing house connected to a very famous museum. We were a bit behind the times, and it was thought wise to introduce a go-getting American woman, whom we shall call Irene, to shake us into the 20th Century (yes, it was that long ago). Her poor PA was in a state of nerves by the end of the first week.
Then, one day - and listen, my witchy Tattlers, you'll like this bit - some real witches came in and asked to buy a load of scarab beetles (soapstone) at a discount for their occult shop. The word came down from Irene, 'No, you may not'.
The witches sat on the floor in my office (I was so impressed, just 18 and in my first job!) and one of them said, very slowly and thoughtfully, 'Well, Irene will have a very bad week next week.' And then they left.
The following week, Irene fell down the stairs and broke her leg.
This is a true story. We were so happy.
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Newbie here and can I just say re Revels the coffee are my fave and I miss the coconut ones. As for Archie reading I have to say given he seems so advanced I'm rather disappointed his hobby isn't welding - he could make another bench. As for the title issue - the Queen before the wedding gave them the chance to not have titles so she could continue "working" but they grabbed them with their grubby paws. All make sense now....
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