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Pippa M

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Just seen this on Insta. What a surprise. View attachment 622409
This actually pisses me right off. It shouldn't but it does. I have major anxiety and the most horrible flash backs travelling in the car, following a serious car crash leaving me in a wheelchair.. Husband can't get petrol with me in the car because the smell is one of my strongest triggers and I'm a gibbering wreck. I've had all sorts of therapy to try and get over it but guess what, it doesn't ever go away. You have to live with it and get the fuck on with your life. So if someone like little old me can deal with it this odious little goblin can deal with it. Besides, and I may be doing him a major injustice, if London was such a huge trigger for him, I'm sure granny could have found him somewhere out of the city that could have made things a little easier.
For example Mr Flairey has bought a motor bike and sidecar, I love it, no flashbacks and I can have a lovely day out. The fact I resemble Nora batty is irrelevant. You find ways to deal. I'm not saying it's easy to do, it isn't, far from it I find that pink Sparkly unicorns said over and over in my head makes car travel a little easier, doing crosswords or reading a book, anything to distract from the fact I'm in a car.
I have no doubt he is triggered by certain things the things he has gone through would suggest its very probable. However, I suspect, like the post says his wife has told him London triggers him. when they launched heads together, it would have been the perfect opportunity for him to speak out about it. He would have reached so many people because he was more relatable then. I also think William would have supported him with it and it would have been something the whole family would have got behind him in. Of this I am sure. I genuinely think he has PTSD, but I also know there is no way on earth I would have had a therapy session like he had on TV. No. Fukin. Way. It was an absolutely horrific experience, I wouldn't want my sheer terror out there for the world to see.
Maybe I'm wrong and I'm doing him a serious injustice, but I feel he's making a mockery of the whole PTSD issue, there are many many people who are completely debilitated by it, people not as lucky as me to have an incredible support network. People who are drinking to complete oblivion and self medicating with legal and illegal drugs (which he has admitted to doing) to get through their day, prefering to be out of their heads than live with the horrors they've experienced. Families utterly destroyed by it, because the sufferer has committed suicide because they cannot cope with what has happened. I know it is possible to have PTSD from hearing about things, I have a friend who fostered seriously abused children and the disclosures they gave to her have left her incredibly traumatised due to the fact the children went into the whole trauma and totally re lived it. So yes it's possible he has it from his mother's death, but I have this awful, and I hope I'm wrong, feeling that this particular trauma is manufactured by the wife for monetary gains. Shoot me if you like..
This is awful. Very sad you had such a horrifying experience with the dreadful result to change your life physically as well as emotionally.

It has been said in this thread quite a few times that Haz has had so much therapy and help of various kinds he should by now have learned some coping strategies .As well he should realise that there are FAR TOO MANY other people in the world who lost a parent early on or had bad physical damage to live with ,and DO NOT HAVE the privileges he has to deal with it and be cared for.
I am sure you are right saying wifey has monetised his weaknesses.... but if she really cares for him WTF is she playing at....

Take care of you 🌺
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Churchill's Ghost

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They really did not expect the family to call their bluff did they? They thought that the family would beg them to come back and give in to all of their demands. When that didn’t happen, they thought that the family would respond to their tantrums and accusations. When the family did not, they started love bombing them through the press. That got a reaction, but not the one they thought it would. Now they are back to tantruming again.

it was interesting that several articles refer to the “first of their bombshell interviews”You really can only have one of those. It’s a case of diminishing returns…anything they say now just looks like bitter apples (not to mention that, thanks to their tendency to lie, exaggerate, and overshoot, they have no credibility anymore)
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DM tonight...

“Charles won't let Archie be a prince: Prince of Wales's plan not to include grandson among slimmed-down lower cost frontline royals is revealed as row that ignited Oprah outburst”

  • Prince Charles made it clear Archie will have no place among frontline Royals
  • The move incensed the Sussexes and is thought to have prompted their outburst
  • A grandchild of the sovereign has long had the right to be a Prince
  • Charles wants to change legal documents in order to limit the number of Royals

Looks like TRF are have been playing the long game making sure they have everything in order before unleashing a sonic boom on the pair of Parasites
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I'm really annoyed its number one in any list.
Its shyte.

Love the thread title.
Minge lectures us on "the other side of masculinity - the softness, connection and emotion" as shown in The Bench which will make the world a "more equitable and compassionate place".
In her book the ideal husband and father of her son is cearly modelled on No.6. In real life No.6 is emotionally unstable, paranoid and drugged-up, and has shown himself to be bitter, neurotic and vengeful.
Minge expects the readers not to connect the dots between this nasty ginger turd's vile TV and press attacks on his family, and the wholesome G.I. Wales returning home from war to his wife and child.
The ranting, tapping, twitching and venomous ex-royal on TV, and the heartwarming returning soldier, are one and the same grifter. It's shapeshifter Hazzno again, who showed his true colours on Porker but is now masquerading as a Veteran with a Heart in The Bench to make a quick buck.
The book is about father/son relationships, seen through the fish-eye lens of Minge so automatically distorted. We know nothing at all of No.6's relationship with Farch as we've never seen him. To write a book about a "relationship" between your son and his father based on crude photoshops, baby and child impersonators and moonbumps is beyond satire.
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I read recently that Princess Alexandra's (the Queens first cousin - they share George V as grandfather) father was killed in a plane crash when she was 6. That can't have been much fun.
Not Harkle related (mods don‘t shoot me!), but you’ve reminded me of a Princess Alexandra related story. She is the patron of a charity my Dad volunteered at for many years. She would visit periodically & and he would guide her around the ship showing what restoration had been done etc. My Dad gave up his voluntary work when he was diagnosed with cancer (he came through it so no sad ending). Anyway, Princess Alexandra happened to hear he was undergoing treatment and wrote him a personal letter expressing her concern and wishing him well. As a retired military man this meant a lot to him. This is the work the royals do outside of the media, and the personal touch that earns them respect and allows us to accept their privilege.

If only the California cunts would follow the same example!

Freda.. I'm a convent gal myself. Nuns eh? A lovely bunch of women! 😂 😂

And yes.... Haggis & Mangled are what you say 🤣
My turn to fess up ... I too was a convent girl, a boarding school one to boot. Fucking awful it was 😂😇. Nuns still make me break out into a cold sweat.
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Apology I didn’t get to it in the last thread: Could I please ask that the generalised 1% bashing stop? It’s incorrect to use Bezos and Musk as the 1% poster boys - they’re in a much, much smaller percentile. I’m not trying to start a debate on inequality, but it pains me that my otherwise wise Tattlers are doing a number of people a disservice by tarring them with the same brush that applies to the behaviour of some egregious outliers.

In one respect, the UK tax system already looks top heavy. The top one per cent pay 30 per cent of all income tax revenues: a higher share than at any time in past twenty years. In other words, three in every ten pounds that the government receives in income tax is paid by just over 300,000 individuals. (London School of Economics study, January this year)

There are decent people who realise how fortunate they are and contribute to society as best they can, and there are jerks who feel entitled and contribute only if there’s something in it for them, there are wackos with a bit of a disconnect (eg moonshots during a pandemic) and and and. At every level. Broadsides - including the words “scum”, “scumbags” with the solution that “we need to take the money off them” don’t move the discussion forward.

In the UK at least, the government does a good (not perfect) job of collecting from individuals. However, legislation hasn’t caught up with, for example, the Amazon world - and that’s where one sees the pittance of taxes paid. That’s what I’d focus on, because we can influence it through our MPs. Randomised bashing of whole groups of people is just ... random and mostly ineffective. It’s what sugars do in reverse.

To bring this back to H, there’s a poster boy for the 0.1% (not 1%) and I’d like to see that entitled (in attitude) tax slacker get his comeuppance. Unfortunately, my (accountant) hubby believes some will always slip through the net because they develop new tricks before HMRC/IRS/etc can close the gap. Sometimes we need to trust Karma, and I’ve seen plenty of evidence that she delivers :).
Tell you what...I'll stop bashing the 1% within this thread at least if you stop pontificating endless drivel about the poor little over privileged souls who hoard wealth whilst children are starving across the world. Deal? :)
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I totally buy into him being traumatised by his mother's death. He did have to share his mourning and loss with the world, his mother wasn't just his to grieve. Since her death there have been conspiracy theories about the accident, publicised annual reports be it birth day or death anniversary, he can't truly escape her death.
Doesn't matter that William has apparently coped, everyone deals with emotions and trauma individually. I can understand that becoming a husband and father would resurface pain and fear that he may have put aside.

But I have issue with him using Diana's death as his USP. I'm not convinced he's triggered by London, he's happily lived there all his life - he might feel it's chaotic but triggering because of his mum? I feel that's just another reason for him to hate England. He's also happily visited Paris for rugby didn't the city where his mother died trigger him? The guy needs a therapist without any agenda except to help him.
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The bloody cheek to describe, I'm assuming Prince Philip as a loved one after the way they treated him
View attachment 622329
And yet these two are the ONLY people we know of during the pandemic who have continually trashed their families , whilst the rest of the World looks at the gaps where their family members used to be …….

Compassion in action ,eh !
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Chilli pepper 19

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So this article in The Times is the family taking off the gloves. We predicted that they would wait for the baby to arrive, and the added insult of the name means that they are not holding back. The Twits can’t claim retaliation because all of this was documented well before Megxit.

Can’t stop laughing at Harry’s claim that she was incredible at the job. Sure Jan…we all know what kind of job she is incredible at and it ain’t the one representing the RF
Was coming on to post exactly the same. The mentioning of the racist claims during the argument helps further show its just a cheap shot to deflect from any blame. I'm convinced the bullying claims will be what they use to destroy them both. It's more sounding like he's as much of a bully as her.

And as for the new bullying claims which seem to have changed for the third time and which was apparently they never wanted to talk about again. Just pure and simple blackmail because Smeg is banned from every royal engagement in the future. But why would you want to see the racist who caused you to want to kill yourself in the future? Seriously peeps, it's all turning to shit for them
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@Flairey, I'm so glad that you are able to manage your condition and thank you for sharing your story. Do you agree that sometimes people just enjoy wallowing in their misery? I don't mean this in a derogatory way. I've been guilty of it in the past and I didn't start to get better until I realised how negative my behaviour was. That only I could change that behaviour and I needed to do it. That led me to realising that only I could handle my triggers. I couldn't expect others to handle them for me.
I think that Hazbeen is wallowing and he's enjoying every minute of it. I don't understand why none of his therapists have told him that he has to stop feeling so sorry for himself. That he cannot allow himself to concentrate on how hard done to he thinks he is. Of course I think that wifey is encouraging his behaviour because it's one of the ways in which she controls him.
I've met a lot of people who do this. Some realise they're doing it and start to get better but others never leave the state of martyred victim. I think they enjoy playing that role.
Again, I'm not being nasty about anyone. When you're in that state (and I have been there), it's important to develop skills that help you get out of it. It can take a lot of hard work. I'm not sure that Harry knows what hard work is.
I'm a firm believer in a bit of wallowing. Definitely. Nothing wrong with feeling sorry for yourself and hard done by when life shits on you from a great height. Wallow, then put your big girl pants on and get on with it. Look at @Flairey, she has adjusted her life to fit her needs and avoid the triggers as much as she can. She knows and accepts her limitations, but still has kept positive and has never used her situation for a pity party on here and probably not anywhere else either. Look and learn haz , you whiny brat.
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Re Catherine

This first video shows what public service is all about. For so many years she has been working and talking to people and wondering how to solve society issues.
I couldn’t ❤ her more if I tried.

The royals have truly come out and trumped (!) whatever rubbish comes out of montishitteo.
Minge and cringe are definitely a pair of what Freda says.
I feel like 'ten years in the making' is a dig for sure!! Knuckle down, learn the ropes, focus focus focus. Something HFEW could never do. Teared up a little at DOC's vid on their insta this morn- she has put her heart and soul into this ❤
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Re Catherine

This first video shows what public service is all about. For so many years she has been working and talking to people and wondering how to solve society issues.
I couldn’t ❤ her more if I tried.

The royals have truly come out and trumped (!) whatever rubbish comes out of montishitteo.
Minge and cringe are definitely a pair of what Freda says.
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Who else announces their expected attendance to an event a year in advance via a third party? Better get my hairdresser to tell my auntie it's a yes from me for her 80th next December.

As an aside, does anyone else wonder how the DM sub-editors decide which words to capitalise in their uber-long headlines? There's always at least two. Sometimes I read the headlines out to my husband and ask him to guess. When I read them in my head, I like to mentally shout the capitalised bits - sounds so irrationally angry. The hours just fly by in my home :LOL:
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I still find it hilarious that in the Oprah interview HW was saying "it's not their right to take away" the Prince and Princess titles from their kids🤦‍♀️ Well if it's not the RF's right then who the fuck does have that right?
Good point, but I think you are missing something important. Harry Windsor is a simpleton. No really, he is. He's simple. And I don't wish to demean people with learning difficulties, I truly don't.

I now think Harry is backward. That's the only way I can game it out. Look at his academic grades, barely above the levels of an average 6yo. And that's his A-levels. A lot of effort was put in by The Firm to present Harry as competent and accomplished; put a few medals on him, dress him in an expensive suit ... shuffle him along, don't let him talk to long to the media, no one will notice.

Now that he is out in the wild it's all to clear, at least to me, that the man is an idiot.
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